Exemplo n.º 1
def tile_planes(v, axis = 'z', pstep = 1, trim = 0,
                rows = None, columns = None, fill_order = 'ulh',
                step = None, subregion = None, model_id = None):

  vreg = v.subregion(step = step, subregion = subregion)
  reg = [list(ijk) for ijk in vreg]
  ac,ar,a = {'x':(1,2,0), 'y':(2,0,1), 'z':(0,1,2)}[axis]
  reg[0][a] += trim
  reg[1][a] -= trim
  reg[2][a] = pstep
  dorigin, dstep = v.region_origin_and_step(reg)
  m = v.region_matrix(reg)

  tcount = m.shape[2-a]
  if tcount == 0:

  if rows is None and columns is None:
    # Choose columns to make square aspect ratio.
    w,h = m.shape[2-ac]*dstep[ac], m.shape[2-ar]*dstep[ar]
    from math import sqrt, ceil
    columns = min(tcount, int(ceil(sqrt(tcount*float(h)/w))))
    rows = (tcount - 1 + columns) // columns
  elif rows is None:
    rows = (tcount - 1 + columns) // columns
  elif columns is None:
    columns = (tcount - 1 + rows) // rows

  s0, s1, s2 = m.shape
  if axis == 'z': tshape = (1,rows*s1,columns*s2)
  elif axis == 'y': tshape = (columns*s0,1,rows*s2)
  elif axis == 'x': tshape = (rows*s0,columns*s1,1)
  from numpy import zeros
  ta = zeros(tshape, m.dtype)

  for i in range(tcount):
    # Start with top image in upper left corner.
    p,r,c = tile_position(i, rows, columns, tcount, fill_order)
    if axis == 'z':
      ta[0,r*s1:(r+1)*s1,c*s2:(c+1)*s2] = m[p,:,:]
    elif axis == 'y':
      ta[c*s0:(c+1)*s0,0,r*s2:(r+1)*s2] = m[:,p,:]
    elif axis == 'x':
      ta[r*s0:(r+1)*s0,c*s1:(c+1)*s1,0] = m[:,:,p]

  from chimerax.map_data import ArrayGridData
  td = ArrayGridData(ta, dorigin, dstep)
  td.name = v.name + ' tiled %s' % axis
  from chimerax.map import volume_from_grid_data
  tv = volume_from_grid_data(td, v.session, model_id = model_id)
  tv.copy_settings_from(v, copy_region = False, copy_active = False,
                        copy_xform = open)
  v.display = False          # Hide original map

  return tv
Exemplo n.º 2
def fourier_transform(v,

    m = v.matrix(step=step, subregion=subregion)
    from numpy.fft import fftn
    cftm = fftn(m)  # Complex128 result, same array size as input

    from numpy import absolute, angle, float32
    if phase:
        aftm = angle(cftm).astype(float32)  # Radians
        aftm = absolute(cftm).astype(float32)
        aftm *= 1.0 / aftm.size  # Normalization
        aftm[0, 0,
             0] = 0  # Constant term often huge making histogram hard to use
    cftm = None  # Release memory
    ftm = fftshift(aftm)
    aftm = None  # Release memory

    # Place FT centered on data, scaled to keep same volume
    xyz_min, xyz_max = v.xyz_bounds()
    xyz_center = map(lambda a, b: 0.5 * (a + b), xyz_min, xyz_max)
    ijk_size = list(ftm.shape)

    if step is None:
        ijk_step = v.region[2]
    elif isinstance(step, int):
        ijk_step = (step, step, step)
        ijk_step = step
    xyz_size = [a - b for a, b in zip(xyz_max, xyz_min)]
    vol = xyz_size[0] * xyz_size[1] * xyz_size[2]
    cell_size = [a * b for a, b in zip(v.data.step, ijk_step)]
    cell_vol = cell_size[0] * cell_size[1] * cell_size[2]
    scale = pow(vol * cell_vol, 1.0 / 3)
    step = [scale / a for a in xyz_size]
    origin = [c - 0.5 * s * z for c, s, z in zip(xyz_center, step, ijk_size)]

    from chimerax.map_data import ArrayGridData
    ftd = ArrayGridData(ftm, origin, step)
    ftd.name = v.name + (' FT phase' if phase else ' FT')
    from chimerax.map import volume_from_grid_data
    ftr = volume_from_grid_data(ftd, v.session, model_id=model_id)

    v.display = False  # Hide original map

    return ftr