def run_movingto_twopercent_to_canonical_test():

  transitionlist = []

  # Change the vessel_dict and reset all the mock functions in order to have the appropriate info
  testuser = maindb.get_user(mockutil.testusername)

  all_donations = maindb.get_donations_by_user(testuser, include_inactive_and_broken=True)
  node = all_donations[0].node

  # Create 9 vessels for this node
  for i in range(9):
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["userkeys"] = []
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["ownerkey"] = rsa.rsa_string_to_publickey(node.owner_pubkey)
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["ownerinfo"] = ""
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["status"] = ""
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["advertise"] = True

    maindb.create_vessel(node, "vessel"+str(i))

  vessels_dict[mockutil.extra_vessel_name]["userkeys"] = [node_transition_lib.transition_state_keys['movingto_twopercent']]
  vessels_dict[mockutil.extra_vessel_name]["ownerkey"] = rsa.rsa_string_to_publickey(node.owner_pubkey)

  mockutil.mock_nodemanager_get_node_info(mockutil.nodeid_key, "10.0test", vessels_dict)

  transitionlist.append(("movingto_twopercent", "canonical",
                         node_transition_lib.noop, False))

  print "Starting movingto_twopercent to canonical test....."

  (success_count, failure_count) = node_transition_lib.do_one_processnode_run(transitionlist, "startstatename", 1)[0]

  assert(success_count == 1)
  assert(failure_count == 0)


  assert(mockutil.set_vessel_owner_key_call_count == 0)

  assert(mockutil.set_vessel_user_keylist_call_count == 1)

  all_donations = maindb.get_donations_by_user(testuser, include_inactive_and_broken=True)
  node = all_donations[0].node
  vessel_list_per_node = maindb.get_vessels_on_node(node)

  #testing to see if the vessels were deleted after join_vessels was called
  assert(mockutil.join_vessels_call_count == 9)
  assert(len(vessel_list_per_node) == 0)
  assert(node.extra_vessel_name == "extra_vessel_join9")
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_node_and_vessels_with_one_port_each(ip, portlist, is_active=True):
  global next_nodeid_number
  next_nodeid_number += 1
  nodeid = "node" + str(next_nodeid_number)
  port = 1234
  version = "10.0test"
  owner_pubkey = "1 2"
  extra_vessel_name = "v1"
  node = maindb.create_node(nodeid, ip, port, version, is_active, owner_pubkey, extra_vessel_name)

  single_vessel_number = 2

  for vesselport in portlist:
    single_vessel_name = "v" + str(single_vessel_number)
    single_vessel_number += 1
    vessel = maindb.create_vessel(node, single_vessel_name)
    maindb.set_vessel_ports(vessel, [vesselport])
  return node
Exemplo n.º 3
def create_node_and_vessels_with_one_port_each(ip, portlist, is_active=True):

    global next_nodeid_number
    next_nodeid_number += 1

    nodeid = "node" + str(next_nodeid_number)
    port = 1234
    version = "10.0test"
    owner_pubkey = "1 2"
    extra_vessel_name = "v1"

    node = maindb.create_node(nodeid, ip, port, version, is_active,
                              owner_pubkey, extra_vessel_name)

    single_vessel_number = 2

    for vesselport in portlist:
        single_vessel_name = "v" + str(single_vessel_number)
        single_vessel_number += 1
        vessel = maindb.create_vessel(node, single_vessel_name)
        maindb.set_vessel_ports(vessel, [vesselport])

    return node
def onepercentmanyevents_divide (node_string, node_info, database_nodeobject, onepercent_resourcetemplate):
    The purpose of this function is to take a node thats in canonical state
    with one vessel, and split it into the 1% vessels so the vessels can
    be acquired by users.

    node_string - the name of the node. ip:port or NAT:port

    node_info - a dictionary containing information about the node

    database_nodeobject - a database object for the node
    onepercent_resourcetemplate - the file that has information about resources

    NodeError - Error raised if node is not in the right state 

    NodemanagerCommunicationError - raised if we cannot retrieve the usable ports for a node

    NodeProcessError - raised if unable to split vessels properly

    DatabaseError - raised if unable to modify the database    

  <Side Effects>
    Database gets modified.        


  node_transition_lib.log("Beginning onepercentmanyevents_divide on node: "+node_string)

  # Extract the ip/NAT and the port.
  # Note that the first portion of the node might be an ip or a NAT string.
  (ip_or_nat_string, port_num) = node_transition_lib.split_node_string(node_string)
  donated_vesselname = database_nodeobject.extra_vessel_name

  # Retrieve the usable ports list for the node and then shuffle
  # the ports so each vessel gets a random subset of the ports
  usable_ports_list = nodemanager.get_vessel_resources(ip_or_nat_string, port_num, donated_vesselname)['usableports']
  node_transition_lib.log("List of usable ports in node: "+node_string+". "+str(usable_ports_list))

  #the vessel that we start with
  current_vessel = donated_vesselname
  node_transition_lib.log("Name of starting vessel: "+current_vessel)

  # Keep splittiing the vessel until we run out of resources.  
  # Note that when split_vessel is called the left vessel 
  # has the leftover (extra vessel)and the right vessel has 
  # the vessel with the exact resources.
  while len(usable_ports_list) >= 10:
    desired_resourcedata = get_resource_data(onepercent_resourcetemplate, usable_ports_list)
    #use the first 10 ports so remove them from the list of usable_ports_list
    used_ports_list = usable_ports_list[:10]
    usable_ports_list = usable_ports_list[10:]

    node_transition_lib.log("Ports we are going to use for the new vessel: "+str(used_ports_list))
    node_transition_lib.log("Starting to split vessel: "+current_vessel)

    # Split the current vessel. The exact vessel is the right vessel 
    # and the extra vessel is the left vessel. 
      leftover_vessel, new_vessel = backend.split_vessel(database_nodeobject, current_vessel, desired_resourcedata)
    except NodemanagerCommunicationError, e:
      # The object 'e' will already include traceback info that has the actual node error.
      # If the failure is due to inability to split further, that's ok.
      if 'Insufficient quantity:' in str(e):
        node_transition_lib.log("Could not split " + current_vessel + 
                                " any further due to insufficient resource/quantity. " + str(e))
        # We must break out of the while loop here. If we let the exception get,
        # raised, it will look like the transition failed.

    node_transition_lib.log("Successfully split vessel: "+current_vessel+" into vessels: "+leftover_vessel+" and "+new_vessel)
    current_vessel = leftover_vessel

    # Make sure to update the database and record the new
    # name of the extra vessel as when backend.split_vessels()
    # is called, the old vessel does not exist anymore. 
    # Instead two new vessels are created, where the first
    # vessel is the extra vessel with leftover resources
    # and the second vessel has the actual amount of resources
    maindb.set_node_extra_vessel_name(database_nodeobject, current_vessel)

    #set the user_list for the new vesel to be empty. Remember that user_list is what determines
    #the transition state, and only the extra vessel should have this set.
    backend.set_vessel_user_keylist(database_nodeobject, new_vessel, [])
    node_transition_lib.log("Changed the userkeys for the vessel "+new_vessel+" to []")

    # Add the newly created vessel to the database and then add the ports associated with
    # the vessel to the database also.    
      node_transition_lib.log("Creating a vessel record in the database for vessel "+new_vessel+" for node "+node_string)
      vessel_object = maindb.create_vessel(database_nodeobject, new_vessel)
      node_transition_lib.log("Setting the vessel ports in the database for vessel "+new_vessel+" with port list: "+str(used_ports_list))
      maindb.set_vessel_ports(vessel_object, used_ports_list)
      raise node_transition_lib.DatabaseError("Failed to create vessel entry or change vessel entry for vessel: "+
                                               new_vessel+". "+traceback.format_exc())
def setup_general():
    Prepare all the general stuff in order to run the tests.



  <Side Efects>



  # Make sure all the variables are its default values

  # Create a user who has the donation key.
  user_object = maindb.create_user(mockutil.testusername, "password", "*****@*****.**", "affiliation",
                    "10 11", "2 2 2", mockutil.donor_key_str)

  # Create a database entry for the node
  node_object = maindb.create_node(mockutil.nodeid_key_str, mockutil.node_ip, mockutil.node_port, "10.0test",
                                  True, mockutil.per_node_key_str, mockutil.extra_vessel_name)

  # Create a donation for user
  maindb.create_donation(node_object, user_object, "Making a donation")

  testuser = maindb.get_user(mockutil.testusername)

  # Retrieve the info about the donation we just made.
  all_donations = maindb.get_donations_by_user(testuser, include_inactive_and_broken=True)
  node = all_donations[0].node

  global vessels_dict
  vessels_dict = vessels_dict_basic.copy()
  # Create 9 different vessels, assuming that the original vessel got split into 9.
  for i in range(9):
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["userkeys"] = []
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["ownerkey"] = rsa.rsa_string_to_publickey(node.owner_pubkey)
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["ownerinfo"] = ""
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["status"] = ""
    vessels_dict["vessel"+str(i)]["advertise"] = True

    maindb.create_vessel(node, "vessel"+str(i))

  # Setup all the mock functions
  mockutil.mock_nodemanager_get_node_info(mockutil.nodeid_key, "10.0test", vessels_dict)
Exemplo n.º 6
def setup_general():
    Prepare all the general stuff in order to run the tests.



  <Side Efects>



    # Make sure all the variables are its default values

    # Create a user who has the donation key.
    user_object = maindb.create_user(mockutil.testusername, "password",
                                     "*****@*****.**", "affiliation",
                                     "10 11", "2 2 2", mockutil.donor_key_str)

    # Create a database entry for the node
    node_object = maindb.create_node(mockutil.nodeid_key_str, mockutil.node_ip,
                                     mockutil.node_port, "10.0test", True,

    # Create a donation for user
    maindb.create_donation(node_object, user_object, "Making a donation")

    testuser = maindb.get_user(mockutil.testusername)

    # Retrieve the info about the donation we just made.
    all_donations = maindb.get_donations_by_user(
        testuser, include_inactive_and_broken=True)
    node = all_donations[0].node

    global vessels_dict
    vessels_dict = vessels_dict_basic.copy()
    # Create 9 different vessels, assuming that the original vessel got split into 9.
    for i in range(9):
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)] = {}
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["userkeys"] = []
        vessels_dict["vessel" +
                     str(i)]["ownerkey"] = rsa.rsa_string_to_publickey(
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["ownerinfo"] = ""
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["status"] = ""
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["advertise"] = True

        maindb.create_vessel(node, "vessel" + str(i))

    # Setup all the mock functions
    mockutil.mock_nodemanager_get_node_info(mockutil.nodeid_key, "10.0test",
Exemplo n.º 7
def run_moving2onepercent_to_canonical_test():

    transitionlist = []

    # Change the vessel_dict and reset all the mock functions in order to have the appropriate info
    testuser = maindb.get_user(mockutil.testusername)

    all_donations = maindb.get_donations_by_user(
        testuser, include_inactive_and_broken=True)
    node = all_donations[0].node

    # Create 9 vessels for this node
    for i in range(9):
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)] = {}
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["userkeys"] = []
        vessels_dict["vessel" +
                     str(i)]["ownerkey"] = rsa.rsa_string_to_publickey(
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["ownerinfo"] = ""
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["status"] = ""
        vessels_dict["vessel" + str(i)]["advertise"] = True

        maindb.create_vessel(node, "vessel" + str(i))

    vessels_dict[mockutil.extra_vessel_name]["userkeys"] = [
        mockutil.extra_vessel_name]["ownerkey"] = rsa.rsa_string_to_publickey(

    mockutil.mock_nodemanager_get_node_info(mockutil.nodeid_key, "10.0test",

        ("movingto_onepercentmanyevents", "canonical",
         node_transition_lib.combine_vessels, node_transition_lib.noop, False))

    print "Starting canonical to movingtoonepercentmanyevents test....."

     failure_count) = node_transition_lib.do_one_processnode_run(
         transitionlist, "startstatename", 1)[0]

    assert (success_count == 1)
    assert (failure_count == 0)


    assert (mockutil.set_vessel_owner_key_call_count == 0)

    assert (mockutil.set_vessel_user_keylist_call_count == 1)

    all_donations = maindb.get_donations_by_user(
        testuser, include_inactive_and_broken=True)
    node = all_donations[0].node

    vessel_list_per_node = maindb.get_vessels_on_node(node)

    #testing to see if the vessels were deleted after join_vessels was called
    assert (mockutil.join_vessels_call_count == 9)
    assert (len(vessel_list_per_node) == 0)
    assert (node.extra_vessel_name == "extra_vessel_join9")
def onepercentmanyevents_divide(node_string, node_info, database_nodeobject,
    The purpose of this function is to take a node thats in canonical state
    with one vessel, and split it into the 1% vessels so the vessels can
    be acquired by users.

    node_string - the name of the node. ip:port or NAT:port

    node_info - a dictionary containing information about the node

    database_nodeobject - a database object for the node
    onepercent_resourcetemplate - the file that has information about resources

    NodeError - Error raised if node is not in the right state 

    NodemanagerCommunicationError - raised if we cannot retrieve the usable ports for a node

    NodeProcessError - raised if unable to split vessels properly

    DatabaseError - raised if unable to modify the database    

  <Side Effects>
    Database gets modified.        


    node_transition_lib.log("Beginning onepercentmanyevents_divide on node: " +

    # Extract the ip/NAT and the port.
    # Note that the first portion of the node might be an ip or a NAT string.
     port_num) = node_transition_lib.split_node_string(node_string)

    donated_vesselname = database_nodeobject.extra_vessel_name

    # Retrieve the usable ports list for the node and then shuffle
    # the ports so each vessel gets a random subset of the ports
    usable_ports_list = nodemanager.get_vessel_resources(
        ip_or_nat_string, port_num, donated_vesselname)['usableports']
    node_transition_lib.log("List of usable ports in node: " + node_string +
                            ". " + str(usable_ports_list))

    #the vessel that we start with
    current_vessel = donated_vesselname
    node_transition_lib.log("Name of starting vessel: " + current_vessel)

    # Keep splittiing the vessel until we run out of resources.
    # Note that when split_vessel is called the left vessel
    # has the leftover (extra vessel)and the right vessel has
    # the vessel with the exact resources.
    while len(usable_ports_list) >= 10:
        desired_resourcedata = get_resource_data(onepercent_resourcetemplate,

        #use the first 10 ports so remove them from the list of usable_ports_list
        used_ports_list = usable_ports_list[:10]
        usable_ports_list = usable_ports_list[10:]

            "Ports we are going to use for the new vessel: " +
        node_transition_lib.log("Starting to split vessel: " + current_vessel)

        # Split the current vessel. The exact vessel is the right vessel
        # and the extra vessel is the left vessel.
            leftover_vessel, new_vessel = backend.split_vessel(
                database_nodeobject, current_vessel, desired_resourcedata)
        except NodemanagerCommunicationError, e:
            # The object 'e' will already include traceback info that has the actual node error.
            # If the failure is due to inability to split further, that's ok.
            if 'Insufficient quantity:' in str(e):
                    "Could not split " + current_vessel +
                    " any further due to insufficient resource/quantity. " +
                # We must break out of the while loop here. If we let the exception get,
                # raised, it will look like the transition failed.

        node_transition_lib.log("Successfully split vessel: " +
                                current_vessel + " into vessels: " +
                                leftover_vessel + " and " + new_vessel)
        current_vessel = leftover_vessel

        # Make sure to update the database and record the new
        # name of the extra vessel as when backend.split_vessels()
        # is called, the old vessel does not exist anymore.
        # Instead two new vessels are created, where the first
        # vessel is the extra vessel with leftover resources
        # and the second vessel has the actual amount of resources
        maindb.set_node_extra_vessel_name(database_nodeobject, current_vessel)

        #set the user_list for the new vesel to be empty. Remember that user_list is what determines
        #the transition state, and only the extra vessel should have this set.
        backend.set_vessel_user_keylist(database_nodeobject, new_vessel, [])
        node_transition_lib.log("Changed the userkeys for the vessel " +
                                new_vessel + " to []")

        # Add the newly created vessel to the database and then add the ports associated with
        # the vessel to the database also.
                "Creating a vessel record in the database for vessel " +
                new_vessel + " for node " + node_string)
            vessel_object = maindb.create_vessel(database_nodeobject,
                "Setting the vessel ports in the database for vessel " +
                new_vessel + " with port list: " + str(used_ports_list))
            maindb.set_vessel_ports(vessel_object, used_ports_list)
            raise node_transition_lib.DatabaseError(
                "Failed to create vessel entry or change vessel entry for vessel: "
                + new_vessel + ". " + traceback.format_exc())