Exemplo n.º 1
def jpeg(img, div, fft=False, display8x8=False):
    stop = False
    display = False
    matSize = 8  # size of matrix blocks to perform dct
    imgCopy = img.copy()
    idm = classes.ImageDisplayManager()

    # begin scanning
    for rowStart in range(0, 512, matSize):
        for colStart in range(0, 512, matSize):
            # take a matSize x matSize block
            imgSlice = img[rowStart:rowStart + matSize,
                           colStart:colStart + matSize]

            if (not fft):
                # compute the discrete cosine transform of the block
                B = cv2.dct(imgSlice.astype('float32'))

                # quantize the block of DCT coefficients
                Bprime = cf.quantize(B, div)

                # calculate the inverse dct
                B = cv2.dct(Bprime.astype('float32'), B, cv2.DCT_INVERSE)
                # compute the discrete cosine transform of the block
                B = np.fft.fft2(imgSlice)

                # quantize the block of DCT coefficients
                Bprime = cf.quantize(B, div)

                # calculate the inverse dct
                B = np.fft.ifft2(Bprime)

            # replace the quantized blocks in the image's copy
            imgCopy[rowStart:rowStart + matSize,
                    colStart:colStart + matSize] = B

            # display the 8 x 8 blocks for human inspection
            if display8x8:

                # display an image with another resolution on a resizable window
                idm.showImg(imgSlice, '8 x 8')

    return imgCopy
Exemplo n.º 2
    return imgCopy

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # clear screen
    sp.call('cls', shell=True)

    # initialize ImageDisplayManager
    idm = classes.ImageDisplayManager()

    # load a color image in grayscale
    img = cv2.imread('./test images/peppers_gray.tif', 0)
    idm.add(img, 'Original image')

    # perform quantization, measure time taken, and add to display list
    div = 2  # divisor used for quantization
    tmStart = time.time()
    imgQuantized = quantize(img, 2)
    tmEnd = time.time()
    tmElapsed = round((tmEnd - tmStart) * 1000, 2)
    print('Quantization time elapsed = {} ms'.format(tmElapsed))
    idm.add(imgQuantized, 'Quantized image, div = {}'.format(div))

    # perform averaging of pixels based on neighboring pixels