Exemplo n.º 1
def convCfsToSqlite(url, prefix = '', ignore = []):
    url - channel finder server URL
    prefix - output DB file name prefix
    ignore - list of ignored lattice name
    cf = ChannelFinderClient(BaseURL=url)
    tagprefx = "aphla.sys."
    tags = [tag.Name for tag in cf.getAllTags()
            if tag.Name.startswith(tagprefx)]
    for tag in tags:
        latname = tag[len(tagprefx):]
        if latname in ignore: continue
        cfa = ChannelFinderAgent()
        cfa.downloadCfs(url, property=[('hostName', '*')], tagName=tag)
        cfa.saveSqlite("%s%s.sqlite" % (prefix, latname))
Exemplo n.º 2
def convCfsToSqlite(url, prefix = '', ignore = []):
    url - channel finder server URL
    prefix - output DB file name prefix
    ignore - list of ignored lattice name 
    cf = ChannelFinderClient(BaseURL=url)
    tagprefx = "aphla.sys."
    tags = [tag.Name for tag in cf.getAllTags() 
            if tag.Name.startswith(tagprefx)]
    for tag in tags:
        latname = tag[len(tagprefx):]
        if latname in ignore: continue
        cfa = ChannelFinderAgent()
        cfa.downloadCfs(url, property=[('hostName', '*')], tagName=tag)
        cfa.saveSqlite("%s%s.sqlite" % (prefix, latname))
Exemplo n.º 3
def cfs_append_from_sqlite(fname, update_only):
    sq = ap.chanfinder.ChannelFinderAgent()

    cf = ChannelFinderClient(**cfinput)
    all_prpts = [p.Name for p in cf.getAllProperties()]
    all_tags = [t.Name for t in cf.getAllTags()]
    ignore_prpts = ['hostName', 'iocName']

    allpvs = []
    tag_owner = OWNER
    prpt_owner = PRPTOWNER
    prpt_data, tag_data = {}, {}
    # the data body
    for pv, prpts, tags in sq.rows:
        if not pv: continue
        if pv in allpvs: continue
        if pv.find("SR:") != 0: continue
        logging.info("updating '{0}'".format(pv))

        prpt_list, tag_list = [], []
        for k, v in prpts.items():
            if k not in [
                    "elemIndex", "system", "elemType", "elemHandle",
                    "elemName", "elemField"
            prpt_data.setdefault((k, v), [])
            prpt_data[(k, v)].append(pv)
        for tag in tags:
            if not tag.startswith("aphla."): continue
            tag_data.setdefault(tag, [])
            #tag_list.append(Tag(r.strip()), tag_owner)
            logging.info("{0}: {1} ({2})".format(pv, tag, tag_owner))
            #addPvTag(cf, pv, tag, tag_owner)

    errpvs = []
    for pv in allpvs:
        chs = cf.find(name=pv)
        if not chs:
            print("PV '%s' does not exist" % pv)
        elif len(chs) != 1:
            print("Find two results for pv=%s" % pv)
        prpts = chs[0].getProperties()
        if not prpts: continue
        for prpt, val in prpts.items():
            pvlst = prpt_data.get((prpt, val), [])
            if not pvlst: continue
                j = pvlst.index(pv)
                prpt_data[(prpt, val)].pop(j)
                # the existing data is not in the update list, skip

    #if errpvs:
    #    #raise RuntimeError("PVs '{0}' are missing".format(errpvs))
    #    print

    logging.warn("{0} does not exist in DB".format(errpvs))

    for k, v in prpt_data.items():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        if not vf:
            logging.info("no valid PVs for {0}".format(k))
        updatePropertyPvs(cf, k[0], prpt_owner, k[1], vf)
        logging.info("add property {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
    for k, v in tag_data.items():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        addTagPvs(cf, k, vf, tag_owner)
        logging.info("add tag {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
Exemplo n.º 4
def cfs_append_from_csv2(rec_list, update_only):
    cf = ChannelFinderClient(**cfinput)
    all_prpts = [p.Name for p in cf.getAllProperties()]
    all_tags = [t.Name for t in cf.getAllTags()]
    ignore_prpts = ['hostName', 'iocName']
    import csv
    rd = csv.reader(rec_list)

    allpvs = []
    tag_owner = OWNER
    prpt_owner = PRPTOWNER
    prpt_data, tag_data = {}, {}
    # the data body
    for s in rd:
        if not s: continue
        if not s[0].strip(): continue
        if s[0].strip().startswith('#'): continue

        pv = s[0].strip()
        logging.info("updating '{0}'".format(pv))
        #cf.update(property=Property('elemType', PRPTOWNER, 'QUAD'),
        #          channelNames = [pv])
        #chs = cf.find(name=pv)
        #logging.info("{0} and {1}".format(chs[0].Name, type(chs[0].Name)))
        #logging.info("{0} and {1}".format(pv, type(pv)))

        prpt_list, tag_list = [], []
        for r in s[1:]:
            if r.find('=') > 0:
                prpt, val = [v.strip() for v in r.split('=')]
                prpt_data.setdefault((prpt, val), [])
                prpt_data[(prpt, val)].append(pv)
                # it is a tag
                tag = r.strip()
                if not tag: continue
                tag_data.setdefault(tag, [])
                #tag_list.append(Tag(r.strip()), tag_owner)
                logging.info("{0}: {1} ({2})".format(pv, tag, tag_owner))
                #addPvTag(cf, pv, tag, tag_owner)

    errpvs = []
    for pv in allpvs:
        chs = cf.find(name=pv)
        if not chs:
            print("PV '%s' does not exist" % pv)
        elif len(chs) != 1:
            print("Find two results for pv=%s" % pv)
        for prpt, val in chs[0].getProperties().items():
            pvlst = prpt_data.get((prpt, val), [])
            if not pvlst: continue
                j = pvlst.index(pv)
                prpt_data[(prpt, val)].pop(j)
                # the existing data is not in the update list, skip

    #if errpvs:
    #    #raise RuntimeError("PVs '{0}' are missing".format(errpvs))
    #    print

    logging.warn("{0} does not exist in DB".format(errpvs))

    for k, v in prpt_data.items():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        if not vf:
            logging.info("no valid PVs for {0}".format(k))
        updatePropertyPvs(cf, k[0], prpt_owner, k[1], vf)
        logging.info("add property {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
    for k, v in tag_data.items():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        addTagPvs(cf, k, vf, tag_owner)
        logging.info("add tag {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
Exemplo n.º 5
def cfs_append_from_csv1(rec_list, update_only):
    cf = ChannelFinderClient(**cfinput)
    all_prpts = [p.Name for p in cf.getAllProperties()]
    all_tags = [t.Name for t in cf.getAllTags()]
    ignore_prpts = ['hostName', 'iocName']
    import csv
    rd = csv.reader(rec_list)
    # header line
    header = rd.next()
    # lower case of header
    hlow = [s.lower() for s in header]
    # number of headers, pv + properties
    nheader = len(header)
    # the index of PV, properties and tags
    ipv = hlow.index('pv')
    # the code did not rely on it, but it is a good practice
    if ipv != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("the first column should be pv")

    iprpt, itags = [], []
    for i, h in enumerate(header):
        if i == ipv: continue
        # if the header is empty, it is a tag
        if len(h.strip()) == 0:

    tag_owner = OWNER
    prpt_owner = PRPTOWNER
    tags = {}
    # the data body
    for s in rd:
        prpts = [Property(header[i], prpt_owner, s[i]) for i in iprpt if s[i]]
        # itags could be empty if we put all tags in the end columns
        for i in itags + range(nheader, len(s)):
            rec = tags.setdefault(s[i].strip(), [])

        #print s[ipv], prpts, tags
        ch = cf.find(name=s[ipv])
        if ch is None:
            logging.warning("pv {0} does not exist".format(s[ipv]))
        elif len(ch) > 1:
            logging.warning("pv {0} is not unique ({1})".format(
                s[ipv], len(ch)))
            for p in prpts:
                if p.Name in ignore_prpts: continue
                #if p.Name != 'symmetry': continue
                logging.info("updating '{0}' with property, {1}={2}".format(
                    s[ipv], p.Name, p.Value))
                cf.update(channelName=s[ipv], property=p)

    logging.info("finished updating properties")
    for t, pvs in tags.items():
        if not hasTag(cf, t): cf.set(tag=Tag(t, tag_owner))
        if 'V:1-SR-BI{BETA}X-I' in pvs: continue
        if 'V:1-SR-BI{BETA}Y-I' in pvs: continue
            cf.update(tag=Tag(t, tag_owner), channelNames=pvs)
            print(t, pvs)

        logging.info("update '{0}' for {1} pvs".format(t, len(pvs)))
    logging.info("finished updating tags")
Exemplo n.º 6
def cfs_append_from_sqlite(fname, update_only):
    sq = ap.chanfinder.ChannelFinderAgent()

    cf = ChannelFinderClient(**cfinput)
    all_prpts = [p.Name for p in cf.getAllProperties()]
    all_tags  = [t.Name for t in cf.getAllTags()]
    ignore_prpts = ['hostName', 'iocName']

    allpvs = []
    tag_owner = OWNER
    prpt_owner = PRPTOWNER
    prpt_data, tag_data = {}, {}
    # the data body
    for pv, prpts, tags in sq.rows:
        if not pv: continue
        if pv in allpvs: continue
        if pv.find("SR:") != 0: continue
        logging.info("updating '{0}'".format(pv))
        prpt_list, tag_list = [], []
        for k,v in prpts.items():
            if k not in ["elemIndex", "system", "elemType", "elemHandle",
                         "elemName", "elemField"]: continue
            prpt_data.setdefault((k, v), [])
            prpt_data[(k, v)].append(pv)
        for tag in tags:
            if not tag.startswith("aphla."): continue
            tag_data.setdefault(tag, [])
            #tag_list.append(Tag(r.strip()), tag_owner)
            logging.info("{0}: {1} ({2})".format(pv, tag, tag_owner))
            #addPvTag(cf, pv, tag, tag_owner)
    errpvs = []
    for pv in allpvs:
        chs = cf.find(name=pv)
        if not chs:
            print "PV '%s' does not exist" % pv
        elif len(chs) != 1:
            print "Find two results for pv=%s" % pv
        prpts = chs[0].getProperties()
        if not prpts: continue
        for prpt,val in prpts.items():
            pvlst = prpt_data.get((prpt, val), [])
            if not pvlst: continue
                j = pvlst.index(pv)
                # the existing data is not in the update list, skip

    #if errpvs: 
    #    #raise RuntimeError("PVs '{0}' are missing".format(errpvs))
    #    print 

    logging.warn("{0} does not exist in DB".format(errpvs))

    for k,v in prpt_data.iteritems():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        if not vf: 
            logging.info("no valid PVs for {0}".format(k))
        updatePropertyPvs(cf, k[0], prpt_owner, k[1], vf)
        logging.info("add property {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
    for k,v in tag_data.iteritems():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        addTagPvs(cf, k, vf, tag_owner)
        logging.info("add tag {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
Exemplo n.º 7
def cfs_append_from_csv2(rec_list, update_only):
    cf = ChannelFinderClient(**cfinput)
    all_prpts = [p.Name for p in cf.getAllProperties()]
    all_tags  = [t.Name for t in cf.getAllTags()]
    ignore_prpts = ['hostName', 'iocName']
    import csv
    rd = csv.reader(rec_list)

    allpvs = []
    tag_owner = OWNER
    prpt_owner = PRPTOWNER
    prpt_data, tag_data = {}, {}
    # the data body
    for s in rd:
        if not s: continue
        if not s[0].strip(): continue
        if s[0].strip().startswith('#'): continue
        pv = s[0].strip()
        logging.info("updating '{0}'".format(pv))
        #cf.update(property=Property('elemType', PRPTOWNER, 'QUAD'),
        #          channelNames = [pv])
        #chs = cf.find(name=pv)
        #logging.info("{0} and {1}".format(chs[0].Name, type(chs[0].Name)))
        #logging.info("{0} and {1}".format(pv, type(pv)))

        prpt_list, tag_list = [], []
        for r in s[1:]:
            if r.find('=') > 0:
                prpt, val = [v.strip() for v in r.split('=')]
                prpt_data.setdefault((prpt, val), [])
                prpt_data[(prpt, val)].append(pv)
                # it is a tag
                tag = r.strip()
                if not tag: continue
                tag_data.setdefault(tag, [])
                #tag_list.append(Tag(r.strip()), tag_owner)
                logging.info("{0}: {1} ({2})".format(pv, tag, tag_owner))
                #addPvTag(cf, pv, tag, tag_owner)
    errpvs = []
    for pv in allpvs:
        chs = cf.find(name=pv)
        if not chs:
            print "PV '%s' does not exist" % pv
        elif len(chs) != 1:
            print "Find two results for pv=%s" % pv
        for prpt,val in chs[0].getProperties().items():
            pvlst = prpt_data.get((prpt, val), [])
            if not pvlst: continue
                j = pvlst.index(pv)
                # the existing data is not in the update list, skip

    #if errpvs: 
    #    #raise RuntimeError("PVs '{0}' are missing".format(errpvs))
    #    print 

    logging.warn("{0} does not exist in DB".format(errpvs))

    for k,v in prpt_data.iteritems():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        if not vf: 
            logging.info("no valid PVs for {0}".format(k))
        updatePropertyPvs(cf, k[0], prpt_owner, k[1], vf)
        logging.info("add property {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
    for k,v in tag_data.iteritems():
        vf = [pv for pv in v if pv not in errpvs]
        addTagPvs(cf, k, vf, tag_owner)
        logging.info("add tag {0} for pvs {1}".format(k, vf))
Exemplo n.º 8
def cfs_append_from_csv1(rec_list, update_only):
    cf = ChannelFinderClient(**cfinput)
    all_prpts = [p.Name for p in cf.getAllProperties()]
    all_tags  = [t.Name for t in cf.getAllTags()]
    ignore_prpts = ['hostName', 'iocName']
    import csv
    rd = csv.reader(rec_list)
    # header line
    header = rd.next()
    # lower case of header
    hlow = [s.lower() for s in header]
    # number of headers, pv + properties
    nheader = len(header)
    # the index of PV, properties and tags
    ipv = hlow.index('pv')
    # the code did not rely on it, but it is a good practice
    if ipv != 0:
        raise RuntimeError("the first column should be pv")

    iprpt, itags = [], []
    for i, h in enumerate(header):
        if i == ipv: continue
        # if the header is empty, it is a tag
        if len(h.strip()) == 0: 

    tag_owner = OWNER
    prpt_owner = PRPTOWNER
    tags = {}
    # the data body
    for s in rd:
        prpts = [Property(header[i], prpt_owner, s[i]) for i in iprpt if s[i]]
        # itags could be empty if we put all tags in the end columns
        for i in itags + range(nheader, len(s)):
            rec = tags.setdefault(s[i].strip(), [])

        #print s[ipv], prpts, tags
        ch = cf.find(name=s[ipv])
        if ch is None:
            logging.warning("pv {0} does not exist".format(s[ipv]))
        elif len(ch) > 1:
            logging.warning("pv {0} is not unique ({1})".format(s[ipv], len(ch)))
            for p in prpts:
                if p.Name in ignore_prpts: continue
                #if p.Name != 'symmetry': continue
                logging.info("updating '{0}' with property, {1}={2}".format(
                        s[ipv], p.Name, p.Value))
                cf.update(channelName=s[ipv], property=p)

    logging.info("finished updating properties")
    for t,pvs in tags.iteritems():
        if not hasTag(cf, t): cf.set(tag=Tag(t, tag_owner))
        if 'V:1-SR-BI{BETA}X-I' in pvs: continue
        if 'V:1-SR-BI{BETA}Y-I' in pvs: continue
            cf.update(tag=Tag(t, tag_owner), channelNames=pvs)
            print t, pvs

        logging.info("update '{0}' for {1} pvs".format(t, len(pvs)))
    logging.info("finished updating tags")