Exemplo n.º 1
    def _parseGoal(self, goal, true_goal, domain):
        """Parses user goal into dictionary format."""
        goal[domain] = {}
        goal[domain] = {'informable': {}, 'requestable': [], 'booking': []}
        if 'info' in true_goal[domain]:
            if domain == 'train':
                # we consider dialogues only where train had to be booked!
                if 'book' in true_goal[domain]:
                if 'reqt' in true_goal[domain]:
                    if 'id' in true_goal[domain]['reqt']:
                if 'reqt' in true_goal[domain]:
                    for s in true_goal[domain]['reqt']:  # addtional requests:
                        if s in [
                                'phone', 'address', 'postcode', 'reference',
                            # ones that can be easily delexicalized
                if 'book' in true_goal[domain]:

            for s, v in true_goal[domain]['info'].items():
                s_, v_ = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
                if len(v_.split()) > 1:
                    v_ = ' '.join(
                        [token.text for token in self.reader.nlp(v_)]).strip()
                goal[domain]["informable"][s_] = v_

            if 'book' in true_goal[domain]:
                goal[domain]["booking"] = true_goal[domain]['book']
        return goal
Exemplo n.º 2
def preprocess_db(db_paths):
    dbs = {}
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')
    for domain in ontology.all_domains:
        with open(db_paths[domain], 'r') as f:
            dbs[domain] = json.loads(f.read().lower())
            for idx, entry in enumerate(dbs[domain]):
                new_entry = copy.deepcopy(entry)
                for key, value in entry.items():
                    if type(value) is not str:
                    del new_entry[key]
                    key, value = clean_slot_values(domain, key, value)
                    tokenize_and_back = ' '.join([token.text for token in nlp(value)]).strip()
                    new_entry[key] = tokenize_and_back
                dbs[domain][idx] = new_entry
        with open(db_paths[domain].replace('.json', '_processed.json'), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(dbs[domain], f, indent=2)
        print('[%s] DB processed! '%domain)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def preprocess_main(self, save_path=None, is_test=False):
        data = {}
        count = 0
        self.unique_da = {}
        ordered_sysact_dict = {}
        for fn, raw_dial in tqdm(list(self.convlab_data.items())):
            count += 1
            # if count == 100:
            #     break

            compressed_goal = {}
            dial_domains, dial_reqs = [], []
            for dom, g in raw_dial['goal'].items():
                if dom != 'topic' and dom != 'message' and g:
                    if g.get('reqt'):
                        for i, req_slot in enumerate(g['reqt']):
                            if ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(req_slot):
                                g['reqt'][i] = ontology.normlize_slot_names[
                    compressed_goal[dom] = g
                    if dom in ontology.all_domains:

            dial_reqs = list(set(dial_reqs))

            dial = {'goal': compressed_goal, 'log': []}
            single_turn = {}
            constraint_dict = OrderedDict()
            prev_constraint_dict = {}
            prev_turn_domain = ['general']
            ordered_sysact_dict[fn] = {}

            for turn_num, dial_turn in enumerate(raw_dial['log']):

                dial_state = dial_turn['metadata']
                if not dial_state:  # user
                    u = ' '.join(clean_text(dial_turn['text']).split())
                    if dial_turn['span_info']:
                        u_delex = clean_text(
                        u_delex = self.delex_by_valdict(dial_turn['text'])

                    single_turn['user'] = u
                    single_turn['user_delex'] = u_delex

                else:  #system
                    if dial_turn['span_info']:
                        s_delex = clean_text(
                        if not dial_turn['text']:
                        s_delex = self.delex_by_valdict(dial_turn['text'])
                    single_turn['resp'] = s_delex

                    # get belief state
                    for domain in dial_domains:
                        if not constraint_dict.get(domain):
                            constraint_dict[domain] = OrderedDict()
                        info_sv = dial_state[domain]['semi']
                        for s, v in info_sv.items():
                            s, v = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
                            if len(v.split()) > 1:
                                v = ' '.join([
                                    token.text for token in self.nlp(v)
                            if v != '':
                                constraint_dict[domain][s] = v
                        book_sv = dial_state[domain]['book']
                        for s, v in book_sv.items():
                            if s == 'booked':
                            s, v = clean_slot_values(domain, s, v)
                            if len(v.split()) > 1:
                                v = ' '.join([
                                    token.text for token in self.nlp(v)
                            if v != '':
                                constraint_dict[domain][s] = v

                    constraints = []
                    cons_delex = []
                    turn_dom_bs = []
                    for domain, info_slots in constraint_dict.items():
                        if info_slots:
                            constraints.append('[' + domain + ']')
                            cons_delex.append('[' + domain + ']')
                            for slot, value in info_slots.items():
                            if domain not in prev_constraint_dict:
                            elif prev_constraint_dict[
                                    domain] != constraint_dict[domain]:

                    sys_act_dict = {}
                    turn_dom_da = set()
                    for act in dial_turn['dialog_act']:
                        d, a = act.split('-')
                    turn_dom_da = list(turn_dom_da)
                    if len(turn_dom_da) != 1 and 'general' in turn_dom_da:
                    if len(turn_dom_da) != 1 and 'booking' in turn_dom_da:

                    # get turn domain
                    turn_domain = turn_dom_bs
                    for dom in turn_dom_da:
                        if dom != 'booking' and dom not in turn_domain:
                    if not turn_domain:
                        turn_domain = prev_turn_domain
                    if len(turn_domain) == 2 and 'general' in turn_domain:
                    if len(turn_domain) == 2:
                        if len(prev_turn_domain) == 1 and prev_turn_domain[
                                0] == turn_domain[1]:
                            turn_domain = turn_domain[::-1]

                    # get system action
                    for dom in turn_domain:
                        sys_act_dict[dom] = {}
                    add_to_last_collect = []
                    booking_act_map = {
                        'inform': 'offerbook',
                        'book': 'offerbooked'
                    for act, params in dial_turn['dialog_act'].items():
                        if act == 'general-greet':
                        d, a = act.split('-')
                        if d == 'general' and d not in sys_act_dict:
                            sys_act_dict[d] = {}
                        if d == 'booking':
                            d = turn_domain[0]
                            a = booking_act_map.get(a, a)
                        add_p = []
                        for param in params:
                            p = param[0]
                            if p == 'none':
                            elif ontology.da_abbr_to_slot_name.get(p):
                                p = ontology.da_abbr_to_slot_name[p]
                            if p not in add_p:
                        add_to_last = True if a in [
                            'request', 'reqmore', 'bye', 'offerbook'
                        ] else False
                        if add_to_last:
                            add_to_last_collect.append((d, a, add_p))
                            sys_act_dict[d][a] = add_p
                    for d, a, add_p in add_to_last_collect:
                        sys_act_dict[d][a] = add_p

                    for d in copy.copy(sys_act_dict):
                        acts = sys_act_dict[d]
                        if not acts:
                            del sys_act_dict[d]
                        if 'inform' in acts and 'offerbooked' in acts:
                            for s in sys_act_dict[d]['inform']:
                            del sys_act_dict[d]['inform']

                    ordered_sysact_dict[fn][len(dial['log'])] = sys_act_dict

                    sys_act = []
                    if 'general-greet' in dial_turn['dialog_act']:
                        sys_act.extend(['[general]', '[greet]'])
                    for d, acts in sys_act_dict.items():
                        sys_act += ['[' + d + ']']
                        for a, slots in acts.items():
                            self.unique_da[d + '-' + a] = 1
                            sys_act += ['[' + a + ']']
                            sys_act += slots

                    # get db pointers
                    matnums = self.db.get_match_num(constraint_dict)
                    match_dom = turn_domain[0] if len(
                        turn_domain) == 1 else turn_domain[1]
                    match = matnums[match_dom]
                    dbvec = self.db.addDBPointer(match_dom, match)
                    bkvec = self.db.addBookingPointer(dial_turn['dialog_act'])

                    single_turn['pointer'] = ','.join(
                        [str(d) for d in dbvec + bkvec])
                    single_turn['match'] = str(match)
                    single_turn['constraint'] = ' '.join(constraints)
                    single_turn['cons_delex'] = ' '.join(cons_delex)
                    single_turn['sys_act'] = ' '.join(sys_act)
                    single_turn['turn_num'] = len(dial['log'])
                    single_turn['turn_domain'] = ' '.join(
                        ['[' + d + ']' for d in turn_domain])

                    prev_turn_domain = copy.deepcopy(turn_domain)
                    prev_constraint_dict = copy.deepcopy(constraint_dict)

                    if 'user' in single_turn:
                        for t in single_turn['user'].split() + single_turn[
                                'resp'].split() + constraints + sys_act:
                        for t in single_turn['user_delex'].split():
                            if '[' in t and ']' in t and not t.startswith(
                                    '[') and not t.endswith(']'):
                                    t, t[t.index('['):t.index(']') + 1])
                            elif not self.vocab.has_word(t):

                    single_turn = {}

            data[fn] = dial
            # pprint(dial)
            # if count == 20:
            #     break
        with open('data/multi-woz-analysis/dialog_acts.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(ordered_sysact_dict, f, indent=2)
        with open('data/multi-woz-analysis/dialog_act_type.json', 'w') as f:
            json.dump(self.unique_da, f, indent=2)
        return data
Exemplo n.º 4
    def get_delex_valdict(self, ):
        skip_entry_type = {
            'taxi': ['taxi_phone'],
            'police': ['id'],
            'hospital': ['id'],
            'hotel': [
                'id', 'location', 'internet', 'parking', 'takesbookings',
                'stars', 'price', 'n', 'postcode', 'phone'
            'attraction': [
                'id', 'location', 'pricerange', 'price', 'openhours',
                'postcode', 'phone'
            'train': ['price', 'id'],
            'restaurant': [
                'id', 'location', 'introduction', 'signature', 'type',
                'postcode', 'phone'
        entity_value_to_slot = {}
        ambiguous_entities = []
        for domain, db_data in self.db.dbs.items():
            print('Processing entity values in [%s]' % domain)
            if domain != 'taxi':
                for db_entry in db_data:
                    for slot, value in db_entry.items():
                        if slot not in skip_entry_type[domain]:
                            if type(value) is not str:
                                raise TypeError(
                                    "value '%s' in domain '%s' should be rechecked"
                                    % (slot, domain))
                                slot, value = clean_slot_values(
                                    domain, slot, value)
                                value = ' '.join([
                                    token.text for token in self.nlp(value)
                                if value in entity_value_to_slot and entity_value_to_slot[
                                        value] != slot:
                                    # print(value, ": ",entity_value_to_slot[value], slot)
                                entity_value_to_slot[value] = slot
            else:  # taxi db specific
                db_entry = db_data[0]
                for slot, ent_list in db_entry.items():
                    if slot not in skip_entry_type[domain]:
                        for ent in ent_list:
                            entity_value_to_slot[ent] = 'car'
        ambiguous_entities = set(ambiguous_entities)
        ambiguous_entities = list(ambiguous_entities)
        for amb_ent in ambiguous_entities:  # departure or destination? arrive time or leave time?
        entity_value_to_slot['parkside'] = 'address'
        entity_value_to_slot['parkside, cambridge'] = 'address'
        entity_value_to_slot['cambridge belfry'] = 'name'
        entity_value_to_slot['hills road'] = 'address'
        entity_value_to_slot['hills rd'] = 'address'
        entity_value_to_slot['Parkside Police Station'] = 'name'

        single_token_values = {}
        multi_token_values = {}
        for val, slt in entity_value_to_slot.items():
            if val in ['cambridge']:
            if len(val.split()) > 1:
                multi_token_values[val] = slt
                single_token_values[val] = slt

        with open(self.delex_sg_valdict_path, 'w') as f:
            single_token_values = OrderedDict(
                       key=lambda kv: len(kv[0]),
            json.dump(single_token_values, f, indent=2)
            print('single delex value dict saved!')
        with open(self.delex_mt_valdict_path, 'w') as f:
            multi_token_values = OrderedDict(
                       key=lambda kv: len(kv[0]),
            json.dump(multi_token_values, f, indent=2)
            print('multi delex value dict saved!')
        with open(self.ambiguous_val_path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(ambiguous_entities, f, indent=2)
            print('ambiguous value dict saved!')

        return single_token_values, multi_token_values, ambiguous_entities
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_db_values(value_set_path):
    processed = {}
    bspn_word = []
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

    with open(value_set_path, 'r') as f:
        value_set = json.loads(f.read().lower())

    with open('db/ontology.json', 'r') as f:
        otlg = json.loads(f.read().lower())

    for domain, slots in value_set.items():
        processed[domain] = {}
        bspn_word.append('[' + domain + ']')
        for slot, values in slots.items():
            s_p = ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(slot, slot)
            if s_p in ontology.informable_slots[domain]:
                processed[domain][s_p] = []

    for domain, slots in value_set.items():
        for slot, values in slots.items():
            s_p = ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(slot, slot)
            if s_p in ontology.informable_slots[domain]:
                for v in values:
                    _, v_p = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, v)
                    v_p = ' '.join([token.text for token in nlp(v_p)]).strip()
                    for x in v_p.split():
                        if x not in bspn_word:

    for domain_slot, values in otlg.items():
        domain, slot = domain_slot.split('-')
        if domain == 'bus':
            domain = 'taxi'
        if slot == 'price range':
            slot = 'pricerange'
        if slot == 'book stay':
            slot = 'stay'
        if slot == 'book day':
            slot = 'day'
        if slot == 'book people':
            slot = 'people'
        if slot == 'book time':
            slot = 'time'
        if slot == 'arrive by':
            slot = 'arrive'
        if slot == 'leave at':
            slot = 'leave'
        if slot == 'leaveat':
            slot = 'leave'
        if slot not in processed[domain]:
            processed[domain][slot] = []
        for v in values:
            _, v_p = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, v)
            v_p = ' '.join([token.text for token in nlp(v_p)]).strip()
            if v_p not in processed[domain][slot]:
                for x in v_p.split():
                    if x not in bspn_word:

    with open(value_set_path.replace('.json', '_processed.json'), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(processed, f, indent=2)
    with open('data/multi-woz-processed/bspn_word_collection.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(bspn_word, f, indent=2)

    print('DB value set processed! ')
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_db_values(value_set_path
                  ):  # value_set.json, all the domain[slot] values in datasets
    processed = {}
    bspn_word = []
    nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_sm')

    with open(value_set_path, 'r') as f:  # read value set file in lower
        value_set = json.loads(f.read().lower())

    with open('db/ontology.json',
              'r') as f:  # read ontology in lower, all the domain-slot values
        otlg = json.loads(f.read().lower())

    for domain, slots in value_set.items(
    ):  # add all informable slots to bspn_word, create lists holder for values
        processed[domain] = {}
        bspn_word.append('[' + domain + ']')
        for slot, values in slots.items():
            s_p = ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(slot, slot)
            if s_p in ontology.informable_slots[domain]:
                processed[domain][s_p] = []

    for domain, slots in value_set.items(
    ):  # add all words of values of informable slots to bspn_word
        for slot, values in slots.items():
            s_p = ontology.normlize_slot_names.get(slot, slot)
            if s_p in ontology.informable_slots[domain]:
                for v in values:
                    _, v_p = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, v)
                    v_p = ' '.join([token.text for token in nlp(v_p)]).strip()
                    for x in v_p.split():
                        if x not in bspn_word:

    for domain_slot, values in otlg.items(
    ):  # split domain-slots to domains and slots
        domain, slot = domain_slot.split('-')
        if domain == 'bus':
            domain = 'taxi'
        if slot == 'price range':
            slot = 'pricerange'
        if slot == 'book stay':
            slot = 'stay'
        if slot == 'book day':
            slot = 'day'
        if slot == 'book people':
            slot = 'people'
        if slot == 'book time':
            slot = 'time'
        if slot == 'arrive by':
            slot = 'arrive'
        if slot == 'leave at':
            slot = 'leave'
        if slot == 'leaveat':
            slot = 'leave'
        if slot not in processed[
                domain]:  # add all slots and words of values if not already in processed and bspn_word
            processed[domain][slot] = []
        for v in values:
            _, v_p = clean_slot_values(domain, slot, v)
            v_p = ' '.join([token.text for token in nlp(v_p)]).strip()
            if v_p not in processed[domain][slot]:
                for x in v_p.split():
                    if x not in bspn_word:

    with open(value_set_path.replace('.json', '_processed.json'), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(processed, f, indent=2)  # save processed.json
    with open('data/multi-woz-processed/bspn_word_collection.json', 'w') as f:
        json.dump(bspn_word, f, indent=2)  # save bspn_word

    print('DB value set processed! ')