Exemplo n.º 1
t_element_1d = Interpolate1DCubic(psin_1d, t_element_profile_1d)
n_element_1d = Interpolate1DCubic(psin_1d, n_element_profile_1d)
n_element2_1d = Interpolate1DCubic(psin_1d, n_element2_profile_1d)
n_tcx_donor_1d = Interpolate1DCubic(psin_1d, n_tcx_donor_profile_1d)

psin_2d = np.zeros(equilibrium.psi_data.shape)

for index0, value0 in enumerate(equilibrium.r_data):
    for index1, value1 in enumerate(equilibrium.z_data):
        psin_2d[index0, index1] = equilibrium.psi_normalised(value0, value1)

t_e_profile_2d = np.zeros_like(psin_2d)
for index in np.ndindex(*t_e_profile_2d.shape):
    t_e_profile_2d[index] = t_e_1d(psin_2d[index])

t_e_2d = Interpolate2DCubic(equilibrium.r_data, equilibrium.z_data, t_e_profile_2d)

n_e_profile_2d = np.zeros_like(psin_2d)
for index in np.ndindex(*n_e_profile_2d.shape):
    n_e_profile_2d[index] = n_e_1d(psin_2d[index])

n_e_2d = Interpolate2DCubic(equilibrium.r_data, equilibrium.z_data, n_e_profile_2d)

t_element_profile_2d = np.zeros_like(psin_2d)
for index in np.ndindex(*t_element_profile_2d.shape):
    t_element_profile_2d[index] = t_element_1d(psin_2d[index])

t_element_2d = Interpolate2DCubic(equilibrium.r_data, equilibrium.z_data, t_element_profile_2d)

n_element_profile_2d = np.zeros_like(psin_2d)
for index in np.ndindex(*n_element_profile_2d.shape):
Exemplo n.º 2
def map_psi_omp_to_divertor(x_axis_omp, divertor_coords, fiesta, location='lfs'):
    Function mapping the normalised psi from the specified coordinates at the
    OMP to the specified coordinates at the divertor. Currently the divertor is
    assumed to be represented by a 1D polynomial function, y = ax + b.

    :param np.ndarray x_axis_omp: Numpy array with the radial coordinates we wish to map at the OMP
    :param Fiesta fiesta: A Fiesta object with the 2D equilibrium we wish to map
    :param np.ndarray divertor_coords: A 2-x-2 numpy array containg the corner
                                       points of the divertor in the 2D projection
    :param string location: a string with the location to evaluate, either 'hfs'
                            or 'lfs'. Default is 'lfs'
    :rtype: dict
    :return: A dictionary containing:

            "R_div" : an n-x-1 array
                with the R-coordinates at the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP
            "Z_div" : an n-x-1 array
                with the Z-coordinates at the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP
            "Angles" : an n-x-1 array
                with the angles between the field lines and the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP
            "Flux_expansion" : an n-x-1 array
                with the flux expasion at the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP

    # Define the 1D polynomial that represents the divertor
    divertor_x = divertor_coords[0]
    divertor_y = divertor_coords[1]

    divertor_func = np.polyfit(divertor_x, divertor_y, 1)
    divertor_polyfit = np.poly1d(divertor_func)

    # Define a 1D polynomial for a surface just above the divertor (to be used
    # for evaluating the angle of incidence)
    divertor_func_above = [divertor_func[0], divertor_func[1] + 0.001]
    divertor_polyfit_above = np.poly1d(divertor_func_above)

    # Define a 1D polynomial for a surface just below the divertor (to be used
    # for evaluating the angle of incidence)
    divertor_func_below = [divertor_func[0], divertor_func[1] - 0.001]
    divertor_polyfit_below = np.poly1d(divertor_func_below)

    # Interpolate psi_n
    psi_n_interp = Interpolate2DCubic(fiesta.r_vec, fiesta.z_vec, fiesta.psi_n.T)

    # Interpolate b_pol (to be used when evaluating the flux expansion)
    b_pol = fiesta.b_theta.T #np.sqrt(fiesta.b_r**2 + fiesta.b_theta**2 + fiesta.b_z**2).T
    b_pol_interp = Interpolate2DCubic(fiesta.r_vec, fiesta.z_vec, b_pol)

    r_div = []
    r_div_above = []
    r_div_below = []
    flux_expansion = []
    for point in x_axis_omp:
        # Evaluate which flux surface the point at the OMP is on
        psi_n = psi_n_interp(point, 0)

        # Evaluate the corresponding point at the divertor
        r_mid = _shooting_algorithm(divertor_x, psi_n_interp,
                                    divertor_polyfit, psi_n, location=location)

        # Evaluate the corresponding point just above the divertor (for
        # calculating the angle of incidence)
        r_above = _shooting_algorithm(divertor_x, psi_n_interp,
                                      divertor_polyfit_above, psi_n, location=location)

        # Evaluate the corresponding point just below the divertor (for
        # calculating the angle of incidence)
        r_below = _shooting_algorithm(divertor_x, psi_n_interp,
                                      divertor_polyfit_below, psi_n, location=location)

        # Calculate the flux expansion
        f_x = _flux_expansion(b_pol_interp, [point, 0],
                              [r_mid, divertor_polyfit(r_mid)])


    r_div = np.array(r_div)
    r_div_above = np.array(r_div_above)
    r_div_below = np.array(r_div_below)
    flux_expansion = np.array(flux_expansion)

    # Determine the vectors at each of the corresponding points at the divertor
    v_1_x = r_div_above - r_div_below
    v_1_y = divertor_polyfit_above(r_div_above) - divertor_polyfit_below(r_div_below)
    v_1_vecs = np.array([v_1_x, v_1_y]).T
    # Determine the divertor vector
    v_2 = np.array([divertor_x[1] - divertor_x[0], divertor_y[1] - divertor_y[0]])

    # Calculate the angle between the vectors and thus the angle of incidence
    # defined as the positive angle with respect to the surface normal of the
    # divertor
    angles = _calculate_angles(v_1_vecs, v_2)

    divertor_map = {}
    for i in range(len(r_div)):
        temp_dict = {}
        temp_dict["R_pos"] = r_div[i]
        temp_dict["Z_pos"] = divertor_polyfit(r_div[i])
        temp_dict["alpha"] = angles[i]
        temp_dict["f_x"] = flux_expansion[i]
        divertor_map[x_axis_omp[i]] = temp_dict

    return divertor_map
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from vita.utility import get_resource
from vita.modules.projection.projection2D.field_line.field_line import FieldLine
from vita.modules.projection.projection2D.field_line.field_line_projection import project_field_lines
from vita.modules.equilibrium.fiesta.fiesta_interface import Fiesta
from vita.modules.sol_heat_flux.eich.eich import Eich
from cherab.core.math import Interpolate2DCubic
from vita.modules.projection.projection2D.psi_map_projection import map_psi_omp_to_divertor
from vita.modules.projection.projection2D.project_heat_flux import project_heat_flux

if __name__ == "__main__":
    FILEPATH = get_resource("ST40", "equilibrium", "eq002")

    B_POL = np.sqrt(FIESTA.b_r**2 + FIESTA.b_theta**2 + FIESTA.b_z**2).T
    B_POL_INTERP = Interpolate2DCubic(FIESTA.r_vec, FIESTA.z_vec, B_POL)

    MID_PLANE_LOC = FIESTA.get_midplane_lcfs()[1]

    FOOTPRINT = Eich(0.0025, 0.0005,
                     r0_lfs=MID_PLANE_LOC)  # lambda_q=2.5, S=0.5

    X_OMP = np.linspace(0, 10, 100) * 1e-3
    FOOTPRINT.s_disconnected_dn_max = 2.1
    FOOTPRINT.fx_in_out = 5.

    X_AFTER_LCFS = FOOTPRINT.get_global_coordinates()
Exemplo n.º 4
def project_field_lines(x_axis_omp, surface_coords, fiesta):
    Function mapping the field-lines from the specified coordinates at the
    OMP to the specified coordinates at a given surface. Currently the surface
    is assumed to be represented by a 1D polynomial function, y = ax + b.

    x_axis_omp : n-x-1 np.array
        Numpy array with the radial coordinates we wish to map at the OMP
    fiesta : Fiesta
        A Fiesta object with the 2D equilibrium we wish to map
    divertor_coords : 2-x-2 np.array
        A 2-x-2 numpy array containg the corner points of the divertor in the
        2D projection

    divertor_map : dictionary
        A dictionary containing:
            "R_div" : an n-x-1 array
                with the R-coordinates at the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP
            "Z_div" : an n-x-1 array
                with the Z-coordinates at the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP
            "Angles" : an n-x-1 array
                with the angles between the field lines and the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP
            "Flux_expansion" : an n-x-1 array
                with the flux expasion at the divertor tile
                corresponding to the same psi_n as at the OMP

    # Interpolate b_pol (to be used when evaluating the flux expansion)
    b_pol = fiesta.b_theta.T
    b_pol_interp = Interpolate2DCubic(fiesta.r_vec, fiesta.z_vec, b_pol)

    field_lines = {}

    if os.path.exists("Random_filename"):
        field_lines = load_pickle("Random_filename")
        field_line = FieldLine(fiesta)
        for i in x_axis_omp:
            p_0 = [i, 0, 0]
            field_line_dict = field_line.follow_field_in_plane(p_0=p_0,
            field_lines[i] = field_line_dict

    _v_2 = np.array([
        surface_coords[0, 1] - surface_coords[0, 0],
        surface_coords[1, 1] - surface_coords[1, 0]

    divertor_map = {}
    for i in field_lines:
        func1 = np.array((field_lines[i]['R'], field_lines[i]['Z']))
        (i_func1, _), (x_at_surface,
                       y_at_surface) = intersection(func1, (surface_coords))
        if np.isnan(x_at_surface):

        _x_component = field_lines[i]['R'][int(i_func1)] - field_lines[i]['R'][
            int(i_func1) + 1]
        _y_component = field_lines[i]['Z'][int(i_func1)] - field_lines[i]['Z'][
            int(i_func1) + 1]
        _v_1 = [_x_component, _y_component]

        temp_dict = {}
        temp_dict["R_pos"] = x_at_surface[0]
        temp_dict["Z_pos"] = y_at_surface[0]
        temp_dict["alpha"] = calculate_angle(_v_1, _v_2)
        temp_dict["f_x"] = _flux_expansion(b_pol_interp, (i, 0),
                                           (x_at_surface[0], y_at_surface[0]))
        divertor_map[i] = temp_dict

    return divertor_map
Exemplo n.º 5
def import_equ_psi(equ_file):
    Imports a 2D Psi grid from an equ mesh equilibrium.

    :param str equ_file: The .EQU mesh generator equilibrium file.
    :return: A 2D Psi(r,z) function
    :rtype: Interpolate2DCubic

    fh = open(equ_file, 'r')
    file_lines = fh.readlines()

    # Load r array
    line_i = 0
    while True:
        line = file_lines[line_i]
        match = re.match('^\s*r\(1:jm\);', line)

        if not match:
            line_i += 1

        line_i += 1
        r_values = []
        line = file_lines[line_i]
        while line and not line.isspace():
            values = line.split()
            for v in values:

            line_i += 1
            line = file_lines[line_i]

        jm = len(r_values)
    r_values = np.array(r_values)

    # Load z array
    while True:
        line = file_lines[line_i]
        match = re.match('^\s*z\(1:km\);', line)

        if not match:
            line_i += 1

        line_i += 1
        z_values = []
        line = file_lines[line_i]
        while not re.match('^\s*$', line):
            values = line.split()
            for v in values:

            line_i += 1
            line = file_lines[line_i]

        km = len(z_values)
    z_values = np.array(z_values)

    # Load (r, z) array
    while True:
        line = file_lines[line_i]
        match = re.match('^\s*\(\(psi\(j,k\)-psib,j=1,jm\),k=1,km\)', line)

        if not match:
            line_i += 1

        line_i += 1
        psi_values = []
        line = file_lines[line_i]
        while not re.match('^\s*$', line):
            values = line.split()
            for v in values:

            line_i += 1
                line = file_lines[line_i]
            except IndexError:

        if len(psi_values) != km * jm:
            raise ValueError(
                "Number of values in r, z array not equal to (km, jm).")


    psi_raw = np.array(psi_values)
    psi = psi_raw.reshape((km, jm))
    psi = np.swapaxes(psi, 0, 1)

    return Interpolate2DCubic(r_values, z_values, psi)