Exemplo n.º 1
    def verificacao_perguntas_vaga(self, statement, cand, vaga_id, pergunta):
        ''' Verifica se existe pergunta para avaga e se o candidato,
        já respondeu todas elas.
        Caso não tenha respondido ira retornar a proxima pergunta.
        from chatterbot.conversation import Statement

        chat_perguntas = ChatPerguntaVaga.objects.filter(perfil_vaga=vaga_id)

        if chat_perguntas and not self.tem_resposta(cand, pergunta[0]):

            self.salvar_respostas(vaga_id, cand, statement.text, pergunta[0])
                response_statement = Statement(pergunta[1].pergunta)
                response_statement.extra_data = pergunta[1].tipo_pergunta
            except IndexError:
                response_statement = Statement(
                    "Todas as perguntas foram respondida")
            response_statement = Statement(
                "Todas as perguntas foram respondida")
        return response_statement
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process(self, statement):
        print "calculating: {0}, {1}".format(statement, statement.extra_data)
        result = None
        input_channel = statement.extra_data["slack_channel"]
        is_q = statement.extra_data["is_question"]
        is_bot_ask = statement.extra_data["is_bot_ask"]
        text = statement.text
        if statement.text.lower().startswith("shub:"):#If the user specifically asks for 'searchhub' (shub), then strip it off
            text = text[5:]
            is_bot_ask = True

        params = {
            "q": text,
            "rows": 3,
            "fl": "id,title,subject,body,score",
        #TODO: filter projects based on channels
        print "Params: {0}".format(params)
        response = requests.get(self.shub_url, params)
        if response.status_code != 200:
            return 0, None
        rsp = response.json()
        #let's see if we have a decent response

        confidence = 0
        if "response" in rsp:
            #print rsp
            num_found = rsp["response"]["numFound"]
            print num_found
            if num_found > 0:
                url = self.shub_display_url.format(self.host, self.port, urllib.urlencode({"q": text}))
                response = "SearchHub says...\n\tSee full results: {0}\n\n".format(url)

                docs = rsp["response"]["docs"]
                #print "docs: {0}".format(docs[0])
                #confidence = docs[0]["score"]
                #Confidence is the average of the similarity scores, for now
                i = 0
                for doc in docs:
                    display = ""
                    if "title" in doc:
                        display = doc["title"]
                    elif "subject" in doc:
                        display = doc["subject"]
                    #see how similar the display value is to the original
                    similarity = self.closest.get_similarity(text, display)
                    print similarity
                    confidence += similarity#should we add here?  Probably not, but let's try it

                    response += "{0}:\n\t{1}\n\t{2}\n".format(i, doc["id"], display.encode('utf-8'))
                    i += 1
                result = Statement(response)
                #pass through the metadata, so we have channel info

                if i > 0:
                    confidence = confidence / i
                    if is_bot_ask: # boost confidence if the user specifically invoked the kraken
                        confidence += 10
                print "Couldn't find results for {0}".format(params)
                result = Statement("Shub no find answer.")
                confidence = 0
            #print "Conf: {0}, Res: {1}".format(confidence, result)
            #print "Couldn't find results for {0}".format(params)
            result = Statement("Shub no find answer.")
            confidence = 0
        result.extra_data = statement.extra_data
        return confidence, result