Exemplo n.º 1
def cmpNEVR(nevr1, nevr2):
    '''Compare two RPM version identifiers in NEVR format.

    :param str nevr1: RPM identifier in N(E)VR format
    :param str nevr2: RPM identifier in N(E)VR format
    :return: ``-1``/``0``/``1`` if ``nevr1 < nevr2`` / ``nevr1 == nevr2`` /
             ``nevr1 > nevr2``
    :rtype: int
    :raise CheckbValueError: if name in ``nevr1`` doesn't match name in
    rpmver1 = hawkey.split_nevra(nevr1 + '.noarch')
    rpmver2 = hawkey.split_nevra(nevr2 + '.noarch')

    if rpmver1.name != rpmver2.name:
        raise exc.CheckbValueError("Name in nevr1 doesn't match name in "
                                   "nevr2: %s, %s" % (nevr1, nevr2))

    # sack is needed for the comparison, because it can be influence the
    # comparison (for example epoch can be set to be ignored). A default empty
    # sack should match Fedora customs
    sack = hawkey.Sack()

    # we need evr_cmp to return int so we can use it as comparison function
    # in python's sorted
    return int(rpmver1.evr_cmp(rpmver2, sack))
Exemplo n.º 2
def _collection_of(obj, collection_cls, item_type=None):
    '''The same as :func:`iterable` or :func:`sequence`, but the abstract
    collection class can be specified dynamically with ``collection_cls``.
    if not isinstance(obj, collection_cls) or isinstance(obj, basestring):
        return False

    if item_type is not None and isinstance(obj, abc.Iterable):
            return all([isinstance(item, item_type) for item in obj])
        except TypeError as e:
            raise exc.CheckbValueError(
                "'item_type' must be a type definition, not '%r': %s" %
                (item_type, e))

    return True
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_dist_tag(rpmstr):
    '''Parse disttag from an RPM package version string.

    :param str rpmstr: string to be manipulated in a format of N(E)VR
                       (``foo-1.2-3.fc20`` or ``bar-4:1.2-3.fc20``) or N(E)VRA
                       (``foo-1.2-3.fc20.x86_64`` or ``bar-4:1.2-3.fc20.i686``)
    :return: string containing dist tag (``fc20``)
    :raise CheckbValueError: if ``rpmstr`` does not contain dist tag

    release = rpmformat(rpmstr, 'r')
    matches = re.findall(r'\.(fc\d{1,2})\.?', release)
    if not matches:
        raise exc.CheckbValueError('Could not parse disttag from %s' % rpmstr)

    # there might be e.g. fc22 in git commit hash as part of the release,
    # so just take the last match which should be disttag
    return matches[-1]
Exemplo n.º 4
def popen_rt(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, bufsize=1, **kwargs):
    """This is similar to :func:`subprocess.check_output`, but with real-time printing to console
    as well. It is useful for longer-running tasks for which you'd like to both capture the output
    and also see it printed in terminal continuously.

    Please note that by default both ``stdout`` and ``stderr`` are merged together. You can use
    ``stderr=subprocess.PIPE``, and it will be returned to you separated, but it won't be printed
    out to console (only ``stdout`` will).

    The parameters are the same as for :class:`subprocess.Popen`. You can't use ``stdout``
    parameter, that one is hardcoded to :attr:`subprocess.PIPE`.

    :return: tuple of ``(stdoutdata, stderrdata)``. ``stderrdata`` will be ``None`` by default
        (because ``stderr`` is redirected to ``stdout``).
    :raise CheckbValueError: if you provide ``stdout`` parameter
    :raise subprocess.CalledProcessError: if the command exits with non-zero exit code (helpful
        attributes are provided, study its documentation)
    if 'stdout' in kwargs:
        raise exc.CheckbValueError('stdout parameter not allowed, it will be overridden')

    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=stderr, bufsize=bufsize,
        universal_newlines=True, **kwargs)
    output = []
    for line in iter(proc.stdout.readline, ''):
        print(line, end='')

    (stdoutdata, stderrdata) = proc.communicate()
    assert proc.returncode is not None
    assert not stdoutdata
    if stderr == subprocess.STDOUT:
        assert not stderrdata

    stdoutdata = ''.join(output)

    if proc.returncode:
        raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(proc.returncode, cmd, stdoutdata)

    return (stdoutdata, stderrdata)
Exemplo n.º 5
def rpmformat(rpmstr, fmt='nvr', end_arch=False):
    Parse and convert an RPM package version string into a different format.
    String identifiers: N - name, E - epoch, V - version, R - release, A -

    :param str rpmstr: string to be manipulated in a format of N(E)VR
                       (``foo-1.2-3.fc20`` or ``bar-4:1.2-3.fc20``) or N(E)VRA
                       (``foo-1.2-3.fc20.x86_64`` or ``bar-4:1.2-3.fc20.i686``)
    :param str fmt: desired format of the string to be returned. Allowed options
                    are: ``nvr``, ``nevr``, ``nvra``, ``nevra``, ``n``, ``e``,
                    ``v``, ``r``, ``a``. If arch is not present in ``rpmstr``
                    but requested in ``fmt``, ``noarch`` is used. Epoch is
                    provided only when specifically requested (e.g.
                    ``fmt='nevr'``) **and** being non-zero; otherwise it's
                    supressed (the only exception is ``fmt='e'``, where you
                    receive ``0`` for zero epoch).
    :param bool end_arch: set this to ``True`` if ``rpmstr`` ends with an
                          architecture identifier (``foo-1.2-3.fc20.x86_64``).
                          It's not possible to reliably distinguish that case
    :return: string based on the specified format, or integer if ``fmt='e'``
    :raise CheckbValueError: if ``fmt`` value is not supported
    fmt = fmt.lower()
    supported_formats = [
        'nvr', 'nevr', 'nvra', 'nevra', 'n', 'e', 'v', 'r', 'a'
    if fmt not in supported_formats:
        raise exc.CheckbValueError("Format '%s' not in supported formats "
                                   "(%s)" %
                                   (fmt, ', '.join(supported_formats)))

    # add arch if not present
    if not end_arch:
        rpmstr += '.noarch'

    # split rpmstr
    nevra = hawkey.split_nevra(rpmstr)

    # return simple fmt
    if len(fmt) == 1:
        return {
            'n': nevra.name,
            'e': nevra.epoch,
            'v': nevra.version,
            'r': nevra.release,
            'a': nevra.arch

    # return complex fmt
    evr = nevra.evr()
    # supress epoch if appropriate
    if 'e' not in fmt or nevra.epoch == 0:
        evr = evr[evr.find(':') + 1:]  # remove 'epoch:' from the beginning

    result = '%s-%s' % (nevra.name, evr)

    # append arch if requested
    if 'a' in fmt:
        result += '.' + nevra.arch

    return result
Exemplo n.º 6
    def build2update(self, builds, strict=False):
        '''Find matching Bodhi updates for provided builds.

        :param builds: builds to search for in N(E)VR format (``foo-1.2-3.fc20``
                       or ``foo-4:1.2-3.fc20``)
        :type builds: iterable of str
        :param bool strict: if ``False``, incomplete Bodhi updates are allowed.
                            If ``True``, every Bodhi update will be compared
                            with the set of provided builds. If there is an
                            Bodhi update which contains builds not provided in
                            ``builds``, that update is marked as incomplete and
                            removed from the result - i.e. all builds from
                            ``builds`` that were part of this incomplete update
                            are placed in the second dictionary of the result
        :return: a tuple of two dictionaries:

                 * The first dict provides mapping between ``builds`` and their
                   updates where no error occured.

                   ``{build (string): Bodhi update (Munch)}``
                 * The second dict provides mapping between ``builds`` and their
                   updates where some error occured. The value is ``None`` if
                   the matching Bodhi update could not be found (the only
                   possible cause of failure if ``strict=False``). Or the value
                   is a Bodhi update that was incomplete (happens only if

                   ``{build (string): Bodhi update (Munch) or None}``
                 * The set of keys in both these dictionaries correspond exactly
                   to ``builds``. For every build provided in ``builds`` you'll
                   get an answer in either the first or the second dictionary,
                   and there will be no extra builds that you haven't specified.
        :raise CheckbValueError: if ``builds`` type is incorrect
        # validate input params
        if not python_utils.iterable(builds, basestring):
            raise exc.CheckbValueError(
                "Param 'builds' must be an iterable of strings, and yours was: %s"
                % type(builds))

        updates = []
        build2update = {}
        failures = {}
        # Bodhi works with NVR only, but we have to ensure we receive and return
        # even NEVR format. So we need to convert internally.
        builds_nvr = set(
            [rpm_utils.rpmformat(build, 'nvr') for build in builds])
        builds_queue = list(builds_nvr)

        log.info('Querying Bodhi to map %d builds to their updates...',

        # retrieve all update data
        while builds_queue:
            builds_chunk = builds_queue[:self._MULTICALL_REQUEST_SIZE]
            builds_chunk = ' '.join(builds_chunk)
            res = self.client.query(builds=builds_chunk)

            builds_queue = builds_queue[self._MULTICALL_REQUEST_SIZE:]

            # don't query for builds which were already found
            for update in res['updates']:
                for build in update['builds']:
                    if build['nvr'] in builds_queue:

            log.info('Bodhi queries done: %d/%d',
                     len(builds_nvr) - len(builds_queue), len(builds_nvr))

        # separate builds into OK and failures
        for update in updates:
            # all builds listed in the update
            bodhi_builds = set([build['nvr'] for build in update['builds']])
            # builds *not* provided in @param builds but part of the update (NVRs)
            missing_builds = bodhi_builds.difference(builds_nvr)
            # builds provided in @param builds and part of the update
            matched_builds = [
                build for build in builds
                if rpm_utils.rpmformat(build, 'nvr') in bodhi_builds

            # reject incomplete updates when strict
            if missing_builds and strict:
                for build in matched_builds:
                    failures[build] = update

            # otherwise the update is complete or we don't care
            for build in matched_builds:
                build2update[build] = update

        # mark builds without any associated update as a failure
        for build in builds:
            if build not in build2update and build not in failures:
                failures[build] = None

        diff = set(builds).symmetric_difference(
        assert not diff, "Returned NVRs different from input NVRs: %s" % diff

        return (build2update, failures)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def process(self, params, arg_data):
        if ('package' not in params and 'nvr' not in params) or 'path' not in params \
            or 'target_dir' not in params:
            detected_args = ', '.join(params.keys())
            raise exc.CheckbDirectiveError(
                "The distgit directive requires 'package' (or 'nvr') and 'path' and 'target_dir' arguments."
                "Detected arguments: %s" % detected_args)

        package = None
        gitref = None
        namespace = None

        if 'nvr' in params:
            nvr = params['nvr']
            package = rpm_utils.rpmformat(nvr, fmt='n')
            gitref = rpm_utils.get_dist_tag(nvr).replace('c', '')
            rawhide_tag = yumrepoinfo.YumRepoInfo(resolve_baseurl=False).get(
                'rawhide', 'tag')
            if gitref == rawhide_tag:
                gitref = 'master'
            namespace = 'rpms'

        # Assign defaults
        package = params.get('package', package)
        gitref = params.get('gitref', gitref or 'master')
        namespace = params.get('namespace', namespace or 'rpms')
        baseurl = params.get('baseurl', BASEURL)
        target_dir = params['target_dir']
        ignore_missing = params.get('ignore_missing', False)

        if not python_utils.iterable(params['path']):
            raise exc.CheckbValueError(
                "Incorrect value type of the 'path' argument: "
                "%s" % type(params['path']))

        target_path = params['path']
        output_data = {}

        if 'localpath' in params:
            if not python_utils.iterable(params['localpath']):
                raise exc.CheckbValueError(
                    "Incorrect value type of the 'localpath' argument: "
                    "%s" % type(params['path']))

            if not len(params['path']) == len(params['localpath']):
                raise exc.CheckbValueError(
                    'path and localpath lists must be of the same '

            target_path = params['localpath']

        format_fields = {
            'package': package,
            'gitref': gitref,
            'namespace': namespace,
            'baseurl': baseurl,
        output_data['downloaded_files'] = []
        for path, localpath in zip(params['path'], target_path):
            localpath = os.path.join(target_dir, localpath)
            url = URL_FMT.format(path=path, **format_fields)
                    file_utils.download(url, '.', localpath))
            except exc.CheckbRemoteError as e:
                if e.errno == 404 and ignore_missing:
                    log.debug('File not found, ignoring: %s', url)
                    raise e

        return output_data