def create_zip(self, resource):
        Create the ZIP file matching the current request.

        :return: The ZIP file name
        schema = self.schema()
        ckan_params = dict([(k, v) for (k, v) in self.request_params.items() if schema[k][2]])
        ckan_resource = CkanResource(self.request_params['api_url'],
                                     self.request_params.get('key', None),
                                     self.config['PAGE_SIZE'], ckan_params)
  "Fetching fields")
            # read the datastore fields and determine the backend type
            fields, backend = ckan_resource.get_fields_and_backend()
            # write fields to out file as headers
            fields = self._write_headers(resource, fields)

  "Fetching records")
            # retrieve the records and write them as we go (ckan_resource.get_records returns a
            # generator)
            self._write_records(ckan_resource.get_records(backend), fields, resource)
            # finalize the resource
            self._finalize_resource(fields, resource)
            # zip the file
 def test_request_authorization(self):
     Ensure an authorization header is added
     httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', body=EMPTY_BODY)
     r = CkanResource('', 'somekey', 1, {'offset': None, 'limit': None})
     assert_equals(httpretty.last_request().headers['authorization'], 'somekey')
 def test_request_parameters(self):
     Ensure request parameters are passed to the request
     httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', body=EMPTY_BODY)
     r = CkanResource('', None, 34, {'carrot': 'cake'})
     assert_equals(json.loads(httpretty.last_request().body), {'offset': 0, 'limit': 34,
                                                               'carrot': 'cake'})
 def test_request_url(self):
     Ensure we get a stream queried with the given URL
     httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', body=EMPTY_BODY)
     r = CkanResource('', None, 42, {})
     assert_equals(httpretty.last_request().path, '/test')
     assert_equals(json.loads(httpretty.last_request().body), {'offset': 0, 'limit': 42})
    def test_request_failure(self):
        Ensure an exception is raised when the query returns a non-200 status code
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', status=500)
        r = CkanResource('', None, 1, {'offset': None, 'limit': None})

        with assert_raises(StreamError):
 def test_request_no_limit(self):
     Ensure the page size is used when there is no limit specified
     httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', body=EMPTY_BODY)
     page_size = 57
     r = CkanResource('', None, page_size,
                      {'offset': None, 'limit': None})
     assert_equals(json.loads(httpretty.last_request().body), {'offset': 0, 'limit': page_size})
    def test_request_limit_limit_lower(self):
        If a limit is present it should be used as limit for the number of records to download and
        the overall page size limit should be used to determine how many records should be
        downloaded. However, the lower of the page size and the limit should be used as the CKAN
        request limit to avoid getting far more records than needed. This tests the scenario when
        the requested limit is lower than the page size.
        page_size = 200
        responses = [
            httpretty.Response(json.dumps({'result': {'records': list(range(10))}})),
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', responses=responses)

        r = CkanResource('', None, page_size,
                         {'offset': 4, 'limit': 10})
        records = list(r.get_records())
        assert_equals(len(records), 10)
        assert_equals(json.loads(httpretty.last_request().body), {'offset': 4, 'limit': 10})
    def test_request_limit_size_lower(self):
        If a limit is present it should be used as limit for the number of records to download and
        the overall page size limit should be used to determine how many records should be
        downloaded. However, the lower of the page size and the limit should be used as the CKAN
        request limit to avoid getting far more records than needed. This tests the scenario when
        the page size is lower than the requested limit.
        page_size = 2
        responses = [
            httpretty.Response(json.dumps({'result': {'records': list(range(page_size))}})),
            httpretty.Response(json.dumps({'result': {'records': list(range(page_size))}})),
            httpretty.Response(json.dumps({'result': {'records': list(range(page_size))}})),
        httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, '', responses=responses)

        r = CkanResource('', None, page_size,
                         {'offset': 4, 'limit': 10})
        records = list(r.get_records())
        assert_equals(len(records), 10)
        # the last request's offset should be 12 because we're requesting 10 records starting at 4
        # and each request size is 2, therefore the requests should be from offsets 4, 6, 8, 10 and
        # 12 at which point the target limit is reached and our work is done
        assert_equals(json.loads(httpretty.last_request().body), {'offset': 12, 'limit': 2})