Exemplo n.º 1
def run(data, quiet=False):  # do not edit this line
    Executes plugin
    :param quiet: be more silent on returned information
    :param data: data to process
    :return: returncode, out, err

    # By default it returns list, so get only one item
    sourceid = citellus.getids(include=['/core/system/clock-1-ntpd.sh'])[0]
    targetid = citellus.getids(include=['/core/system/clock-1-chrony.sh'])[0]

    mangle = False

    # Grab source data
    if sourceid in data:
        if data[sourceid]['result']['rc'] == citellus.RC_OKAY:
            mangle = True

    if mangle:
        # We now fake result as SKIPPED and copy to datahook dict the new data
        data[targetid]['datahook'] = {}
        data[targetid]['datahook']['prior'] = dict(data[targetid]['result'])
        data[targetid]['result']['rc'] = citellus.RC_SKIPPED
            'err'] = 'Marked as skipped by data hook %s' % os.path.basename(
        citellus.LOG.debug("Data mangled for plugin %s:" %

    return data
Exemplo n.º 2
def init():
    Initializes module
    :return: List of triggers for Plugin
    ids = citellus.getids(include=['/core/openstack/mysql/seqno.sh'])
    return ids
Exemplo n.º 3
def runtest(testtype='False'):
    Actually run the test for UT
    :param testtype: argument to pass to setup script
    :return: returncode
    # testtype will be 'pass', 'fail', 'skipped'

    # We're iterating against the different UT tests defined in UT-tests folder
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='citellus-tmp')

    # Setup test for 'testtype'
    subprocess.check_output([uttest, uttest, testtype, tmpdir],

    # Run test against it
    res = citellus.docitellus(path=tmpdir, plugins=citplugs)

    plugid = citellus.getids(plugins=citplugs)[0]
    # Get Return code
    rc = res[plugid]['result']['rc']

    # Remove tmp folder

    # Check if it passed
    return rc
Exemplo n.º 4
def init():
    Initializes module
    :return: List of triggers for Plugin
    ids = citellus.getids(include=['/metadata/system/release.sh'])
    return ids
Exemplo n.º 5
 def test_runplugin_fail(self):
     plugins = citellus.findplugins(folders=[testplugins], include=['exit_failed.sh'])
     results = citellus.docitellus(plugins=plugins)
     plugid = citellus.getids(plugins=plugins)[0]
     assert results[plugid]['result']['rc'] == citellus.RC_FAILED
     assert results[plugid]['result']['out'].endswith('something on stdout\n')
     assert results[plugid]['result']['err'].endswith('something on stderr\n')
Exemplo n.º 6
def init():
    Initializes module
    :return: List of triggers for Plugin

    triggers = citellus.getids(include=['faraday/positive'])
    return triggers
Exemplo n.º 7
def run(data, quiet=False):  # do not edit this line
    Executes plugin
    :param quiet: be more silent on returned information
    :param data: data to process
    :return: returncode, out, err

    # prefill plugins we had used:
    plugins = []
    for item in data:
        plugin = {'plugin': data[item]['plugin'],
                  'id': data[item]['id']}

    # Find available profile definitions
    profiles = citellus.findplugins(folders=[pluginsdir], executables=False, fileextension='.txt')
    for item in profiles:
        uid = citellus.getids(plugins=[item])[0]
        profile = item['plugin']

        plugin = dict(item)

        # Precreate storage for this profile
        name = "Profiles: %s" % os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(profile.replace(pluginsdir, ''))[0])
        subcategory = ''
        category = name

        data[uid] = {"category": category,
                     "hash": item['hash'],
                     "plugin": item['plugin'],
                     "name": name,
                     "result": {"rc": int(os.environ['RC_OKAY']),
                                "err": "",
                                "out": ""},
                     "time": 0,
                     "backend": "profile",
                     "id": uid,
                     "subcategory": subcategory}

        metadata = {'description': citellus.regexpfile(filename=plugin['plugin'], regexp='\A# description:')[14:].strip(),
                    'long_name': citellus.regexpfile(filename=plugin['plugin'], regexp='\A# long_name:')[12:].strip(),
                    'bugzilla': citellus.regexpfile(filename=plugin['plugin'], regexp='\A# bugzilla:')[11:].strip(),
                    'priority': int(citellus.regexpfile(filename=plugin['plugin'], regexp='\A# priority:')[11:].strip() or 0)}

        # Start asembling data for the plugins relevant for profile
        data[uid]['result']['err'] = ''
        ids = plugidsforprofile(profile=profile, plugins=plugins)
        for id in ids:
            data[uid]['result']['err'] = data[uid]['result']['err'] + "\n" + "%s" % {'plugin': data[id]['plugin'].replace(os.path.join(citellus.citellusdir, 'plugins'), ''), 'err': data[id]['result']['err'].strip(), 'rc': data[id]['result']['rc']}

        data[uid]['components'] = ids

    return data
Exemplo n.º 8
def plugidsforprofile(profile, plugins):
    Gets plugin id's related with profile includes/excludes
    :param profile: profile file to open
    :param plugins: plugins in citellus exection
    :return: array of id's
    # Open Profile definition for read and fill filters for plugins
    include = []
    exclude = []
    with open(profile, 'r') as f:
        for line in f:
            if re.match('\A\+.*', line):
            if re.match('\A\-.*', line):
    ids = citellus.getids(plugins=plugins, include=include, exclude=exclude)

    return ids
Exemplo n.º 9
def run(data, quiet=False):  # do not edit this line
    Executes plugin
    :param quiet: be more silent on returned information
    :param data: data to process
    :return: returncode, out, err

    # prefill plugins we had used:
    plugins = []
    for item in data:
        plugin = {"plugin": data[item]["plugin"], "id": data[item]["id"]}

    # Find available profile definitions
    profiles = citellus.findplugins(folders=[pluginsdir],
    for item in profiles:
        uid = citellus.getids(plugins=[item])[0]
        profile = item["plugin"]

        plugin = dict(item)

        # Precreate storage for this profile
        name = "Profiles: %s" % os.path.basename(
            os.path.splitext(profile.replace(pluginsdir, ""))[0])
        subcategory = ""
        category = name

        data[uid] = {
            "category": category,
            "hash": item["hash"],
            "plugin": item["plugin"],
            "name": name,
            "result": {
                "rc": 0,
                "err": "",
                "out": ""
            "time": 0,
            "backend": "profile",
            "id": uid,
            "subcategory": subcategory,

        metadata = {
                                regexp=r"\A# description:")[14:].strip(),
                                regexp=r"\A# long_name:")[12:].strip(),
                                regexp=r"\A# bugzilla:")[11:].strip(),
                                    regexp=r"\A# priority:")[11:].strip()
                or 0),

        # start with OK status
        okay = int(os.environ["RC_OKAY"])
        failed = int(os.environ["RC_FAILED"])
        skipped = int(os.environ["RC_SKIPPED"])
        info = int(os.environ["RC_INFO"])

        # Start asembling data for the plugins relevant for profile
        data[uid]["result"]["err"] = ""
        ids = plugidsforprofile(profile=profile, plugins=plugins)

        new_results = []
        overallitems = []

        for id in ids:
            if id in data:
                if "sysinfo" in name and data[id]["result"]["rc"] == skipped:
                    # Do nothing as we don't want to show skipped in sysinfo
                            os.path.join(citellus.citellusdir, "plugins"), ""),

        if "sysinfo" in name:
            if okay in overallitems or failed in overallitems or info in overallitems:
                overall = info
                # No plugins matched, so skip it
                overall = skipped
            if failed in overallitems:
                overall = failed
            elif info in overallitems:
                overall = info
            elif skipped in overallitems:
                overall = skipped
                overall = okay

        data[uid]["result"]["err"] = json.dumps(new_results)
        data[uid]["components"] = ids
        data[uid]["result"]["rc"] = overall

    return data
Exemplo n.º 10
def run(data, quiet=False):  # do not edit this line
    Executes plugin
    :param quiet: be more silent on returned information
    :param data: data to process
    :return: returncode, out, err

    # Act on all faraday-exec plugins
    idstodel = []
    datatoadd = []

    # Loop over plugin id's in data
    faradayids = citellus.getids(include=['faraday/positive', 'faraday/negative'])

    for pluginid in data:
        if data[pluginid]['id'] in faradayids:
            # Make a copy of dict for working on it
            plugin = dict(data[pluginid])

            # Add plugin ID to be removed for resulting data so magui doesn't compare the whole set of nics at the same time

            err = str(plugin['result']['err'])
            rc = int(plugin['result']['rc'])
            plugpath = str(plugin['plugin'])
            id = str(plugin['id'])
            ln = str(plugin['long_name'])
            desc = str(plugin['description'])
            name = str(plugin['name'])

            # Iterate over NIC pairs
            for pair in err.split(";"):
                if pair != '':
                    # For each value split and fake plugin entry
                    newid = "%s-%s" % (id, citellus.calcid(string=pair.split(":")[0]))
                    update = {'id': newid, 'description': '%s: %s' % (desc, pair.split(":")[0]),
                              'long_name': '%s: %s' % (ln, pair.split(":")[0]),
                              'plugin': '%s-%s' % (plugpath, pair.split(":")[0]),
                              'name': 'Faraday: %s' % name}

                    resultupdate = {'result': {'err': pair, 'out': '', 'rc': rc}}

                    # Update plugin dictionary with forged values

                    plugin['result']['err'] = str(pair)

                    # Append new modified plugin to dataset
                    datatoadd.append({newid: dict(plugin)})

    # Process id's to remove
    for id in idstodel:
        del data[id]

    # Process data to add
    for item in datatoadd:

    return data
Exemplo n.º 11
def run(data, quiet=False):  # do not edit this line
    Executes plugin
    :param quiet: be more silent on returned information
    :param data: data to process
    :return: returncode, out, err

    # Act on all faraday-exec plugins
    idstodel = []
    datatoadd = []

    # Loop over plugin id's in data
    faradayids = citellus.getids(include=["faraday/positive", "faraday/negative"])

    for pluginid in data:
        if data[pluginid]["id"] in faradayids:
            # Make a copy of dict for working on it
            plugin = dict(data[pluginid])

            # Add plugin ID to be removed for resulting data so magui doesn't compare the whole set of nics at the same time

            err = str(plugin["result"]["err"])
            rc = int(plugin["result"]["rc"])
            plugpath = str(plugin["plugin"])
            id = str(plugin["id"])
            ln = str(plugin["long_name"])
            desc = str(plugin["description"])
            name = str(plugin["name"])
            kb = str(plugin["kb"])

            # Iterate over NIC pairs
            for pair in err.split(";"):
                if pair != "":
                    # For each value split and fake plugin entry
                    newid = "%s-%s" % (id, citellus.calcid(string=pair.split(":")[0]))
                    update = {
                        "id": newid,
                        "description": "%s: %s" % (desc, pair.split(":")[0]),
                        "long_name": "%s: %s" % (ln, pair.split(":")[0]),
                        "plugin": "%s-%s" % (plugpath, pair.split(":")[0]),
                        "name": "Faraday: %s" % name,
                        "kb": kb,

                    resultupdate = {"result": {"err": pair, "out": "", "rc": rc}}

                    # Update plugin dictionary with forged values

                    plugin["result"]["err"] = str(pair)

                    # Append new modified plugin to dataset
                    datatoadd.append({newid: dict(plugin)})

    # Process id's to remove
    for id in idstodel:
        del data[id]

    # Process data to add
    for item in datatoadd:

    return data