Exemplo n.º 1
    def _ail_handle_Sar(self, expr: ailment.Expr.BinaryOp) -> MultiValues:
        expr0: MultiValues = self._expr(expr.operands[0])
        expr1: MultiValues = self._expr(expr.operands[1])
        bits = expr.bits

        r = None
        expr0_v = expr0.one_value()
        expr1_v = expr1.one_value()

        if expr0_v is None and expr1_v is None:
            r = MultiValues(offset_to_values={0: {self.state.top(bits)}})
        elif expr0_v is None and expr1_v is not None:
            # each value in expr0 >> expr1_v
            if len(expr0.values) == 1 and 0 in expr0.values:
                vs = {(claripy.LShR(v, expr1_v._model_concrete.value)
                       if v.concrete else self.state.top(bits))
                      for v in expr0.values[0]}
                r = MultiValues(offset_to_values={0: vs})
        elif expr0_v is not None and expr1_v is None:
            # expr0_v >> each value in expr1
            if len(expr1.values) == 1 and 0 in expr1.values:
                vs = {(claripy.LShR(expr0_v, v._model_concrete.value)
                       if v.concrete else self.state.top(bits))
                      for v in expr1.values[0]}
                r = MultiValues(offset_to_values={0: vs})
            if expr1_v.concrete:
                r = MultiValues(offset_to_values={
                    0: {expr0_v >> expr1_v._model_concrete.value}

        if r is None:
            r = MultiValues(offset_to_values={0: {self.state.top(bits)}})

        return r
Exemplo n.º 2
        def _shift_shr(e0, e1):
            if e1.symbolic:
                return self.state.top(bits)
            if e1.size() < e0.size():
                e1 = e1.sign_extend(e0.size()-e1.size())
                e0 = e0.sign_extend(e1.size()-e0.size())

            return claripy.LShR(e0, e1)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_rotate_shift_mask_simplification():

    a = claripy.BVS('N', 32, max=0xc, min=0x1)
    extend_ = claripy.BVS('extend', 32, uninitialized=True)
    a_ext = extend_.concat(a)
    expr = ((a_ext << 3) | (claripy.LShR(a_ext, 61))) & 0x7fffffff8
    # print(expr)
    # print(expr._model_vsa)
    model_vsa = expr._model_vsa
    nose.tools.assert_equal(model_vsa.lower_bound, 8)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(model_vsa.upper_bound, 0x60)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(model_vsa.cardinality, 12)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_depth_repr():
    x = claripy.BVS("x", 32)
    y = claripy.LShR(x, 10)
    y = claripy.LShR(y, 10)
    y = claripy.LShR(y, 10)
    y = claripy.LShR(y, 10)
    y = claripy.LShR(y, 10)
    y = claripy.LShR(y, 10)
    y = claripy.LShR(y, 10)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(y.shallow_repr(max_depth=5), "<BV32 LShR(LShR(LShR(LShR(LShR(<...>, <...>), 0xa), 0xa), 0xa), 0xa)>")
Exemplo n.º 5
def genRandLong(rand: MTRand):
    if rand.index < 0 or rand.index >= STATE_VECTOR_LENGTH:
        if rand.index < 0 or rand.index >= STATE_VECTOR_LENGTH + 1:
            m_seedRand(rand, 0x1105)

        kk = 0

            y = rand.mt[kk + 1] & 0xffffffff
            rand.mt[kk] = rand.mt[kk + STATE_VECTOR_M] ^ claripy.LShR(
                (y & LOWER_MASK |
                 (rand.mt[kk] & 0xffffffff) & UPPER_MASK), 1) ^ mag(y & 1)
            kk = kk + 1

        while kk < STATE_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1:
            y = rand.mt[kk + 1] & 0xffffffff
            rand.mt[kk] = rand.mt[
                kk + (STATE_VECTOR_M - STATE_VECTOR_LENGTH)] ^ claripy.LShR(
                    (y & LOWER_MASK |
                     (rand.mt[kk] & 0xffffffff) & UPPER_MASK), 1) ^ mag(y & 1)
            kk = kk + 1

        y = rand.mt[0] & 0xffffffff
        rand.mt[STATE_VECTOR_LENGTH -
                1] = rand.mt[STATE_VECTOR_M - 1] ^ claripy.LShR(
                    y & LOWER_MASK |
                    (rand.mt[STATE_VECTOR_LENGTH - 1] & 0xffffffff)
                    & UPPER_MASK, 1) ^ mag(y & 1)
        rand.index = 0

    iVar1 = rand.index
    rand.index = iVar1 + 1
    uVar2 = rand.mt[iVar1] ^ claripy.LShR(rand.mt[iVar1], 0xb)
    uVar2 ^= ((uVar2 << 7) & 0xffffffff) & 0x9d2c5680
    uVar2 ^= ((uVar2 << 0xf) & 0xffffffff) & 0xefc60000
    return uVar2 ^ claripy.LShR(uVar2, 0x12)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _handle_Shr(self, expr):
        arg0, arg1 = expr.args
        r0 = self._expr(arg0)
        r1 = self._expr(arg1)

        result_size = expr.result_size(self.tyenv)
        if r0.data.concrete and r1.data.concrete:
            # constants
            return RichR(claripy.LShR(r0.data, r1.data._model_concrete.value),

        r = self.state.top(result_size)
        return RichR(r,
Exemplo n.º 7
    def _bool_variable_from_ail_condition(self, condition):

        # Unpack a condition all the way to the leaves

        _mapping = {
            'LogicalAnd': lambda expr, conv: claripy.And(conv(expr.operands[0]), conv(expr.operands[1])),
            'LogicalOr': lambda expr, conv: claripy.Or(conv(expr.operands[0]), conv(expr.operands[1])),
            'CmpEQ': lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) == conv(expr.operands[1]),
            'CmpLE': lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) <= conv(expr.operands[1]),
            'CmpLT': lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) < conv(expr.operands[1]),
            'Add': lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) + conv(expr.operands[1]),
            'Not': lambda expr, conv: claripy.Not(conv(expr.operand)),
            'Xor': lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) ^ conv(expr.operands[1]),
            'And': lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) & conv(expr.operands[1]),
            'Shr': lambda expr, conv: claripy.LShR(conv(expr.operands[0]), expr.operands[1])

        if isinstance(condition, (ailment.Expr.Load, ailment.Expr.Register, ailment.Expr.DirtyExpression)):
            var = claripy.BVS('ailexpr_%s' % repr(condition), condition.bits, explicit_name=True)
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Convert):
            # convert is special. if it generates a 1-bit variable, it should be treated as a BVS
            if condition.to_bits == 1:
                var = claripy.BoolS('ailcond_%s' % repr(condition), explicit_name=True)
                var = claripy.BVS('ailexpr_%s' % repr(condition), condition.to_bits, explicit_name=True)
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Const):
            var = claripy.BVV(condition.value, condition.bits)
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Tmp):
            l.warning("Left-over ailment.Tmp variable %s.", condition)
            if condition.bits == 1:
                var = claripy.BoolV('ailtmp_%d' % condition.tmp_idx)
                var = claripy.BVS('ailtmp_%d' % condition.tmp_idx, condition.bits)
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var

        lambda_expr = _mapping.get(condition.op, None)
        if lambda_expr is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported AIL expression operation %s. Consider implementing." % condition.op)
        return lambda_expr(condition, self._bool_variable_from_ail_condition)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _handle_Shr(self, expr):
        args, r = self._binop_get_args(expr)
        if args is None: return r
        expr_0, expr_1 = args

        if self._is_top(expr_0) or self._is_top(expr_1):
            return self._top(expr_0.size())

        if isinstance(expr_1, claripy.ast.Base) and expr_1.op == "BVV":
            # convert it to an int when possible
            expr_1 = expr_1.args[0]
            # make sure the sizes are the same - VEX does not care about it
            if expr_1.size() < expr_0.size():
                expr_1 = claripy.ZeroExt(expr_0.size() - expr_1.size(), expr_1)
            elif expr_1.size() > expr_0.size():
                expr_1 = claripy.Extract(expr_0.size() - 1, 0, expr_1)

        return claripy.LShR(expr_0, expr_1)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _ail_handle_Shr(self, expr):

        arg0, arg1 = expr.operands

        r0 = self._expr(arg0)
        r1 = self._expr(arg1)
        result_size = arg0.bits

        if not r1.data.concrete:
            # we don't support symbolic shiftamount
            r = self.state.top(result_size)
            return RichR(r,

        shiftamount = r1.data._model_concrete.value

        return RichR(claripy.LShR(r0.data, shiftamount),
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_expression():
    bc = claripy.backends.concrete

    e = claripy.BVV(0x01020304, 32)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(e), 32)
    r = e.reversed
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(r), 0x04030201)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(r), 32)

    nose.tools.assert_equal([bc.convert(i) for i in r.chop(8)], [4, 3, 2, 1])

    e1 = r[31:24]
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(e1), 0x04)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(e1), 8)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(e1[2]), 1)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(e1[1]), 0)

    ee1 = e1.zero_extend(8)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(ee1), 0x0004)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(ee1), 16)

    ee1 = claripy.BVV(0xfe, 8).sign_extend(8)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(ee1), 0xfffe)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(len(ee1), 16)

    xe1 = [bc.convert(i) for i in e1.chop(1)]
    nose.tools.assert_equal(xe1, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])

    a = claripy.BVV(1, 1)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(a + a), 2)

    x = claripy.BVV(1, 32)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(x.length, 32)
    y = claripy.LShR(x, 10)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(y.length, 32)

    r = claripy.BVV(0x01020304, 32)
    rr = r.reversed
    rrr = rr.reversed
    #nose.tools.assert_is(bc.convert(r), bc.convert(rrr))
    #nose.tools.assert_is(type(bc.convert(rr)), claripy.A)
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(rr), 0x04030201)
    nose.tools.assert_is(r.concat(rr), claripy.Concat(r, rr))

    rsum = r + rr
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(rsum), 0x05050505)

    r = claripy.BVS('x', 32)
    rr = r.reversed
    rrr = rr.reversed
    nose.tools.assert_is(r, rrr)

    # test identity
    nose.tools.assert_is(r, rrr)
    nose.tools.assert_is_not(r, rr)
    ii = claripy.BVS('ii', 32)
    ij = claripy.BVS('ij', 32)
    nose.tools.assert_is(ii, ii)
    nose.tools.assert_is_not(ii, ij)

    si = claripy.SI(bits=32, stride=2, lower_bound=20, upper_bound=100)
    sj = claripy.SI(bits=32, stride=2, lower_bound=10, upper_bound=10)
    sk = claripy.SI(bits=32, stride=2, lower_bound=20, upper_bound=100)
    nose.tools.assert_true(claripy.backends.vsa.identical(si, si))
    nose.tools.assert_false(claripy.backends.vsa.identical(si, sj))
    nose.tools.assert_true(claripy.backends.vsa.identical(si, sk))
    nose.tools.assert_is_not(si, sj)
    nose.tools.assert_is_not(sj, sk)
    nose.tools.assert_is_not(sk, si)

    # test hash cache
    nose.tools.assert_is(a + a, a + a)

    # test replacement
    old = claripy.BVS('old', 32, explicit_name=True)
    new = claripy.BVS('new', 32, explicit_name=True)
    ooo = claripy.BVV(0, 32)

    old_formula = claripy.If((old + 1) % 256 == 0, old + 10, old + 20)
    new_formula = old_formula.replace(old, new)
    ooo_formula = new_formula.replace(new, ooo)


    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(old_formula), hash(new_formula))
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(old_formula), hash(ooo_formula))
    nose.tools.assert_not_equal(hash(new_formula), hash(ooo_formula))

    nose.tools.assert_equal(old_formula.variables, {'old'})
    nose.tools.assert_equal(new_formula.variables, {'new'})
    nose.tools.assert_equal(ooo_formula.variables, ooo.variables)


        str(old_formula).replace('old', 'new'), str(new_formula))
    nose.tools.assert_equal(bc.convert(ooo_formula), 20)

    # test dict replacement
    old = claripy.BVS('old', 32, explicit_name=True)
    new = claripy.BVS('new', 32, explicit_name=True)
    c = (old + 10) - (old + 20)
    d = (old + 1) - (old + 2)
    cr = c.replace_dict({
        (old + 10).cache_key: (old + 1),
        (old + 20).cache_key: (old + 2)
    nose.tools.assert_is(cr, d)

    # test AST collapse
    s = claripy.SI(bits=32, stride=0, lower_bound=10, upper_bound=10)
    b = claripy.BVV(20, 32)

    sb = s + b
    nose.tools.assert_is_instance(sb.args[0], claripy.ast.Base)

    bb = b + b
    # this was broken previously -- it was checking if type(bb.args[0]) == A,
    # and it wasn't, but was instead a subclass. leaving this out for now
    # nose.tools.assert_not_is_instance(bb.args[0], claripy.ast.Base)

    # ss = s+s
    # (see above)
    # nose.tools.assert_not_is_instance(ss.args[0], claripy.ast.Base)

    sob = s | b
    # for now, this is collapsed. Presumably, Fish will make it not collapse at some point
    nose.tools.assert_is_instance(sob.args[0], claripy.ast.Base)

    # make sure the AST collapses for delayed ops like reversing
    rb = b.reversed
    #nose.tools.assert_is_instance(rb.args[0], claripy.ast.Base)
    # TODO: Properly delay reversing: should not be eager

    nose.tools.assert_is_not(rb, bb)
    nose.tools.assert_is(rb, rb)

    # test some alternate bvv creation methods
    nose.tools.assert_is(claripy.BVV('AAAA'), claripy.BVV(0x41414141, 32))
    nose.tools.assert_is(claripy.BVV('AAAA', 32), claripy.BVV(0x41414141, 32))
    nose.tools.assert_is(claripy.BVV('AB'), claripy.BVV(0x4142, 16))
    nose.tools.assert_is(claripy.BVV('AB', 16), claripy.BVV(0x4142, 16))
    nose.tools.assert_raises(claripy.errors.ClaripyValueError, claripy.BVV,
                             'AB', 8)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def open_session(cls, state):
        start execution with completely symbolic input
        -when a breakpoint is reached, check the constraints and set the input accordingly (or add complementary constraint to inputs to find new ways)
        -when errors occur, check what inputs they depend on; (mostly these inputs have to be memref_inputs)
            -adjust the input parameters and restart the program

        # 1st Lifecycle: TA_OpenSessionEntryPoint
        lifecylce_cmd_id = claripy.BVV(
            LifecycleCommandIds.OPEN_SESSION, 32).append_annotation(
                UserInput("lifecycle_cmd_id"))  # cmd_id for OpenSession

        param0 = cls.create_empty_param("opensession_0", True)
        param1 = cls.create_empty_param("opensession_1", True)
        param2 = cls.create_empty_param("opensession_2", True)
        param3 = cls.create_empty_param("opensession_3", True)

        param3_len = claripy.BVS(
            "param3_len_opensession", 32).append_annotation(
                UserInput("param3_len_open_session"))  # -1 because of nullbyte
        state.solver.add(claripy.And(param3_len >= 0,
                                     param3_len <= MAX_STRLEN))
        param3_buf = claripy.BVS("param3_buf_opensession",
                                 MAX_STRLEN * 8).append_annotation(
        param3_type = claripy.BVV(TEECParamType.TEEC_MEMREF_TEMP_INPUT,

        param2_len = claripy.BVS(
            "param2_len_opensession", 32).append_annotation(
                UserInput("param2_len_open_session"))  # -1 because of nullbyte
        state.solver.add(claripy.And(param2_len >= 0,
                                     param2_len <= MAX_STRLEN))
        param2_buf = claripy.BVS("param2_buf_opensession",
                                 MAX_STRLEN * 8).append_annotation(
        param2_type = claripy.BVV(TEECParamType.TEEC_MEMREF_TEMP_INPUT,
        """param3_buf = claripy.BVV(b"/system/bin/tee_test_store\x00", 27 * 8).append_annotation(UserInput("param3_buf_open_session"))
        param3_len = claripy.BVV(26, 32).append_annotation(
            UserInput("param3_len_open_session"))  # -1 because of nullbyte"""

        param3 = TCParam(param3_type, param3_buf, param3_len, True)
        param2 = TCParam(param2_type, param2_buf, param2_len, True)

        params = TCParams(param0, param1, param2, param3)
        invoke_cmd_id = 0
        cls.store_symbolic_params(state, params)
        param_types = claripy.ZeroExt(
            16, params.get_param_type()
        )  # param_types has 16 bit, but needs to be extended to architecture size
        state.solver.add((claripy.LShR(param_types, 0xc) & 0xf) - 0x5 <= 0x2)
            claripy.LShR(param3_buf, MAX_STRLEN * 8 - 26 * 8) !=
        # TODO: store param_types to symbolics here
        cls.prepare_msg_recv_return(state, lifecylce_cmd_id, invoke_cmd_id,
                                    param_types, params)
Exemplo n.º 12
 def _shift_shr(e0, e1):
     # convert e1 to an integer to prevent claripy from complaining "args' lengths must all be equal"
     e1 = e1._model_concrete.value
     return claripy.LShR(e0, e1)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def claripy_ast_from_ail_condition(self, condition):

        # Unpack a condition all the way to the leaves
        if isinstance(condition, claripy.ast.Base):
            return condition

        _mapping = {
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.And(conv(expr.operands[0]),
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.Or(conv(expr.operands[0]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) == conv(expr.operands[1]
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) != conv(expr.operands[1]
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) <= conv(expr.operands[1]
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.SLE(conv(expr.operands[0]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) < conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.SLT(conv(expr.operands[0]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) >= conv(expr.operands[1]
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.SGE(conv(expr.operands[0]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) > conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.SGT(conv(expr.operands[0]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) + conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) - conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.Not(conv(expr.operand)),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) ^ conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) & conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: conv(expr.operands[0]) | conv(expr.operands[1]),
            lambda expr, conv: claripy.LShR(conv(expr.operands[0]), expr.

        if isinstance(condition,
                      (ailment.Expr.Load, ailment.Expr.DirtyExpression,
            var = claripy.BVS('ailexpr_%s' % repr(condition),
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Register):
            var = claripy.BVS('ailexpr_%s-%d' %
                              (repr(condition), condition.idx),
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Convert):
            # convert is special. if it generates a 1-bit variable, it should be treated as a BVS
            if condition.to_bits == 1:
                var_ = self.claripy_ast_from_ail_condition(
                name = 'ailcond_Conv(%d->%d, %s)' % (
                    condition.from_bits, condition.to_bits, repr(var_))
                var = claripy.BoolS(name, explicit_name=True)
                var_ = self.claripy_ast_from_ail_condition(
                name = 'ailexpr_Conv(%d->%d, %s)' % (
                    condition.from_bits, condition.to_bits, repr(var_))
                var = claripy.BVS(name, condition.to_bits, explicit_name=True)
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Const):
            var = claripy.BVV(condition.value, condition.bits)
            return var
        elif isinstance(condition, ailment.Expr.Tmp):
            l.warning("Left-over ailment.Tmp variable %s.", condition)
            if condition.bits == 1:
                var = claripy.BoolV('ailtmp_%d' % condition.tmp_idx)
                var = claripy.BVS('ailtmp_%d' % condition.tmp_idx,
            self._condition_mapping[var] = condition
            return var

        lambda_expr = _mapping.get(condition.verbose_op, None)
        if lambda_expr is None:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Unsupported AIL expression operation %s. Consider implementing."
                % condition.op)
        r = lambda_expr(condition, self.claripy_ast_from_ail_condition)
        if r is NotImplemented:
            r = claripy.BVS("ailexpr_%r" % condition,
            self._condition_mapping[r] = condition
        return r