Exemplo n.º 1
def harvest_jobs_run(context, data_dict):
    Runs scheduled jobs, checks if any jobs need marking as finished, and
    resubmits queue items if needed.

    This should be called every few minutes (e.g. by a cron), or else jobs
    will never show as finished.

    This used to also 'run' new jobs created by the web UI, putting them onto
    the gather queue, but now this is done by default when you create a job. If
    you need to send do this explicitly, then use

    :param source_id: the id of the harvest source, if you just want to check
                      for its finished jobs (optional)
    :type source_id: string
    log.info('Harvest job run: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_jobs_run', context, data_dict)

    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id')

    # Scheduled jobs
    if not source_id:
        _make_scheduled_jobs(context, data_dict)

    context['return_objects'] = False

    # Flag finished jobs as such
    jobs = harvest_job_list(context, {
        'source_id': source_id,
        'status': u'Running'
    if len(jobs):
        for job in jobs:
            if job['gather_finished']:
                num_objects_in_progress = \
                    session.query(HarvestObject.id) \
                           .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == job['id']) \
                           .filter(and_((HarvestObject.state != u'COMPLETE'),
                                        (HarvestObject.state != u'ERROR'))) \

                if num_objects_in_progress == 0:
                    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
                    job_obj.status = u'Finished'
                    log.info('Marking job as finished %s %s',
                             job_obj.source.url, job_obj.id)

                    # save the time of finish, according to the last running
                    # object
                    last_object = session.query(HarvestObject) \
                        .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == job['id']) \
                        HarvestObject.import_finished != None  # noqa: E711
                    ).order_by(HarvestObject.import_finished.desc()) \
                    if last_object:
                        job_obj.finished = last_object.import_finished
                        job_obj.finished = job['gather_finished']

                    # Reindex the harvest source dataset so it has the latest
                    # status
                        context, {
                            'id': job_obj.source.id

                    status = get_action('harvest_source_show_status')(
                        context, {
                            'id': job_obj.source.id

                    if config.get('ckan.harvest.status_mail') == 'errors' \
                       and status['last_job']['stats']['errored']:
                        subject, body = prepare_error_mail(
                            context, job_obj.source_id, status,

                        log.info('Sending error mail')
                        send_mail(context, job_obj.source.id, subject, body)

                    if config.get('ckan.harvest.status_mail') == 'all':
                        subject, body = prepare_summary_mail(
                            context, job_obj.source.id, status,

                        log.info('Sending summary email')
                        send_mail(context, job_obj.source.id, subject, body)
                    log.debug('Ongoing job:%s source:%s', job['id'],
    log.debug('No jobs to send to the gather queue')

    # Resubmit old redis tasks

    # Resubmit pending objects missing from Redis

    return []  # merely for backwards compatibility
Exemplo n.º 2
def harvest_jobs_run(context, data_dict):
    Runs scheduled jobs, checks if any jobs need marking as finished, and
    resubmits queue items if needed.

    If ckanext.harvest.timeout is set:
    Check if the duration of the job is longer than ckanext.harvest.timeout, 
    then mark that job as finished as there is probably an underlying issue with the harvest process.

    This should be called every few minutes (e.g. by a cron), or else jobs
    will never show as finished.

    This used to also 'run' new jobs created by the web UI, putting them onto
    the gather queue, but now this is done by default when you create a job. If
    you need to send do this explicitly, then use

    :param source_id: the id of the harvest source, if you just want to check
                      for its finished jobs (optional)
    :type source_id: string
    log.info('Harvest job run: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_jobs_run', context, data_dict)
    timeout = config.get('ckan.harvest.timeout')

    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id')

    # Scheduled jobs
    if not source_id:
        _make_scheduled_jobs(context, data_dict)

    context['return_objects'] = False

    # Flag finished jobs as such
    jobs = harvest_job_list(context, {
        'source_id': source_id,
        'status': u'Running'
    if len(jobs):
        for job in jobs:
            if timeout:
                created = datetime.datetime.strptime(job['created'],
                                                     '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                now = datetime.datetime.now()
                if now - created > datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(timeout)):
                    msg = 'Job timeout: %s is taking longer than %s minutes' % (
                        job['id'], timeout)

                    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
                    job_obj.status = u'Finished'
                    job_obj.finished = now

                    err = HarvestGatherError(message=msg, job=job_obj)
                    log.info('Marking job as finished due to error: %s %s',
                             job_obj.source.url, job_obj.id)

            if job['gather_finished']:
                num_objects_in_progress = \
                    session.query(HarvestObject.id) \
                           .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == job['id']) \
                           .filter(and_((HarvestObject.state != u'COMPLETE'),
                                        (HarvestObject.state != u'ERROR'))) \

                if num_objects_in_progress == 0:
                    job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
                    job_obj.status = u'Finished'
                    log.info('Marking job as finished %s %s',
                             job_obj.source.url, job_obj.id)

                    # save the time of finish, according to the last running
                    # object
                    last_object = session.query(HarvestObject) \
                        .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == job['id']) \
                        HarvestObject.import_finished != None  # noqa: E711
                    ).order_by(HarvestObject.import_finished.desc()) \
                    if last_object:
                        job_obj.finished = last_object.import_finished
                        job_obj.finished = job['gather_finished']

                    # Reindex the harvest source dataset so it has the latest
                    # status
                        context, {
                            'id': job_obj.source.id

                    status = get_action('harvest_source_show_status')(
                        context, {
                            'id': job_obj.source.id

                    if toolkit.asbool(config.get('ckan.harvest.status_mail.errored'))\
                            and (status['last_job']['stats']['errored']):
                        send_error_mail(context, job_obj.source.id, status)
                    log.debug('Ongoing job:%s source:%s', job['id'],
    log.debug('No jobs to send to the gather queue')

    # Resubmit old redis tasks

    # Resubmit pending objects missing from Redis

    return []  # merely for backwards compatibility
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_resubmit_objects(self):
        Test that only harvest objects re-submitted which were not be present in the redis fetch queue.
        if config.get('ckan.harvest.mq.type') != 'redis':
        # make sure that there are no old elements in the redis db
        redis = queue.get_connection()
        fetch_routing_key = queue.get_fetch_routing_key()
            # make sure queues/exchanges are created first and are empty
            consumer = queue.get_gather_consumer()
            consumer_fetch = queue.get_fetch_consumer()

            user = toolkit.get_action('get_site_user')(
                {'model': model, 'ignore_auth': True}, {}

            context = {'model': model, 'session': model.Session,
                       'user': user, 'api_version': 3, 'ignore_auth': True}

            harvest_source, job_id = self._create_harvest_job_and_finish_gather_stage(consumer, context)

            assert redis.llen(fetch_routing_key) == 3

            # do only one time for the first harvest object
            reply = consumer_fetch.basic_get(queue='ckan.harvest.fetch')
            queue.fetch_callback(consumer_fetch, *reply)

            count = model.Session.query(model.Package) \
                .filter(model.Package.type == 'dataset') \
            assert count == 1

            all_objects = model.Session.query(HarvestObject).order_by(HarvestObject.state.asc()).all()
            assert len(all_objects) == 3
            assert all_objects[0].state == 'COMPLETE'
            assert all_objects[0].report_status == 'added'
            assert all_objects[0].current is True
            assert all_objects[1].state == 'WAITING'
            assert all_objects[1].current is False
            assert all_objects[2].state == 'WAITING'
            assert all_objects[2].current is False

            assert len(redis.keys(fetch_routing_key + ':*')) == 0
            assert redis.llen(fetch_routing_key) == 2

            # Remove one object from redis that should be re-sent to the fetch queue
            reply = consumer_fetch.basic_get(queue='ckan.harvest.fetch')
            fetch_queue_items = redis.lrange(fetch_routing_key, 0, 10)
            assert len(fetch_queue_items) == 1
            harvest_object_id = reply[2]
            assert fetch_queue_items[0] != harvest_object_id


            assert redis.llen(fetch_routing_key) == 2
            fetch_queue_items = redis.lrange(fetch_routing_key, 0, 10)
            assert harvest_object_id in fetch_queue_items
            assert redis.dbsize() == 1
Exemplo n.º 4
def harvest_jobs_run(context, data_dict):
    Runs scheduled jobs, checks if any jobs need marking as finished, and
    resubmits queue items if needed.

    If ckanext.harvest.timeout is set:
    Check if the duration of the job is longer than ckanext.harvest.timeout,
    then mark that job as finished as there is probably an underlying issue with the harvest process.

    This should be called every few minutes (e.g. by a cron), or else jobs
    will never show as finished.

    This used to also 'run' new jobs created by the web UI, putting them onto
    the gather queue, but now this is done by default when you create a job. If
    you need to send do this explicitly, then use

    :param source_id: the id of the harvest source, if you just want to check
                      for its finished jobs (optional)
    :type source_id: string
    log.info('Harvest job run: %r', data_dict)
    check_access('harvest_jobs_run', context, data_dict)
    timeout = config.get('ckan.harvest.timeout')

    session = context['session']

    source_id = data_dict.get('source_id')

    # Scheduled jobs
    if not source_id:
        _make_scheduled_jobs(context, data_dict)

    context['return_objects'] = False

    # Flag finished jobs as such
    jobs = harvest_job_list(context, {
        'source_id': source_id,
        'status': u'Running'
    if len(jobs):
        for job in jobs:
            job_obj = HarvestJob.get(job['id'])
            if timeout:
                last_time = job_obj.get_last_action_time()
                now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
                if now - last_time > datetime.timedelta(minutes=int(timeout)):
                    msg = 'Job {} timeout ({} minutes)\n'.format(
                        job_obj.id, timeout)
                    msg += '\tJob created: {}\n'.format(job_obj.created)
                    msg += '\tJob gather finished: {}\n'.format(
                    msg += '\tJob last action time: {}\n'.format(last_time)

                    job_obj.status = u'Finished'
                    job_obj.finished = now

                    err = HarvestGatherError(message=msg, job=job_obj)
                    log.info('Marking job as finished due to error: %s %s',
                             job_obj.source.url, job_obj.id)

            if job['gather_finished']:
                num_objects_in_progress = \
                    session.query(HarvestObject.id) \
                        .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == job['id']) \
                        .filter(and_((HarvestObject.state != u'COMPLETE'),
                                     (HarvestObject.state != u'ERROR'))) \

                if num_objects_in_progress == 0:

                    job_obj.status = u'Finished'
                    log.info('Marking job as finished %s %s',
                             job_obj.source.url, job_obj.id)

                    # save the time of finish, according to the last running
                    # object
                    last_object = session.query(HarvestObject) \
                        .filter(HarvestObject.harvest_job_id == job['id']) \
                        HarvestObject.import_finished != None  # noqa: E711
                    ).order_by(HarvestObject.import_finished.desc()) \
                    if last_object:
                        job_obj.finished = last_object.import_finished
                        job_obj.finished = job['gather_finished']

                    # Reindex the harvest source dataset so it has the latest
                    # status
                        context, {
                            'id': job_obj.source.id

                    status = get_action('harvest_source_show_status')(
                        context, {
                            'id': job_obj.source.id

                    notify_all = toolkit.asbool(
                    notify_errors = toolkit.asbool(
                    last_job_errors = status['last_job']['stats'].get(
                        'errored', 0)
                        'Notifications: All:{} On error:{} Errors:{}'.format(
                            notify_all, notify_errors, last_job_errors))

                    if last_job_errors > 0 and (notify_all or notify_errors):
                        # send_error_mail_ncar(context, job_obj)
                        # get_mail_extra_vars(context, job_obj.source.id, status)
                        send_error_email(context, job_obj.source.id, status)
                    elif notify_all:
                        send_summary_email(context, job_obj.source.id, status)
                    log.debug('%d Ongoing jobs for %s (source:%s)',
                              num_objects_in_progress, job['id'],
    log.debug('No jobs to send to the gather queue')

    # Resubmit old redis tasks

    # Resubmit pending objects missing from Redis

    # log.debug('Start of commit and close')
    # session.commit()
    # log.debug('  (Start of close)')
    # session.close()
    # log.debug('End of commit and close')

    return []  # merely for backwards compatibility
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_raise_child_error_and_retry(self):
        """ if a harvest job for a child fails because 
            parent still not exists we need to ensure
            this job will be retried. 
            This test emulate the case we harvest children first
            (e.g. if we have several active queues).
            Just for CKAN 2.8 env"""

        # start harvest process with gather to create harvest objects
        url = '' % self.mock_port
        assert_equal(len(self.harvest_objects), 3)

        # create a publisher to send this objects to the fetch queue
        publisher = queue.get_fetch_publisher()

        for ho in self.harvest_objects:
            ho = harvest_model.HarvestObject.get(ho.id)  # refresh
            ho_data = json.loads(ho.content)
            assert_equal(ho.state, 'WAITING')
            log.info('HO: {}\n\tCurrent: {}'.format(ho_data['identifier'],
            assert_equal(ho.retry_times, 0)
            publisher.send({'harvest_object_id': ho.id})
            log.info('Harvest object sent to the fetch queue {} as {}'.format(
                ho_data['identifier'], ho.id))


        # run fetch for elements in the wrong order (first a child, the a parent)

        class FakeMethod(object):
            ''' This is to act like the method returned by AMQP'''
            def __init__(self, message):
                self.delivery_tag = message

        # get the fetch
        consumer_fetch = queue.get_fetch_consumer()
        qname = queue.get_fetch_queue_name()

        # first a child and assert to get an error
        r2 = json.dumps({"harvest_object_id": self.harvest_objects[1].id})
        r0 = FakeMethod(r2)
        with assert_raises(ParentNotHarvestedException):
            queue.fetch_callback(consumer_fetch, r0, None, r2)
        assert_equal(self.harvest_objects[1].retry_times, 1)
        assert_equal(self.harvest_objects[1].state, "ERROR")

        # run the parent later, like in a different queue
        r2 = json.dumps({"harvest_object_id": self.harvest_objects[0].id})
        r0 = FakeMethod(r2)
        queue.fetch_callback(consumer_fetch, r0, None, r2)
        assert_equal(self.harvest_objects[0].retry_times, 1)
        assert_equal(self.harvest_objects[0].state, "COMPLETE")

        # Check status on harvest objects
        # We expect one child with error, parent ok and second child still waiting
        for ho in self.harvest_objects:
            ho = harvest_model.HarvestObject.get(ho.id)  # refresh
            ho_data = json.loads(ho.content)
            idf = ho_data['identifier']
                '\nHO2: {}\n\tState: {}\n\tCurrent: {}\n\tGathered {}'.format(
                    idf, ho.state, ho.current, ho.gathered))
            if idf == 'OPM-ERround-0001':
                assert_equal(ho.state, 'COMPLETE')
            elif idf == 'OPM-ERround-0001-AWOL':
                assert_equal(ho.state, 'ERROR')
                ho_awol_id = ho.id
            elif idf == 'OPM-ERround-0001-Retire':
                assert_equal(ho.state, 'WAITING')
                ho_retire_id = ho.id
                raise Exception('Unexpected identifier: "{}"'.format(idf))

        # resubmit jobs and objects as harvest_jobs_run does
        # we expect the errored harvest object is in this queue

        # iterate over the fetch consumer queue again and check pending harvest objects
        harvest_objects = []
        while True:
            method, header, body = consumer_fetch.basic_get(queue=qname)
            if body is None:

            body_data = json.loads(body)
            ho_id = body_data.get('harvest_object_id', None)
            log.info('Adding ho_id {}'.format(ho_id))
            if ho_id is not None:
                ho = harvest_model.HarvestObject.get(ho_id)
                if ho is not None:
                    content = json.loads(ho.content)
                    log.info('Harvest object found {}: {} '.format(
                        content['identifier'], ho.state))
                    log.info('Harvest object not found {}'.format(ho_id))

        ho_ids = [ho.id for ho in harvest_objects]

        # Now, we expect the waiting child and the errored one to be in the fetch queue

        log.info('Searching wainting object "Retire ID"')
        assert_in(ho_retire_id, ho_ids)

        log.info('Searching errored object "Awol ID"')
        assert_in(ho_awol_id, ho_ids)