Exemplo n.º 1
def calcQshift(project):
    """Calculate per residue Q factors between assignment and shiftx results
    if project is None:
        nTmessage("calcQshift: no project defined")
        return None
    # end if

    if not project.molecule:
        nTmessage("calcQshift: no molecule defined")
        return None
    # end if
    nTdetail("==> Calculating Q-factors for chemical shift")
    for res in project.molecule.allResidues():
        atms = res.allAtoms()
        bb = NTlist()
        heavy = NTlist()
        protons = NTlist()

        for a in atms:
            if a.isBackbone():
            if a.isProton():
        # end for

        result = project.validationData.getResult(res, constants.SHIFTX_KEY, QshiftxResult())
        if result is None:
            nTmessage("calcQshift: error setting QshiftResult for residue %s", res)
            return None
        # end if
        result[QshiftxResult.ALL_ATOMS] = _calcQshift(project, atms)
        result[QshiftxResult.BACKBONE] = _calcQshift(project, bb)
        result[QshiftxResult.HEAVY_ATOMS] = _calcQshift(project, heavy)
        result[QshiftxResult.PROTONS] = _calcQshift(project, protons)

        # LEGACY
        qshiftDict = legacyQshiftDict()
        for k in [QshiftxResult.ALL_ATOMS, QshiftxResult.BACKBONE, QshiftxResult.HEAVY_ATOMS, QshiftxResult.PROTONS]:
            qshiftDict[k] = result[k]
        qshiftDict["residue"] = res
        res.Qshift = qshiftDict
Exemplo n.º 2
    def save(self, path = None):
        Create a SML file
        Return self or None on error

        Sort the list on id before saving, to preserve (original) order from save to restore.
        # sort the list on id number
        NTsort( self, byItem='id', inplace=True)

        if not path: 
            path = self.objectPath
        if self.SMLhandler.toFile(self, path) != self:
            nTerror('%s.save: failed creating "%s"' % (self.__CLASS__, path))
            return None
        #end if

        # restore original sorting
        if self._byItem:
            NTsort( self, byItem=self._byItem, inplace=True)

        nTdetail('==> Saved %s to "%s"', self, path)
        return self