Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_grade_obj(self):
     algebras = [Cl(i) for i in [3, 4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])]
     for alg in algebras:
         layout = alg[0]
         for i in range(len(layout.sig)+1):
             mv = layout.randomMV()(i)
             assert i == grade_obj(mv)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_sparse_multiply(self):
     algebras = [Cl(i) for i in [4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])]
     # For all the algebras we are interested in
     for alg in algebras:
         layout = alg[0]
         # Make two random multivectors
         a = layout.randomMV()
         b = layout.randomMV()
         # Project the multivectors to the grades required
         grades_possibilities = []
         for r in range(1, len(layout.sig)):
             possible_grades = [
                 list(m) for m in list(
                     itertools.combinations(range(len(layout.sig)), r))
             grades_possibilities += possible_grades
         for i, grades_a in enumerate(grades_possibilities):
             sparse_mv_a = sum([a(k) for k in grades_a])
             for j, grades_b in enumerate(grades_possibilities):
                 sparse_mv_b = sum([b(k) for k in grades_b])
                 # Compute results
                 gp = layout.gmt_func_generator(grades_a=grades_a,
                 result_sparse = gp(sparse_mv_a.value, sparse_mv_b.value)
                 result_dense = (sparse_mv_a * sparse_mv_b).value
                 # Check they are the same
                 testing.assert_almost_equal(result_sparse, result_dense)
                 print(j + i * len(grades_possibilities),
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestBasicAlgebra:
    def test_gp_op_ip(self):
        layout = Cl(3)[0]
        e1 = layout.blades['e1']
        e2 = layout.blades['e2']
        e3 = layout.blades['e3']

        print('outer product')
        e123 = layout.blades['e123']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e123.value, (e1 ^ e2 ^ e3).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e123.value, (e1 * e2 * e3).value)

        print('outer product ordering')
        e12 = layout.blades['e12']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(-e12.value, (e2 ^ e1).value)

        print('outer product zeros')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, (e1 ^ e1).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, (e2 ^ e2).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, (e3 ^ e3).value)

        print('scalar outer product')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(((1 + 0 * e1) ^ (1 + 0 * e1)).value,
                                       (1 + 0 * e1).value)

        print('scalar inner product')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(((1 + 0 * e1) | (1 + 0 * e1)).value, 0)

    @pytest.fixture(params=[Cl(i) for i in [3, 4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])],
                    ids=['Cl(3)', 'Cl(4)', 'conformal Cl(3)'])
    def algebra(self, request):
        return request.param

    def test_grade_obj(self, algebra):
        layout = algebra[0]
        for i in range(len(layout.sig) + 1):
            mv = layout.randomMV()(i)
            assert i == grade_obj(mv)

    def test_left_multiplication_matrix(self, algebra):
        layout = algebra[0]
        for i in range(1000):
            mv = layout.randomMV()
            mv2 = layout.randomMV()
                np.matmul(layout.get_left_gmt_matrix(mv), mv2.value),
                (mv * mv2).value)

    def test_right_multiplication_matrix(self, algebra):
        layout = algebra[0]
        for i in range(1000):
            a = layout.randomMV()
            b = layout.randomMV()
            b_right = val_get_right_gmt_matrix(b.value, layout.k_list,
                                               layout.l_list, layout.m_list,
            res = a * b
            res2 = layout.MultiVector(value=b_right @ a.value)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(res.value, res2.value)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_left_multiplication_matrix(self):
     algebras = [Cl(i) for i in [3, 4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])]
     for alg in algebras:
         layout = alg[0]
         for i in range(1000):
             mv = layout.randomMV()
             mv2 = layout.randomMV()
             np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.matmul(layout.get_left_gmt_matrix(mv),mv2.value), (mv*mv2).value)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_initialise(self):

        # Dirac Algebra  `D`
        D, D_blades = Cl(1, 3, names='d', firstIdx=0)

        # Pauli Algebra  `P`
        P, P_blades = Cl(3, names='p')

        # put elements of each in namespace
Exemplo n.º 6
 def test_right_multiplication_matrix(self):
     algebras = [Cl(i) for i in [3, 4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])]
     for alg in algebras:
         layout = alg[0]
         for i in range(1000):
             a = layout.randomMV()
             b = layout.randomMV()
             b_right = val_get_right_gmt_matrix(b.value, layout.k_list, layout.l_list, layout.m_list,
                                                layout.mult_table_vals, layout.gaDims)
             res = a*b
             res2 = layout.MultiVector([email protected])
             testing.assert_almost_equal(res.value, res2.value)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_layout_comparison_operators(self):
        l3a, _ = Cl(3)
        l3b, _ = Cl(3)
        l4, _ = Cl(4)

        assert operator.eq(l3a, l3b) is True
        assert operator.eq(l3a, l4) is False
        assert operator.eq(l3a, None) is False

        assert operator.ne(l3a, l3b) is False
        assert operator.ne(l3a, l4) is True
        assert operator.ne(l3a, None) is True
Exemplo n.º 8
class TestInitialisation:
        "n", [x for x in range(2, 7)] +
        [pytest.param(x, marks=too_slow_without_jit) for x in range(7, 9)])
    def test_speed(self, n, benchmark):
        def generate_algebra():
            layout = Cl(n)[0]


                             [Cl(i) for i in [4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])],
                             ids=['Cl(4)', 'conformalize(Cl(3))'])
    def test_sparse_multiply(self, algebra, rng):  # noqa: F811
        layout = algebra[0]
        # Make two random multivectors
        a = layout.randomMV(rng=rng)
        b = layout.randomMV(rng=rng)

        # Choose the grades we care about.
        # We skip the cases of:
        #  - all grades
        #  - no grades
        #  - any multiplications including the pseudoscalar
        grades_possibilities = list(_powerset(range(layout.dims)))[1:-1]

        for i, grades_a in enumerate(grades_possibilities):
            sparse_mv_a = sum([a(k) for k in grades_a], layout.MultiVector())
            for j, grades_b in enumerate(grades_possibilities):
                sparse_mv_b = sum([b(k) for k in grades_b],
                # Compute results
                gp = layout.gmt_func_generator(grades_a=grades_a,
                result_sparse = gp(sparse_mv_a.value, sparse_mv_b.value)
                result_dense = (sparse_mv_a * sparse_mv_b).value
                # Check they are the same
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_sparse, result_dense)
                print(j + i * len(grades_possibilities),
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_exp_g4(self):
        a numerical test for the exponential of a bivector. truth was
        generated by results of clifford v0.82
        layout, blades = Cl(4)

        valB = np.array([
            -0.                 ,  0.                 ,  # noqa
             0.                 , -0.                 ,  # noqa
            -0.                 , -1.9546896043012914 ,  # noqa
             0.7069828848351363 , -0.22839793693302957,  # noqa
             1.0226966962560002 ,  1.8673816483342143 ,  # noqa
            -1.7694566455296474 , -0.                 ,  # noqa
            -0.                 ,  0.                 ,  # noqa
            -0.                 , -0.                    # noqa
        valexpB = np.array([
            -0.8154675764311629  ,  0.                  ,  # noqa
             0.                  ,  0.                  ,  # noqa
             0.                  ,  0.3393508714682218  ,  # noqa
             0.22959588097548828 , -0.1331099867581965  ,  # noqa
            -0.01536404898029994 ,  0.012688721722814184,  # noqa
             0.35678394795928464 ,  0.                  ,  # noqa
             0.                  ,  0.                  ,  # noqa
             0.                  , -0.14740840378445502    # noqa

        B = MultiVector(layout=layout, value=valB)
        expB = MultiVector(layout=layout, value=valexpB)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.exp(B)[0].value, expB.value)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_inv_g4(self):
        a numerical test for the inverse of a MV. truth was
        generated by results of clifford v0.82
        layout, blades = Cl(4)
        valA = np.array([
            -0.3184271488037198 , -0.8751064635010213 ,  # noqa
            -1.5011710376191947 ,  1.7946332649746224 ,  # noqa
            -0.8899576254164621 , -0.3297631748225678 ,  # noqa
             0.04310366054166925,  1.3970365638677635 ,  # noqa
            -1.545423393858595  ,  1.7790215501876614 ,  # noqa
             0.4785341530609175 , -1.32279679741638   ,  # noqa
             0.5874769077573831 , -1.0227287710873676 ,  # noqa
             1.779673249468527  , -1.5415648119743852    # noqa

        valAinv = np.array([
             0.06673424072253006 , -0.005709960252678998,  # noqa
            -0.10758540037163118 ,  0.1805895938775471  ,  # noqa
             0.13919236400967427 ,  0.04123255613093294 ,  # noqa
            -0.015395162562329407, -0.1388977308136247  ,  # noqa
            -0.1462160646855434  , -0.1183453106997158  ,  # noqa
            -0.06961956152268277 ,  0.1396713851886765  ,  # noqa
            -0.02572904638749348 ,  0.02079613649197489 ,  # noqa
            -0.06933660606043765 , -0.05436077710009021    # noqa

        A = MultiVector(layout=layout, value=valA)
        Ainv = MultiVector(layout=layout, value=valAinv)

        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(A.inv().value, Ainv.value)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_innermorphic(self, p, q):
        layout, blades = Cl(p, q)

        A = Frame(layout.randomV(p + q))
        R = layout.randomRotor()
        B = Frame([R * a * ~R for a in A])
        assert A.is_innermorphic_to(B)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_gp_op_ip(self):
        layout = Cl(3)[0]
        e1 = layout.blades['e1']
        e2 = layout.blades['e2']
        e3 = layout.blades['e3']

        print('outer product')
        e123 = layout.blades['e123']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e123.value, (e1 ^ e2 ^ e3).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e123.value, (e1 * e2 * e3).value)

        print('outer product ordering')
        e12 = layout.blades['e12']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(-e12.value, (e2 ^ e1).value)

        print('outer product zeros')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, (e1 ^ e1).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, (e2 ^ e2).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(0, (e3 ^ e3).value)

        print('scalar outer product')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(((1 + 0 * e1) ^ (1 + 0 * e1)).value,
                                       (1 + 0 * e1).value)

        print('scalar inner product')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(((1 + 0 * e1) | (1 + 0 * e1)).value, 0)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_categorization(self):
        layout = Cl(3)[0]
        e1 = layout.blades['e1']
        e2 = layout.blades['e2']
        e3 = layout.blades['e3']

        blades = [
            e1 ^ e2,
            (e1 + e2) ^ e2,
        for b in blades:
            # all invertible blades are also versors
            assert b.isBlade()
            assert b.isVersor()

        versors = [
            1 + (e1 ^ e2),
            e1 + (e1 ^ e2 ^ e3),
        for v in versors:
            assert not v.isBlade()
            assert v.isVersor()

        neither = [layout.scalar * 0, 1 + e1, 1 + (e1 ^ e2 ^ e3)]
        for n in neither:
            assert not n.isBlade()
            assert not n.isVersor()
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_exp(self):
     layout, blades = Cl(3)
     e12 = blades['e12']
     theta = np.linspace(0, 100 * np.pi, 101)
     a_list = [np.e**(t * e12) for t in theta]
     for a in a_list:
         np.testing.assert_almost_equal(abs(a), 1.0, 5)
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_binary_op_preserves_dtype(self, dtype, func):
     """ test that simple binary ops on blades do not promote types """
     layout, blades = Cl(3)
     e1 = blades['e1'].astype(dtype)
     e2 = blades['e2'].astype(dtype)
     assert func(e1, np.int8(1)).value.dtype == dtype
     assert func(e1, e2).value.dtype == dtype
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_add_preserves_dtype(self):
     """ test that adding blades does not promote types """
     layout, blades = Cl(3)
     e1 = blades['e1']
     e2 = blades['e2']
     assert (e1 + 1).value.dtype == e1.value.dtype
     assert (e1 + e2).value.dtype == e1.value.dtype
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_speed(self):
     algebras = range(2, 9)
     print()  # So that the first number is on a new line
     for i in algebras:
         t_start = time.time()
         t_end = time.time()
         print(i, t_end - t_start)
Exemplo n.º 18
 def testframe2Mat(self):
     for N in [2, 3, 4]:
         l, b = Cl(N)
         X = np.random.rand((N**2)).reshape(N, N)
         I = l.pseudoScalar
         B, I = tools.mat2Frame(X, I=I)
         X_, I = tools.frame2Mat(B=B, I=I)
         testing.assert_almost_equal(X, X_)
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_innermorphic(self):
        for p, q in [(2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0)]:
            layout, blades = Cl(p, q)

            A = Frame(layout.randomV(p + q))
            R = layout.randomRotor()
            B = Frame([R * a * ~R for a in A])
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_indexing(self):
     layout, blades = Cl(3)
     e12 = blades['e12']
     e1 = blades['e1']
     e2 = blades['e2']
     e3 = blades['e3']
     assert e12[e12] == 1
     assert e12[e3] == 0
     assert e12[(2, 1)] == -1
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_blades_of_grade(self):
     layout = Cl(3)[0]
     e1 = layout.blades['e1']
     e2 = layout.blades['e2']
     e3 = layout.blades['e3']
     assert layout.blades_of_grade(0) == [layout.scalar]
     assert layout.blades_of_grade(1) == [e1, e2, e3]
     assert layout.blades_of_grade(2) == [e1 ^ e2, e1 ^ e3, e2 ^ e3]
     assert layout.blades_of_grade(3) == [e1 ^ e2 ^ e3]
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_add_float64(self):
        test array_wrap method to take control addition from numpy array
        layout, blades = Cl(3)
        e1 = blades['e1']

        np.float64(1) + e1
        assert 1 + e1 == np.float64(1) + e1

        assert 1 + e1 == e1 + np.float64(1)
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_mv_str(self):
        """ Test the __str__ magic method """
        layout, blades = Cl(3)
        e1 = blades['e1']
        e2 = blades['e2']
        e12 = blades['e12']

        assert str(e1) == "(1^e1)"
        assert str(1 + e1) == "1 + (1^e1)"
        assert str(-e1) == "-(1^e1)"
        assert str(1 - e1) == "1 - (1^e1)"
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_gp_op_ip(self):
        layout = Cl(3)[0]
        e1 = layout.blades['e1']
        e2 = layout.blades['e2']
        e3 = layout.blades['e3']

        e123 = layout.blades['e123']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e123.value, (e1 ^ e2 ^ e3).value)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(e123.value, (e1 * e2 * e3).value)

        e12 = layout.blades['e12']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(-e12.value, (e2 ^ e1).value)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_layout_comparison_operators(self, g3, g4):
        l3a = g3
        l3b, _ = Cl(3)  # need a new copy here
        l4 = g4

        assert operator.eq(l3a, l3b) is True
        assert operator.eq(l3a, l4) is False
        assert operator.eq(l3a, None) is False

        assert operator.ne(l3a, l3b) is False
        assert operator.ne(l3a, l4) is True
        assert operator.ne(l3a, None) is True
Exemplo n.º 26
 def generate_algebra():
     layout = Cl(n)[0]
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_metric(self):
        layout = Cl(4, 1)[0]
        e1 = layout.blades['e1']
        e2 = layout.blades['e2']
        e3 = layout.blades['e3']
        e4 = layout.blades['e4']
        e5 = layout.blades['e5']

        self.assertAlmostEqual((e1 * e1)[0], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((e2 * e2)[0], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((e3 * e3)[0], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((e4 * e4)[0], 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual((e5 * e5)[0], -1)
class TestInitialisation:
    def test_speed(self):
        algebras = range(2, 9)
        print()  # So that the first number is on a new line
        for i in algebras:
            t_start = time.time()
            t_end = time.time()
            print(i, t_end - t_start)

                             [Cl(i) for i in [4]] + [conformalize(Cl(3)[0])],
                             ids=['Cl(4)', 'conformalize(Cl(3))'])
    def test_sparse_multiply(self, algebra):
        layout = algebra[0]
        # Make two random multivectors
        a = layout.randomMV()
        b = layout.randomMV()
        # Project the multivectors to the grades required
        grades_possibilities = []
        for r in range(1, len(layout.sig)):
            possible_grades = [
                list(m) for m in list(
                    itertools.combinations(range(len(layout.sig)), r))
            grades_possibilities += possible_grades
        for i, grades_a in enumerate(grades_possibilities):
            sparse_mv_a = sum([a(k) for k in grades_a])
            for j, grades_b in enumerate(grades_possibilities):
                sparse_mv_b = sum([b(k) for k in grades_b])
                # Compute results
                gp = layout.gmt_func_generator(grades_a=grades_a,
                result_sparse = gp(sparse_mv_a.value, sparse_mv_b.value)
                result_dense = (sparse_mv_a * sparse_mv_b).value
                # Check they are the same
                np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result_sparse, result_dense)
                print(j + i * len(grades_possibilities),
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_metric(self):
        layout = Cl(4, 1)[0]
        e1 = layout.blades['e1']
        e2 = layout.blades['e2']
        e3 = layout.blades['e3']
        e4 = layout.blades['e4']
        e5 = layout.blades['e5']

        assert (e1 * e1)[0] == 1
        assert (e2 * e2)[0] == 1
        assert (e3 * e3)[0] == 1
        assert (e4 * e4)[0] == 1
        assert (e5 * e5)[0] == -1
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_mv_str(self):
        """ Test the __str__ magic method """
        layout, blades = Cl(3)
        e1 = blades['e1']
        e2 = blades['e2']
        e12 = blades['e12']

        assert str(e1) == "(1^e1)"
        assert str(1 + e1) == "1 + (1^e1)"
        assert str(-e1) == "-(1^e1)"
        assert str(1 - e1) == "1 - (1^e1)"

        mv = layout.scalar * 1.0
        mv[(1,)] = float('nan')
        mv[(1, 2)] = float('nan')
        assert str(mv) == "1.0 + (nan^e1) + (nan^e12)"