def test_invalid_parameter(self):
     """Invalid techonology or variable input returns error:"""
     tech = 'XY'  # does not exist
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError) as cm:
     self.assertIn('Invalid input parameter(s).', str(cm.exception))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_switzerland(self):

        drought = Drought()
        drought.set_area(44.5, 5, 50, 12)

        hazard_set = drought.setup()

        imp_drought = Impact()
        dr_if = ImpactFuncSet()
        if_def = IFDrought()

        exposure_agrar = SpamAgrar()
        imp_drought.calc(exposure_agrar, dr_if, hazard_set)

        index_event_start = imp_drought.event_name.index('2003')
        damages_drought = imp_drought.at_event[index_event_start]

        self.assertEqual(hazard_set.tag.haz_type, 'DR')
        self.assertEqual(hazard_set.size, 114)
        self.assertEqual(hazard_set.centroids.size, 130)
        self.assertEqual(exposure_agrar.latitude.values.size, 766 / 2)
        self.assertEqual(exposure_agrar.value[3], 1720024.4)
        self.assertEqual(damages_drought, 61995472.555223145)
 def test_invalid_parameter(self):
     """Invalid techonology or variable input returns error:"""
     tech = 'XY'  # does not exist
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='ERROR') as cm:
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
     self.assertIn('Invalid input parameter(s).', cm.output[0])
 def test_suriname_pass(self):
     """Test country Suriname for default parameters:"""
     country_name = 'Suriname'
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='INFO') as cm:
     self.assertIn('Lat. range: +1.875 to +5.958.', cm.output[0])
     self.assertIn('Lon. range: -58.042 to -54.042.', cm.output[1])
     self.assertIn("Total V_agg TA Suriname: 78879225.2 USD.", cm.output[2])
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.min() == 740)
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.max() == 740)
 def test_invalid_country(self):
     """Invalid country or admin input returns global entity:"""
     country_name = 'Utopia'
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='INFO') as cm:
     self.assertIn('Country name not found in data: Utopia', cm.output[0])
     self.assertIn('Lat. range: -55.375 to +71.125.', cm.output[1])
     self.assertIn('Lon. range: -179.125 to +179.958.', cm.output[2])
     self.assertIn("Total V_agg TA global: 1301919384722.2 USD.",
 def test_ucayali_pass(self):
     """Test admin 2 region Ucayali for non-default parameters:"""
     adm2 = 'Ucayali'
     tech = 'TA'  # all
     var = 'Y'  # yield
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='INFO') as cm:
         ent.init_spam_agrar(name_adm2=adm2, spam_variable=var,\
     self.assertIn('Lat. range: -8.625 to -6.042.', cm.output[0])
     self.assertIn('Lon. range: -76.125 to -74.208.', cm.output[1])
     self.assertIn("Total Y TA  Ucayali: 12298441.3 kg/Ha.", cm.output[2])
 def test_zurich_pass(self):
     """Test admin 1 Zurich for default parameters:"""
     country_name = 'CHE'
     adm1 = 'Zurich'
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='INFO') as cm:
         ent.init_spam_agrar(country=country_name, name_adm1=adm1)
     self.assertIn('Lat. range: +47.208 to +47.625.', cm.output[0])
     self.assertIn('Lon. range: +8.375 to +8.875.', cm.output[1])
     self.assertIn("Total V_agg TA CHE Zurich: 56644555.1 USD.",
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.min() == 756)
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.max() == 756)
 def test_switzerland_pass(self):
     """Test country CHE for non-default parameters:"""
     country_name = 'CHE'
     tech = 'TI'  # irrigated
     var = 'H'  # harvest area
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='INFO') as cm:
         ent.init_spam_agrar(country=country_name, spam_variable=var,\
     self.assertIn('Lat. range: +45.875 to +47.792.', cm.output[0])
     self.assertIn('Lon. range: +6.042 to +10.375.', cm.output[1])
     self.assertIn("Total H TI CHE: 28427.1 Ha.", cm.output[2])
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.min() == 756)
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.max() == 756)
 def test_global_pass(self):
     """Test global entity for default parameters and"""
     ent = SpamAgrar()
     with self.assertLogs('climada.entity.exposures.spam_agrar',
                          level='INFO') as cm:
     ent_select = ent[ent['region_id'] == 208]  # select Denmark only
     self.assertIn('Lat. range: -55.375 to +71.125.', cm.output[0])
     self.assertIn('Lon. range: -179.125 to +179.958.', cm.output[1])
     self.assertIn("Total V_agg TA global: 1301919384722.2 USD.",
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.min() == 4)
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id[10000] == 246)
     self.assertTrue(ent.region_id.max() == 894)
     self.assertTrue(ent_select.value.sum() == 1878858118.0)
     self.assertTrue(ent_select.region_id.min() == 208)
     self.assertTrue(ent_select.region_id.max() == 208)
"""Plot intensity of one year event""" 
# new_haz.plot_intensity_drought(event='2003')

"""Initialize Impact function"""
dr_if = ImpactFuncSet()
if_def = IFDrought()
"""set impact function: for min: set_default; for sum-thr: set_default_sumthr; for sum: set_default_sum"""

"""Initialize Exposure"""
exposure_agrar = SpamAgrar()

"""If intensity def is not default, exposure has to be adapted"""
"""In case of sum-thr: 'if_DR_sumthr', in case of sum:'if_DR_sum' """
#exposure_agrar['if_DR_sumthr'] = np.ones(exposure_agrar.shape[0])
exposure_agrar['if_DR_sum'] = np.ones(exposure_agrar.shape[0])

"""Initialize impact of the drought"""
imp_drought = Impact()

"""Calculate Damage for a specific event"""
imp_drought.calc(exposure_agrar, dr_if, new_haz)
index_event_start = imp_drought.event_name.index('2003')
damages_drought = np.asarray([imp_drought.at_event[index_event_start]])