Exemplo n.º 1
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    print("**** Python plotting tools not yet implemented in 3d")
    print("**** No plots will be generated.")

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = False  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = []  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = []  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = False  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'  # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = False  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True  # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 2
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    print("**** Python plotting tools not yet implemented in 3d")
    print("**** No frame plots will be generated.")
    print("**** Gauges can still be plotted.")

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = False               # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = []             # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = []               # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = False                    # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'      # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = False                   # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True                 # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 3
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    print("**** Python plotting tools not yet implemented in 3d")
    print("**** No frame plots will be generated.")

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = False               # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = []             # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = []               # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = False                    # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'      # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = False                   # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True                 # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 4
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    print("**** Python plotting tools not yet implemented in 3d")
    print("**** No plots will be generated.")

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = False               # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = []             # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = []               # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = False                    # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'      # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = False                   # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True                 # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 5
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # Figure for pressure
    # -------------------

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Pressure', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'Pressure'
    plotaxes.scaled = True  # so aspect ratio is 1

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.blue_yellow_red
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -2.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 2.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    # Figure for scatter plot
    # -----------------------

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='scatter', figno=3)
    plotfigure.show = (qref_dir
                       is not None)  # don't plot if 1d solution is missing

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1.5]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [-2., 4.]
    plotaxes.title = 'Scatter plot'

    # Set up for item on these axes: scatter of 2d data
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_from_2d_data')

    def p_vs_r(current_data):
        # Return radius of each grid cell and p value in the cell
        from pylab import sqrt
        x = current_data.x
        y = current_data.y
        r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        q = current_data.q
        p = q[0, :, :]
        return r, p

    plotitem.map_2d_to_1d = p_vs_r
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'o'
    plotitem.color = 'b'
    plotitem.show = (qref_dir is not None)  # show on plot?

    # Set up for item on these axes: 1d reference solution
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.outdir = qref_dir
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = '-'
    plotitem.color = 'r'
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth': 2}
    plotitem.show = True  # show on plot?

    def make_legend(current_data):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.legend(('2d data', '1d reference solution'))

    plotaxes.afteraxes = make_legend

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'  # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 6
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # Figure for pressure
    # -------------------

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Pressure', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'Pressure'
    plotaxes.scaled = True      # so aspect ratio is 1

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.blue_yellow_red
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -2.0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 2.0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    # Figure for scatter plot
    # -----------------------

    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='scatter', figno=3)
    plotfigure.show = (qref_dir is not None)  # don't plot if 1d solution is missing

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1.5]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [-2.,4.]
    plotaxes.title = 'Scatter plot'

    # Set up for item on these axes: scatter of 2d data
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_from_2d_data')
    def p_vs_r(current_data):
        # Return radius of each grid cell and p value in the cell
        from pylab import sqrt
        x = current_data.x
        y = current_data.y
        r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2)
        q = current_data.q
        p = q[0,:,:]
        return r,p

    plotitem.map_2d_to_1d = p_vs_r
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'o'
    plotitem.color = 'b'
    plotitem.show = (qref_dir is not None)       # show on plot?
    # Set up for item on these axes: 1d reference solution
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.outdir = qref_dir
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = '-'
    plotitem.color = 'r'
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth': 2}
    plotitem.show = True       # show on plot?
    def make_legend(current_data):
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        plt.legend(('2d data', '1d reference solution'))

    plotaxes.afteraxes = make_legend

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True                # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'            # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True                     # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'      # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True                    # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 7
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # Figure for pcolor plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='pcolor', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Solution'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.yellow_red_blue
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.1
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0]

    # Figure for contour plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='contour', figno=1)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Solution'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.contour_nlevels = 20
    plotitem.contour_min = 0.01
    plotitem.contour_max = 0.99
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['r', 'g', 'b']  # color on each level
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figure for grid cells
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='cells', figno=2)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Grid patches'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    def plot_rr(current_data):
        from pylab import plot
        plot(xv1, yv1, 'b', lw=2)
        plot(xv2, yv2, 'b', lw=2)

    plotaxes.afteraxes = plot_rr

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1, 1, 0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'  # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True  # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 8
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # Figure for density - pcolor
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Density', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Density'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    #plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.yellow_red_blue
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 2.
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0]
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0]

    # Figure for density - Schlieren
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Schlieren', figno=1)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Density'
    plotaxes.scaled = True      # so aspect ratio is 1

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_schlieren')
    plotitem.schlieren_cmin = 0.0
    plotitem.schlieren_cmax = 1.0
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.add_colorbar = False

    # Figure for grid cells
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='cells', figno=2)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Grid patches'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee']
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1,0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0,1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Density'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True                # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'            # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True                     # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'      # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True                    # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True                 # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 9
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # Figure for pcolor plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='pcolor', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Solution'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.yellow_red_blue
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = 0.1
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True

    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [0]

    # Figure for contour plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='contour', figno=1)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Solution'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.contour_nlevels = 20
    plotitem.contour_min = 0.01
    plotitem.contour_max = 0.99
    plotitem.amr_contour_show = [0, 0, 1, 1]
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['g', 'g', 'r', 'b']  # color on each level
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee', '#ddffff']
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0

    # Figure for grid cells
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='cells', figno=2)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.ylimits = [0, 1]
    plotaxes.title = 'Grid patches'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.amr_patch_bgcolor = ['#ffeeee', '#eeeeff', '#eeffee', '#ddffff']
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1, 0, 0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Plots of timing (CPU and wall time):

    def make_timing_plots(plotdata):
        from clawpack.visclaw import plot_timing_stats
        import os, sys
            timing_plotdir = plotdata.plotdir + '/_timing_figures'
            os.system('mkdir -p %s' % timing_plotdir)
            # adjust units for plots based on problem:
            units = {
                'comptime': 'seconds',
                'simtime': 'dimensionless',
                'cell': 'millions'
            print('*** Error making timing plots')

    otherfigure = plotdata.new_otherfigure(name='timing plots',
    otherfigure.makefig = make_timing_plots

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'  # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True  # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 10
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    plotdata.format = "ascii"

    # Figure for pcolor plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q[0]', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q[0]'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.red_yellow_blue
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -1.
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0
    plotitem.MappedGrid = True
    plotitem.mapc2p = mapc2p
    plotitem.show = True       # show on plot?
    # Figure for contour plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='contour', figno=1)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q[0]'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.contour_levels = np.linspace(-0.9, 0.9, 10)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k','b']
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.MappedGrid = True
    plotitem.mapc2p = mapc2p
    plotitem.show = True       # show on plot?
    # Figure for grids
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='grids', figno=2)
    plotfigure.show = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'grids'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.MappedGrid = True
    plotitem.mapc2p = mapc2p
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1,1,0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True                # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'            # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True                     # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'   # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'      # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True                    # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True                 # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 11
def setplot(plotdata=None):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of clawpack.visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.

    if plotdata is None:
        from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
        plotdata = ClawPlotData()

    from clawpack.visclaw import colormaps

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    plotdata.format = "ascii"

    # Figure for pcolor plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q[0]', figno=0)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q[0]'
    plotaxes.scaled = True
    plotaxes.afteraxes = addgauges

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_pcolor')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.pcolor_cmap = colormaps.red_yellow_blue
    plotitem.pcolor_cmin = -1.
    plotitem.pcolor_cmax = 1.
    plotitem.add_colorbar = True
    plotitem.celledges_show = 0
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 0
    plotitem.MappedGrid = True
    plotitem.mapc2p = mapc2p
    plotitem.show = True  # show on plot?

    # Figure for contour plot
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='contour', figno=1)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q[0]'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_contour')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.contour_levels = np.linspace(-0.9, 0.9, 10)
    plotitem.amr_contour_colors = ['k', 'b']
    plotitem.patchedges_show = 1
    plotitem.MappedGrid = True
    plotitem.mapc2p = mapc2p
    plotitem.show = True  # show on plot?

    # Figure for grids
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='grids', figno=2)
    plotfigure.show = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'grids'
    plotaxes.scaled = True

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='2d_patch')
    plotitem.MappedGrid = True
    plotitem.mapc2p = mapc2p
    plotitem.amr_celledges_show = [1, 1, 0]
    plotitem.amr_patchedges_show = [1]

    # Figures for gauges
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='q', figno=300, \
    plotfigure.clf_each_gauge = True

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.xlimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.ylimits = 'auto'
    plotaxes.title = 'q'

    # Plot q as blue curve:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d_plot')
    plotitem.plot_var = 0
    plotitem.plotstyle = 'b-'

    # Parameters used only when creating html and/or latex hardcopy
    # e.g., via clawpack.visclaw.frametools.printframes:

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'  # pointer for top of index
    plotdata.html_movie = 'JSAnimation'  # new style, or "4.x" for old style
    plotdata.latex = True  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?
    plotdata.parallel = True  # make multiple frame png's at once

    return plotdata