Exemplo n.º 1
    def generate_scripts(self, fname, isosurf=0.8):
        """Generate VMD scripts & cube file to visualize ELF iso-surface.

        fname : str
            File name used for the generated files.
            The VMD script and cube file will be named fname.vmd and fname-elf.cube, respectively.
        isosurf : float, optional
            Value of ELF iso-surface used in VMD script.

        if not isinstance(self._grid, UniformGrid):
            raise ValueError('Only possible if argument grid is a cubic grid.')
        if self._denstool.density.shape[0] != self._grid.points.shape[0]:
            raise ValueError(
                'Number of grid points should match number of dens values!')
        # dump ELF cube file & generate vmd script
        vmdname = fname + '.vmd'
        cubname = fname + '-elf.cube'
        self._grid.generate_cube(cubname, self.value)
Exemplo n.º 2
def main_esp(args):
    """Generate VMD script and cube files for visualizing ESP on electron density iso-surface."""
    # load molecule & cubic grid
    mol, cube = load_molecule_and_grid(args.fname, args.cube)

    # dump files for visualization
    output = args.output
    if output is None:
        output = args.fname.split(".")[0]
    espname = output + "_esp.cube"
    rhoname = output + "_dens.cube"
    vmdname = output + ".vmd"

    cube.generate_cube(rhoname, mol.compute_density(cube.points))
    cube.generate_cube(espname, mol.compute_esp(cube.points))
    print_vmd_script_isosurface(vmdname, rhoname, colorfile=espname, isosurf=args.isosurface,
                                scalemin=args.scalemin, scalemax=args.scalemax)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def generate_scripts(self, fname, spin='a', index=None, isosurf=0.05, grid=None):
        """Generate VMD script(s) and cube file(s) to visualize MO iso-surface of given orbitals.

        fname : str
            A string representing the path to a fname of generated files.
            The VMD script and cube file will be named fname_mo{index}.vmd and
            fname_mo{index}.cube, respectively.
        spin : str, optional
           The type of occupied spin orbitals. Choose either 'a' or 'b'.
        index : int, optional
           Integer representing the index of spin orbital to visualize. Spin orbitals are each
           indexed from 1 to :attr:`nbasis`. If None, files for visualizing all orbitals are
        isosurf : float, optional
            Value of MO iso-surface used in VMD script.
        grid : UniformGrid, optional
           Instance of UniformGrid used for computation and generating cube file(s).
           If None, a cubic grid is constructed from molecule with spacing=0.2 & extension=5.0.

        if spin not in ['a', 'b']:
            raise ValueError('Argument spin can only be "a" or "b".')
        if index is not None and not isinstance(index, int):
            raise ValueError('Argument index is either None or an integer for visualization. '
                             'Given index={0}'.format(index))
        if grid is None:
            grid = UniformGrid.from_molecule(self._molecule, spacing=0.2, extension=5.0, rotate=True)
        elif not isinstance(grid, UniformGrid):
            raise ValueError('Argument grid should be a UniformGrid to generate cube files.')

        if index is None:
            spin_index = {'a': 0, 'b': 1}
            index = range(1, self._molecule.mo.homo_index[spin_index[spin]] + 1)
            index = [index]

        for mo_index in index:
            vmdname = fname + '_mo{0}.vmd'.format(mo_index)
            cubname = fname + '_mo{0}.cube'.format(mo_index)
            mo_value = self.compute_orbital_expression(grid.points, spin=spin, index=mo_index)
            grid.generate_cube(cubname, mo_value)
            print_vmd_script_isosurface(vmdname, cubname, isosurf=isosurf, negative=True,
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generate_scripts(self, fname, isosurf=0.5):
        """Generate VMD scripts & cube file to visualize LOL iso-surface.

        fname : str
            A string representing the path to a fname of generated files.
            The VMD script and cube file will be named fname.vmd and fname-lol.cube, respectively.
        isosurf : float
            Value of LOL iso-surface used in VMD script.

        if not isinstance(self._grid, UniformGrid):
            raise ValueError("Only possible if argument grid is a cubic grid.")
        # dump LOL cube files
        fname_vmd = fname + '.vmd'
        fname_lol = fname + '-lol.cube'
        self._grid.generate_cube(fname_lol, self.value)
        # write VMD script for visualization
        print_vmd_script_isosurface(fname_vmd, fname_lol, isosurf=isosurf, representation='Line')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_print_vmd_script_isosurface():
    with tmpdir(
            'chemtools.utils.test.test_base.test_vmd_script_isosurface') as dn:
        fname = '%s/%s' % (dn, 'test.vmd')

        vmd.print_vmd_script_isosurface(fname, 'iso.cube')

        with open(fname, 'r') as content_file:
            assert content_file.read() == \
                (header +
                 '# load new molecule\n'
                 'mol new iso.cube type cube first 0 last -1 step 1 filebonds 1 autobonds 1 '
                 'waitfor all\n'
                 '# representation of the atoms\n'
                 'mol representation CPK 1.000000 0.300000 118.000000 131.000000\n'
                 'mol delrep 0 top\n'
                 'mol color Element\n'
                 'mol selection {{all}}\n'
                 'mol material Opaque\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 '# add representation of the surface\n'
                 'mol representation Isosurface 0.50000 0 0 0 1 1\n'
                 'mol color ColorID 0\n'
                 'mol selection {all}\n'
                 'mol material Opaque\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 'mol selupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol colupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol scaleminmax top 1 -0.050000 0.050000\n'
                 'mol smoothrep top 1 0\n'
                 'mol drawframes top 1 {now}\n'
                 'color scale method RGB\n'
                 'color Display Background silver\n'


        with open(fname, 'r') as content_file:
            assert content_file.read() == \
                (header +
                 '# load new molecule\n'
                 'mol new col.cube type cube first 0 last -1 step 1 filebonds 1 autobonds 1 '
                 'waitfor all\n'
                 'mol addfile iso.cube type cube first 0 last -1 step 1 filebonds 1 autobonds 1 '
                 'waitfor all\n'
                 '# representation of the atoms\n'
                 'mol representation CPK 1.000000 0.300000 118.000000 131.000000\n'
                 'mol delrep 0 top\n'
                 'mol color Element\n'
                 'mol selection {{all}}\n'
                 'mol material Opaque\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 '# add representation of the surface\n'
                 'mol representation Isosurface 0.60000 1 0 0 1 1\n'
                 'mol color Volume 0\n'
                 'mol selection {all}\n'
                 'mol material Transparent\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 'mol selupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol colupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol scaleminmax top 1 -0.060000 0.080000\n'
                 'mol smoothrep top 1 0\n'
                 'mol drawframes top 1 {now}\n'
                 'color scale method RGB\n'
                 'color Display Background silver\n'

                                        colorscheme=[0, 1],

        with open(fname, 'r') as content_file:
            assert content_file.read() == \
                (header +
                 '# load new molecule\n'
                 'mol new iso.cube type cube first 0 last -1 step 1 filebonds 1 autobonds 1 '
                 'waitfor all\n'
                 '# representation of the atoms\n'
                 'mol representation CPK 1.000000 0.300000 118.000000 131.000000\n'
                 'mol delrep 0 top\n'
                 'mol color Element\n'
                 'mol selection {{all}}\n'
                 'mol material Opaque\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 '# add representation of the surface\n'
                 'mol representation Isosurface 0.50000 0 0 0 1 1\n'
                 'mol color ColorID 0\n'
                 'mol selection {all}\n'
                 'mol material Opaque\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 'mol selupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol colupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol scaleminmax top 1 -0.050000 0.050000\n'
                 'mol smoothrep top 1 0\n'
                 'mol drawframes top 1 {now}\n'
                 'color scale method RGB\n'
                 'color Display Background silver\n'
                 '# add representation of the surface\n'
                 'mol representation Isosurface -0.50000 0 0 0 1 1\n'
                 'mol color ColorID 1\n'
                 'mol selection {all}\n'
                 'mol material Opaque\n'
                 'mol addrep top\n'
                 'mol selupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol colupdate 1 top 0\n'
                 'mol scaleminmax top 1 -0.050000 0.050000\n'
                 'mol smoothrep top 1 0\n'
                 'mol drawframes top 1 {now}\n'
                 'color scale method RGB\n'
                 'color Display Background silver\n'