Exemplo n.º 1
    def recommend(self, howMany):
	userKnownLanguages = {}
	for button in self.buttons:
		if(button.clicked == True):
			if button.t not in userKnownLanguages:
				userKnownLanguages[button.t] = 1

	topicOfChoice = ""
	# Grab the topic the user selected
		index = self.listbox.curselection()[0]
		topicOfChoice = self.listbox.get(index)
	except IndexError:
	nearestCluster = classifier.nearest(userKnownLanguages, self.indexByTopic)
	for frame in self.frames:
        self.displayRecommendations(topicOfChoice, userKnownLanguages)
        data = classifier.difference(self.indexByTopic[nearestCluster]['languages'], userKnownLanguages)
        labels,d1 =zip(*data)
        d = Drawing(300,200)
        chart = VerticalBarChart()
        chart.width = 260
        chart.height = 160
        chart.x = 20
        chart.y = 10
        chart.data = [d1]
        chart.categoryAxis.categoryNames = labels
        os.system('open graph.pdf')
Exemplo n.º 2
    def displayRecommendations(self, topicOfChoice, userKnownLanguages):
	unknownLanguages = []
	mainFrame = Tkinter.Frame(self.window)
	f = tkFont.Font(size=18)
	if topicOfChoice == "":
            topLanguages = ""
	    for x in dict(sorted(self.indexByLanguage.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True)[:3]):
		topLanguages = topLanguages + " " + x
	    text = Tkinter.Text(mainFrame, width = 135, font = f)
            text.insert(INSERT,"Since no topic was selected, it is recommended that you learn one of the top languages across all given topics which are the following:")
            text.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
	    text.grid(row = 1, column = 0)

            for key in self.indexByTopic[topicOfChoice]['languages']:
                if key not in userKnownLanguages:
                    unknownLanguages.append({'language':key, 'count':self.indexByTopic[topicOfChoice]['languages'][key]})
            sortedList = (sorted(unknownLanguages, key=itemgetter('count')))
            if len(sortedList) == 0:
		text = Tkinter.Text(mainFrame, font=f)
		text.insert(INSERT, "You already know all the languages that you need to get a job in ")
		text.insert(INSERT, topicOfChoice)
		text.insert(INSERT, ". You are too smart!")
		text.grid(row = 0, column = 0)
		mainFrame.pack(side = TOP)
                return ''
            topicToLearn = sortedList[len(sortedList)-1]['language']
            if topicToLearn == "office":
                topicToLearn = "microsoft office"
	    text2 = Tkinter.Text(mainFrame, height = 2, font=f)
	    text2.insert(INSERT, "It is recommended that you learn ")
	    text2.insert(INSERT, topicToLearn)
	    text2.insert(INSERT, " to increase your job options when searching for a job in ")
	    text2.insert(INSERT, topicOfChoice + ".")
	    text2.grid(row=3, column=0)
    	length = len(userKnownLanguages)
        # Determine how close the user is to each topic currently
        nearestCluster = classifier.nearest(userKnownLanguages, self.indexByTopic)
	text3 = Tkinter.Text(mainFrame, height = 3, font=f)
	if len(userKnownLanguages) == 0:
		text3.insert(INSERT, "You don't know any languages already, so go into Liberal Arts")
		text3.insert(INSERT, "Based on the languages you already know: ")
        	for x in dict(sorted(userKnownLanguages.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1),reverse=True)[:length]):
	    		text3.insert(INSERT, x + ", ")
		text3.insert(INSERT, "you are most capable of working in the field of " + nearestCluster + ".")
	text3.grid(row = 4, column = 0)
	restart = Tkinter.Button(mainFrame, text="Choose another selection")
        restart.bind("<Button-1>", lambda e: self.restartFunc())
	self.windowVisible = False
	mainFrame.pack(side = TOP)