def subscribe(self, *args):
        """ call this to subscribe specific connection to new channels """
        username = self.request.json_body.get('username')
        subscribe_to_channels = self.request.json_body.get('channels')
        if not subscribe_to_channels:
            self.request.response.status = 400
            return {'error': "No channels specified"}
        user = USERS.get(username)
        if not user:
            self.request.response.status = 404
            return {'error': "User doesn't exist"}
        with lock:
            user.last_active = datetime.utcnow()
            for channel_name in subscribe_to_channels:
                if channel_name not in user.allowed_channels:
                    # create channels that didnt exist
                    channel = CHANNELS.get(channel_name)
                    if not channel:
                        channel = Channel(channel_name)
                        CHANNELS[channel_name] = channel
                        channel.last_active = datetime.utcnow()

        return subscribe_to_channels
    def connect(self):
        """ set user along with connection info """
        username = self.request.json_body.get('username')
        def_status = self.request.registry.settings['status_codes']['online']
        user_status = int(self.request.json_body.get('status', def_status))
        conn_id = self.request.json_body.get('conn_id')
        subscribe_to_channels = self.request.json_body.get('channels')
        if username is None:
            self.request.response.status = 400
            return {'error': "No username specified"}
        if not subscribe_to_channels:
            self.request.response.status = 400
            return {'error': "No channels specified"}

        # everything is ok so lets add new user and channels
        with lock:
            if not username in USERS:
                user = User(username, def_status)
                USERS[username] = user
                user = USERS[username]
                user.last_active = datetime.utcnow()
            for channel_name in subscribe_to_channels:
                channel = CHANNELS.get(channel_name)
                if not channel:
                    channel = Channel(channel_name)
                    CHANNELS[channel_name] = channel
                    channel.last_active = datetime.utcnow()
  'connecting %s' % username)
        return {'status': user.status}