def main_conceptual_local(args):
    """Build LocalConceptualDFT class and dump a cube file of local descriptor."""
    # load molecule & cubic grid
    mol, cube = load_molecule_and_grid(args.fname, args.cube)

    # build model
    model = LocalConceptualDFT.from_molecule(args.fname, args.model,
    # check whether local property exists
    if not hasattr(model, args.prop):
        raise ValueError("The {0} local conceptual DFT class does not contain "
                         "{1} attribute.".format(args.model, args.prop))
    if callable(getattr(model, args.prop)):
        raise ValueError(
            "The {0} argument is a method, please provide an attribute of "
            "{1} local conceptual DFT.".format(args.prop, args.model))

    # name of files
    cubfname = "{0}.cube".format(args.output)
    vmdfname = "{0}.vmd".format(args.output)
    # dump cube file of local property
    cube.generate_cube(cubfname, getattr(model, args.prop))
    # generate VMD scripts for visualizing iso-surface with VMD
Exemplo n.º 2
def main_conceptual_local(args):
    """Build LocalConceptualDFT class and dump a cube file of local descriptor."""
    # load the first molecule
    mol = Molecule.from_file(args.file_wfn[0])

    # make cubic grid
    if args.cube.endswith('.cube'):
        # load cube file
        cube = UniformGrid.from_cube(args.cube)
    elif len(args.cube.split(',')) == 2:
        # make a cubic grid
        spacing, threshold = [float(item) for item in args.cube.split(',')]
        cube = UniformGrid.from_molecule(mol, spacing, threshold)
        raise ValueError('Argument cube={0} is not recognized!'.format(

    # build global tool
    model = LocalConceptualDFT.from_file(args.file_wfn, args.model,
    # check whether local property exists
    if not hasattr(model, args.prop):
        raise ValueError('The {0} local conceptual DFT class does not contain '
                         '{1} attribute.'.format(args.model, args.prop))
    if callable(getattr(model, args.prop)):
        raise ValueError(
            'The {0} argument is a method, please provide an attribute of '
            '{1} local conceptual DFT.'.format(args.prop, args.model))

    # name of files
    cubefile = '{0}.cube'.format(args.output_name)
    vmdfile = '{0}.vmd'.format(args.output_name)
    # dump cube file of local property
    cube.generate_cube(cubefile, getattr(model, args.prop))
    # generate VMD scripts for visualizing iso-surface with VMD
    print_vmd_script_isosurface(vmdfile, cubefile, isosurf=args.isosurface)
Compute dual descriptor on a cubic grid based on the quadratic energy model using
frontier molecular orbital (FMO) approach, and generate visualization scripts.


from chemtools import LocalConceptualDFT, UniformGrid, print_vmd_script_isosurface

# 1. Make cubic grid for plotting dual descriptor.
#    The cubic grid points are spaced by 0.2 a.u. & extending 5.0 a.u. on each side.

file_path = 'ch2o_q+0.fchk'
cube = UniformGrid.from_file(file_path, spacing=0.2, extension=5.0)

# 2. Build quadratic energy model for Formaldehyde using FMO approach.

tool = LocalConceptualDFT.from_file(file_path, model='quadratic', points=cube.points)

# 3. Dump dual descriptor evaluated on cubic grid.

cube.generate_cube('coh2_dual_fmo.cube', tool.dual_descriptor)

# 4. Generate VMD scripts to plot dual-descriptor iso-surface.
#    To visualize the iso-surface, use command: $ vmd -e coh2_dual_fmo.vmd

print_vmd_script_isosurface('coh2_dual_fmo.vmd', 'coh2_dual_fmo.cube', isosurf=0.005,
                            scalemin=-0.005, scalemax=0.005, colorscheme=[0, 1], negative=True)

# the code below is for displaying the dual descriptor image on the website, you should remove it
# when running the script on your machine.
from tools.rug import plot_existing_image
        [2.27823914e00, 4.13899085e-07, 3.12033662e-07],
        [1.01154892e-02, 1.09802629e-07, -6.99333116e-07],
        [-1.09577141e00, 1.77311416e00, 1.42544321e-07],

# 2. Build a quadratic energy models using FMO approach

# path to molecule's fchk file
file_path = "ch2o_q+0.fchk"
# build a quadratic global conceptual DFT tool
tool = LocalConceptualDFT.from_file(file_path,
                                    points=xyz.reshape(-1, 3))

# 3. Evaluate quadratic Fukui function on the grid points.

ff_quad = tool.fukui_function.reshape(xyz.shape[:2])

# 4. Plot 2D-contour plots of quadratic Fukui function.

# sample contour lines
levels = np.array([0.001 * n * n for n in range(500)])
# plot contours of quadratic Fukui function
plt.contour(xyz[:, :, 0], xyz[:, :, 1], ff_quad, levels)

# plot atomic centers
x_atoms, y_atoms = tool.coordinates[:, 0], tool.coordinates[:, 1]
from chemtools import LocalConceptualDFT, UniformGrid, print_vmd_script_isosurface

file_path = ['ch2o_q+0.fchk', 'ch2o_q+1.fchk', 'ch2o_q-1.fchk']

# 1. Make cubic grid for plotting Fukui function.
#    The cubic grid points are spaced by 0.2 a.u. & extending 5.0 a.u. on each side.
#    All 3 molecules have the same geometry (they just differ in the number of electrons
#    and multiplicity), so the cubic grid based on the first molecule works for all.

cube = UniformGrid.from_file(file_path[0], spacing=0.2, extension=5.0)

# 2. Build linear energy model for Formaldehyde using finite difference (FD) approach.

tool = LocalConceptualDFT.from_file(file_path,

# 3. Dump Fukui functions (f+, f- and f0) evaluated on cubic grid.

cube.generate_cube('coh2_ffp_fd.cube', tool.ff_plus)
cube.generate_cube('coh2_ff0_fd.cube', tool.ff_zero)
cube.generate_cube('coh2_ffm_fd.cube', tool.ff_minus)

# 4. Generate VMD scripts to plot dual-descriptor iso-surface.
#    To visualize the iso-surface, use command: $ vmd -e coh2_ffp_fd.vmd
