def test_tau():
    """py.test for tau"""
    data = ((""" - Displaying Monthly Design Conditions "Climate Design Data 2009 ASHRAE Handbook"
 - Monthly Optical Sky Depth Beam (taub) and Diffuse (taud)
 	                        	Jan	Feb	Mar	Apr	May	Jun	Jul	Aug	Sep	Oct	Nov	Dec	
 	             taub (beam)	0.289	 0.29	0.325	0.351	0.377	 0.37	0.362	0.352	0.343	0.323	0.302	0.289	
 	          taud (diffuse)	2.641	2.681	2.392	2.292	2.224	2.361	2.489	2.561	2.539	2.534	2.618	2.633	

 	                    taub	= Clear Sky Optical Depth for Beam Irradiance
 	                    taud	= Clear Sky Optical Depth for Diffuse Irradiance

[0.289, 0.29, 0.325, 0.351, 0.377, 0.37, 
0.362, 0.352, 0.343, 0.323, 0.302, 0.289],
[2.641, 2.681, 2.392, 2.292, 2.224, 2.361, 
2.489, 2.561, 2.539, 2.534, 2.618, 2.633]), # txt, taub, taud
    for txt, taub, taud in data:
        import StringIO
        fhandle = StringIO.StringIO(txt)
        result = clearskyrad.tau(fhandle)
        assert result == (taub, taud)
Exemplo n.º 2
spadict['timezone'] = -7.0 # negative west of Greenwich
                           # -12   to   12 hours
spadict['delta_t'] = 67 # Difference between earth rotation time 
                        # and terrestrial time
spadict['longitude'] = -112.066 # negative west of Greenwich
                                # -180  to  180 degrees
spadict['latitude'] = 33.43 # N is +ve
spadict['elevation'] = 339.14 # meters
spadict['pressure'] = 820 # millibars
spadict['temperature'] = 11 # C
spadict['slope'] = 0
spadict['azm_rotation'] = 0
spadict['atmos_refract'] = 0.5667 # typical value

statfilename = './weatherfiles/USA_AZ_Phoenix/USA_AZ_Phoenix.722780_TMY2.stat'
taubs, tauds = clearskyrad.tau(open(statfilename))

# for m in range(1, 13):
for m in range(1, 13):
    for d in range(1, calendar.monthrange(spadict['year'], m)[1] + 1):
    # for d in range(1, 25):
        for h in range(1, 25):
            spadict['month'] = m
            spadict['day'] = d
            spadict['hour'] = h
                sun = spabase.spacalc(spadict)
                alt = 90 - sun['zenith']
                taub, taud = taubs[m -1], tauds[m -1]
                thedate = datetime(spadict['year'], m, d)
                if alt <= 0: