Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: move.py Projeto: TheoLvs/beth
    def __init__(self, value: str, board: Board):
        """Helper class to parse moves on a given board status
        The base class from python-chess miss information like piece value, capture and checkmate
        Used across the library to standardize move parsing and evaluation

            value (str): The input move as string (SAN, LAN) or chess Move object
            board (Board): The board status at the right moment, moves and notations depend on the context

        # Parse the string input if input value is not already a move object
        if isinstance(value, str):
            self.move = board.parse_san(value)
            self.move = value

        # Convert to real SAN value to have a uniformed string version
        self.move_str = board.san(self.move)

        # Store board and future board
        self.board_from = board.deepcopy()
        self.board_to = board.deepcopy()

        # Evaluate move characteristics, capture, from and to square
        self.trajectory = (self.move.from_square, self.move.to_square)
        self.is_capture = board.is_capture(self.move)
        self.from_piece = parse_piece(board.piece_at(self.from_square))

        # Prepare features for display and evaluation
        self.color = self.from_piece["color"].upper()
        self.color_factor = 1 if self.color == "WHITE" else -1
        self.name = self.from_piece["name"].upper()

        # Capture rules
        # Parse piece value of the capture
        if self.is_capture:
                self.to_piece = parse_piece(board.piece_at(self.to_square))
                self.value = self.to_piece["value"]
                self.to_piece = {}
                self.value = 0
            self.to_piece = {}
            self.value = 0

        # Use SAN to determine is the move is a checkmate
        # Modify move value if there is a checkmate
        self.checkmate = "#" in self.move_str
        if self.checkmate:
            self.value = CHECKMATE_VALUE

        # Promotion rules
        # Parsing the SAN name to get promotion piece (With a check the san value is appended by +)
        # Move value increased by the promotion piece minus the pawn value we exchanged
        if "=" in self.move_str:
            self.promoted_piece = PROMOTED_PIECES[self.move_str.split(
                "=")[-1].replace("+", "").replace("#", "")]
            bonus_promotion = PIECE_VALUES_BY_NAME[self.promoted_piece] - 1
            self.value += bonus_promotion