Exemplo n.º 1
    def pin_function(self, dag_name, function_ref):
        # If there are no functions left to choose from, then we return None,
        # indicating that we ran out of resources to use.
        if len(self.unpinned_executors) == 0:
            return False

        if dag_name not in self.pending_dags:
            self.pending_dags[dag_name] = []

        # Make a copy of the set of executors, so that we don't modify the
        # system's metadata.
        candidates = set(self.unpinned_executors)

        # Construct a PinFunction message to be sent to executors.
        pin_msg = PinFunction()
        pin_msg.name = function_ref.name
        pin_msg.response_address = self.ip

        serialized = pin_msg.SerializeToString()

        while True:
            # Pick a random executor from the set of candidates and attempt to
            # pin this function there.
            node, tid = sys_random.sample(candidates, 1)[0]

            sckt = self.pusher_cache.get(get_pin_address(node, tid))

            response = GenericResponse()
            except zmq.ZMQError:
                logging.error('Pin operation to %s:%d timed out. Retrying.' %
                              (node, tid))

            # Do not use this executor either way: If it rejected, it has
            # something else pinned, and if it accepted, it has pinned what we
            # just asked it to pin.
            # In local model allow executors to have multiple functions pinned
            if not self.local:
                self.unpinned_executors.discard((node, tid))
                candidates.discard((node, tid))

            if response.success:
                # The pin operation succeeded, so we return the node and thread
                # ID to the caller.
                self.pending_dags[dag_name].append((function_ref.name, (node,
                return True
                # The pin operation was rejected, remove node and try again.
                logging.error('Node %s:%d rejected pin for %s. Retrying.'
                              % (node, tid, function_ref.name))

Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_create_dag_insufficient_resources(self):
        This test attempts to create a DAG even though there are not enough
        free executors in the system. It checks that a pin message is attempted
        to be sent, we run out of resources, and then the request is rejected.
        We check that the metadata is properly restored back to its original
        # Create a simple two-function DAG and add it to the inbound socket.
        source = 'source'
        sink = 'sink'
        dag_name = 'dag'

        dag = create_linear_dag([None, None], [source, sink], self.kvs_client,

        # Add relevant metadata to the policy engine, but set the number of
        # executors to fewer than needed.
        address_set = {(self.ip, 1)}

        # Prepopulate the pin_accept socket with sufficient success messages.

        # Attempt to create the DAG.
        dags = {}
        call_frequency = {}
        create_dag(self.socket, self.pusher_cache, self.kvs_client, dags,
                   self.policy, call_frequency)

        # Check that an error was returned to the user.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.socket.outbox), 1)
        response = GenericResponse()
        self.assertEqual(response.error, NO_RESOURCES)

        # Test that the correct pin messages were sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox), 2)
        messages = self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox

        # Checks for the pin message.
        self.assertTrue(':' in messages[0])
        ip, fname = messages[0].split(':')
        self.assertEqual(ip, self.ip)
        self.assertEqual(source, fname)

        # Checks for the unpin message.
        self.assertEqual(messages[1], source)

        address = random.sample(address_set, 1)[0]
        addresses = self.pusher_cache.addresses
        self.assertEqual(get_pin_address(*address), addresses[0])
        self.assertEqual(get_unpin_address(*address), addresses[1])

        # Check that no additional messages were sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.unpinned_executors), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.function_locations), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.pending_dags), 0)

        # Check that no additional metadata was created or sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(call_frequency), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(dags), 0)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_create_dag(self):
        This test creates a new DAG, checking that the correct pin messages are
        sent to executors and that it is persisted in the KVS correctly. It
        also checks that the server metadata was updated as expected.
        # Create a simple two-function DAG and add it to the inbound socket.
        source = 'source'
        sink = 'sink'
        dag_name = 'dag'

        dag = create_linear_dag([None, None], [source, sink], self.kvs_client,

        # Add relevant metadata to the policy engine.
        address_set = {(self.ip, 1), (self.ip, 2)}

        # Prepopulate the pin_accept socket with sufficient success messages.

        # Call the DAG creation method.
        dags = {}
        call_frequency = {}
        create_dag(self.socket, self.pusher_cache, self.kvs_client, dags,
                   self.policy, call_frequency)

        # Test that the correct metadata was created.
        self.assertTrue(dag_name in dags)
        created, dag_source = dags[dag_name]
        self.assertEqual(created, dag)
        self.assertEqual(len(dag_source), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(dag_source)[0], source)
        self.assertTrue(source in call_frequency)
        self.assertTrue(sink in call_frequency)
        self.assertEqual(call_frequency[source], 0)
        self.assertEqual(call_frequency[sink], 0)

        # Test that the DAG is stored in the KVS correctly.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(dag_name)[dag_name]
        created = Dag()
        self.assertEqual(created, dag)

        # Test that the correct response was returned to the user.
        self.assertTrue(len(self.socket.outbox), 1)
        response = GenericResponse()

        # Test that the correct pin messages were sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox), 2)
        messages = self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox
        function_set = {source, sink}
        for message in messages:
            self.assertTrue(':' in message)
            ip, fname = message.split(':')
            self.assertEqual(ip, self.ip)
            self.assertTrue(fname in function_set)

        self.assertEqual(len(function_set), 0)

        for address in address_set:
                get_pin_address(*address) in self.pusher_cache.addresses)

        # Test that the policy engine has the correct metadata stored.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.unpinned_executors), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.pending_dags), 0)
        self.assertTrue(source in self.policy.function_locations)
        self.assertTrue(sink in self.policy.function_locations)

        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.function_locations[source]), 1)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.function_locations[sink]), 1)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def pin_function(self, dag_name, function_ref, colocated):
        # If there are no functions left to choose from, then we return None,
        # indicating that we ran out of resources to use.
        if function_ref.gpu and len(self.unpinned_gpu_executors) == 0:
            return False
        elif not function_ref.gpu and len(self.unpinned_cpu_executors) == 0:
            return False

        if dag_name not in self.pending_dags:
            self.pending_dags[dag_name] = []

        # Make a copy of the set of executors, so that we don't modify the
        # system's metadata.
        if function_ref.gpu:
            candidates = set(self.unpinned_gpu_executors)
        elif len(colocated) == 0:
            # If this is not a GPU function, just look at all of the unpinned
            # executors.
            candidates = set(self.unpinned_cpu_executors)
            candidates = set()

            already_pinned = set()
            for fn, thread in self.pending_dags[dag_name]:
                if fn in colocated:
                    already_pinned.add((fn, thread))
            candidate_nodes = set()

            if len(already_pinned) > 0:
                for fn, thread in already_pinned:
                    candidate_nodes.add(thread[0]) # The node's IP

                for node, tid in self.unpinned_cpu_executors:
                    if node in candidate_nodes:
                        candidates.add((node, tid))
                # If this is the first colocate to be pinned, try to assign to
                # an empty node.
                nodes = {}
                for node, tid in self.unpinned_cpu_executors:
                    if node not in nodes:
                        nodes[node] = 0
                    nodes[node] += 1

                for node in nodes:
                    if nodes[node] == NUM_EXECUTOR_THREADS:
                        for i in range(NUM_EXECUTOR_THREADS):
                            candidates.add((node, i))

        if len(candidates) == 0: # There no valid executors to colocate on.
            return self.pin_function(dag_name, function_ref, [])

        # Construct a PinFunction message to be sent to executors.
        pin_msg = PinFunction()
        pin_msg.name = function_ref.name
        pin_msg.batching = function_ref.batching
        pin_msg.response_address = self.ip

        serialized = pin_msg.SerializeToString()

        while True:
            # Pick a random executor from the set of candidates and attempt to
            # pin this function there.
            node, tid = sys_random.sample(candidates, 1)[0]

            sckt = self.pusher_cache.get(get_pin_address(node, tid))

            response = GenericResponse()
            except zmq.ZMQError:
                logging.error('Pin operation to %s:%d timed out. Retrying.' %
                              (node, tid))

            # Do not use this executor either way: If it rejected, it has
            # something else pinned, and if it accepted, it has pinned what we
            # just asked it to pin. In local mode, however we allow executors
            # to have multiple functions pinned.
            if not self.local:
                if function_ref.gpu:
                    self.unpinned_gpu_executors.discard((node, tid))
                    candidates.discard((node, tid))
                    self.unpinned_cpu_executors.discard((node, tid))
                    candidates.discard((node, tid))

            if response.success:
                # The pin operation succeeded, so we return the node and thread
                # ID to the caller.
                self.pending_dags[dag_name].append((function_ref.name, (node,
                return True
                # The pin operation was rejected, remove node and try again.
                logging.error('Node %s:%d rejected pin for %s. Retrying.'
                              % (node, tid, function_ref.name))


            if len(candidates) == 0 and len(colocated) > 0:
                # Try again without colocation.
                return self.pin_function(self, dag_name, function_ref, [])
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_create_gpu_dag(self):
        # Create a simple two-function DAG and add it to the inbound socket.
        dag_name = 'dag'
        fn = 'fn'

        dag = create_linear_dag([None], [fn], self.kvs_client, dag_name)
        dag.functions[0].gpu = True

        dags = {}
        call_frequency = {}

        address_set = {(self.ip, 1)}


        create_dag(self.socket, self.pusher_cache, self.kvs_client, dags,
                   self.policy, call_frequency)

        # Test that the correct metadata was created.
        self.assertTrue(dag_name in dags)
        created, dag_source = dags[dag_name]
        self.assertEqual(created, dag)
        self.assertEqual(len(dag_source), 1)
        self.assertEqual(list(dag_source)[0], fn)
        self.assertTrue(fn in call_frequency)
        self.assertEqual(call_frequency[fn], 0)

        # Test that the DAG is stored in the KVS correctly.
        result = self.kvs_client.get(dag_name)[dag_name]
        created = Dag()
        self.assertEqual(created, dag)

        # Test that the correct response was returned to the user.
        self.assertTrue(len(self.socket.outbox), 1)
        response = GenericResponse()

        # Test that the correct pin messages were sent.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox), 1)
        messages = self.pusher_cache.socket.outbox
        function_set = {fn}
        for message in messages:
            pin_msg = PinFunction()
            self.assertEqual(pin_msg.response_address, self.ip)
            self.assertTrue(pin_msg.name in function_set)

        self.assertEqual(len(function_set), 0)

        for address in address_set:
                get_pin_address(*address) in self.pusher_cache.addresses)

        # Test that the policy engine has the correct metadata stored.
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.unpinned_cpu_executors), 0)
        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.pending_dags), 0)
        self.assertTrue(fn in self.policy.function_locations)

        self.assertEqual(len(self.policy.function_locations[fn]), 1)