Exemplo n.º 1
def huffman_coding(omega):
    n = len(omega)
    q = ds.Heap()
    alphabet = util.word_alphabet(omega)
    dict = util.dictionary(alphabet)
    bits = [""] * len(alphabet)
    word_count = util.letter_count(omega, dict, alphabet)
    word_prob = [count / n for count in word_count]
    for i in range(len(word_prob)):
        q.insert([word_prob[i], i])
    #Encode least probable characters with one further bit
    while (q.size > 1):
        min1 = q.getMin()
        min2 = q.getMin()
        min2[0] += min1[0]
        #Add 0 to characters in set 2
        for i in range(1, len(min2)):
            bits[min2[i]] += "0"
        #ADD 1 to characters in set 1
        for i in range(1, len(min1)):
            bits[min1[i]] += "1"
        #Create code book based on encoding
        code_words = ds.CodeBook()
        for i in range(len(bits)):
            code = bits[i][::-1]
            code_words.insert(i, code)
    return (code_words)
Exemplo n.º 2
def real_arithmetic_coding(omega, word):
        n = len(omega)
        alphabet = util.word_alphabet(omega)
        m = len(alphabet)
        dict = util.dictionary(alphabet)
        word_count = util.letter_count(omega, dict, alphabet)
        word_prob = [count / n for count in word_count]
        prob_ranges = []
        prob_sum = 0
        for i in range(m):
            start = prob_sum
            prob_sum += word_prob[i]
            prob_ranges.append([start, prob_sum])
        for j in range(len(word)-1):
            index = dict[word[j]]
            low = prob_ranges[index][0]
            high = prob_ranges[index][1]
            prob = high - low
            prob_sum = low
            prob_ranges = []
            for i in range(m):
                start = prob_sum
                prob_sum += word_prob[i] * prob
                prob_ranges.append([start, prob_sum])
        last_letter = word[len(word)-1]
        last_letter_index = dict[last_letter]
        final_range = prob_ranges[last_letter_index]
        bits_low = util.decimal2binary(final_range[0])
        bits_high = util.decimal2binary(final_range[1])
        return bits_low, bits_high
Exemplo n.º 3
def MTF_encode(omega, Lambda=None):
    n = len(omega)
    eta = []
    #If there exists no alphabet for the word compute it on the fly
    if (Lambda == None):
        Lambda = util.word_alphabet(omega)
        Lambda = sorted(Lambda)
    alphabet = copy.deepcopy(Lambda)
    #encode next character based on alphabet
    for w in omega:
        i = alphabet.index(w)
        k = w
        #update alphabet in moving last character to the front of the alphabet
        for j in range(i + 1):
            l = alphabet[j]
            alphabet[j] = k
            k = l
    return eta, Lambda
Exemplo n.º 4
def Permutation(eta):
    n = len(eta)
    pi = [0] * n
    alphabet = util.word_alphabet(eta)
    Lambda = [0] * len(alphabet)
    alphabet = sorted(alphabet)
    sigma = util.dictionary(alphabet)
    Lambda = util.letter_count(eta, sigma, alphabet)
    theta = [0] * len(Lambda)
    i = 1
    #Compute how many letters occure before in the sorted list
    while (i < len(theta)):
        theta[i] = theta[i - 1] + Lambda[i - 1]
        i += 1
    #Compute the final Permutation
    for i in range(n):
        letter = sigma[eta[i]]
        pi[i] = theta[letter]
        theta[letter] += 1
    return (pi)
Exemplo n.º 5
def shannon_fano_elias_coding(omega):
    n = len(omega)
    alphabet = util.word_alphabet(omega)
    m = len(alphabet)
    dict = util.dictionary(alphabet)
    bits = ""
    word_count = util.letter_count(omega, dict, alphabet)
    word_prob = [count / n for count in word_count]
    sum = 0
    notebook = ds.CodeBook()
    for i in range(m):
        prob = word_prob[i]
        sum += prob
        Fx = sum - 0.5*prob
        bits = util.decimal2binary(Fx)
        bits = bits[2:len(bits)]
        encoding_length = math.ceil(math.log(1/prob, 2)) + 1
        while(len(bits) < encoding_length):
            bits += '0'
        if(len(bits) > encoding_length):
            bits = bits[0:encoding_length]
        notebook.insert(alphabet[i], bits)
    return notebook