def LaunchCTDCommand(args, command):
  """Launches the specified chromoting test driver command.

    args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks.
    command: Chromoting Test Driver command line.
    "command" if there was a test environment failure, otherwise a string of the
    names of failed tests.

  results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command)

  tear_down_index = results.find(TEST_ENVIRONMENT_TEAR_DOWN_INDICATOR)
  if tear_down_index == -1:
    # The test environment did not tear down. Something went horribly wrong.
    return '[Command failed]: ' + command

  end_results_list = results[tear_down_index:].split('\n')
  failed_tests_list = []
  for result in end_results_list:
    if result.startswith(FAILED_INDICATOR):

  if failed_tests_list:
    test_result = '[Command]: ' + command
    # Note: Skipping the first one is intentional.
    for i in range(1, len(failed_tests_list)):
      test_result += '    ' + failed_tests_list[i]
    return test_result

  # All tests passed!
  return ''
Exemplo n.º 2
def LaunchCTDCommand(args, command):
    """Launches the specified chromoting test driver command.

    args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks.
    command: Chromoting Test Driver command line.
    command, host_log_file_names: Tuple of:
    "command" if there was a test-environment failure, or any failing test, and
    list of host-log file-names.
    host_log_file_names = []

    # Parse the me2me host log to obtain the JID that the host registered.
    host_jid = GetJidFromHostLog(host_log_file_names[-1])

    if not host_jid:
        # Host-JID not found in log. Let's not attempt to run this test.
        print 'Host-JID not found in log %s.' % host_log_file_names[-1]
        return '[Command failed]: %s, %s' % (command, host_log_file_names)

    retries = 0
    failed_tests_list = []
    # TODO(anandc): Remove this retry-logic once http://crbug/570840 is fixed.
    while retries <= MAX_RETRIES:
        # In order to ensure the host is online with the expected JID, pass in the
        # jid obtained from the host-log as a command-line parameter.
        command = command.replace('\n', '') + ' --hostjid=%s' % host_jid

        results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command)

        tear_down_index = results.find(TEST_ENVIRONMENT_TEAR_DOWN_INDICATOR)
        if tear_down_index == -1:
            # The test environment did not tear down. Something went horribly wrong.
            return '[Command failed]: ' + command, host_log_file_names

        end_results_list = results[tear_down_index:].split('\n')
        test_failed = False
        for result in end_results_list:
            if result.startswith(FAILED_INDICATOR):
                test_failed = True
                if retries == MAX_RETRIES:
                    # Test failed and we have no more retries left.

        if test_failed:
            retries += 1

    if failed_tests_list:
        test_result = '[Command]: ' + command
        # Note: Skipping the first one is intentional.
        for i in range(1, len(failed_tests_list)):
            test_result += '    ' + failed_tests_list[i]
        return test_result, host_log_file_names

    # All tests passed!
    return '', host_log_file_names
def LaunchCTDCommand(args, command):
    """Launches the specified chromoting test driver command.

    args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks.
    command: Chromoting Test Driver command line.
    "command" if there was a test environment failure, otherwise a string of the
    names of failed tests.

    results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command)

    tear_down_index = results.find(TEST_ENVIRONMENT_TEAR_DOWN_INDICATOR)
    if tear_down_index == -1:
        # The test environment did not tear down. Something went horribly wrong.
        return '[Command failed]: ' + command

    end_results_list = results[tear_down_index:].split('\n')
    failed_tests_list = []
    for result in end_results_list:
        if result.startswith(FAILED_INDICATOR):

    if failed_tests_list:
        test_result = '[Command]: ' + command
        # Note: Skipping the first one is intentional.
        for i in range(1, len(failed_tests_list)):
            test_result += '    ' + failed_tests_list[i]
        return test_result

    # All tests passed!
    return ''
def LaunchCTDCommand(args, command):
  """Launches the specified chromoting test driver command.

    args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks.
    command: Chromoting Test Driver command line.
    command, host_log_file_names: Tuple of:
    "command" if there was a test-environment failure, or any failing test, and
    list of host-log file-names.
  host_log_file_names = []

  # Parse the me2me host log to obtain the JID that the host registered.
  host_jid = GetJidFromHostLog(host_log_file_names[-1])

  if not host_jid:
    # Host-JID not found in log. Let's not attempt to run this test.
    print 'Host-JID not found in log %s.' % host_log_file_names[-1]
    return '[Command failed]: %s, %s' % (command, host_log_file_names)

  retries = 0
  failed_tests_list = []
  # TODO(anandc): Remove this retry-logic once http://crbug/570840 is fixed.
  while retries <= MAX_RETRIES:
    # In order to ensure the host is online with the expected JID, pass in the
    # jid obtained from the host-log as a command-line parameter.
    command = command.replace('\n', '') + ' --hostjid=%s' % host_jid

    results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command)

    tear_down_index = results.find(TEST_ENVIRONMENT_TEAR_DOWN_INDICATOR)
    if tear_down_index == -1:
      # The test environment did not tear down. Something went horribly wrong.
      return '[Command failed]: ' + command, host_log_file_names

    end_results_list = results[tear_down_index:].split('\n')
    test_failed = False
    for result in end_results_list:
      if result.startswith(FAILED_INDICATOR):
        test_failed = True
        if retries == MAX_RETRIES:
          # Test failed and we have no more retries left.

    if test_failed:
      retries += 1

  if failed_tests_list:
    test_result = '[Command]: ' + command
    # Note: Skipping the first one is intentional.
    for i in range(1, len(failed_tests_list)):
      test_result += '    ' + failed_tests_list[i]
    return test_result, host_log_file_names

  # All tests passed!
  return '', host_log_file_names
Exemplo n.º 5
def LaunchBTCommand(args, command):
    """Launches the specified browser-test command.

      If the execution failed because a browser-instance was not launched, retry
    args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks.
    command: Browser-test command line.

    retries = 0
    while retries <= MAX_RETRIES:
        results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command)

        if SUCCESS_INDICATOR in results:
            # Test passed.

        # Sometimes, during execution of browser-tests, a browser instance is
        # not started and the test times out. See http://crbug/480025.
        # To work around it, check if this execution failed owing to that
        # problem and retry.
        # There are 2 things to look for in the results:
        # A line saying "Still waiting for the following processes to finish",
        # and, because sometimes that line gets logged even if the test
        # eventually passes, we'll also look for "(TIMED OUT)", before retrying.
        if not (BROWSER_NOT_STARTED_ERROR in results
                and TIME_OUT_INDICATOR in results):
            # Test failed for some other reason. Let's not retry.
        retries += 1

    # Check that the test passed.
    if SUCCESS_INDICATOR not in results:
        TEST_FAILURE = True
        # Add this command-line to list of tests that failed.
        FAILING_TESTS += command
Exemplo n.º 6
def LaunchBTCommand(args, command):
  """Launches the specified browser-test command.

    Retry if the execution failed because a browser-instance was not launched or
    because the JID used did not match the host-JID.
    args: Command line args, used for test-case startup tasks.
    command: Browser-test command line.

    host_log_file_names: Array of host logs created for this command, including
  host_log_file_names = []

  retries = 0
  host_jid_mismatch = False
  host_jid = None
  while retries <= MAX_RETRIES:
    # TestCaseSetup restarts the me2me host, and sets up user-profile dir.
    # It returns the file-name of the me2me host log.
    # If we are attempting to run this test because of a JID-mismatch, don't
    # restart host.
    if host_jid_mismatch:
      # Cleanup user-profile directory, but don't restart host.
      # Parse the me2me host log to obtain the JID that the host registered.
      host_jid = GetJidFromHostLog(host_log_file_names[retries])

    results = RunCommandInSubProcess(command)

    # Get the JID used by this test to connect a remote-host, if any.
    jids_used = GetJidListFromTestResults(results)

    # Check for JID mismatch before checking for test success, so that we may
    # record instances where a test passed despite a JID mismatch.
    if jids_used and host_jid.rstrip() not in jids_used:
      host_jid_mismatch = True
      print('Host JID mismatch. JID in host log = %s.' % host_jid.rstrip())
      print('Host JIDs used by test:')
      for jid in jids_used:

    if host_jid_mismatch:
      # The JID for the remote-host did not match the JID that was used for this
      # execution of the test. This happens because of a replication delay in
      # updating all instances of the Chromoting Directory Server. To
      # work-around this, sleep for 30s, which, based off a recent (08/2015)
      # query for average replication delay for Chromoting, should be sufficient
      # for the current JID value to have fully propagated.
      retries += 1
    elif jids_used:
      print('JID used by test matched me2me host JID: %s' % host_jid)
      # There wasn't a mismatch and no JIDs were returned. If no JIDs were
      # returned, that means the test didn't use any JIDs, so there is nothing
      # further for us to do.

    if SUCCESS_INDICATOR in results:

    # Sometimes, during execution of browser-tests, a browser instance is
    # not started and the test times out. See http://crbug/480025.
    # To work around it, check if this execution failed owing to that
    # problem and retry.
    # There are 2 things to look for in the results:
    # A line saying "Still waiting for the following processes to finish",
    # and, because sometimes that line gets logged even if the test
    # eventually passes, we'll also look for "(TIMED OUT)", before retrying.
    if BROWSER_NOT_STARTED_ERROR in results and TIME_OUT_INDICATOR in results:
      print('Browser-instance not started (http://crbug/480025). Retrying.')
      print('Test failed for unknown reason. Retrying.')

    retries += 1

  # Check that the test passed.
  if SUCCESS_INDICATOR not in results:
    # Add this command-line to list of tests that failed.
    FAILING_TESTS += command

  return host_log_file_names