Exemplo n.º 1
def build_regex_win32(using_cmake=False):  # pragma: windows
    r"""Build the regex_win32 library."""
    _regex_win32_dir = os.path.dirname(_regex_win32_lib)
    _regex_win32_cpp = os.path.join(_regex_win32_dir, 'regex_win32.cpp')
    _regex_win32_obj = os.path.join(_regex_win32_dir, 'regex_win32.obj')
    # Compile object
    cmd = [
        'cl', '/c', '/Zi', '/EHsc', '/I',
        '%s' % _regex_win32_dir, _regex_win32_cpp
    # '/out:%s' % _regex_win32_obj,
    comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, cwd=_regex_win32_dir)
    output, err = comp_process.communicate()
    exit_code = comp_process.returncode
    if exit_code != 0:  # pragma: debug
        print(' '.join(cmd))
        tools.print_encoded(output, end="")
        raise RuntimeError("Could not create regex_win32.obj")
    assert (os.path.isfile(_regex_win32_obj))
    # Create library
    cmd = ['lib', '/out:%s' % _regex_win32_lib, _regex_win32_obj]
    comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, cwd=_regex_win32_dir)
    output, err = comp_process.communicate()
    exit_code = comp_process.returncode
    if exit_code != 0:  # pragma: debug
        print(' '.join(cmd))
        tools.print_encoded(output, end="")
        raise RuntimeError("Could not build regex_win32.lib")
    assert (os.path.isfile(_regex_win32_lib))
Exemplo n.º 2
def build_regex_win32():  # pragma: windows
    r"""Build the regex_win32 library using cmake."""
    # Configure project
    cmd = ['cmake', '-H.', '-Bbuild']
    comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, cwd=_regex_win32_dir)
    output, err = comp_process.communicate()
    exit_code = comp_process.returncode
    if exit_code != 0:  # pragma: debug
        print(' '.join(cmd))
        tools.print_encoded(output, end="")
        raise RuntimeError("Could not config regex_win32")
    # Build project
    cmd = ['cmake', '--build', 'build', '--clean-first']
    comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, cwd=_regex_win32_dir)
    output, err = comp_process.communicate()
    exit_code = comp_process.returncode
    if exit_code != 0:  # pragma: debug
        print(' '.join(cmd))
        tools.print_encoded(output, end="")
        raise RuntimeError("Could not build regex_win32")
Exemplo n.º 3
            # If the receive was not succesful, send the end-of-file message to
            # close the output file.
            print("End of file input (Python)")

    # Read rows from ASCII table until end of file is reached.
    # As each row is received, it is then sent to the output ASCII table
    print('ascii_io(P): Receiving/sending ASCII table.')
    ret = True
    while ret:
        # Receive a single row
        (ret, line) = in_table.recv_row()
        if ret:
            # If the receive was succesful, send the values to output.
            # Formatting is taken care of on the output driver side.
            print_encoded("Table: %s, %d, %3.1f, %s" % line)
            # print("Table: %s, %d, %3.1f, %s" % line)
            ret = out_table.send_row(*line)
            if not ret:
                print("ascii_io(P): ERROR SENDING ROW")
                error_code = -1
            # If the receive was not succesful, send the end-of-file message to
            # close the output file.
            print("End of table input (Python)")

    # Read entire array from ASCII table into numpy array
    ret = True
    while ret:
Exemplo n.º 4
def do_compile(src,
    r"""Compile a C/C++ program with necessary interface libraries.

        src (list): List of source files.
        out (str, optional): Path where compile executable should be saved.
            Defaults to name of source file without extension on linux/osx and
            with .exe extension on windows.
        cc (str, optional): Compiler command. Defaults to gcc/g++ on linux/osx
            and cl on windows.
        ccflags (list, optional): Compiler flags. Defaults to [].
        ldflags (list, optional): Linker flags. Defaults to [].
        working_dir (str, optional): Working directory that input file paths are
            relative to. Defaults to current working directory.

        str: Full path to the compiled executable.

    if working_dir is None:  # pragma: no cover
        working_dir = os.getcwd()
    if ccflags is None:  # pragma: no cover
        ccflags = []
    if ldflags is None:  # pragma: no cover
        ldflags = []
    _compile_flags, _linker_flags = get_flags()
    ldflags0 = _linker_flags
    if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
        ccflags0 = ['/W4', '/Zi', "/EHsc"]
        ccflags0 = ['-g', '-Wall']
    ccflags0 += _compile_flags
    # Change format for path (windows compat of examples)
    if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
        for i in range(len(src)):
            src[i] = os.path.join(*(src[i].split('/')))
    # Get primary file
    cfile = src[0]
    src_base, src_ext = os.path.splitext(cfile)
    # Select compiler
    if cc is None:
        if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
            cc = 'cl'
            if src_ext in ['.c']:
                cc = 'gcc'
                cc = 'g++'
    # Create/fix executable
    if out is None:
        if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
            osuffix = '_%s.exe' % src_ext[1:]
            osuffix = '_%s.out' % src_ext[1:]
        out = src_base + osuffix
    if not os.path.isabs(out):
        out = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(working_dir, out))
    # Get flag specifying standard library
    if '++' in cc and (not platform._is_win):
        std_flag = None
        for a in ccflags:
            if a.startswith('-std='):
                std_flag = a
        if std_flag is None:
    # Construct compile arguments
    compile_args = [cc]
    if not platform._is_win:
        compile_args += ["-o", out]
    compile_args += src + ccflags0 + ccflags
    if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
        compile_args += ['/link', '/out:%s' % out]
    compile_args += ldflags0 + ldflags
    if os.path.isfile(out):
    # Compile
    comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(compile_args)
    output, err = comp_process.communicate()
    exit_code = comp_process.returncode
    if exit_code != 0:  # pragma: debug
        print(' '.join(compile_args))
        tools.print_encoded(output, end="")
        raise RuntimeError("Compilation failed with code %d." % exit_code)
    assert (os.path.isfile(out))
    return out