Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_chat_message_save(self):
     """Tests the save of the instance in redis"""
     for i in range(100):
         cm = ChatMessage(uuid.uuid4(), "default")
         cm.msg = "Python rulz!%d" % i
         cm.user = "******" % i
         cm.time = time.time()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_chat_message_basic(self):
        """Tests creation, getters and setter of ChatMessage model"""
        cm = ChatMessage(uuid.uuid4(), "default")
        cm.msg = "Python rulz!"
        cm.user = "******"
        cm.time = time.time()

        self.assertEqual(cm.msg, "Python rulz!")
        self.assertEqual(cm.user, "slok")
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_chat_message_find(self):
        """Tests the find of the instance in redis"""

        uuid_id = uuid.uuid4()
        cm = ChatMessage(uuid_id, "default")
        cm.msg = "Python rulz!"
        cm.user = "******"
        cm.time = time.time()

        cm_find = ChatMessage.find(uuid_id)

        self.assertEqual(cm_find.msg, cm.msg)
        self.assertEqual(cm_find.user, cm.user)
        self.assertEqual(cm_find.room, cm.room)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_chat_messages(self):
        """Tests the find of the instance in redis"""

        for i in range(30):
            uuid_id = uuid.uuid4()
            cm = ChatMessage(uuid_id, "room1")
            cm.msg = "Python rulz!%d" % i
            cm.user = "******" % i
            cm.time = time.time()

        cr = ChatRoom("room1")
        messages = cr.messages(10)
        self.assertEqual(len(messages), 10)

        name_number = 20
        for i in messages:
            self.assertEqual(i.user, "slok%d" % name_number)
            name_number += 1
Exemplo n.º 5
def save_message(request):
    Function save message owner in DB,

    Check message out on stop words and replace them.

    Add owner to opponent's contact list.

    If the message is first send notification to tpa side.

    parameters by POST: app_name,owner_id,room_id,message


    Example: http://chat.localhost/api/save_message
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    b = json.loads(request.body)

    b['message'] = stop_words(b['message'])

    if(check_message(b['message']) == False):
        message = 'This message contains prohibited information!'
        message = b['message']         
    tpa = Tpa.objects.get(name=b['app_name'])
    owner = ChatUser.objects.get(tpa=tpa,user_id=int(b['owner_id']))
    if (owner.gender=='m'):
        balance = get_user_balance(tpa,owner)
        print balance
        if balance < 3:
            return  { 'status': 1, 'message': 'Your account is emply. Please replanish your account.' }
    room = ChatRoom.objects.get(tpa=tpa,id=int(b['room_id']))
    cm = ChatMessage()
    cm.tpa = tpa
    cm.user = owner
    cm.room = room
    cm.message = message
    gender = owner.gender
    charge_for_chat(cm,room,tpa) #charging
        arr_participants = []
        for p in b['participants']:
            mes = { 'action': 'show_message', 'room_id': b['room_id'], 
                    'message': {'id': cm.id, 
                                'created': str(cm.created.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')),
                                'owner': serialize_user(owner)            
            bclient.publish(p, json.dumps(mes))
            opponent = ChatUser.objects.get(user_id=p.split('_')[1])
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            if owner != opponent:
                # adding contact
                contact = _add_contact(tpa.name,owner.user_id,opponent.user_id)
                mes_contact = { 'action': 'update_contact' }
                mes_online = { 'action': 'update_users_online' }
                owner_chanel = '%s_%s' % (b['app_name'], owner.user_id)
                bclient.publish(owner_chanel, json.dumps(mes_contact))
                bclient.publish(owner_chanel, json.dumps(mes_online))
                if room.get_count_messages()<2999:
                    data = {'message': cm.message, 'id': cm.id, 'opponent': serialize_user(owner)}
                    mes = { 'action': 'show_new_message_notification', 'data': data }
                    bclient.publish('%s_%s' % (tpa.name, opponent.user_id), json.dumps(mes))
    except Exception, e:
        print e
Exemplo n.º 6
def save_message(request):
    Function save message owner in DB,

    Check if user is available.

    Check message out on stop words and replace them.

    Add owner to opponent's contact list.

    If the message is first send notification to tpa side.

    parameters by POST: app_name,owner_id,room_id,message


    Example: http://chat.localhost/api/save_message
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    b = json.loads(request.body)

    b['message'] = stop_words(b['message'])

    if(check_message(b['message']) == False):
        message = 'This message contains prohibited information!'
        message = b['message']         
    tpa = Tpa.objects.get(name=b['app_name'])
    owner = ChatUser.objects.get(tpa=tpa,user_id=int(b['owner_id']))
    if (owner.gender=='m'):
        balance = get_user_balance(tpa,owner)
        if balance < 3:
            return  { 'status': 1, 'message': 'Your account is emply. Please replanish your account.' }  
        owner.activity = time.time()

    room = ChatRoom.objects.get(tpa=tpa,id=int(b['room_id']))
    # Set servers locale to Kiev time to save same date of message for girl and man
    import pytz, datetime
    local = pytz.utc
    naive = datetime.datetime.strptime (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
    local_dt = local.localize(naive, is_dst=None)
    utc_dt = local_dt.astimezone (pytz.timezone ("Europe/Kiev"))
    cm = ChatMessage()
    cm.tpa = tpa
    cm.user = owner
    cm.room = room
    cm.message = message
    cm.created = utc_dt
    gender = owner.gender
    charge_for_chat(cm,room,tpa) #charging
    arr_participants = []
    for p in b['participants']:
        mes = { 'action': 'show_message', 'room_id': b['room_id'], 
                'message': {'id': cm.id, 
                            'created': str(cm.created.time().strftime('%H:%M:%S')),
                            'owner': serialize_user(owner),  
                            'participants': b['participants']          
        print 'send to %s' % p
	opponent = ChatUser.objects.get(user_id=p.split('_')[1])
        if owner != opponent:
            bclient.publish(p, json.dumps(mes))        
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        if owner != opponent:
            # check accessebilities
            #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
            check_avalible_url = get_url_by_name('check_accessebility',{'user_id': opponent.user_id, 'app_name': b['app_name']})
            print 'REQUEST_____%s' % check_avalible_url
            res = json.loads(requests.get(check_avalible_url).content)
                print 'noooooo'
                mes = { 'action': 'say_busy', 'message': 'Sorry but I am busy now.', 'user_profile':  serialize_user(opponent)}
                owner_chanel = '%s_%s' % (b['app_name'], owner.user_id)
                bclient.publish(owner_chanel, json.dumps(mes))
            # adding contact 
            is_sent = False
            if opponent.gender == 'w':
            #if it man just show multiinvite popup
                    cont = ChatContacts.objects.get(tpa=tpa,owner=opponent,contact=owner)
                    data = {'message': cm.message, 'opponent': serialize_user(owner), 'id': str(owner.user_id) }
                    mes = { 'action': 'show_multi_invite_notification', 'data': data }
                    bclient.publish('%s_%s' % (b['app_name'], opponent.user_id), json.dumps(mes))
                    is_sent = True                     
            contact = _add_contact(tpa.name,owner.user_id,opponent.user_id)
                mes_contact = { 'action': 'add_opponent_in_my_contact_list', 'user_id': opponent.user_id, 'profile': serialize_user(opponent) }
                mes_online = { 'action': 'update_users_online' }
                owner_chanel = '%s_%s' % (b['app_name'], owner.user_id)
                opponent_chanel = '%s_%s' % (b['app_name'], opponent.user_id)
                bclient.publish(owner_chanel, json.dumps(mes_contact))
                bclient.publish(owner_chanel, json.dumps(mes_online))
                if is_sent == False:
                    data = {'message': cm.message, 'id': cm.id, 'opponent': serialize_user(owner)}
                    mes = { 'action': 'show_new_message_notification', 'data': data }
                    bclient.publish('%s_%s' % (tpa.name, opponent.user_id), json.dumps(mes))
            # send commant to add this opponent to list of the active opponent in js
            mess_ac = { 'action': 'contact_activate', 'user_id': owner.user_id, 'profile': serialize_user(owner) }
            bclient.publish(opponent_chanel, json.dumps(mess_ac))
    #except Exception, e:
    #    print e

    return  { 'status': 0, 'message': b['message'], 'room_id': str(room.id), 'owner_id': str(owner.id), 'participants': arr_participants }