Exemplo n.º 1
def resource_create(context, data_dict):
    '''Appends a new resource to a datasets list of resources.

    This is duplicate of the CKAN core resource_create action, with just the
    addition of a synchronous data validation step.

    This is of course not ideal but it's the only way right now to hook
    reliably into the creation process without overcomplicating things.
    Hopefully future versions of CKAN will incorporate more flexible hook
    points that will allow a better approach.

    model = context['model']

    package_id = t.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'package_id')
    if not data_dict.get('url'):
        data_dict['url'] = ''

    pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(dict(context, return_type='dict'),
                                                'id': package_id

    t.check_access('resource_create', context, data_dict)

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.before_create(context, data_dict)

    if 'resources' not in pkg_dict:
        pkg_dict['resources'] = []

    upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(data_dict)

    if 'mimetype' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
            data_dict['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

    if 'size' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
            data_dict['size'] = upload.filesize


        context['defer_commit'] = True
        context['use_cache'] = False
        t.get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)
    except t.ValidationError, e:
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict['resources'][-1])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict)
Exemplo n.º 2
def scheming_organization_schema_show(context, data_dict):
    Return the scheming schema for a given organization type

    :param type: the organization type
    :param expanded: True to expand presets (default)
    t = get_or_bust(data_dict, 'type')
    expanded = data_dict.get('expanded', True)
    s = scheming_get_organization_schema(t, expanded)
    if s is None:
        raise ObjectNotFound()
    return s
Exemplo n.º 3
def scheming_organization_schema_show(context, data_dict):
    Return the scheming schema for a given organization type

    :param type: the organization type
    :param expanded: True to expand presets (default)
    t = get_or_bust(data_dict, 'type')
    expanded = data_dict.get('expanded', True)
    s = scheming_get_organization_schema(t, expanded)
    if s is None:
        raise ObjectNotFound()
    return s
Exemplo n.º 4
def scheming_group_schema_show(context, data_dict):
    Return the scheming schema for a given group type

    :param type: the group type
    :param expanded: True to expand presets (default)
    t = get_or_bust(data_dict, 'type')
    expanded = data_dict.get('expanded', True)
    s = scheming_get_group_schema(t, expanded)
    if s is None:
        raise ObjectNotFound()
    return s
Exemplo n.º 5
def workflow_state_change(context, data_dict):
    """Update state of the dataset.

    The only mandatory key in `data_dict` is `id`, which represents
    updated package. Rest of items will be passed to the
    `State.change` method.

    :param id: id of updated package.
    :type id: str

    id = tk.get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")
    tk.check_access("workflow_state_change", context, data_dict)
    pkg = tk.get_action("package_show")(context.copy(), {"id": id})
    state = tk.h.workflow_get_state(pkg)
    state = state.change(data_dict)
    return state.save(context.copy())
Exemplo n.º 6
def resource_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a resource.

    This is duplicate of the CKAN core resource_update action, with just the
    addition of a synchronous data validation step.

    This is of course not ideal but it's the only way right now to hook
    reliably into the creation process without overcomplicating things.
    Hopefully future versions of CKAN will incorporate more flexible hook
    points that will allow a better approach.

    model = context['model']
    id = t.get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")

    if not data_dict.get('url'):
        data_dict['url'] = ''

    resource = model.Resource.get(id)
    context["resource"] = resource
    old_resource_format = resource.format

    if not resource:
        log.debug('Could not find resource %s', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    t.check_access('resource_update', context, data_dict)
    del context["resource"]

    package_id = resource.package.id
    pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(dict(context, return_type='dict'),
                                                'id': package_id

    for n, p in enumerate(pkg_dict['resources']):
        if p['id'] == id:
        log.error('Could not find resource %s after all', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    # Persist the datastore_active extra if already present and not provided
    if ('datastore_active' in resource.extras
            and 'datastore_active' not in data_dict):
        data_dict['datastore_active'] = resource.extras['datastore_active']

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.before_update(context, pkg_dict['resources'][n], data_dict)

    upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(data_dict)

    if 'mimetype' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
            data_dict['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

    if 'size' not in data_dict and 'url_type' in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
            data_dict['size'] = upload.filesize

    pkg_dict['resources'][n] = data_dict

        context['defer_commit'] = True
        context['use_cache'] = False
        updated_pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)
    except t.ValidationError, e:
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict['resources'][-1])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict)
Exemplo n.º 7
def resource_update(context, data_dict):
    '''Update a resource.

    This is duplicate of the CKAN core resource_update action, with just the
    addition of a synchronous data validation step.

    This is of course not ideal but it's the only way right now to hook
    reliably into the creation process without overcomplicating things.
    Hopefully future versions of CKAN will incorporate more flexible hook
    points that will allow a better approach.

    model = context['model']
    id = t.get_or_bust(data_dict, "id")

    if not data_dict.get('url'):
        data_dict['url'] = ''

    resource = model.Resource.get(id)
    context["resource"] = resource
    old_resource_format = resource.format

    if not resource:
        log.debug('Could not find resource %s', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    t.check_access('resource_update', context, data_dict)
    del context["resource"]

    package_id = resource.package.id
    pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(dict(context, return_type='dict'),
                                            {'id': package_id})

    for n, p in enumerate(pkg_dict['resources']):
        if p['id'] == id:
        log.error('Could not find resource %s after all', id)
        raise t.ObjectNotFound(t._('Resource was not found.'))

    # Persist the datastore_active extra if already present and not provided
    if ('datastore_active' in resource.extras and
            'datastore_active' not in data_dict):
        data_dict['datastore_active'] = resource.extras['datastore_active']

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.before_update(context, pkg_dict['resources'][n], data_dict)

    upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(data_dict)

    if 'mimetype' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
            data_dict['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

    if 'size' not in data_dict and 'url_type' in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
            data_dict['size'] = upload.filesize

    pkg_dict['resources'][n] = data_dict

        context['defer_commit'] = True
        context['use_cache'] = False
        updated_pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)
    except t.ValidationError as e:
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict['resources'][-1])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict)

    upload.upload(id, uploader.get_max_resource_size())

    # Custom code starts

    if get_update_mode_from_config() == u'sync':

        run_validation = True
        for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(IDataValidation):
            if not plugin.can_validate(context, data_dict):
                log.debug('Skipping validation for resource %s', id)
                run_validation = False

        if run_validation:
            is_local_upload = (
                hasattr(upload, 'filename') and
                upload.filename is not None and
                isinstance(upload, uploader.ResourceUpload))
                id, local_upload=is_local_upload, new_resource=True)

    # Custom code ends


    resource = t.get_action('resource_show')(context, {'id': id})

    if old_resource_format != resource['format']:
            {'model': context['model'], 'user': context['user'],
             'ignore_auth': True},
            {'package': updated_pkg_dict,
             'resource': resource})

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.after_update(context, resource)

    return resource
Exemplo n.º 8
def resource_create(context, data_dict):
    '''Appends a new resource to a datasets list of resources.

    This is duplicate of the CKAN core resource_create action, with just the
    addition of a synchronous data validation step.

    This is of course not ideal but it's the only way right now to hook
    reliably into the creation process without overcomplicating things.
    Hopefully future versions of CKAN will incorporate more flexible hook
    points that will allow a better approach.

    model = context['model']

    package_id = t.get_or_bust(data_dict, 'package_id')
    if not data_dict.get('url'):
        data_dict['url'] = ''

    pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(
        dict(context, return_type='dict'),
        {'id': package_id})

    t.check_access('resource_create', context, data_dict)

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.before_create(context, data_dict)

    if 'resources' not in pkg_dict:
        pkg_dict['resources'] = []

    upload = uploader.get_resource_uploader(data_dict)

    if 'mimetype' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'mimetype'):
            data_dict['mimetype'] = upload.mimetype

    if 'size' not in data_dict:
        if hasattr(upload, 'filesize'):
            data_dict['size'] = upload.filesize


        context['defer_commit'] = True
        context['use_cache'] = False
        t.get_action('package_update')(context, pkg_dict)
    except t.ValidationError as e:
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict['resources'][-1])
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            raise t.ValidationError(e.error_dict)

    # Get out resource_id resource from model as it will not appear in
    # package_show until after commit
    resource_id = context['package'].resources[-1].id

    # Custom code starts

    if get_create_mode_from_config() == u'sync':

        run_validation = True

        for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(IDataValidation):
            if not plugin.can_validate(context, data_dict):
                log.debug('Skipping validation for resource %s', resource_id)
                run_validation = False

        if run_validation:
            is_local_upload = (
                hasattr(upload, 'filename') and
                upload.filename is not None and
                isinstance(upload, uploader.ResourceUpload))
                resource_id, local_upload=is_local_upload, new_resource=True)

    # Custom code ends


    #  Run package show again to get out actual last_resource
    updated_pkg_dict = t.get_action('package_show')(
        context, {'id': package_id})
    resource = updated_pkg_dict['resources'][-1]

    #  Add the default views to the new resource
        {'model': context['model'],
         'user': context['user'],
         'ignore_auth': True
        {'resource': resource,
         'package': updated_pkg_dict

    for plugin in plugins.PluginImplementations(plugins.IResourceController):
        plugin.after_create(context, resource)

    return resource