Exemplo n.º 1
    def analyse_trio(self, family):
        """identify candidate variants in exome data for a single trio.
        takes variants that passed the initial filtering from VCF loading, and
        splits the variants into groups for each gene with variants. Then
        analyses variants in a single gene (so we can utilise the appropriate
        inheritance mechanisms for that gene), before running some
        pos-inheritance filters, and exporting the data (ir required).
            family: Family object
            list of (TrioGenotype, [genes], [inheritances], [type]) tuples for
            variants that pass inheritance and post-inheritance checks.
        variants = load_variants(family, self.pp_filter, self.populations,
            self.known_genes, self.last_base, self.sum_x_lr2, self.debug_chrom, self.debug_pos)
        # organise variants by gene, then find variants that fit different
        # inheritance models. We have to flatten the list of variant lists
        genes = self.create_gene_dict(variants)
        variants = [ self.find_variants(genes[x], x, family) for x in genes ]
        variants = [ x for sublist in variants for x in sublist ]

        # remove any duplicate variants (which might ocur due to CNVs being
        # checked against all the genes that they encompass)
        variants = self.exclude_duplicates(variants)
        # apply some final filters to the flagged variants
        post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family, self.debug_chrom, self.debug_pos)
        return post_filter.filter_variants(variants)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def analyse_trio(self, variants):
        """identify candidate variants in exome data for a single trio.
        takes variants that passed the initial filtering from VCF loading, and
        splits the variants into groups for each gene with variants. Then
        analyses variants in a single gene (so we can utilise the appropriate
        inheritance mechanisms for that gene), before running some
        pos-inheritance filters, and exporting the data (ir required).
            variants: list of TrioGenotypes objects

        # organise variants by gene, then find variants that fit
        # different inheritance models
        genes_dict = self.create_gene_dict(variants)
        found_vars = []
        for gene in genes_dict:
            gene_vars = genes_dict[gene]
            found_vars += self.find_variants(gene_vars, gene)

        # remove any duplicate variants (which might ocur due to CNVs being
        # checked against all the genes that they encompass)
        found_vars = self.exclude_duplicates(found_vars)

        # apply some final filters to the flagged variants
        post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(found_vars, self.family,
                                            self.debug_chrom, self.debug_pos)
        found_vars = post_filter.filter_variants()

        # export the results to either tab-separated table or VCF format
        self.report.export_data(found_vars, self.family, \
            self.vcf_loader.child_header, self.vcf_provenance)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def analyse_trio(self, variants):
        """identify candidate variants in exome data for a single trio.
        takes variants that passed the initial filtering from VCF loading, and
        splits the variants into groups for each gene with variants. Then
        analyses variants in a single gene (so we can utilise the appropriate
        inheritance mechanisms for that gene), before running some
        pos-inheritance filters, and exporting the data (ir required).
            variants: list of TrioGenotypes objects

        # organise variants by gene, then find variants that fit
        # different inheritance models
        genes_dict = self.create_gene_dict(variants)
        found_vars = []
        for gene in genes_dict:
            gene_vars = genes_dict[gene]
            found_vars += self.find_variants(gene_vars, gene)

        # remove any duplicate variants (which might ocur due to CNVs being
        # checked against all the genes that they encompass)
        found_vars = self.exclude_duplicates(found_vars)

        # apply some final filters to the flagged variants
        post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(found_vars, self.family, self.debug_chrom, self.debug_pos)
        found_vars = post_filter.filter_variants()

        # export the results to either tab-separated table or VCF format
        self.report.export_data(found_vars, self.family, self.vcf_loader.child_header, self.vcf_provenance)
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default VcfInfo object

        variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)

        variants.append((snv, "single_variant", "Monoallelic"))
        variants.append((cnv, "single_variant", "Monoallelic"))

        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(variants)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default VcfInfo object

        family = Family("FamID")
        family.add_child("child_id", "/child/path", "2", "M")
        family.add_mother("mom_id", "/mother/path", "1", "F")
        family.add_father("dad_id", "/father/path", "2", "M")

        variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)

        variants.append((snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        variants.append((cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))

        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(variants, family)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default variant object

        Info.populations = ['AFR_AF']

        family = Family('test')
        family.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', 'male', '2', 'child_vcf')
        family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', '1', 'mother_vcf')
        family.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', '2', 'father_vcf')

        self.variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)

            (snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
            (cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))

        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family)
 def setUp(self):
     """ define a default variant object
     Info.populations = ['AFR_AF']
     family = Family('test')
     family.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', 'male', '2', 'child_vcf')
     family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', '1', 'mother_vcf')
     family.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', '2', 'father_vcf')
     self.variants = []
     snv = self.create_var("1", True)
     cnv = self.create_var("1", False)
     self.variants.append((snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
     self.variants.append((cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
     self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family)
Exemplo n.º 8
class TestPostInheritanceFilterPy(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default VcfInfo object

        family = Family("FamID")
        family.add_child("child_id", "/child/path", "2", "M")
        family.add_mother("mom_id", "/mother/path", "1", "F")
        family.add_father("dad_id", "/father/path", "2", "M")

        variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)

        variants.append((snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        variants.append((cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))

        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(variants, family)

    def create_var(self, chrom, snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"]):
        """ define a family and variant, and start the Inheritance class
            chrom: string for chrom, since we check the number of different chroms
            snv: boolean for whether to create a SNV or CNV object

        # generate a test variant
        if snv:
            child_var = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[0])
            mom_var = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[1])
            dad_var = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[2])
            child_var = self.create_cnv(chrom)
            mom_var = self.create_cnv(chrom)
            dad_var = self.create_cnv(chrom)

        var = TrioGenotypes(child_var)

        return var

    def create_snv(self, chrom, geno="0/1"):
        """ create a default variant

        pos = "15000000"
        snp_id = "."
        ref = "A"
        alt = "G"
        filt = "PASS"

        # set up a SNV object, since SNV inherits VcfInfo
        var = SNV(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, filt)

        default_info = "HGNC=ATRX;CQ=missense_variant;random_tag;AF_AFR=0.0001"
        keys = "GT:DP:TEAM29_FILTER:PP_DNM"
        values = "{0}:50:PASS:0.99".format(geno)

        var.add_format(keys, values)

        return var

    def create_cnv(self, chrom):

        pos = "15000000"
        snp_id = "."
        ref = "A"
        alt = "<DUP>"
        filt = "PASS"

        # set up a SNV object, since SNV inherits VcfInfo
        var = CNV(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, filt)

        info = "HGNC=TEST;HGNC_ALL=TEST,OR5A1;CQ=missense_variant;CNSOLIDATE;WSCORE=0.5;CALLP=0.000;COMMONFORWARDS=0.000;MEANLR2=0.5;MADL2R=0.02;END=16000000;SVLEN=1000000"
        format_keys = "inheritance:DP"
        sample_values = "deNovo:50"

        var.add_format(format_keys, sample_values)

        return var

    def test_filter_variants(self):
        """ test that filter_variants() works correctly
        We only need to make a quick check of the first couple of lines, since
        the called functions are themselves tested elsewhere

        variants = [(self.create_var("1", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
                     ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        variants.append((self.create_var("2", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
                         ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))

        # check that if we have CNVs on two chroms pass the filter
        # self.post_filter.variants = variants
        # self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(), variants)

        # check that CNVs on three different chroms get filtered out
        variants.append((self.create_var("3", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
                         ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.post_filter.variants = variants
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(), [])

    def test_count_cnv_chroms(self):
        """ test that count_cnv_chroms() works correctly

        # check that the default list of variants counts only one chrom
        variants = self.post_filter.variants
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 1)

        # add CNVs on the same chrom, and check the chrom count increments one
        chrom_2_cnv_1 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_3 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
            (chrom_2_cnv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
            (chrom_2_cnv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
            (chrom_2_cnv_3, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 2)

        # and a CNV on a third chrom makes three
        chrom_3_cnv = self.create_var("3", snv=False)
            (chrom_3_cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 3)

    def test_remove_cnvs(self):
        """ test that remove_cnvs() works correctly

        mixed_list = self.post_filter.variants
        snv_list = [mixed_list[0]]
        cnv_list = [mixed_list[1]]

        # check the effect of removing CNVs on different combinations of vars
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(mixed_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(snv_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(cnv_list), [])

    def test_filter_by_maf(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=True)

        snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0001
        snv_2.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.002

        # low maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # low maf non-biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # high maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])

        # high maf non-Biallelic is filtered out
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # var with multiple inheritance modes should drop the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a high maf (leaving the Biallelic mode)
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic",
                                                 "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), expected)

        # var with multiple inheritance modes should keep the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a low maf
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic",
                                                 "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # check a de novo (lacking any MAF values)
        del snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"]
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

    def test_filter_by_maf_without_parents(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly when lacking parents
        # create a child without parents
        self.post_filter.family.mother = None
        self.post_filter.family.father = None

        # create a variant with an allele frequency that will fail when lacking
        # parents
        snv = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0002

        # check that a variant with an allele frequency above the without-parents
        # frequency is removed.
        variants = [(snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])

        # check that a variant with an allele frequency below the without-parents
        # frequency still passes.
        snv.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0001
        variants = [(snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

    def test_get_polyphen_for_genes(self):
        """ test that get_polyphen_for_genes works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"])
        snv_1.child.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|benign(0.01)"

        # pulling the prediction for a single gene gets the correct prediction
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["ATRX"]),
        # pulling the prediction for a different gene gets the correct prediction
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["TEST"]),
        # pulling the prediction for multiple genes gets the correct predictions
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["TEST", "ATRX"]),
            ["probably_damaging", "benign"])
        # the genes order doesn't affect the polyphen prediction order
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["ATRX", "TEST"]),
            ["probably_damaging", "benign"])

        # check that only having one polyphen prediction works corectly
        snv_1.child.genes = ["ATRX"]
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        # extracting the polyphen works as expected
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["ATRX"]),
        # predcitions for a nonexistent gene should return a blank list
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["TEST"]), [])

        # expect a blank list if the variant lacks a polyphen prediction
        del snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"]
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["ATRX"]), [])

        # gene symbols of None shouldn't break the code.
        snv_1.child.genes = [None, "TEST"]
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|benign(0.01)"
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(snv_1, ["TEST"]),

    def test_filter_polyphen(self):
        """ check that filter_polyphen() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"])
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"])
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        snv_1.position = 1000
        snv_2.position = 2000
        snv_3.position = 3000

        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # check that two vars without polyphen predictions pass
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that two compound_hets in the same gene, with polyphen benign,
        # fail to pass the filter
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check that if one var is not benign, both compound hets fail to pass
        # the filter
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check that if one var lacks a polyphen value, and the other is damaging
        # both vars pass
        del snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that if both vars lack polyphen values, both vars pass
        del snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that single vars with polyphen benign fail
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and one is
        # polyphen not benign, then all compound hets in the gene still pass,
        # even if two of them have polyphen benign
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_3.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and two are
        # polyphen not benign, then only the two not benign compound hets pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        passing_vars = [(snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # if the variants overlap multiple genes, and one of the genes is
        # predicted as benign, make sure this doesn't stop variants passing for
        # the gene of interest if they are predicted to be damaging.
        snv_1.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_2.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|benign(0.01)"
            "PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|probably_damaging(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

    def test_has_compound_match(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"])
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"])
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        snv_1.position = 1000
        snv_2.position = 2000
        snv_3.position = 3000

        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that two vars with polyphen benign return true
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that having one var not polyphen benign returns True
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that, if there are more than two compound hets to check in the
        # gene, we need two passing variants in order to pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]),
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that if we are checking a benign variant, and there are more
        # than two compound hets to check in the gene, if we have more than
        # two non-benign variants would prevent a match, then the function
        # returns false
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]),
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that single variants in the same gene still return True
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

    def test_has_compound_match_proband_only(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly without parents

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"])
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"])
        snv_1.position = 1000
        snv_2.position = 2000

        del snv_1.mother
        del snv_1.father
        del snv_2.mother
        del snv_2.father

        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

    def test_filter_exac(self):
        """ check that filter_exac() works correctly

        # construct a variant that will pass
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # we should get back the same list of variants, if none of them have a
        # male chrX
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # now construct a male chrX variant, which contains a non-zero AC_Hemi
        # annotation. This should fail the filter
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # if the variant has passed under multiple inheritance modes, then
        # we trim out the hemizygous mode, leaving the remaining modes
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"],
                     ["Hemizygous", "X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), expected)

        # if the AC_Hemi count is zero, this should pass the filter
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "0"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # check that chrX females with non-zero AC_Hemi counts are not excluded
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        self.post_filter.family.child.gender = "female"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # now construct a de novo male chrX variant, which contains a non-zero
        # AC_Hemi annotation. Since this is not inherited, it should pass.
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        self.post_filter.family.child.gender = "male"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

    def test_filter_exac_monoallelic(self):
        """ check filter_exac() under monoallelic inheritance

        # construct a monoallelic variant that will pass
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "4"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # construct a monoallelic variant that will fail
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # construct a variant that will fail
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # if the variant has passed under multiple inheritance modes, then
        # we trim out the monoallelic mode, leaving the remaining modes
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic",
                                               "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), expected)

    def test_filter_exac_x_linked_dominant(self):
        """check filter_exac() under X-linked dominant inheritance

        # check that X-linked dominant variants pass when the allele count is low
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "4"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when the het count is high
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when the hemi count is high
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when neither the het or
        # hemi count on their own are too high, but combined they exceed the threshold
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "3"
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "3"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail multi-allelic sites
        # combined exceed the threshold
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "3,3"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
Exemplo n.º 9
class TestPostInheritanceFilterPy(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default variant object

        Info.populations = ['AFR_AF']

        family = Family('test')
        family.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', 'male', '2', 'child_vcf')
        family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', '1', 'mother_vcf')
        family.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', '2', 'father_vcf')

        self.variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)

            (snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
            (cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))

        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family)

    def tearDown(self):
        Info.populations = []

    def create_var(self,
                   geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"],
        """ define a family and variant, and start the Inheritance class
            chrom: string for chrom, since we check the number of different chroms
            snv: boolean for whether to create a SNV or CNV object

        # generate a test variant
        if snv:
            child = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[0], info, **kwargs)
            mom = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[1], info, **kwargs)
            dad = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[2], info, **kwargs)
            child = self.create_cnv(chrom, info, **kwargs)
            mom = self.create_cnv(chrom, info, **kwargs)
            dad = self.create_cnv(chrom, info, **kwargs)

        return TrioGenotypes(chrom, pos, child, mom, dad)

    def create_snv(self,

        if info is None:
            info = "HGNC=ATRX;CQ=missense_variant;random_tag;AF_AFR=0.0001"

        keys = "GT:DP:TEAM29_FILTER:PP_DNM"
        values = "{0}:50:PASS:0.99".format(geno)

        return SNV(chrom,

    def create_cnv(self,

        if info is None:
            info = "HGNC=TEST;HGNC_ALL=TEST,OR5A1;CQ=missense_variant;CNSOLIDATE;' \
                'WSCORE=0.5;CALLP=0.000;COMMONFORWARDS=0.000;MEANLR2=0.5;' \

        keys = "inheritance:DP"
        values = "deNovo:50"

        return CNV(chrom,

    def test_filter_variants(self):
        """ test that filter_variants() works correctly
        We only need to make a quick check of the first couple of lines, since
        the called functions are themselves tested elsewhere

        variants = [(self.create_var("1", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
                     ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        variants.append((self.create_var("2", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
                         ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))

        # check that if we have CNVs on two chroms pass the filter
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(variants), variants)

        # check that CNVs on three different chroms get filtered out
        variants.append((self.create_var("3", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
                         ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(variants), [])

    def test_count_cnv_chroms(self):
        """ test that count_cnv_chroms() works correctly

        # check that the default list of variants counts only one chrom
        variants = self.variants
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 1)

        # add CNVs on the same chrom, and check the chrom count increments one
        chrom_2_cnv_1 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_3 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
            (chrom_2_cnv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
            (chrom_2_cnv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
            (chrom_2_cnv_3, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 2)

        # and a CNV on a third chrom makes three
        chrom_3_cnv = self.create_var("3", snv=False)
            (chrom_3_cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 3)

    def test_remove_cnvs(self):
        """ test that remove_cnvs() works correctly

        mixed_list = self.variants
        snv_list = [mixed_list[0]]
        cnv_list = [mixed_list[1]]

        # check the effect of removing CNVs on different combinations of vars
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(mixed_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(snv_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(cnv_list), [])

    def test_filter_by_maf(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=True)

        snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0001
        snv_2.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.002

        # low maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # low maf non-biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # high maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])

        # high maf non-Biallelic is filtered out
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # var with multiple inheritance modes should drop the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a high maf (leaving the Biallelic mode)
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic",
                                                 "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), expected)

        # var with multiple inheritance modes should keep the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a low maf
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic",
                                                 "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # check a de novo (lacking any MAF values)
        del snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"]
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

    def test_filter_by_maf_without_parents(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly when lacking parents
        # create a child without parents
        self.post_filter.family.mother = None
        self.post_filter.family.father = None

        # create a variant with an allele frequency that will fail when lacking
        # parents
        snv = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0002

        # check that a variant with an allele frequency above the without-parents
        # frequency is removed.
        variants = [(snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])

        # check that a variant with an allele frequency below the without-parents
        # frequency still passes.
        snv.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.00005
        variants = [(snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

    def test_get_polyphen_for_genes(self):
        """ test that get_polyphen_for_genes works correctly

        var = self.create_var(
            geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],

        # pulling the prediction for a single gene gets the correct prediction
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]),
        # pulling the prediction for a different gene gets the correct prediction
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]), [""])
        # pulling the prediction for multiple genes gets the correct predictions
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST", "ATRX"]),
            ["probably_damaging", ""])
        # the genes order doesn't affect the polyphen prediction order
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX", "TEST"]),
            ["probably_damaging", ""])

        # check that only having one polyphen prediction works corectly
        var = self.create_var(
            geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        # extracting the polyphen works as expected
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]),
        # predcitions for a nonexistent gene should return a blank list
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]), [])

        # expect a blank list if the variant lacks a polyphen prediction
        var = self.create_var("1",
                              geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]), [])

        # gene symbols of None shouldn't break the code.
        var = self.create_var(
            geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]), ["benign"])

        #test that polyphen predcition is returned for missense_variant but not others
        var = self.create_var(
            geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]),

        var = self.create_var(
            geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]), [""])

    def test_get_polyphen_for_genes_with_mnv(self):
        ''' test that get_polyphen_for_genes() works when variants are MNVs

        # a non-MNV variant returns 'benign'
        var = self.create_var(
            geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
            self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]), ["benign"])

        unmodified = [
        modified = [
            'modified_protein_altering_mnv', 'modified_synonymous_mnv',
            'modified_stop_gained_mnv', 'masked_stop_gain_mnv',

        # variants with an altering MNV code returns a 'MNV' code
        for code in modified:
            var = self.create_var(
                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
                self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]),

        # a variant with a MNV code returns 'benign'
        for code in unmodified:
            var = self.create_var(
                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
                self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]),

    def test_filter_polyphen(self):
        """ check that filter_polyphen() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"],
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"],

        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # check that two vars without polyphen predictions pass
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that two compound_hets in the same gene, with polyphen benign,
        # fail to pass the filter
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check that if one var is not benign, both compound hets fail to pass
        # the filter
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check that if one var lacks a polyphen value, and the other is damaging
        # both vars pass
        del snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that if both vars lack polyphen values, both vars pass
        del snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that single vars with polyphen benign fail
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and one is
        # polyphen not benign, then all compound hets in the gene still pass,
        # even if two of them have polyphen benign
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_3.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and two are
        # polyphen not benign, then only the two not benign compound hets pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        passing_vars = [(snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # if the variants overlap multiple genes, and one of the genes is
        # predicted as benign, make sure this doesn't stop variants passing for
        # the gene of interest if they are predicted to be damaging.
        snv_1.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_2.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|benign(0.01)"
            "PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|probably_damaging(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

    def test_has_compound_match(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"],
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"],

        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that two vars with polyphen benign return true
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that having one var not polyphen benign returns True
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that, if there are more than two compound hets to check in the
        # gene, we need two passing variants in order to pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]),
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that if we are checking a benign variant, and there are more
        # than two compound hets to check in the gene, if we have more than
        # two non-benign variants would prevent a match, then the function
        # returns false
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]),
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

        # check that single variants in the same gene still return True
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

    def test_has_compound_match_proband_only(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly without parents

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1",
                                geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"],

        snv_1.mother = None
        snv_1.father = None
        snv_2.mother = None
        snv_2.father = None

        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
            self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))

    def test_filter_exac(self):
        """ check that filter_exac() works correctly

        # construct a variant that will pass
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]

        # we should get back the same list of variants, if none of them have a
        # male chrX
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # now construct a male chrX variant, which contains a non-zero AC_Hemi
        # annotation. This should fail the filter
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # if the variant has passed under multiple inheritance modes, then
        # we trim out the hemizygous mode, leaving the remaining modes
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"],
                     ["Hemizygous", "X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), expected)

        # if the AC_Hemi count is zero, this should pass the filter
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "0"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # check that chrX females with non-zero AC_Hemi counts are not excluded
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        self.post_filter.family.child.sex = "female"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # now construct a de novo male chrX variant, which contains a non-zero
        # AC_Hemi annotation. Since this is not inherited, it should pass.
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        self.post_filter.family.child.sex = "male"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

    def test_filter_exac_monoallelic(self):
        """ check filter_exac() under monoallelic inheritance

        # construct a monoallelic variant that will pass
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "4"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # construct a monoallelic variant that will fail
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # construct a variant that will fail
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # if the variant has passed under multiple inheritance modes, then
        # we trim out the monoallelic mode, leaving the remaining modes
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic",
                                               "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), expected)

    def test_filter_exac_x_linked_dominant(self):
        """check filter_exac() under X-linked dominant inheritance

        # check that X-linked dominant variants pass when the allele count is low
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "4"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when the het count is high
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when the hemi count is high
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when neither the het or
        # hemi count on their own are too high, but combined they exceed the threshold
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "3"
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "3"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])

        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail multi-allelic sites
        # combined exceed the threshold
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "3,3"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
class TestPostInheritanceFilterPy(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default variant object
        Info.populations = ['AFR_AF']
        family = Family('test')
        family.add_child('child', 'mother', 'father', 'male', '2', 'child_vcf')
        family.add_mother('mother', '0', '0', 'female', '1', 'mother_vcf')
        family.add_father('father', '0', '0', 'male', '2', 'father_vcf')
        self.variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)
        self.variants.append((snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.variants.append((cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(family)
    def tearDown(self):
        Info.populations = []
    def create_var(self, chrom, snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"], info=None,
            pos='150', **kwargs):
        """ define a family and variant, and start the Inheritance class
            chrom: string for chrom, since we check the number of different chroms
            snv: boolean for whether to create a SNV or CNV object
        # generate a test variant
        if snv:
            child = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[0], info, **kwargs)
            mom = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[1], info, **kwargs)
            dad = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[2], info, **kwargs)
            child = self.create_cnv(chrom, info, **kwargs)
            mom = self.create_cnv(chrom, info, **kwargs)
            dad = self.create_cnv(chrom, info, **kwargs)
        return TrioGenotypes(chrom, pos, child, mom, dad)
    def create_snv(self, chrom, geno="0/1", info=None, pos='150',
            snp_id='.', ref='A', alt='G', qual='1000', filt='PASS', **kwargs):
        if info is None:
            info = "HGNC=ATRX;CQ=missense_variant;random_tag;AF_AFR=0.0001"
        keys = "GT:DP:TEAM29_FILTER:PP_DNM"
        values = "{0}:50:PASS:0.99".format(geno)
        return SNV(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, qual, filt, info=info, format=keys,
            sample=values, gender='male', **kwargs)
    def create_cnv(self, chrom, info=None, pos='15000000', snp_id='.', ref='A',
            alt='<DUP>', qual='1000', filt='PASS', **kwargs):
        if info is None:
            info = "HGNC=TEST;HGNC_ALL=TEST,OR5A1;CQ=missense_variant;CNSOLIDATE;' \
                'WSCORE=0.5;CALLP=0.000;COMMONFORWARDS=0.000;MEANLR2=0.5;' \
        keys = "inheritance:DP"
        values = "deNovo:50"
        return CNV(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, qual, filt, info=info, format=keys,
            sample=values, gender='male', **kwargs)
    def test_filter_variants(self):
        """ test that filter_variants() works correctly
        We only need to make a quick check of the first couple of lines, since
        the called functions are themselves tested elsewhere
        variants = [(self.create_var("1", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
            ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        variants.append((self.create_var("2", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
            ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        # check that if we have CNVs on two chroms pass the filter
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(variants), variants)
        # check that CNVs on three different chroms get filtered out
        variants.append((self.create_var("3", snv=False), ["single_variant"],
            ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(variants), [])
    def test_count_cnv_chroms(self):
        """ test that count_cnv_chroms() works correctly
        # check that the default list of variants counts only one chrom
        variants = self.variants
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 1)
        # add CNVs on the same chrom, and check the chrom count increments one
        chrom_2_cnv_1 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_3 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        variants.append((chrom_2_cnv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        variants.append((chrom_2_cnv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        variants.append((chrom_2_cnv_3, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 2)
        # and a CNV on a third chrom makes three
        chrom_3_cnv = self.create_var("3", snv=False)
        variants.append((chrom_3_cnv, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 3)
    def test_remove_cnvs(self):
        """ test that remove_cnvs() works correctly
        mixed_list = self.variants
        snv_list = [mixed_list[0]]
        cnv_list = [mixed_list[1]]
        # check the effect of removing CNVs on different combinations of vars
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(mixed_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(snv_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(cnv_list), [])
    def test_filter_by_maf(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly
        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=True)
        snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0001
        snv_2.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.002
        # low maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)
        # low maf non-biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)
        # high maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])
        # high maf non-Biallelic is filtered out
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)
        # var with multiple inheritance modes should drop the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a high maf (leaving the Biallelic mode)
        variants = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic", "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), expected)
        # var with multiple inheritance modes should keep the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a low maf
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic", "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)
        # check a de novo (lacking any MAF values)
        del snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"]
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)
    def test_filter_by_maf_without_parents(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly when lacking parents
        # create a child without parents
        self.post_filter.family.mother = None
        self.post_filter.family.father = None
        # create a variant with an allele frequency that will fail when lacking
        # parents
        snv = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0002
        # check that a variant with an allele frequency above the without-parents
        # frequency is removed.
        variants = [(snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])
        # check that a variant with an allele frequency below the without-parents
        # frequency still passes.
        snv.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.00005
        variants = [(snv, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)
    def test_get_polyphen_for_genes(self):
        """ test that get_polyphen_for_genes works correctly
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        # pulling the prediction for a single gene gets the correct prediction
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]),
        # pulling the prediction for a different gene gets the correct prediction
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]),
        # pulling the prediction for multiple genes gets the correct predictions
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST", "ATRX"]),
            ["probably_damaging", "benign"])
        # the genes order doesn't affect the polyphen prediction order
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX", "TEST"]),
            ["probably_damaging", "benign"])
        # check that only having one polyphen prediction works corectly
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        # extracting the polyphen works as expected
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]),
        # predcitions for a nonexistent gene should return a blank list
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]),
        # expect a blank list if the variant lacks a polyphen prediction
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["ATRX"]),
        # gene symbols of None shouldn't break the code.
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]),
    def test_get_polyphen_for_genes_with_mnv(self):
        ''' test that get_polyphen_for_genes() works when variants are MNVs
        # a non-MNV variant returns 'benign'
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.get_polyphen_for_genes(var, ["TEST"]),
        unmodified = ['unmodified_synonymous_mnv' 'unmodified_protein_altering_mnv']
        modified = ['modified_protein_altering_mnv', 'modified_synonymous_mnv',
            'modified_stop_gained_mnv', 'masked_stop_gain_mnv', 'alternate_residue_mnv']
        # variants with an altering MNV code returns a 'MNV' code
        for code in modified:
            var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
                info='HGNC=TEST;PolyPhen=benign(0.01)', mnv_code=code)
                ["TEST"]), ["mnv_candidate"])
        # a variant with a MNV code returns 'benign'
        for code in unmodified:
            var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"],
                info='HGNC=TEST;PolyPhen=benign(0.01)', mnv_code=code)
                ["TEST"]), ["benign"])
    def test_filter_polyphen(self):
        """ check that filter_polyphen() works correctly
        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"], pos=1000)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"], pos=2000)
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"], pos=3000)
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        # check that two vars without polyphen predictions pass
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)
        # check that two compound_hets in the same gene, with polyphen benign,
        # fail to pass the filter
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])
        # check that if one var is not benign, both compound hets fail to pass
        # the filter
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])
        # check that if one var lacks a polyphen value, and the other is damaging
        # both vars pass
        del snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)
        # check that if both vars lack polyphen values, both vars pass
        del snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)
        # check that single vars with polyphen benign fail
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])
        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and one is
        # polyphen not benign, then all compound hets in the gene still pass,
        # even if two of them have polyphen benign
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_3.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])
        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and two are
        # polyphen not benign, then only the two not benign compound hets pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        passing_vars = [(snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), passing_vars)
        # if the variants overlap multiple genes, and one of the genes is
        # predicted as benign, make sure this doesn't stop variants passing for
        # the gene of interest if they are predicted to be damaging.
        snv_1.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_2.genes = ["ATRX", "TEST"]
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)|probably_damaging(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)
    def test_has_compound_match(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly
        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"], pos=1000)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"], pos=2000)
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"], pos=3000)
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
        # check that two vars with polyphen benign return true
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
        # check that having one var not polyphen benign returns True
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
        # check that, if there are more than two compound hets to check in the
        # gene, we need two passing variants in order to pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]),
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
        # check that if we are checking a benign variant, and there are more
        # than two compound hets to check in the gene, if we have more than
        # two non-benign variants would prevent a match, then the function
        # returns false
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]),
            (snv_3, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
        # check that single variants in the same gene still return True
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
    def test_has_compound_match_proband_only(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly without parents
        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"], pos=1000)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"], pos=2000)
        snv_1.mother = None
        snv_1.father = None
        snv_2.mother = None
        snv_2.father = None
        variants = [(snv_1, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"]), \
            (snv_2, ["compound_het"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, "ATRX", variants))
    def test_filter_exac(self):
        """ check that filter_exac() works correctly
        # construct a variant that will pass
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        # we should get back the same list of variants, if none of them have a
        # male chrX
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)
        # now construct a male chrX variant, which contains a non-zero AC_Hemi
        # annotation. This should fail the filter
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
        # if the variant has passed under multiple inheritance modes, then
        # we trim out the hemizygous mode, leaving the remaining modes
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous", "X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), expected)
        # if the AC_Hemi count is zero, this should pass the filter
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "0"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)
        # check that chrX females with non-zero AC_Hemi counts are not excluded
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        self.post_filter.family.child.sex = "female"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)
        # now construct a de novo male chrX variant, which contains a non-zero
        # AC_Hemi annotation. Since this is not inherited, it should pass.
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "1"
        self.post_filter.family.child.sex = "male"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Hemizygous"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)
    def test_filter_exac_monoallelic(self):
        """ check filter_exac() under monoallelic inheritance
        # construct a monoallelic variant that will pass
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "4"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)
        # construct a monoallelic variant that will fail
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
        # construct a variant that will fail
        var = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
        # if the variant has passed under multiple inheritance modes, then
        # we trim out the monoallelic mode, leaving the remaining modes
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Monoallelic", "Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        expected = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["Biallelic"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), expected)
    def test_filter_exac_x_linked_dominant(self):
        """check filter_exac() under X-linked dominant inheritance
        # check that X-linked dominant variants pass when the allele count is low
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "4"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), variants)
        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when the het count is high
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when the hemi count is high
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "5"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail when neither the het or
        # hemi count on their own are too high, but combined they exceed the threshold
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Het"] = "3"
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "3"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
        # check that X-linked dominant variants fail multi-allelic sites
        # combined exceed the threshold
        var = self.create_var("X", snv=True, geno=["1/1", "1/1", "1/1"])
        var.child.info["AC_Hemi"] = "3,3"
        variants = [(var, ["single_variant"], ["X-linked dominant"], ["ATRX"])]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_exac(variants), [])
class TestPostInheritanceFilterPy(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        """ define a default VcfInfo object

        variants = []
        snv = self.create_var("1", True)
        cnv = self.create_var("1", False)

        variants.append((snv, "single_variant", "Monoallelic"))
        variants.append((cnv, "single_variant", "Monoallelic"))

        self.post_filter = PostInheritanceFilter(variants)

    def create_var(self, chrom, snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/1", "0/1"]):
        """ define a family and variant, and start the Inheritance class
            chrom: string for chrom, since we check the number of different chroms
            snv: boolean for whether to create a SNV or CNV object

        # generate a test variant
        if snv:
            child_var = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[0])
            mom_var = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[1])
            dad_var = self.create_snv(chrom, geno[2])
            child_var = self.create_cnv(chrom)
            mom_var = self.create_cnv(chrom)
            dad_var = self.create_cnv(chrom)

        var = TrioGenotypes(child_var)

        return var

    def create_snv(self, chrom, geno="0/1"):
        """ create a default variant

        pos = "15000000"
        snp_id = "."
        ref = "A"
        alt = "G"
        filt = "PASS"

        # set up a SNV object, since SNV inherits VcfInfo
        var = SNV(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, filt)

        default_info = "HGNC=ATRX;CQ=missense_variant;random_tag;AF_AFR=0.0001"
        keys = "GT:DP:TEAM29_FILTER:PP_DNM"
        values = "{0}:50:PASS:0.99".format(geno)

        var.add_format(keys, values)

        return var

    def create_cnv(self, chrom):

        pos = "15000000"
        snp_id = "."
        ref = "A"
        alt = "<DUP>"
        filt = "PASS"

        # set up a SNV object, since SNV inherits VcfInfo
        var = CNV(chrom, pos, snp_id, ref, alt, filt)

        info = "HGNC=TEST;HGNC_ALL=TEST,OR5A1;CQ=missense_variant;CNSOLIDATE;WSCORE=0.5;CALLP=0.000;COMMONFORWARDS=0.000;MEANLR2=0.5;MADL2R=0.02;END=16000000;SVLEN=1000000"
        format_keys = "inheritance:DP"
        sample_values = "deNovo:50"

        var.add_format(format_keys, sample_values)

        return var

    def test_filter_variants(self):
        """ test that filter_variants() works correctly
        We only need to make a quick check of the first couple of lines, since
        the called functions are themselves tested elsewhere

        variants = [(self.create_var("1", snv=False), "single_variant",
            (self.create_var("2", snv=False), "single_variant", "Biallelic"))

        # check that if we have CNVs on two chroms pass the filter
        # self.post_filter.variants = variants
        # self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(), variants)

        # check that CNVs on three different chroms get filtered out
            (self.create_var("3", snv=False), "single_variant", "Biallelic"))
        self.post_filter.variants = variants
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_variants(), [])

    def test_count_cnv_chroms(self):
        """ test that count_cnv_chroms() works correctly

        # check that the default list of variants counts only one chrom
        variants = self.post_filter.variants
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 1)

        # add CNVs on the same chrom, and check the chrom count increments one
        chrom_2_cnv_1 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        chrom_2_cnv_3 = self.create_var("2", snv=False)
        variants.append((chrom_2_cnv_1, "single_variant", "Biallelic"))
        variants.append((chrom_2_cnv_2, "single_variant", "Biallelic"))
        variants.append((chrom_2_cnv_3, "single_variant", "Biallelic"))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 2)

        # and a CNV on a third chrom makes three
        chrom_3_cnv = self.create_var("3", snv=False)
        variants.append((chrom_3_cnv, "single_variant", "Biallelic"))
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.count_cnv_chroms(variants), 3)

    def test_remove_cnvs(self):
        """ test that remove_cnvs() works correctly

        mixed_list = self.post_filter.variants
        snv_list = [mixed_list[0]]
        cnv_list = [mixed_list[1]]

        # check the effect of removing CNVs on different combinations of vars
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(mixed_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(snv_list), snv_list)
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.remove_cnvs(cnv_list), [])

    def test_filter_by_maf(self):
        """ test that filter_by_maf() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True)
        snv_2 = self.create_var("2", snv=True)

        snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.0001
        snv_2.child.info["AFR_AF"] = 0.002

        # low maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, "single_variant", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # low maf non-biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_1, "single_variant", "Monoallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # high maf Biallelic var returns the same
        variants = [(snv_2, "single_variant", "Monoallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), [])

        # high maf non-Biallelic is filtered out
        variants = [(snv_2, "single_variant", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # var with multiple inheritance modes should drop the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a high maf (leaving the Biallelic mode)
        variants = [(snv_2, "single_variant", "Monoallelic,Biallelic")]
        expected = [(snv_2, "single_variant", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), expected)

        # var with multiple inheritance modes should keep the non-biallelic
        # mode if the var has a low maf
        variants = [(snv_1, "single_variant", "Monoallelic,Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

        # check a de novo (lacking any MAF values)
        del snv_1.child.info["AFR_AF"]
        variants = [(snv_1, "single_variant", "Monoallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_by_maf(variants), variants)

    def test_filter_polyphen(self):
        """ check that filter_polyphen() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"])
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"])
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        snv_1.position = 1000
        snv_2.position = 2000
        snv_3.position = 3000

        variants = [(snv_1, "single_variant", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "single_variant", "Biallelic")]

        # check that two vars without polyphen predictions pass
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that two compound_hets in the same gene, with polyphen benign,
        # fail to pass the filter
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check that if one var is not benign, both compound hets fail to pass
        # the filter
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check that if one var lacks a polyphen value, and the other is damaging
        # both vars pass
        del snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that if both vars lack polyphen values, both vars pass
        del snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), variants)

        # check that single vars with polyphen benign fail
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign"
        variants = [(snv_1, "single_variant", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and one is
        # polyphen not benign, then all compound hets in the gene still pass,
        # even if two of them have polyphen benign
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_3.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_3, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertEqual(self.post_filter.filter_polyphen(variants), [])

        # check if we have three compound_hets in the same gene, and two are
        # polyphen not benign, then only the two not benign compound hets pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        passing_vars = [(snv_2, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_3, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]

    def test_has_compound_match(self):
        """ check that has_compound_match() works correctly

        snv_1 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/1"])
        snv_2 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "1/0", "0/1"])
        snv_3 = self.create_var("1", snv=True, geno=["0/1", "0/0", "0/0"])
        snv_1.position = 1000
        snv_2.position = 2000
        snv_3.position = 3000

        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]

        # check that two vars without polyphen annotations return false
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))

        # check that two vars with polyphen benign return true
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))

        # check that having one var not polyphen benign returns True
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))

        # check that, if there are more than two compound hets to check in the
        # gene, we need two passing variants in order to pass
        snv_2.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "compound_het", "Biallelic"),
            (snv_3, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))

        # check that if we are checking a benign variant, and there are more
        # than two compound hets to check in the gene, if we have more than
        # two non-benign variants would prevent a match, then the function
        # returns false
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "compound_het", "Biallelic"),
            (snv_3, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))

        # check that we exclude benign de novos
        snv_1.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "probably_damaging(0.99)"
        snv_3.child.info["PolyPhen"] = "benign(0.01)"
        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_3, "compound_het", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertFalse(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))

        # check that single variants in the same gene still return True
        variants = [(snv_1, "compound_het", "Biallelic"), \
            (snv_2, "single_variant", "Biallelic")]
        self.assertTrue(self.post_filter.has_compound_match(snv_1, variants))