Exemplo n.º 1
 def perimeter(self):
     'Circumference corrected for the rubber on the tire'
     return Circle.perimeter(
         self) * self.RUBBER_RATIO  # Extending using a direct reference
     return super(
         self).perimeter() * self.RUBBER_RATIO  # Extending using super()
     return 2.0 * math.pi * self.radius * self.RUBBER_RATIO  # Overriding
def customer_1():
    '''Customer 1: Local rubber sheet company
    company that cuts rounds sheets of rubber

    cuts = [0.7, 0.3, 0.5]
    circles = [Circle(radius) for radius in cuts]
    for c in circles:
        print 'A circle with radius', c.radius
        print 'has an area {:.2f}'.format(c.area())
        print 'and a perimeter {:.2f}'.format(c.circumference())
        c.radius *= 1.1
        print 'and a warm area {:.2f}'.format(c.area())
def customer_0():
    Customer 0: Our academic friends

    print 'Aproposal to reserach the areas of circles'
    print 'with Circuitous(tm)', Circle.version
    n = 5
    #circles = [Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n)]
    # with parenthesis it becomes a generator
    circles = (Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n))
    # areas = [c.area() for c in circles]
    areas = (c.area() for c in circles)
    print 'The average aread of', n , 'random circles'
    print 'seeded with the Answer to Life and Everything'
    print 'is', sum(areas) / n
Exemplo n.º 4
Our customers' code.

from circuitous import Circle
from random import random,seed

# Customer 1: Our academic friends.

print 'Proposal to research the areas of circles'
print 'using Circuitous(tm)', Circle.version
n = 1000
#circles = [Circle(random()) for i in range(n)]
#areas = [circle.area() for circle in circles]
#use generator instead
circles = (Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n))
areas = (circle.area() for circle in circles)

print 'The average area of', n, 'random circles'
print 'seeded on the Answer to Life, and Everything'
print 'is {:.2f}'.format(sum(areas) / n)
# the {} works by specifying a name:spcifier
# so we are specifying no name, but the '.2f' means
# "float to digits only", hence the answer generated was 1.09

# Customer 2: local rubber sheet company

cuts = [0.7, 0.3, 0.5]
circles = [Circle(radius) for radius in cuts]
Exemplo n.º 5
Our customers' code.

from circuitous import Circle
from random import random, seed

# Customer 0: Our academic friends

print 'A proposal to research the areas of circles'
print 'with Circuitous(tm)', Circle.version
n = 5
circles = (Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n))
areas = (c.area() for c in circles)
print 'The average area of', n, 'random circles'
print 'seeded with the Answer to Life and Everything'
print 'is', sum(areas) / n

# Customer 1: Local rubber sheet company

cuts = [0.7, 0.3, 0.5]
circles = [Circle(radius) for radius in cuts]
for c in circles:
    print 'A circle with radius', c.radius
    print 'has a cold area %.2f' % c.area()
    print 'and a perimeter {:.2f}'.format(c.circumference())
    c.radius *= 1.1
    # c.set_radius(c.get_radius() * 1.1)
    print 'and a warm area %.2f' % c.area()
Exemplo n.º 6
 def circumference(self):
     'adjusted perimeter for width of tyre'
     return 1.25 * Circle.circumference(self)
Exemplo n.º 7
"Show-off the Circuitous code from the user's point of view"

from __future__ import division
from circuitous import Circle

print u'Tutorial from Circuitous\N{trade mark sign}'
print 'Circle class version %d.%d' % Circle.version[:2]
c = Circle(10)
print 'A circle with a radius of', c.radius
print 'has an area of', c.area()

## Academia ################################################

from random import seed, random
from pprint import pprint

n = 10000
jenny = 8675309
print 'DARPA Grant Proposal to study the average area of random circles'
print 'using Circuitous(tm) version %d.%d' % Circle.version[:2]
print 'preliminary study of {n} random circles'.format(n=n)
print "seed with Jenny's number: {jenny}".format(jenny=jenny)
circles = [Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n)]
areas = [circle.area() for circle in circles]
average_area = sum(areas) / n
print 'The average area is %.5f' % average_area

## Rubber Sheet Company ####################################
Exemplo n.º 8
"Show-off the ciruitous code from the user's point of view"

from __future__ import division
from circuitous import Circle
import math

print u'Tutorial for Circuitous\N{trade mark sign}'
print 'Circle version %d.%d' % Circle.version[:2]
c = Circle(10)
print 'A circle with a radius of', c.radius
print 'has an area of', c.area()

## Academic Friends ######################################

from random import seed, random
from pprint import pprint

n = 10
jenny = 8675309
print 'DARPA Grant Proposal'
print 'to study the average area of random circles'
print 'using Circuitous(tm) version %d.%d' % Circle.version[:2]
print 'preliminary study using %d random circles' % n
print "seeded using Jenny's number: %d" % jenny
circles = [Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n)]
areas = [circle.area() for circle in circles]
average_area = sum(areas) / n
print 'The average area is %.1f' % average_area
Exemplo n.º 9
 def perimeter(self):
     "adjusted perimeter for width of tire"
     return Circle.perimeter(self) * 1.25
Exemplo n.º 10
 def perimeter(self):
     return Circle.perimeter(self) * self.RUBBER_RATIO       # Extending
     return 2.0 * 3.14 * self.radius * self.RUBBER_RATIO     # Overriding
 def circumference(self):
     'adjusted perimeter for width of tyre'
     # unbound method call
     return 1.25 * Circle.circumference(self)
def customer_4():
    bbd = 10
    c = Circle.from_bbd(bbd)
    print 'a circle with bounding box diagonal of {}'.format(bbd)
    print 'has a radius of {:.2f}'.format(c.radius)
    print 'has an area of {:.2f}'.format(c.area())
Exemplo n.º 13
Arquivo: client.py Projeto: vish1/code
 def perimeter(self):
     'Odometer correct perimeter that accounts for the rubber on tire'
     # Overriding -- don't call the parent method
     # Extending -- call the parent method and then modify it's result
     return Circle.perimeter(self) * self.RUBBER_RATIO
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: client.py Projeto: vish1/code
from __future__ import division
from circuitous import Circle

c = Circle(10)
print u'Tutorial for Circuitous\N{trade mark sign}'
print 'Version %d.%d'% Circle.version
print 'A circle with a radius of', c.radius
print 'has an area of', c.area()

## Academic Friends ####

from random import random, seed
from pprint import pprint

jenny = 8675309
n = 10
print 'DARPA Grant Proposal to compute the average area of random circles'
print 'Proof of concept with %d randomly chosen circles' % n
print "Seeded with Jenny's number:", jenny
circles = [Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n)]
areas = [c.area() for c in circles]
average_area = sum(areas) / n
print 'The average area is %.1f' % average_area

## Rubber Sheet #######

print 'Rubber sheet cut template spec sheet'
Exemplo n.º 15
 def perimeter(self):
     'Perimeter adjusted for width of tire'
     return Circle.perimeter(self) * 1.25
Exemplo n.º 16
class Tire(Circle):

    def perimeter(self):
        'Perimeter adjusted for width of tire'
        return Circle.perimeter(self) * 1.25

t = Tire(22)
print 'a tire with radius', t.radius
print 'has an area %.0f' % t.area()
print 'and a perimeter %.0f' % t.perimeter()

# Customer 4: national trucking company
print 'a hill with inclinometer reading 7 degrees'
print 'is a percent grade: %.2f%%' % Circle.angle_to_grade(7)

# Customer 5: international graphics company
# We have money and power!
# We want the constructor to be based on the bounding box diagonal!
c = Circle.from_bbd(10)
print 'a circle with a bounding box diagonal 10'
print 'has a radius %.2f' % c.radius
print 'and an area %.2f' % c.area()

# Customer 6: the Feds
# We like to micromanage:
# we will tell you not just WHAT to do, but also HOW to do it
Exemplo n.º 17
 def perimeter(self):
     return Circle.perimeter(self) * self.RUBBER_RATIO  # Extending
def customer_3():
    angle = 7.0
    print 'a hill with {:.0f} degree incline'.format(angle)
    print 'is a {:.0f}% grade'.format(Circle.angle_to_grade(7))
Exemplo n.º 19
 def circumference(self):
     'adjusted for width of tire'
     return Circle.circumference(self) * 1.25
Exemplo n.º 20
"Show-off the ciruitous code from the user's point of view"

from __future__ import division
from circuitous import Circle

print u'Tutorial for Circuitous\N{trade mark sign}'
print 'Circle version %d.%d' % Circle.version[:2]
c = Circle(10)
print 'A circle with a radius of', c.radius
print 'has an area of', c.area()

## Academic Friends ######################################

from random import seed, random
from pprint import pprint

n = 100000
jenny = 8675309
print 'DARPA Grant Proposal'
print 'to study the average area of random circles'
print 'using Circuitous(tm) version %d.%d' % Circle.version[:2]
print 'preliminary study using %d random circles' % n
print "seeded using Jenny's number: %d" % jenny
circles = [Circle(random()) for i in xrange(n)]
areas = [circle.area() for circle in circles]
average_area = sum(areas) / n
print 'The average area is %.5f' % average_area
    def perimeter(self):
        'adjusted perimeter for width of tire'
        return Circle.perimeter(self) * 1.25

    __perimeter = perimeter

t = Tire(22)
print ' tire with radius 22'
print 'has an area %.2f' % t.area()
print 'and a perimeter %.2f' % t.perimeter()

# Customer 4: National Trucking Co.
print 'an incline of 7 degres'
print 'is a %d percent grade' % Circle.angle_to_grade(7)

# Customer 5: International Graphics Co.
print 'We have money and power'
print 'We build circles with counding boxes not radius'
c = Circle.from_bdd(10)
print 'a Circle with a bounding box diagonal 10'
print 'has a radius', c.radius
print 'and an area', c.area()

# Customer 6: Federal Government
# We like to micromanage!
# We will tell you not only WHAT to do
# But also HOW to do it