Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: cli.py Projeto: ssnd/ciphers
def decode(cipher: str, key: Union[int, str], input_file, output_file):
    """Use this command to decode the text (read from stdio or a file)
       using the available ciphers and display the decrypted text or write
       it to a file.

    input_file_name = input_file.name if input_file is not None else None
    output_file_name = output_file.name if output_file is not None else None

    io_handler = IOHandler(input_file_name, output_file_name)

    input_text = io_handler.read()

    if cipher == "caesar":
        key = Caesar.check_key_type(key, int)
        c = Caesar(key=key)
        decrypted_str = c.decrypt(input_text)

    if cipher == "vigenere":
        v = Vigenere(key=key)
        decrypted_str = v.decrypt(input_text)

    if cipher == "vernam":
        if input_file is None:
            print(("An input file is required for the Vernam cipher"
                   " to work correctly. Exitting..."))
        vernam = Vernam(key=key)
        decrypted_str = vernam.decrypt(input_text)

Exemplo n.º 2
def test_banburismus():
    """Test the Banburismus test with two different vigenere
    ciphertext first and then with two equals.
    text1 = ("Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary "
             "Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lores.")
    text2 = ("While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping "
             "As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door")
    vigenere1 = Vigenere(key_length=8)
    vigenere2 = Vigenere(key_length=8)

    # H1 case
    print("\nGenerated by the same cipher:")
    ciphertext1 = vigenere1.encrypt(text1)
    ciphertext2 = vigenere1.encrypt(text2)
    banburismus(ciphertext1, ciphertext2)

    # H0 case
    print("\nGenerated by the different ciphers:")
    ciphertext1 = vigenere1.encrypt(text1)
    ciphertext2 = vigenere2.encrypt(text2)
    banburismus(ciphertext1, ciphertext2)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self):
     self.vg = Vigenere()
Exemplo n.º 4
# K2
from ciphers.vigenere import VigenereTableau, Vigenere

vtableau = VigenereTableau(alphabet=kryptos_alphabet, row_fill=0, col_fill=4)
cipher = Vigenere(tableau=vtableau)

keyword = "ABSCISSA"
plaintext = cipher.decrypt(ciphertext, keyword)

print "K2"
print ciphertext
print plaintext
def main(argv):
    cipher_type, display_type, ifile, ofile, key_file = parse_cli(argv)
    print('\n == TUCIL 1 KRIPTOGRAFI ==\n')
        list(cipher_type_list.keys())[cipher_type].upper() +
        ' ENCRYPTION function selected\n')
    plaintext = ''
    key = ''
    ciphertext = ''
    if cipher_type == 4:
        plaintext = read_input_bytes(ifile, 'plaintext')
        plaintext = read_input(ifile, 'plaintext')
    key = read_key(key_file)

    if cipher_type == 0:
        print("\n==== USING VIGINERE CIPHER ====\n")
        ciphertext = Vigenere().encipher(plaintext, key)
    elif cipher_type == 1:
        print("\n==== USING FULL VIGINERE CIPHER ====\n")
        vigenere_square = read_vigenere_json()
        ciphertext = Vigenere().full_enchiper(plaintext, key, vigenere_square)
    elif cipher_type == 2:
        print("\n==== USING AUTO-KEY VIGINERE CIPHER ====\n")
        ciphertext = Vigenere().auto_key_enchiper(plaintext, key)
    elif cipher_type == 3:
        print("\n==== USING RUNNING-KEY VIGINERE CIPHER ====\n")
        ciphertext = Vigenere().encipher(plaintext, key)
    elif cipher_type == 4:
        print("\n==== USING EXTENDED VIGINERE CIPHER ====\n")
        ciphertext = ExtendedVigenere().encipher(plaintext, key)
    elif cipher_type == 5:
        print("\n==== USING PLAYFAIR CIPHER ====\n")
        no_punc = True
        no_space = True
        if display_type == 0:
            no_punc = False
            no_space = False
        elif display_type == 1:
            no_punc = False

        removed_char = input('Masukkan huruf yang dihilangkan > ').upper()
        placeholder_char = input('Masukkan huruf penyisip > ').upper()
        ciphertext = Playfair().encipher(plaintext,

    if hasattr(ciphertext, 'decode'):
        # ciphertext is in bytes
        while ofile == '':
            ofile = input('Enter encrytion result save directory:\n> ')
        save_output_bytes(ciphertext, ofile)
        print('Result saved to %s \n' % (ofile))
        # ciphertext is a string
        ciphertext = arrange_output(ciphertext, display_type)
        print('\nENCRYPTION RESULT:\n' + ciphertext + '\n')
        save_output(ciphertext, ofile)
Exemplo n.º 6
write_file('hill_cipher_2x2.txt', output)

plain_list = read_file('hill_plain_3x3.txt')
output = ''
output += '      |2   4  12|\n'
output += 'Key = |9   1   6|\n'
output += '      |7   5   3|\n\n'
for plain in plain_list:
    hill = Hill(plain, [[2, 4, 12], [9, 1, 6], [7, 5, 3]])
    output += hill.encrypt() + '\n'
write_file('hill_cipher_3x3.txt', output)

plain_list = read_file('vigenere_plain.txt')
output = 'Key = pie\t(repeating mode)\n'
for plain in plain_list:
    vigenere = Vigenere(plain, 'pie', False)
    output += vigenere.encrypt() + '\n'

output += '\nKey = aether\t(auto mode)\n'
for plain in plain_list:
    vigenere = Vigenere(plain, 'aether', True)
    output += vigenere.encrypt() + '\n'
output += '\n'
write_file('vigenere_cipher.txt', output)

plain_list = read_file('vernam_plain.txt')
output = 'Key = SPARTANS\n'
for plain in plain_list:
    vernam = Vernam(plain, 'SPARTANS')
    output += vernam.encrypt() + '\n'
write_file('vernam_cipher.txt', output)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_vigenere_algorithm_dec():
    c = Vigenere(key="42")
    assert c.decrypt("bcdø") == "PSRø"
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_vigenere_algorithm_enc():
    c = Vigenere(key="42")
    assert c.encrypt("abc\n") == "436\n"
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_vigenere_algorithm_dec_enc(a):
    c = Vigenere(key="42")
    assert c.encrypt(c.decrypt(a)) == a