Exemplo n.º 1
def plotclaw(outdir='.',
    Create html and/or latex versions of plots.

        setplot is a module containing a function setplot that will be called
                to set various plotting parameters.
        format specifies the format of the files output from Clawpack

    from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
    from clawpack.visclaw import plotpages

    plotdata = ClawPlotData()
    plotdata.outdir = outdir
    plotdata.plotdir = plotdir
    plotdata.setplot = setplot
    plotdata.format = format
    plotdata.msgfile = msgfile

    plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)
Exemplo n.º 2
def setplot(plotdata):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.
    from matplotlib import animation
    from IPython.display import HTML
    from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
    from clawpack.visclaw import plotpages
    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data
    # Figure for pressure and velocity:

    # Figure for density
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='', figno=0)

    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.axescmd = 'subplot(211)'
    plotaxes.title = 'Density'
    plotaxes.xlimits = (-5.,5.)

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d')
    plotitem.plot_var = density
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth':3}
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.title = 'Energy'
    plotaxes.axescmd = 'subplot(212)'

    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d')
    plotitem.plot_var = energy
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth':3}
    plotaxes.xlimits = (-5.,5.)
    plotdata.printfigs = True                # print figures False to supress png output
    plotdata.plotdir = './_plots'
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'            # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'          # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'            # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = True                     # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'
    plotdata.latex = True                    # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2           # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1         # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False           # also run pdflatex?

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 3
def plotclaw(outdir='.', plotdir='_plots', setplot = 'setplot.py',format='ascii'):
    Create html and/or latex versions of plots.

        setplot is a module containing a function setplot that will be called
                to set various plotting parameters.
        format specifies the format of the files output from Clawpack

    from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
    from clawpack.visclaw import plotpages

    plotdata = ClawPlotData()
    plotdata.outdir = outdir
    plotdata.plotdir = plotdir
    plotdata.setplot = setplot
    plotdata.format = format

    plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)
Exemplo n.º 4
def setplot(plotdata):
    Specify what is to be plotted at each frame.
    Input:  plotdata, an instance of visclaw.data.ClawPlotData.
    Output: a modified version of plotdata.
    from matplotlib import animation, pylab
    from IPython.display import HTML
    from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
    from clawpack.visclaw import plotpages

    def change_fonts(current_data):

    # Figure for depth and momentum:

    plotdata.clearfigures()  # clear any old figures,axes,items data

    # Figure for depth
    plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Water height', figno=0)
    plotfigure.kwargs = {'figsize': [9, 12], 'facecolor': 'white'}

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    # plotaxes.xlimits = [-5.0,5.0]
    plotaxes.title = 'Water height'
    plotaxes.axescmd = 'subplot(211)'
    plotaxes.afteraxes = change_fonts

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d')
    plotitem.plot_var = depth
    plotitem.plotstyle = '-'
    plotitem.color = 'b'
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth': 3}

    # Figure for momentum[1]
    #plotfigure = plotdata.new_plotfigure(name='Momentum', figno=1)

    # Set up for axes in this figure:
    plotaxes = plotfigure.new_plotaxes()
    plotaxes.axescmd = 'subplot(212)'
    # plotaxes.xlimits = [-5.0,5.0]
    plotaxes.title = 'Momentum'
    plotaxes.afteraxes = change_fonts

    # Set up for item on these axes:
    plotitem = plotaxes.new_plotitem(plot_type='1d')
    plotitem.plot_var = momentum
    plotitem.plotstyle = '-'
    plotitem.color = 'b'
    plotitem.kwargs = {'linewidth': 3}

    plotdata.printfigs = True  # print figures False to supress png output
    plotdata.plotdir = './_plots'
    plotdata.print_format = 'png'  # file format
    plotdata.print_framenos = 'all'  # list of frames to print
    plotdata.print_fignos = 'all'  # list of figures to print
    plotdata.html = False  # create html files of plots?
    plotdata.html_homelink = '../README.html'
    plotdata.latex = False  # create latex file of plots?
    plotdata.latex_figsperline = 2  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_framesperline = 1  # layout of plots
    plotdata.latex_makepdf = False  # also run pdflatex?

    return plotdata
Exemplo n.º 5
def plotclaw(outdir='.', plotdir='_plots', setplot = 'setplot.py',
             format='ascii', msgfile='', frames=None, verbose=False):
    Create html and/or latex versions of plots.

        setplot is a module containing a function setplot that will be called
                to set various plotting parameters.
        format specifies the format of the files output from Clawpack

    from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
    from clawpack.visclaw import plotpages

    plotdata = ClawPlotData()
    plotdata.outdir = outdir
    plotdata.plotdir = plotdir
    plotdata.setplot = setplot
    plotdata.format = format
    plotdata.msgfile = msgfile

    frametools.call_setplot(plotdata.setplot, plotdata)

    if plotdata.num_procs is None:
        plotdata.num_procs = int(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", 1))

    # Make sure plotdata.parallel is False in some cases:

    if plotdata.parallel:
        assert type(setplot) in [str, bool, type(None)], \
                "*** Parallel plotting is not supported when ClawPlotData " \
                + "attribute setplot is a function."

    if plotdata.parallel and (plotdata.num_procs > 1):

        # If this is the original call then we need to split up the work and 
        # call this function again

        # First set up plotdir:

        plotdata._parallel_todo = 'initialize'
        plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)

        if frames is None:
            if plotdata.num_procs is None:
                plotdata.num_procs = int(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", 1))

            frames = [[] for n in xrange(plotdata.num_procs)]
            framenos = frametools.only_most_recent(plotdata.print_framenos,

            # don't use more procs than frames or infinite loop!!
            num_procs = min(plotdata.num_procs, len(framenos))

            for (n, frame) in enumerate(framenos):

            # Create subprocesses to work on each
            plotclaw_cmd = "python %s" % __file__
            process_queue = []
            for n in xrange(num_procs):
                plot_cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (plotclaw_cmd, 
                plot_cmd = plot_cmd + " " + " ".join([str(i) for i in frames[n]])

                process_queue.append(subprocess.Popen(plot_cmd, shell=True))

            poll_interval = 5
                while len(process_queue) > 0:
                    for process in process_queue:
                        if process.poll() is not None:
                    if verbose:
                        print "Number of processes currently:",len(process_queue)
            # Stop child processes if interrupt was caught or something went 
            # wrong
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print "ABORTING: A keyboard interrupt was caught.  All " + \
                      "child processes will be terminated as well."
                for process in process_queue:

                print "ERROR: An error occurred while waiting for " + \
                      "plotting processes to complete.  Aborting all " + \
                      "child processes."
                for process in process_queue:

            # After all frames have been plotted via recursive calls,
            # make index and gauge plots only:
            plotdata._parallel_todo = 'finalize'
            plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)

            # make frame plots only:
            plotdata._parallel_todo = 'frames'
            plotdata.print_framenos = frames
            plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)

        # not in parallel:
        plotdata._parallel_todo = None
        plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)
Exemplo n.º 6
def plotclaw(outdir='.',
    Create html and/or latex versions of plots.

        setplot is a module containing a function setplot that will be called
                to set various plotting parameters.
        format specifies the format of the files output from Clawpack

    from clawpack.visclaw.data import ClawPlotData
    from clawpack.visclaw import plotpages

    plotdata = ClawPlotData()
    plotdata.outdir = outdir
    plotdata.plotdir = plotdir
    plotdata.setplot = setplot
    plotdata.format = format
    plotdata.msgfile = msgfile

    frametools.call_setplot(plotdata.setplot, plotdata)

    if plotdata.num_procs is None:
        plotdata.num_procs = int(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", 1))

    # Make sure plotdata.parallel is False in some cases:

    if plotdata.parallel:
        assert type(setplot) in [str, bool, type(None)], \
                "*** Parallel plotting is not supported when ClawPlotData " \
                + "attribute setplot is a function."

    if plotdata.parallel and (plotdata.num_procs > 1):

        # If this is the original call then we need to split up the work and
        # call this function again

        # First set up plotdir:

        plotdata._parallel_todo = 'initialize'
        plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)

        if frames is None:
            if plotdata.num_procs is None:
                plotdata.num_procs = int(os.environ.get("OMP_NUM_THREADS", 1))

            frames = [[] for n in range(plotdata.num_procs)]
            framenos = frametools.only_most_recent(plotdata.print_framenos,

            # don't use more procs than frames or infinite loop!!
            num_procs = min(plotdata.num_procs, len(framenos))

            for (n, frame) in enumerate(framenos):
                frames[n % num_procs].append(frame)

            # Create subprocesses to work on each
            plotclaw_cmd = "python %s" % __file__
            process_queue = []
            for n in range(num_procs):
                plot_cmd = "%s %s %s %s" % (plotclaw_cmd, outdir, plotdir,
                plot_cmd = plot_cmd + " " + " ".join(
                    [str(i) for i in frames[n]])

                process_queue.append(subprocess.Popen(plot_cmd, shell=True))

            poll_interval = 5
                while len(process_queue) > 0:
                    for process in process_queue:
                        if process.poll() is not None:
                    if verbose:
                        print("Number of processes currently:",

            # Stop child processes if interrupt was caught or something went
            # wrong
            except KeyboardInterrupt:
                print("ABORTING: A keyboard interrupt was caught.  All " + \
                      "child processes will be terminated as well.")
                for process in process_queue:

                print("ERROR: An error occurred while waiting for " + \
                      "plotting processes to complete.  Aborting all " + \
                      "child processes.")
                for process in process_queue:

            # After all frames have been plotted via recursive calls,
            # make index and gauge plots only:
            plotdata._parallel_todo = 'finalize'
            plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)

            # make frame plots only:
            plotdata._parallel_todo = 'frames'
            plotdata.print_framenos = frames
            plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)

        # not in parallel:
        plotdata._parallel_todo = None
        plotpages.plotclaw_driver(plotdata, verbose=False, format=format)