Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_famous_command(self):
     """ Mocked bot famous command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.FAMOUS)
     expected = "Anne Bonny was a famous pirate."
     with mock.patch("random.choice", self.mocked_random_choice):
         actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_mood_command(self):
     """ Mocked bot mood command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.MOOD)
     expected = "I be feelin' like crackin' Jenny's tea cup."
     with mock.patch("random.choice", self.mocked_random_choice):
         actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_about_command(self):
        """ Mocked bot about command """
        captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.ABOUT)
        expected = "This be a pirate themed chat app with many capabilities, \
                      to be sure! Explore away!"

        actual = captain.bot_responses()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_invalid(self):
        """ Mocked bot invalid input """
        captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_COMMAND)
        expected = "Sorry, I dern't recognize that command. Please enter '!!help' \
                  to see a list o' commands."

        actual = captain.bot_responses()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_pirate_command(self):
        """ Mocked bot pirate command """
        captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.PIRATE)
        expected = 'A guy who drives a ship and yells "yo dude gimme your money and stuff" \
                      and gets whatever he wants. Usually has a stash or rum for some reason.'

        actual = captain.bot_responses()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_help_command(self):
        """ Mocked bot help command """
        captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.HELP)
        expected = "Here be th' known commands ye can use: !!about - !!help - !!pirate \
                       - !!mood - !!famous - !!funtranslate <message> - !!insult - !!gif <message>"

        actual = captain.bot_responses()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def test_funtranslate_success_command(self, mock_requests_get):
     """ Mocked bot funtranslate success command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.FUNTRANSLATE)
     expected = "Ahoy how be ye doin' today good matey"
     mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
             "status_code": 200,
             "json.return_value": {
                 "contents": {
                     "translated": "Ahoy how be ye doin' today good matey"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_funtranslate_failed_command(self, mock_requests_get):
     """ Mocked bot funtranslate failure command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.FUNTRANSLATE)
     expected = "Too Many Requests: Rate limit of 5 requests per hour exceeded."
     mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
             "status_code": 429,
             "json.return_value": {
                 "contents": {
                     "translated": ""
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def test_insult_failed_command(self, mock_requests_get):
     """ Mocked bot insult failure command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.INSULT)
     expected = "Too Many Requests: Rate limit of 5 requests per day exceeded."
     mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
             "status_code": 429,
             "json.return_value": {
                 "contents": {
                     "taunts": [""]
     with mock.patch("random.choice", self.mocked_random_choice):
         actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_gif_failed1_command(self, mock_requests_get):
     """ Mocked bot gif failure command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.GIF)
     expected = "Could not find a related gif."
     mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
             "status_code": 200,
             "json.return_value": {
                 "data": [],
                 "pagination": {
                     "total_count": 0
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_gif_failed2_command(self, mock_requests_get):
        """ Mocked bot gif failure command """
        captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.GIF)
        expected = "Too Many Requests: Rate limit of 42 searches per hour or 1000 searches \
                        per day exceeded."

        mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
                "status_code": 429,
                "json.return_value": {
                    "data": [],
                    "pagination": {
                        "total_count": 0
        actual = captain.bot_responses()
        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def test_insult_success_command(self, mock_requests_get):
     """ Mocked bot insult sucess command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.INSULT)
     expected = (
         "Happy now? Ye have me FULL attention! ye el-smelling plundering matey!"
     mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
             "status_code": 200,
             "json.return_value": {
                 "contents": {
                     "taunts": [
                         "Happy now? Ye have me FULL attention! ye el-smelling plundering matey!"
     with mock.patch("random.choice", self.mocked_random_choice):
         actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_gif_success_command(self, mock_requests_get):
     """ Mocked bot gif success command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(MockedTests.GIF)
     expected = "https://gph.is/g/4g0e07A"
     mock_requests_get.return_value = mock.Mock(
             "status_code": 200,
             "json.return_value": {
                 "data": [{
                     "images": {
                         "downsized": {
                             "url": "https://gph.is/g/4g0e07A"
                 "pagination": {
                     "total_count": 1
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 14
def on_new_message(data):
    """ When a new message comes in, store data into database """
    print("Received message: ", data)

        models.ChatHistory(data["userName"], data["picUrl"], data["message"])

    # If message starts with '!!' call the bot
    if data["message"][0:2] == "!!":
        captain = chatbot.Bot(data["message"])
        data["message"] = captain.bot_responses()
        data["userName"] = "******"
        data["picUrl"] = "https://avatarfiles.alphacoders.com/792/79207.jpg"
        print("Received message from bot: ", data)

            models.ChatHistory(data["userName"], data["picUrl"], data["message"])

Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_invalid_about(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid about command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_ABOUT)
     expected = "Don't enter anything after '!!about'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_invalid_funtranslate(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid funtranslate command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_FUNTRANSLATE)
     expected = "Enter a word or phrase to translate after '!!funtranslate'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_invalid_help(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid help command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_HELP)
     expected = "Don't enter anything after '!!help'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_invalid_pirate(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid pirate command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_PIRATE)
     expected = "Don't enter anything after '!!pirate'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_invalid_mood(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid mood command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_MOOD)
     expected = "Don't enter anything after '!!mood'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_invalid_famous(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid famous command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_FAMOUS)
     expected = "Don't enter anything after '!!famous'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)
Exemplo n.º 21
    sender = request.cookies["user_id"]
    message = request.args.get('message')

    input = "Incoming from %s: %s" % (sender, message)

    response = bot.respond_to(sender, message)

    output = "Outgoing to %s: %s" % (sender, response)

    return jsonify({"message": response})

@app.route("/", methods=['GET'])
def index():
    response = send_from_directory('web', "index.html")
    response.set_cookie("user_id", str(randint(1, 10000000)))
    return response

@app.route("/web/<filename>", methods=['GET'])
def static_files(filename=None):
    return send_from_directory('web', filename)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bot = chatbot.Bot()
    PORT = int(os.environ.get('PORT', 5000))
    app.run(host='', port=PORT)
        return request.args.get('hub.challenge', '')
        return 'Error, wrong validation token'

@app.route('/', methods=['POST'])
def webhook():
    payload = request.get_data()
    for sender, message in messenger.messaging_events(payload):
        print "Incoming from %s: %s" % (sender, message)

        response = bot.respond_to(message)

        print "Outgoing to %s: %s" % (sender, response)
        messenger.send_message_with_id(FACEBOOK_TOKEN, sender, response)

    return "ok"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Suppress nltk warnings about not enough data
        '.*returning an arbitrary sample.*',

    if os.path.exists("corpus.txt"):
        bot = chatbot.Bot(open("corpus.txt").read())

    app.run(port=3000, debug=True)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_invalid_gif(self):
     """ Mocked bot invalid gif command """
     captain = chatbot.Bot(UnmockedTests.INVALID_GIF)
     expected = "Enter a word or phrase after '!!gif'"
     actual = captain.bot_responses()
     self.assertEqual(expected, actual)