Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_Procheck(self):
        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName())
                    msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " +

        runAqua = True
        showProcheckResults = False
        #entryId = "1ai0" # Most complex molecular system in any PDB NMR entry
        entryId = "1bus"
        #        entryId = "1brv_1model" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
        ranges = None

        if entryId.startswith("1brv"):
            ranges = "173-186"

        if entryId.startswith("1ai0"):
            ranges = "2-20"

        if entryId == "2hgh":
            # in the case of 2hgh this is not a problem because the residue numbering doesn't
            # overlap between the chain A protein and chain B RNA.
            ranges = "2-11,13-33,35-54"
            # 1 and 55 are 5' and 3' terminii which are a little looser.
            # 12, and 34 are bases that are not basepaired.
            ranges += ",104-105,115-136,145-190"
            # 106-114 is a loop
            # 137-144 is a loop
            # 191-193 are 3 Zn ions.

    #This leads to a procheck ranges file like:
    #        RESIDUES   2  B   11  B
    #        RESIDUES  13  B   33  B
    #        RESIDUES  35  B   54  B
    #        RESIDUES 104  A  105  A
    #        RESIDUES 115  A  136  A
    #        RESIDUES 145  A  190  A

        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName())
                    msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " +

        project = Project(entryId)
        project = Project.open(entryId, status='new')
        cyanaFile = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana",
                                 entryId + ".cyana.tgz")

            project.runProcheck(createPlots=True, runAqua=runAqua) is None)

        if showProcheckResults:
            for res in project.molecule.allResidues():
                nTdebug(repr(res) + " " + repr(res.procheck.secStruct))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def testMolgrapRunFromPdbFile(self):
        #        SETUP FIRST
        #        entryId = "1ai0" # Most complex molecular system in any PDB NMR entry
        #        entryId = "1a4d" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
        #        entryId = "1zwj" # X-ray entry of CESG interest.
        entryId = "1brv"  # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
        #        entryId = "2hgh_1model"

        # does it matter to import it just now?
        project = Project(entryId)
        project = Project.open(entryId, status='new')
        cyanaFile = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana",
                                 entryId + ".cyana.tgz")
        gifFileName = entryId + ".gif"
        pathGif = os.path.join(self.cingDirTmpTest, gifFileName)
        self.assertFalse(project.molecule.export2gif(pathGif, project=project))
        pathMolGifPinup = pathGif[:-4] + '_pin.gif'
        pathGifDefault = os.path.join(cingPythonCingDir, 'PluginCode',
                                      DATA_STR, 'UnknownImage.gif')
            os.path.getsize(pathGif) == os.path.getsize(pathGifDefault))
        nTmessage("Created new molecular imagery at: %s" % self.cingDirTmpTest)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_Procheck(self):
        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() )
        mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest )
        self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg =
            "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest)

        runAqua = True
        showProcheckResults = False
        #entryId = "1ai0" # Most complex molecular system in any PDB NMR entry
        entryId = "1bus"
#        entryId = "1brv_1model" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
        ranges = None

        if entryId.startswith("1brv"):
            ranges = "173-186"

        if entryId.startswith("1ai0"):
            ranges = "2-20"

        if entryId == "2hgh":
            # in the case of 2hgh this is not a problem because the residue numbering doesn't
            # overlap between the chain A protein and chain B RNA.
            ranges = "2-11,13-33,35-54"
                # 1 and 55 are 5' and 3' terminii which are a little looser.
                # 12, and 34 are bases that are not basepaired.
            ranges += ",104-105,115-136,145-190"
                # 106-114 is a loop
                # 137-144 is a loop
                # 191-193 are 3 Zn ions.
    #This leads to a procheck ranges file like:
    #        RESIDUES   2  B   11  B
    #        RESIDUES  13  B   33  B
    #        RESIDUES  35  B   54  B
    #        RESIDUES 104  A  105  A
    #        RESIDUES 115  A  136  A
    #        RESIDUES 145  A  190  A

        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() )
        mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest )
        self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg =
            "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest)

        project = Project( entryId )
        self.failIf( project.removeFromDisk() )
        project = Project.open( entryId, status='new' )
        cyanaFile = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana", entryId + ".cyana.tgz")
        self.assertTrue(project.initCyana(cyanaFolder = cyanaFile))

        self.failIf(project.runProcheck(createPlots=True, runAqua=runAqua) is None)

        if showProcheckResults:
            for res in project.molecule.allResidues():
                nTdebug(repr(res) +" "+ repr(res.procheck.secStruct))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _testCreateCcpn(self):
        'Disabled test because...'
        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() )
        mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest )
        self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg =
            "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest)

        for entryId in AllChecks.entryList:
            # Allow pdb files to be of different naming systems for this test.
            project = Project(entryId)
            project = Project.open(entryId, status = 'new')

            cyanaFolder = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData,"cyana", entryId+".cyana.tgz")
            nTdebug("Reading files from: " + cyanaFolder)
            project.initCyana( cyanaFolder)

            nTmessage( "Project: %s" % project)
            ccpnFolder = entryId + "New"
Exemplo n.º 5
    def _testCreateCcpn(self):
        'Disabled test because...'
        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName())
                    msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " +

        for entryId in AllChecks.entryList:
            # Allow pdb files to be of different naming systems for this test.
            project = Project(entryId)
            project = Project.open(entryId, status='new')

            cyanaFolder = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana",
                                       entryId + ".cyana.tgz")
            nTdebug("Reading files from: " + cyanaFolder)

            nTmessage("Project: %s" % project)
            ccpnFolder = entryId + "New"
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_shiftx(self):
#        entryId = "1brv" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
#        entryId = "2hgh_1model"  RNA-protein complex.
        entryId = "1brv"
#        entryId = "1tgq_1model" # withdrawn entry
        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join( cingDirTmp, getCallerName() )
        mkdirs( cingDirTmpTest )
        self.failIf(os.chdir(cingDirTmpTest), msg =
            "Failed to change to test directory for files: " + cingDirTmpTest)

        project = Project( entryId )
        self.failIf( project.removeFromDisk())
        project = Project.open( entryId, status='new' )
        cyanaFile = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana", entryId + ".cyana.tgz")
        self.assertTrue(project.initCyana(cyanaFolder = cyanaFile))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_shiftx(self):
        #        entryId = "1brv" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
        #        entryId = "2hgh_1model"  RNA-protein complex.
        entryId = "1brv"
        #        entryId = "1tgq_1model" # withdrawn entry
        cingDirTmpTest = os.path.join(cingDirTmp, getCallerName())
                    msg="Failed to change to test directory for files: " +

        project = Project(entryId)
        project = Project.open(entryId, status='new')
        cyanaFile = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana",
                                 entryId + ".cyana.tgz")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def testMolgrapRunFromPdbFile(self):
#        SETUP FIRST
#        entryId = "1ai0" # Most complex molecular system in any PDB NMR entry
#        entryId = "1a4d" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
#        entryId = "1zwj" # X-ray entry of CESG interest.
        entryId = "1brv" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry
#        entryId = "2hgh_1model"

        # does it matter to import it just now?
        project = Project( entryId )
        self.failIf( project.removeFromDisk())
        project = Project.open( entryId, status='new' )
        cyanaFile = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData, "cyana", entryId + ".cyana.tgz")
        self.assertTrue(project.initCyana(cyanaFolder = cyanaFile))
        gifFileName = entryId+".gif"
        pathGif = os.path.join( self.cingDirTmpTest, gifFileName)
        self.assertFalse(project.molecule.export2gif(pathGif, project=project))
        pathMolGifPinup = pathGif[:-4] + '_pin.gif'
        pathGifDefault =  os.path.join( cingPythonCingDir, 'PluginCode', DATA_STR, 'UnknownImage.gif' )
        self.assertFalse(os.path.getsize(pathGif) == os.path.getsize(pathGifDefault))
        nTmessage("Created new molecular imagery at: %s" % self.cingDirTmpTest)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def testResPlot(self):

        actuallyRunProcheck = False
        actuallyRunWhatif   = False
        showValues          = False
        modelNum            = 1 # Only used when simulating data
        #entryId = "1ai0" # Most complex molecular system in any PDB NMR entry
#        entryId = "2hgh" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry; 48 models
#        entryId = "1bus" # Small much studied PDB NMR entry:  5 models of 57 AA.: 285 residues.
        entryId = "1brv"

        ranges = None
        if entryId.startswith("2hgh"):
            # Compile a NTlist instance with residue objects.
            ranges = "2-54,111-136,145-193"
                # 1 and 55 are 5' and 3' terminii which are a little looser.
                # 12, and 34 are bases that are not basepaired.
                # 191-193 are bound ZN ions.
        elif entryId.startswith("1brv"):
            # Truncate from Val171-Glu189 to:
            ranges = "176-188"

        project = Project( entryId )
        project = Project.open( entryId, status='new' )
        cyanaFolder = os.path.join(cingDirTestsData,"cyana", entryId+".cyana.tgz")
        nTdebug("Reading files from: " + cyanaFolder)
        project.initCyana( cyanaFolder )

        rangeList = project.molecule.getFixedRangeList(
            max_length_range = ResPlot.MAX_WIDTH_IN_RESIDUES, ranges=ranges )

        if actuallyRunProcheck:
            self.failIf(project.procheck(createPlots=False, runAqua=False) is None)
        if actuallyRunWhatif:

        pointsANGCHK = [] # list per res in rangeList of lists
        pointsBNDCHK = []
        pointsQUACHK = []
        pointsRAMCHK = []
        pointsC12CHK = []
        pointsBBCCHK = []
        resNumb = 0
        for resList in rangeList:
            for res in resList:
                resNumb += 1

    #            nTdebug(repr(res))

    #            if random() < 0.2: # Skip a 10%
    #                continue

                whatifResDict = res.setdefault(WHATIF_STR, NTdict())
                procheckResDict = res.setdefault(PROCHECK_STR, NTdict())
    #            if not whatifResDict: # empty dict
    #                continue

                angList = NTlist()
                bndList = NTlist()

                quaList = NTlist()
                ramList = NTlist()
                c12List = NTlist()
                bbcList = NTlist()

                accList = NTlist()
                sstList = NTlist()
                sstListPossibilities='SH' # secondary structure elements.

                for _modelID in range(modelNum):
                    if not actuallyRunWhatif:
                        angList.append(random()*10-0) # Simulate abs max of Z-scores.
                        bndList.append(random()*5+1)  # offset by 1 but still want to start from zero?


                    if not actuallyRunProcheck:
                        sstList.append( sstListPossibilities[ int(random()*2)])  # Simulate secondary structure

                if not actuallyRunWhatif:
                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(angList,  ANGCHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )
                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(bndList,  BNDCHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )

                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(quaList,  QUACHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )
                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(ramList,  RAMCHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )
                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(c12List,  C12CHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )
                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(bbcList,  BBCCHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )

                    self.assertFalse (   whatifResDict.setDeepByKeys(accList,  INOCHK_STR,VALUE_LIST_STR) )

                if not actuallyRunProcheck:
                    self.assertFalse ( procheckResDict.setDeepByKeys(sstList,  SECSTRUCT_STR) )

                for d in [whatifResDict, procheckResDict]:
                    checkIDList = d.keys()
                    for checkID in checkIDList:
                        if d==whatifResDict:
                            valueList = d.getDeepByKeys(checkID,VALUE_LIST_STR)
                            valueList = d.getDeepByKeys(checkID)

                        if checkID == ANGCHK_STR:
                            zScore = valueList.average()[0]
                            pointsANGCHK.append( (resNumb-.5, zScore) )
                        elif checkID == BNDCHK_STR:
                            zScore = valueList.average()[0]
                            pointsBNDCHK.append( (resNumb-.5, zScore) )
                        elif checkID == QUACHK_STR:
                            zScore = valueList.average()[0]
                            pointsQUACHK.append( (resNumb-.5, zScore) )
                        elif checkID == RAMCHK_STR:
                            zScore = valueList.average()[0]
                            pointsRAMCHK.append( (resNumb-.5, zScore) )
                        elif checkID == C12CHK_STR:
                            zScore = valueList.average()[0]
                            pointsC12CHK.append( (resNumb-.5, zScore) )
                        elif checkID == BBCCHK_STR:
                            zScore = valueList.average()[0]
                            pointsBBCCHK.append( (resNumb-.5, zScore) )
#                            nTdebug("pointsBBCCHK: %s", pointsBBCCHK)

                        if showValues:
                            nTdebug("%10s valueList: %-80s" % ( checkID, valueList))
        fileNameList =[]
        ps = None
        r = 0
        for resList in rangeList:
            r += 1
#            nTdebug("resList: %s" % resList)
            ps = NTplotSet() # closes any previous plots
            ps.hardcopySize = (600,600)
            nrows = 2
            ntPlotList = []
            for i in range(nrows):
                ntPlotList.append( ps.createSubplot(nrows,1,i+1,useResPlot=True,molecule=project.molecule,resList=resList) )

            ps.subplotsAdjust(hspace  = .1) # no height spacing between plots.
            ps.subplotsAdjust(top     = 0.9) # Accommodate icons and res types.
            ps.subplotsAdjust(left    = 0.15) # Accommodate extra Y axis label.

            attr = fontVerticalAttributes()
            attr.fontColor  = 'blue'
            # Left of actual yLabel.
            labelAxesExtraList = [
              '' ]
            labelAxesList = [
              'Ramachandr. Z',
              'Chi 1/2. Z',
              'Bond max Z',
              'Restraint RMSD',
              '' ]
            for i in range(nrows):
                position = (-0.12, 0.5)
                ntPlotList[i].labelAxes( position, labelAxesExtraList[i], attributes=attr)
                ntPlotList[i].yLabel = labelAxesList[i]
                if i != nrows-1:
                    ntPlotList[i].xLabel = None

            plusPoint   = pointAttributes( type='plus',   size=1.5, color='black' )
            circlePoint = pointAttributes( type='circle', size=1.5, color='blue')
            plusPoint.lineColor   = 'black'
            circlePoint.lineColor = 'blue'
            length = ntPlotList[0].MAX_WIDTH_IN_RESIDUES
            start = (r-1)*length

#            pointsBBCCHK = removeNulls(pointsBBCCHK)
            # buildin max is overridden by matplotlib
#            end   = NTmin(start + ntPlot1.MAX_WIDTH_IN_RESIDUES,len(pointsANGCHK))
            pointsANGCHKOffset = convertPointsToPlotRange(pointsANGCHK, xOffset=-start, yOffset=0, start=0, length=length)
            pointsBNDCHKOffset = convertPointsToPlotRange(pointsBNDCHK, xOffset=-start, yOffset=0, start=0, length=length)
            pointsQUACHKOffset = convertPointsToPlotRange(pointsQUACHK, xOffset=-start, yOffset=0, start=0, length=length)
            pointsRAMCHKOffset = convertPointsToPlotRange(pointsRAMCHK, xOffset=-start, yOffset=0, start=0, length=length)
            pointsC12CHKOffset = convertPointsToPlotRange(pointsC12CHK, xOffset=-start, yOffset=0, start=0, length=length)
            pointsBBCCHKOffset = convertPointsToPlotRange(pointsBBCCHK, xOffset=-start, yOffset=0, start=0, length=length)

            pointsOffsetList = [pointsRAMCHKOffset,
                                pointsANGCHKOffset ]
            pointsOffsetList2 = [pointsBBCCHKOffset,
                                 pointsBNDCHKOffset ]
#            nTdebug("pointsRAMCHKOffset: %s" % pointsRAMCHKOffset)
#            nTdebug("start:end: %s %s" % (start,end))
            for i in range(nrows):
                if i >= len( pointsOffsetList ):
                ntPlotList[i].lines(pointsOffsetList[i],  plusPoint)
                ntPlotList[i].lines(pointsOffsetList2[i], circlePoint)
                ntPlotList[i].autoScaleY( pointsOffsetList[i]+pointsOffsetList2[i] )
                if i == 2: # by chance
                    ntPlotList[i].setYrange((.0, ntPlotList[i].yRange[1]))

            ySpaceAxisResTypes = .02 + (nrows-1) * .01
            ntPlotList[0].drawResTypes(ySpaceAxis=ySpaceAxisResTypes) # Weirdly can only be called after yRange is set.

            for i in range(nrows):
                showLabels = False
                if i == nrows-1:
                    showLabels = True
                # also sets the grid lines for major. Do last as it won't rescale with plot yet.
                ntPlotList[i].drawResNumbers( showLabels=showLabels)

            # Draw secondary structure elements and accessibility
            # Set x range and major ticker.
            # The major ticker determines the grid layout.
            # leave space for res types but get it right on top.
#            .18 at nrows = 4
            # Needs to be done before re-scaling the y axis from [0,1] ???????
            ySpaceAxisResIcons = .06 + (nrows-1) * .04
            ntPlotList[0].iconBoxYheight = 0.16 * nrows / 3. # .16 at nrows=3
            ntPlotList[0].drawResIcons( ySpaceAxis=ySpaceAxisResIcons )

            # Set the grid and major tickers
            fileNameList.append( 'residuePlotSet%03d.pdf' % r)
        # end for resList in rangeList:
        self.assertFalse( joinPdfPages( fileNameList, 'residuePlotSetAll.pdf' ))
        for fileName in fileNameList:
            os.unlink( fileName )