Exemplo n.º 1
    def stream_stop(self, twitch_user_id):
            sql     = "SELECT `id` FROM `stream_metrics_time` WHERE `twitch_user_id` = %s AND `stream_stop` IS NULL ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT 1"
            data    = data_handler().select(sql, [twitch_user_id])
            id      = data[0]['id']

            sql = "UPDATE `stream_metrics_time` SET `stream_stop`=NOW() WHERE `id`=%s"
            result = data_handler().update(sql, [id])

        except Exception as e:
            print('stream_metrics: 2')
    def __init__(self, twitch_username, discord_channel_id):
        self.db = data_handler()
        self.twitch = twitch_handler()

        self.twitch_username = twitch_username
        self.discord_channel_id = discord_channel_id
        self.twitch_user_id = self.twitch.get_twitch_user_id(twitch_username)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def stream_start(self, twitch_user_id):
         sql = "INSERT INTO `stream_metrics_time` VALUES (null, %s, NOW(), null)"
         x = data_handler().insert(sql, [twitch_user_id])
         print('stream_metrics: 1')
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_discord_channel_ids(self, yt_channel_id):
        # This function will search the databse for discord_channel_ids that have subscribed to yt_channel_id

        sql     = "SELECT `disc_channel_id` FROM `youtube` WHERE `yt_channel_id` = %s"
        values  = [yt_channel_id]
        data    = data_handler().select(sql, values)

        # Flatten the dict to only the keys (disc_channel_id)
        return(list(map(lambda x : x['disc_channel_id'], data)))
Exemplo n.º 5
    def event(self, data):
        # This function is called when Twitch sends a webhook callback

        event = data["event"]

            # store/check event["id"]; Twitch creates a unique ID for each event
            #  Sometimes the same event can be delivered multiple times. This prevents
            #  the event from being processed multiple times.
            sql = "SELECT `event_id` FROM `twitch_event_ids` WHERE `event_id` = %s"
            res = data_handler().select(sql, [event["id"]])

            if (len(res) != 0):
                # Event has already been published

            # New event, add to the database
            sql = "INSERT INTO `twitch_event_ids` (`event_id`) VALUES (%s)"
            data_handler().insert(sql, [event["id"]])

            if (event["type"] == "live"):
                # Channel is now live

                # Update live status in database
                sql = "UPDATE `twitch_channels` SET `streaming` = 1 WHERE `twitch_user_id` =  %s"
                data_handler().update(sql, [event['broadcaster_user_id']])

                # Format thumbnail URL
                twitch_thumbnail_url = "https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/previews-ttv/live_user_" + event[
                    "broadcaster_user_name"] + "-640x360.jpg"

                # Prepare and Send discord message
                discord_post_obj = discord_post()
                message = discord_post_obj.prepare_twitch_message(
                    event["broadcaster_user_name"], twitch_thumbnail_url)
                discord_channel_ids = data_handler().select(
                    'SELECT DISTINCT `discord_channel_id` FROM `twitch_notifications` WHERE `twitch_user_id`=%s',
                discord_channel_ids = list(
                    map(lambda x: x['discord_channel_id'],
                        discord_channel_ids))  # FLatten results into a list
                discord_post_obj.post_message(message, discord_channel_ids)

            elif (event["type"] == "offline"):

                # Set streaming status to false
                sql = "UPDATE `twitch_channels` SET `streaming` = 0 WHERE `twitch_user_id` = %s"
                data_handler().update(sql, [event['broadcaster_user_id']])

        except Exception as e:
            get_logger().error(e, exc_info=True)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def on_post(self, req, resp, twitch_user_id=None):

            data = json.loads(req.bounded_stream.read().decode())

            if 'user_id' in data['data'][0]:
                # Twitch user is online
                twitch_username         = data['data'][0]['user_name']
                # twitch_user_id          = data['data'][0]['user_id']
                twitch_thumbnail_url    = data['data'][0]['thumbnail_url']

                # is_streaming resloves an issue with twitch sending multiple stream objects
                # this prevents duplicate stream notifications
                is_streaming = data_handler().defined_select("is_streaming", twitch_user_id, False)

                if(is_streaming[0]['streaming'] == True):
                    # Streaming notification already sent
                    # Notifcation has not been sent
                    discord_post_obj    = discord_post()
                    message             = discord_post_obj.prepare_twitch_message(twitch_username, twitch_thumbnail_url)
                    discord_channel_ids = data_handler().defined_select('discord_channels_by_twitch_user_id', [twitch_user_id], True)

                    discord_post_obj.post_message(message, discord_channel_ids)
                    data_handler().defined_update('update_is_streaming', [1, twitch_user_id])

        except Exception as e:
            resp.body = str(e)
            # twitch user is offline
            data_handler().defined_update('update_is_streaming', [0, twitch_user_id])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def __init__(self):

        # General headers required for Discord API interactions
        self.headers = {
            "Bot {}".format(os.getenv('DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN').strip("\r")),
            "KeshBotics (v3.3)",

        self.db = data_handler()
Exemplo n.º 8
    def validate_auth_code(self, code):
        # Checks if the provided code exist in the database, returns true or false

        db_obj = data_handler()

        input = [code]
        sql = "SELECT `authorization_code` FROM `discord_auth` WHERE `authorization_code` = %s"

        db_select = db_obj.select(sql, input)

        if (len(db_select) == 0):
            return (False)
            return (True)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def get_twitch_notifications(self, discord_channel_id):
        # Return format:
        # [{'twitch_user_id':x,'twitch_username':y}, ... ]

        # Get Twitch User IDs
        sql = "SELECT `twitch_user_id` FROM `twitch_notifications` WHERE `discord_channel_id` = %s"
        twitch_user_ids = data_handler().select(sql, [discord_channel_id])

        if (len(twitch_user_ids) == 0):
            # No twitch notifications found for the discord_channel_id
            return (list())

        # Flatten the twitch_user_ids dict into a list
        twitch_user_ids = list(
            map(lambda x: x['twitch_user_id'], twitch_user_ids))

        # Get Twitch Usernames, associated with the list of twitch_user_ids
        sql = "SELECT `twitch_user_id`, `twitch_username` FROM `twitch_channels` WHERE `twitch_user_id` IN (%s)"
        # Inserts a '%s' for each element in the twitch_user_ids list
        sql = sql % ','.join(['%s'] * len(twitch_user_ids))

        twitch_data = data_handler().select(sql, tuple(twitch_user_ids))

        return (twitch_data)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def on_get(self, req, resp):
        # Return a list of recent event entries.

            # Get level and limit variables from the headers
            # If the 'level' header is not provided, set it to 0
            if req.get_header('min-log-level') is None:
                level = 0
                # Will raise exception if cannot convert to int
                level = int(req.get_header('min-log-level'))

            # Create a soft limit of 100 events, this will prevent an excessive amount
            # of entries being returned. Also if limit is not provided, set it to 100
            if req.get_header('limit') is None:
                limit = 100
                # Get int value of limit, if limit is greater than 100: set to 100
                # Will raise exception if cannot convert to int
                limit = int(req.get_header('limit'))
                if limit > 100:
                    limit = 100

            # Retrieve the requested entries from the database
            events = data_handler().select("SELECT * FROM `logging` WHERE `level` >= %s ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT %s", [level, limit])

            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_200
            resp.content_type = ['application/json']
            # default=str resloves an issue with datetime.datetime not being
            #    JSON serializable
            resp.body = json.dumps(events, default=str)

        except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
            # Intended to capture value/type errors with header value int casting
            get_logger().warning(e, exc_info=True)

            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_400
            resp.content_type = ['application/json']
            resp.body = json.dumps({"status":"error", "code":400, "message":"Ensure that header values 'min-log-level' and 'limit' are integers."})

        except Exception as e:
            get_logger().error(e, exc_info=True)

            resp.status = falcon.HTTP_400
            resp.content_type = ['application/json']
            resp.body = json.dumps({"status":"error", "code":400, "message":"Failed to retrieve entries."})
Exemplo n.º 11
    def get_stream_metrics(self, twitch_user_id, limit=10):

        # Prepare dict for return values
        return_data = {'twitch_user_id':twitch_user_id,


        # Retreive stream_start, stream_stop data
        sql = "SELECT `stream_start`, `stream_stop` FROM `stream_metrics_time` WHERE `twitch_user_id` = %s ORDER BY `id` DESC LIMIT %s"
        input = [twitch_user_id, limit]
        data = data_handler().select(sql, input)

        # Object for storing the total length of broadcast
        total_time = datetime.timedelta()

        for stream in data:
                # Compute the lenght of the stream and add to total_time
                time = stream['stream_stop']-stream['stream_start']
                total_time += time

                # Convert time objects to string
                stream['time'] = str(time)
                stream['stream_start'] = str(stream['stream_start'])
                stream['stream_stop'] = str(stream['stream_stop'])

                # Append formated stream information to return_data

            except Exception as e:
                print('stream_metrics: 3')


        # Sort the list of streams to be chronological

        # Add str value of total_time to return data
        return_data['total'] = str(total_time)

Exemplo n.º 12
    def insert_auth_token(self, data, code):

            db_obj = data_handler()

            input = [
                None, None, code, data['access_token'], data['refresh_token'],
                data['scope'], data['token_type']
            sql = "INSERT INTO `discord_auth` VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s)"

            db_insert = db_obj.insert(sql, input)

            return (db_insert)

        except Exception as e:
            get_logger().error(e, exc_info=True)
            return (False)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self):
     self.db = data_handler()
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self):
     # Fetch twitch_oauth_token from `settings` DB, and then prepend 'Bearer'
     twitch_oauth_token = data_handler().select(
         'SELECT `setting_value` FROM `settings` WHERE `setting_key` = "twitch_oauth_token"',
     self.twitch_oauth_token = 'Bearer ' + twitch_oauth_token
 def __init__(self):
     self.oauth_token = 'Bearer ' + data_handler().defined_select(
         'twitch_oauth_token', input=None)[0]['setting_value']
Exemplo n.º 16
 def __init__(self):
     # Object for interacting with the database
     self.data_handler = data_handler()