Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_str_to_date_pass(self):
        """Test _date_to_str function"""
        date = 730000
        self.assertEqual(u_dt.str_to_date(u_dt.date_to_str(date)), date)

        date = [640000, 730000]
        self.assertEqual(u_dt.str_to_date(u_dt.date_to_str(date)), date)
def impact_yearset_from_sampling_vect(imp,
    """Create a yearset of impacts (yimp) containing a probabilistic impact for each year
      in the sampled_years list by sampling events from the impact received as input following
      the sampling vector provided.
      In contrast to the expected annual impact (eai) yimp contains impact values that
      differ among years. When correction factor is true, the yimp are scaled such
      that the average over all years is equal to the eai.

      imp : climada.engine.Impact()
          impact object containing impacts per event
      sampled_years : list
            A list of years that shall be covered by the resulting yimp.
      sampling_vect : 2D array
            The sampling vector specifies how to sample the yimp, it consists of one
            sub-array per sampled_year, which contains the event_ids of the events used to
            calculate the annual impacts.
            It needs to be obtained in a first call,
            i.e. [yimp, sampling_vect] = climada_yearsets.impact_yearset(...)
            and can then be provided in this function to obtain the exact same sampling
            (also for a different imp object)

    Optional parameter
        correction_fac : boolean
            If True a correction factor is applied to the resulting yimp. It is
            scaled in such a way that the expected annual impact (eai) of the yimp
            equals the eai of the input impact

        yimp : climada.engine.Impact()
             yearset of impacts containing annual impacts for all sampled_years


    #compute impact per sampled_year
    imp_per_year = compute_imp_per_year(imp, sampling_vect)

    #copy imp object as basis for the yimp object
    yimp = copy.deepcopy(imp)

    if correction_fac:  #adjust for sampling error
        imp_per_year = imp_per_year / calculate_correction_fac(
            imp_per_year, imp)

    #save calculations in yimp
    yimp.at_event = imp_per_year
    n_sampled_years = len(sampled_years)
    yimp.event_id = np.arange(1, n_sampled_years + 1)
    yimp.tag['yimp object'] = True
    yimp.date = u_dt.str_to_date(
        [str(date) + '-01-01' for date in sampled_years])
    yimp.frequency = np.ones(n_sampled_years) * sum(
        len(row) for row in sampling_vect) / n_sampled_years

    return yimp
Exemplo n.º 3
    def set_from_single_run(self, file_path=None, lonmin=-85, latmin=-180, lonmax=85, \
                            latmax=180, years_user=None):
        """ Reads netcdf file and initializes a hazard

            file_path (str): path to netcdf file
            lonmin, latin, lonmax, latmax (int, optional) : bounding box to extract
            years_user (array, optional) : start and end year specified by the user


        if file_path is None:
            LOGGER.error('No drough-file-path set')
            raise NameError

        #determine time period that is covered by the input data
        years_file = np.zeros(2)
        string = re.search('annual_(.+?)_', file_path)
        if string:
            years_file[0] = int(string.group(1))

        string = re.search(str(int(years_file[0])) + '_(.+?).nc', file_path)
        if string:
            years_file[1] = int(string.group(1))

        if years_user is None:
            id_bands = np.arange(1, years_file[1] - years_file[0] + 2).tolist()
            event_list = [
                for n in range(int(years_file[0]), int(years_file[1] + 1))
            id_bands = np.arange(years_user[0]-years_file[0]-1, \
                                 years_user[1] - years_file[0]).tolist()
            event_list = [
                for n in range(int(years_user[0]), int(years_user[1] + 1))

        date = [event_list[n] + '-01-01' for n in range(len(event_list))]

        #extract additional information of original file
        data = xr.open_dataset(file_path, decode_times=False)

        self.set_raster([file_path], band=id_bands, \
                        geometry=list([shapely.geometry.box(lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax)]))
        self.crop = data.crop
        self.event_name = event_list
        self.frequency = np.ones(len(
            self.event_name)) * (1 / len(self.event_name))
        self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()
        self.units = 't / y'
        self.date = np.array(dt.str_to_date(date))

        return self
    def plot_start_end_date(self, event=None):
        """plot start and end date of the chosen event"""

        startyear = str_to_date(str(int(event) - 1) + '-09-15')
        startdate = str_to_date(str(int(event) - 1) + '-10-01')
        enddate = str_to_date(str(int(event) + 1) + '-01-01')

        dates = np.arange(
            np.ceil(startdate / 100) * 100,
            np.ceil(startdate / 100) * 100 + 400, 100)
        list_dates = list()
        for i in range(len(dates)):

        colourmap = 'plasma'
        boundaries = np.arange(startyear, enddate, 15)
        # create list of colors from colormap
        cmap_reds = mpl.cm.get_cmap(colourmap, len(boundaries))
        index_thr = np.where(boundaries < startdate)[0]
        colors = ["white" for x in range(len(index_thr))]
            list(cmap_reds(np.arange(len(boundaries) - len(index_thr)))))
        # define colourmap
        cmap = mpl.colors.ListedColormap(colors[1:], "")
        # set over-color to last color of list
        cmap.set_over(colors[len(colors) - 1])

        # Plot Start
        self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(self.date_start)
        plt.yticks(dates, list_dates)

        # Plot End
        self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(self.date_end)
        plt.yticks(dates, list_dates)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def post_processing(self, date):
        """Date in format '2003-08-01'
         Sets intensity of events starting after that date to zero"""

        year = date[:4]
        index_event = self.event_name.index(year)
        shape_haz = self.intensity.shape
        month = str_to_date(date)

        for i in range(shape_haz[1]):
            if self.date_start[index_event, i] >= month:
                self.intensity[index_event, i] = 0
                self.date_start[index_event, i] = 0

        self.intensity = sparse.csr_matrix(self.intensity)
        self.date_start = sparse.csr_matrix(self.date_start)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _clean_firms_csv(csv_firms):
        """Read and remove low confidence data from firms:
            - MODIS: remove data where confidence values are lower than CLEAN_THRESH
            - VIIRS: remove data where confidence values are set to low (keep
                nominal and high values)

            csv_firms: csv file of the FIRMS data

        firms = pd.read_csv(csv_firms)
        # Check for the type of instrument (MODIS vs VIIRS)
        # Remove data with low confidence interval
        # Uniformize the name of the birghtness columns between VIIRS and MODIS
        temp = pd.DataFrame()
        if 'instrument' in firms.columns:
            if firms.instrument.any() == 'MODIS' or firms.instrument.any() == 'VIIRS':
                firms_modis = firms.drop(firms[firms.instrument == 'VIIRS'].index)
                firms_modis.confidence = np.array(
                    list(map(int, firms_modis.confidence.values.tolist())))
                firms_modis = firms_modis.drop(firms_modis[ \
                    firms_modis.confidence < CLEAN_THRESH].index)
                temp = firms_modis
                firms_viirs = firms.drop(firms[firms.instrument == 'MODIS'].index)
                if firms_viirs.size:
                    firms_viirs = firms_viirs.drop(firms_viirs[firms_viirs.confidence == 'l'].index)
                    firms_viirs = firms_viirs.rename(columns={'bright_ti4':'brightness'})
                    temp = temp.append(firms_viirs, sort=True)
                    temp = temp.drop(columns=['bright_ti4'])

            firms = temp
            firms = firms.reset_index()
            firms = firms.drop(columns=['index'])

        firms['iter_ev'] = np.ones(len(firms), bool)
        firms['cons_id'] = np.zeros(len(firms), int) - 1
        firms['event_id'] = np.zeros(len(firms), int)
        firms['clus_id'] = np.zeros(len(firms), int) - 1
        firms['datenum'] = np.array(str_to_date(firms['acq_date'].values))
        return firms
def impact_yearset(imp, sampled_years, lam=None, correction_fac=True):
    """Create a yearset of impacts (yimp) containing a probabilistic impact for each year
      in the sampled_years list by sampling events from the impact received as input with a
      Poisson distribution centered around lam per year (lam = sum(imp.frequency)).
      In contrast to the expected annual impact (eai) yimp contains impact values that
      differ among years. When correction factor is true, the yimp are scaled such
      that the average over all years is equal to the eai.

      imp : climada.engine.Impact()
          impact object containing impacts per event
      sampled_years : list
            A list of years that shall be covered by the resulting yimp.

    Optional parameters
        lam: int
            The applied Poisson distribution is centered around lam events per year.
            If no lambda value is given, the default lam = sum(imp.frequency) is used.
        correction_fac : boolean
            If True a correction factor is applied to the resulting yimp. It is
            scaled in such a way that the expected annual impact (eai) of the yimp
            equals the eai of the input impact

        yimp : climada.engine.Impact()
             yearset of impacts containing annual impacts for all sampled_years
        sampling_vect : 2D array
            The sampling vector specifies how to sample the yimp, it consists of one
            sub-array per sampled_year, which contains the event_ids of the events used to
            calculate the annual impacts.
            Can be used to re-create the exact same yimp.

    n_sampled_years = len(sampled_years)

    #create sampling vector
    if not lam:
        lam = np.sum(imp.frequency)
    events_per_year = sample_from_poisson(n_sampled_years, lam)
    sampling_vect = sample_events(events_per_year, imp.frequency)

    #compute impact per sampled_year
    imp_per_year = compute_imp_per_year(imp, sampling_vect)

    #copy imp object as basis for the yimp object
    yimp = copy.deepcopy(imp)

    #save imp_per_year in yimp
    if correction_fac:  #adjust for sampling error
        imp_per_year = imp_per_year / calculate_correction_fac(
            imp_per_year, imp)
        yimp.at_event = imp_per_year

    #save calculations in yimp
    yimp.event_id = np.arange(1, n_sampled_years + 1)
    yimp.tag['yimp object'] = True
    yimp.date = u_dt.str_to_date(
        [str(date) + '-01-01' for date in sampled_years])
    yimp.frequency = np.ones(n_sampled_years) * sum(
        len(row) for row in sampling_vect) / n_sampled_years

    return yimp, sampling_vect
Exemplo n.º 8
    def set_from_isimip_netcdf(self,
        """Wrapper to fill hazard from crop yield NetCDF file.
        Build and tested for output from ISIMIP2 and ISIMIP3, but might also work
        for other NetCDF containing gridded crop model output from other sources.
            input_dir (Path or str): path to input data directory,
                default: {CONFIG.exposures.crop_production.local_data}/Input/Exposure
            filename (string): name of netcdf file in input_dir. If filename is given,
                the other parameters specifying the model run are not required!
            bbox (list of four floats): bounding box:
                [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max]
            yearrange (int tuple): year range for hazard set, f.i. (1976, 2005)
            ag_model (str): abbrev. agricultural model (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'clm-crop', 'gepic','lpjml','pepic'
            cl_model (str): abbrev. climate model (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. ['gfdl-esm2m', 'hadgem2-es','ipsl-cm5a-lr','miroc5'
            bias_corr (str): bias correction of climate forcing,
                f.i. 'ewembi' (ISIMIP2b, default) or 'w5e5' (ISIMIP3b)
            scenario (str): climate change scenario (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'historical' or 'rcp60' or 'ISIMIP2a'
            soc (str): socio-economic trajectory (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. '2005soc' or 'histsoc'
            co2 (str): CO2 forcing scenario (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'co2' or '2005co2'
            crop (str): crop type (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'whe', 'mai', 'soy' or 'ric'
            irr (str): irrigation type (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i 'noirr' or 'irr'
            fn_str_var (str): FileName STRing depending on VARiable and
                ISIMIP simuation round
        if not fn_str_var:
            fn_str_var = FN_STR_VAR
        if scenario is None:
            scenario = 'historical'
        if bias_corr is None:
            bias_corr = 'ewembi'
        if bbox is None:
            bbox = BBOX
        if input_dir is None:
            input_dir = INPUT_DIR
        input_dir = Path(input_dir)
        if not Path(input_dir).is_dir():
            LOGGER.error('Input directory %s does not exist', input_dir)
            raise NameError

        # The filename is set or other variables (cl_model, scenario) are extracted of the
        # specified filename
        if filename is None:
            yearchunk = YEARCHUNKS[scenario]
            filename = '{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_{}_yield-{}-{}_{}_{}_{}.nc'.format(
                ag_model, cl_model, bias_corr, scenario, soc, co2, crop, irr,
                fn_str_var, yearchunk['startyear'], yearchunk['endyear'])
        elif scenario == 'ISIMIP2a':
            (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, crop, _, _, startyear,
             endyearnc) = filename.split('_')
            endyear, _ = endyearnc.split('.')
            yearchunk = dict()
            yearchunk = {
                'yearrange': (int(startyear), int(endyear)),
                'startyear': int(startyear),
                'endyear': int(endyear)
        elif scenario == 'test_file':
            yearchunk = dict()
            yearchunk = {
                'yearrange': (1976, 2005),
                'startyear': 1861,
                'endyear': 2005,
                'yearrange_mean': (1976, 2005)
            ag_model, cl_model, _, _, soc, co2, crop_prop, *_ = filename.split(
            _, crop, irr = crop_prop.split('-')
        else:  # get yearchunk from filename, e.g., for rcp2.6 extended and ISIMIP3
            (_, _, _, _, _, _, crop_irr, _, _, year1,
             year2) = filename.split('_')
            yearchunk = {
                'yearrange': (int(year1), int(year2.split('.')[0])),
                'startyear': int(year1),
                'endyear': int(year2.split('.')[0])
            _, crop, irr = crop_irr.split('-')

        # if no yearrange is given, load full range from input file:
        if yearrange is None or len(yearrange) == 0:
            yearrange = yearchunk['yearrange']

        # define indexes of the netcdf-bands to be extracted, and the
        # corresponding event names and dates
        # corrected indexes due to the bands in input starting with the index=1
        id_bands = np.arange(yearrange[0] - yearchunk['startyear'] + 1,
                             yearrange[1] - yearchunk['startyear'] +

        # hazard setup: set attributes
        [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] = bbox
        self.set_raster([str(Path(input_dir, filename))],
                            shapely.geometry.box(lonmin, latmin, lonmax,

        self.intensity.data[np.isnan(self.intensity.data)] = 0.0
        self.crop = crop
        self.event_name = [
            str(n) for n in range(int(yearrange[0]), int(yearrange[-1] + 1))
        self.frequency = np.ones(len(
            self.event_name)) * (1 / len(self.event_name))
        self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()
        self.units = 't / y / ha'
        self.date = np.array(
            dt.str_to_date([event_ + '-01-01' for event_ in self.event_name]))
        self.centroids.region_id = (coord.coord_on_land(
            self.centroids.lat, self.centroids.lon)).astype(dtype=int)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 9
def impact_yearset(event_impacts,
    """Create an annual_impacts object containing a probabilistic impact for each year
      in the sampled_years list (or for a list of sampled_years generated with the length
                                 of given sampled_years)
      by sampling events from the existing input event_impacts with a Poisson distribution
      centered around n_events per year (n_events = sum(event_impacts.frequency)).
      In contrast to the expected annual impact (eai) annual_impacts contains impact values that
      differ among years (the correction factor can however be used to scale the annual_impacts
                          to fit the eai of the events_impacts object that is used to generated it)

      event_impacts : impact object
          impact object containing impacts per event
    Optional parameters:
        sampled_years : int or list
            Either an integer specifying the number of years to
            be sampled (labelled [0001,...,sampled_years]) or a list
            of years that shall be covered by the resulting annual_impacts.
            The default is a 1000 year-long list starting in the year 0001.
        sampling_dict : dict
            The sampling dictionary specifying how to sample the annual_impacts
            It consists of two arrays:
                selected_events: array
                    indices of sampled events in event_impacts.at_event()
                events_per_year: array
                    number of events per sampled year
            The sampling_dict needs to be obtained in a first call,
            i.e. [annual_impacts, sampling_dict] = climada_yearsets.impact_yearset(...)
            and can then be provided in subsequent calls(s) to obtain the exact same sampling
            (also for a different event_impacts object)
        correction_fac : boolean
            If True a correction factor is applied to the resulting annual_impacts. They are
            scaled in such a way that the expected annual impact (eai) of the annual_impacts
            equals the eai of the events_impacts

      annual_impacts : impact object
          annual impacts for all sampled_years
      sampling_dict : dict
          the sampling dictionary containing two arrays:
              selected_events (array) : sampled events (len: total amount of sampled events)
              events_per_year (array) : events per sampled year
          Can be used to re-create the exact same annual_impacts yearset

    if not sampled_years and not sampling_dict:
        sampled_years = list(range(1, 1001))
    elif isinstance(sampled_years, int):
        sampled_years = list(range(1, sampled_years + 1))
    elif not sampled_years:
        sampled_years = list(
                  len(sampling_dict['selected_events']) + 1))
    elif len(sampled_years) != len(sampling_dict['events_per_year']):
            "The number of sampled_years and the length of the list of events_per_year "
            "in the sampling_dict differ. The number of years contained in the "
            "sampling_dict are used as number of sampled_years.")
        sampled_years = list(
                  len(sampling_dict['selected_events']) + 1))

    if sampling_dict and (np.sum(sampling_dict['events_per_year']) != len(
        raise ValueError(
            "The sampling dictionary is faulty: the sum of selected events "
            "does not correspond to the number of selected events.")

    n_sampled_years = len(sampled_years)

    if len(np.unique(event_impacts.frequency)) > 1:
            "The frequencies of the single events in the given event_impacts "
            "differ among each other. Please beware that this will influence "
            "the resulting annual_impacts as the events are sampled uniformaly "
            "and different frequencies are (not yet) taken into account.")

    #create sampling dictionary if not given as input
    if not sampling_dict:
        n_annual_events = np.sum(event_impacts.frequency)
        n_input_events = len(event_impacts.event_id)
        sampling_dict = create_sampling_dict(n_sampled_years, n_annual_events,

    #compute annual_impacts
    impact_per_year = compute_annual_impacts(event_impacts, sampling_dict)

    #copy event_impacts object as basis for the annual_impacts object
    annual_impacts = copy.deepcopy(event_impacts)

    #save impact_per_year in annual_impacts
    if correction_fac:  #adjust for sampling error
        correction_factor = calculate_correction_fac(impact_per_year,
        annual_impacts.at_event = impact_per_year / correction_factor
        annual_impacts.at_event = impact_per_year

    annual_impacts.event_id = np.arange(1, n_sampled_years + 1)
    annual_impacts.tag['annual_impacts object'] = True
    annual_impacts.date = u_dt.str_to_date(
        [str(date) + '-01-01' for date in sampled_years])
    annual_impacts.frequency = np.ones(n_sampled_years) * np.sum(
        sampling_dict['events_per_year']) / n_sampled_years

    return annual_impacts, sampling_dict
Exemplo n.º 10
    def set_from_single_run(self, input_dir=None, filename=None, bbox=BBOX,
                            ag_model=None, cl_model=None, scenario='historical',
                            soc=None, co2=None, crop=None, irr=None, fn_str_var=FN_STR_VAR):

        """Wrapper to fill hazard from nc_dis file from ISIMIP
            input_dir (string): path to input data directory
            bbox (list of four floats): bounding box:
                [lon min, lat min, lon max, lat max]
            yearrange (int tuple): year range for hazard set, f.i. (1976, 2005)
            ag_model (str): abbrev. agricultural model (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'clm-crop', 'gepic','lpjml','pepic'
            cl_model (str): abbrev. climate model (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. ['gfdl-esm2m', 'hadgem2-es','ipsl-cm5a-lr','miroc5'
            scenario (str): climate change scenario (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'historical' or 'rcp60' or 'ISIMIP2a'
            soc (str): socio-economic trajectory (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. '2005soc' or 'histsoc'
            co2 (str): CO2 forcing scenario (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'co2' or '2005co2'
            crop (str): crop type (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i. 'whe', 'mai', 'soy' or 'ric'
            irr (str): irrigation type (only when input_dir is selected)
                f.i 'noirr' or 'irr'
            fn_str_var (str): FileName STRing depending on VARiable and
                ISIMIP simuation round
        if input_dir is not None:
            if not os.path.exists(input_dir):
                LOGGER.error('Input directory %s does not exist', input_dir)
                raise NameError
            LOGGER.error('Input directory %s not set', input_dir)
            raise NameError

        # The filename is set or other variables (cl_model, scenario) are extracted of the
        # specified filename
        if filename is None:
            yearchunk = YEARCHUNKS[scenario]
            filename = os.path.join(input_dir, '%s_%s_ewembi_%s_%s_%s_yield-%s-%s_%s_%s_%s.nc' \
                                    %(ag_model, cl_model, scenario, soc, co2, crop,
                                      irr, fn_str_var, str(yearchunk['startyear']),

        elif scenario == 'ISIMIP2a':
            (_, _, _, _, _, _, _, crop, _, _, startyear, endyearnc) = filename.split('_')
            endyear, _ = endyearnc.split('.')
            yearchunk = dict()
            yearchunk = {'yearrange': np.array([int(startyear), int(endyear)]),
                         'startyear': int(startyear), 'endyear': int(endyear)}
            filename = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)
        elif scenario == 'test_file':
            yearchunk = dict()
            yearchunk = {'yearrange': np.array([1976, 2005]), 'startyear': 1861,
                         'endyear': 2005, 'yearrange_mean': np.array([1976, 2005])}
            ag_model, cl_model, _, _, soc, co2, crop_prop, *_ = filename.split('_')
            _, crop, irr = crop_prop.split('-')
            filename = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)
            yearchunk = YEARCHUNKS[scenario]
            (_, _, _, _, _, _, crop_irr, *_) = filename.split('_')
            _, crop, irr = crop_irr.split('-')
            filename = os.path.join(input_dir, filename)

        # define indexes of the netcdf-bands to be extracted, and the
        # corresponding event names and dates
        # corrected indexes due to the bands in input starting with the index=1
        id_bands = np.arange(yearrange[0] - yearchunk['startyear'] + 1,
                             yearrange[1] - yearchunk['startyear'] + 2).tolist()

        # hazard setup: set attributes
        [lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax] = bbox
        self.set_raster([filename], band=id_bands,
                        geometry=list([shapely.geometry.box(lonmin, latmin, lonmax, latmax)]))

        self.intensity.data[np.isnan(self.intensity.data)] = 0.0
        self.crop = crop
        self.event_name = [str(n) for n in range(int(yearrange[0]), int(yearrange[-1] + 1))]
        self.frequency = np.ones(len(self.event_name)) * (1 / len(self.event_name))
        self.fraction = self.intensity.copy()
        self.units = 't / y / ha'
        self.date = np.array(dt.str_to_date(
            [event_ + '-01-01' for event_ in self.event_name]))
        self.centroids.region_id = (
            coord.coord_on_land(self.centroids.lat, self.centroids.lon)).astype(dtype=int)
        return self
Exemplo n.º 11
    def select(self, date=None, orig=None, reg_id=None):
        """Select events within provided date and/or historical or synthetical.
        Frequency of the events may need to be recomputed!

            date (tuple(str or int), optional): (initial date, final date) in
                string ISO format or datetime ordinal integer
            orig (bool, optional): select only historical (True) or only
                synthetic (False)

            Hazard or children
            haz = self.__class__()
        except TypeError:
            haz = Hazard(self.tag.haz_type)
        sel_ev = np.ones(self.event_id.size, bool)
        sel_cen = np.ones(self.centroids.size, bool)

        # filter events with date
        if isinstance(date, tuple):
            date_ini, date_end = date[0], date[1]
            if isinstance(date_ini, str):
                date_ini = u_dt.str_to_date(date[0])
                date_end = u_dt.str_to_date(date[1])

            sel_ev = np.logical_and(date_ini <= self.date,
                                    self.date <= date_end)
            if not np.any(sel_ev):
                LOGGER.info('No hazard in date range %s.', date)
                return None

        # filter events hist/synthetic
        if isinstance(orig, bool):
            sel_ev = np.logical_and(sel_ev, self.orig.astype(bool) == orig)
            if not np.any(sel_ev):
                LOGGER.info('No hazard with %s tracks.', str(orig))
                return None

        # filter centroids
        if reg_id is not None:
            sel_cen = np.argwhere(self.centroids.region_id == reg_id).reshape(-1)
            if not sel_cen.size:
                LOGGER.info('No hazard centroids with region %s.', str(reg_id))
                return None

        sel_ev = np.argwhere(sel_ev).squeeze()
        for (var_name, var_val) in self.__dict__.items():
            if isinstance(var_val, np.ndarray) and var_val.ndim == 1 and \
                setattr(haz, var_name, var_val[sel_ev])
            elif isinstance(var_val, sparse.csr_matrix):
                setattr(haz, var_name, var_val[sel_ev, :][:, sel_cen])
            elif isinstance(var_val, list) and var_val:
                setattr(haz, var_name, [var_val[idx] for idx in sel_ev])
            elif var_name == 'centroids':
                if reg_id is not None:
                    setattr(haz, var_name, var_val.select(reg_id))
                    setattr(haz, var_name, var_val)
                setattr(haz, var_name, var_val)

        return haz