Exemplo n.º 1
def test_maj(x, y, z):
    # Compilation
    text = compiler("test_scripts/maj_script.txt")
    with open("test_scripts/maj.txt", "w") as f:

    # Load compiled Maj circuit
    maj_program = Circuit("test_scripts/maj.txt")

    # Create inputs
    tape = [int(i) for i in int2bin32(x) + int2bin32(y) + int2bin32(z)]

    # Run compiled Cicuit
    result = maj_program.run(tape)

    # Confirm Result
    return int("".join([str(i) for i in result]), 2) == Maj(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_lsig(x, y, z):
    text = compiler("test_scripts/lsig_script.txt")
    with open("test_scripts/lsig.txt", "w") as f:

    # Load compiled Loop Circuit
    lsig_program = Circuit("test_scripts/lsig.txt")

    # Create inputs
    tape = [int(i) for i in int2bin32(x) + int2bin32(y) + int2bin32(z)]

    # Run Compiled Circuit
    result = lsig_program.run(tape)

    # Confirm Result
    return int("".join([str(i) for i in result]),
               2) == check_lsig_test(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_add(x, y):
    # Compilation
    text = compiler("test_scripts/add_script.txt")
    with open("test_scripts/add.txt", "w") as f:

    # Load compiled Maj circuit
    add_program = Circuit("test_scripts/add.txt")

    # Create inputs
    tape = [int(i) for i in int2bin32(x) + int2bin32(y)]

    # Run compiled Cicuit
    result = add_program.run(tape)

    # Confirm Result
    a = int("".join([str(i) for i in result]), 2)
    return a == ((x + y) % (2**32))
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_ch(y, z):

    # Compilation
    text = compiler("test_scripts/ch_script.txt")
    with open("test_scripts/ch.txt", "w") as f:

    # Load compiled Loop Circuit
    ch_program = Circuit("test_scripts/ch.txt")

    # Create inputs
    tape = [int(i) for i in int2bin32(y) + int2bin32(z)]

    # Run Compiled Circuit
    result = ch_program.run(tape)

    # Confirm Result
    x = 2**31 + 3  # constant set in program
    return int("".join([str(i) for i in result]), 2) == Ch(x, y, z)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_loop2(a):
    # Compilation
    text = compiler("test_scripts/loop2_script.txt")
    with open("test_scripts/loop2.txt", "w") as f:

    # Load compiled Loop Circuit
    loop2_program = Circuit("test_scripts/loop2.txt")

    # Create inputs
    tape = bin(a)[2:]
    while len(tape) < 256:
        tape = "0" + tape
    tape = [int(i) for i in tape]

    # Run Compiled Circuit
    result = loop2_program.run(tape)

    # Confirm Result
    check = check_loop2_test(tape)
    return int("".join([str(i) for i in result]), 2) == check
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_add(x, y):
    # Compilation
    text = compiler("add_script.txt")
    with open("add.txt", "w") as f:

    # Load compiled Maj circuit
    add_program = Circuit("add.txt")

    # Create inputs
    tape_tmp = [int(i) for i in int2bin32(x) + int2bin32(y)]
    tape = [tape_tmp[-(i + 1)] for i in range(len(tape_tmp))]
    print tape
    # Run compiled Cicuit
    result = add_program.run(tape)
    print result

    # Confirm Result
    a = int("".join([str(result[-(i + 1)]) for i in range(len(result))]), 2)
    print a
    print(x + y) % (2**32)
    return a == ((x + y) % (2**32))
import hashlib
from circuit_interpreter import Circuit
from dumb_compiler import compiler

# Uncomment to compile again (takes ~ 2minutes)

with open("2blockSHA256.txt", "w") as f:

sha256_program = Circuit("2blockSHA256_2.txt")

def test_sha256(string):
    check = int(hashlib.sha256(string).hexdigest(), 16)
    tape = [int(i) for i in preprocess(string)]
    result = sha256_program.run(tape)
    return int("".join([str(i) for i in result]), 2) == check

def preprocess(to_hash):
    bits = "".join([char2bin8(char) for char in to_hash])
    n = len(bits)
    preprocessed = bits + "1"
    while len(preprocessed) % 512 != 448:
        preprocessed += "0"

    b = bin(n)[2:]
    while len(b) < 64:
        b = "0" + b
    preprocessed = preprocessed + b