Exemplo n.º 1
def _iaas_nimbus_validate(svc, log):
    rc = 0
    msg = None
    if svc._s.securitygroups:
        rc = 1
        msg = "The Nimbus IaaS platform does not support security groups as of 2.7"
        cloudinitd.log(log, logging.WARN, msg)

    return (rc, msg)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def boot_validate(self):
        bo = self._bo
        connnections = {}
        for level in bo.levels:
            for s in level.services:
                svc = self._boot_top.get_service(s.name)

                cb_iaas.iaas_validate(svc, self._log)

                hash_str = ""
                iaas_url = svc.get_dep("iaas_url")
                if iaas_url:
                    hash_str = hash_str + iaas_url
                hash_str = hash_str + "/"
                iaas = svc.get_dep("iaas")
                if iaas:
                    hash_str = hash_str + iaas
                hash_str = hash_str + "/"
                key = svc.get_dep("iaas_key")
                if key:
                    hash_str = hash_str + key
                hash_str = hash_str + "/"
                secret = svc.get_dep("iaas_secret")
                if secret:
                    hash_str = hash_str + secret

                if hash_str not in connnections.keys():
                    con = cb_iaas.iaas_get_con(svc, key=key, secret=secret, iaasurl=iaas_url)
                    #con = cb_iaas.iaas_get_con(svc)
                    connnections[hash_str] = (con, [svc])
                    (con, svc_list) = connnections[hash_str]

        exception_list = []
        for (con, svc_list) in connnections.values():
            except Exception, ex:
                # this means that there is a problem connection with all the associated services
                names = ""
                d = ""
                for svc in svc_list:
                    exception_list.append((svc, ex,))
                    names = names + d + svc.name
                    d = ","
                msg = "The following services have problems with their IaaS configuration.  Please check the launch plan to verify the iaas configuration is correct. %s || %s" % (names, str(ex))
                cloudinitd.log(self._log, logging.ERROR, msg)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_logging(self):
     cloudinitd.log(logging, logging.DEBUG, "testmessage")
     cloudinitd.log(None, logging.DEBUG, "testmessage")
         raise Exception("TESTER")
         cloudinitd.log(logging, logging.DEBUG, "test stack", traceback)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, db_dir, config_file=None, db_name=None, log_level="warn", logdir=None, level_callback=None, service_callback=None, boot=True, ready=True, terminate=False, continue_on_error=False, fail_if_db_present=False):
        db_dir:     a path to a directories where databases can be stored.

        config_file: the top_level config file describing this boot plan.
                    if this parameter is given then it is assumed that this
                    is a new launch plan.  if it is not given the db_name
                    parameter is required and the plan is loaded from an
                    existing database

        db_name:    the name of the database.  this is not an actual path
                    to a file, it is the run name given when the plan is
                    launched.  The run name can be found in self.name

        level_callback: a callback function that is invoked whenever
                        a level completes or a new level is started.  The signature of the callback is:

                        def func_name(cloudinitd, action, current_level)

                        action is a string from the set
                        ["starting", "transition", "complete", "error"]

        service callback: a callbackfunciton that is invoked whenever
                        a service is started, progresses, or finishes.  The signature is:

                        def func_name(cloudservice, action, msg)

                        action is a string from the set:

                        ["starting", "transition", "complete", "error"]

        boot=True: instructs the object to contextualized the service or now

        ready=True: instructs the service to run the ready program or not

        terminate=False: instructs the service to run the shutdown program or not

        fail_if_db_present=False: instructs the constructor that the caller expects DB present already

        When this object is configured with a config_file a new sqlite
        database is created under @db_dir and a new name is picked for it.
        the data base ends up being called <db_dir>/cloudinitd-<name>.db,
        but the user has no real need to know this.

        The contructor does not actually launch a run.  It simply loads up
        the database with the information in the config file (in the case
        of a new launch) and then builds the inmemory data structures.

        if not db_name and not config_file:
            raise APIUsageException("Cloud boot must have a db_name or a config file to load")
        if not os.path.exists(db_dir):
            raise APIUsageException("Path to the db directory does not exist: %s" % (db_dir))

        self._level_callback = level_callback
        self._service_callback = service_callback

        if not db_name:
            db_name = str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[0]

        db_path = "/%s/cloudinitd-%s.db" % (db_dir, db_name)
        self._db_path = db_path
        if config_file is None:
            if not os.path.exists(db_path):
                raise APIUsageException("Path to the db does not exist %s.  New dbs must be given a config file" % (db_path))

        if fail_if_db_present and os.path.exists(db_path):
            raise APIUsageException("Already exists: '%s'" % db_path)

        (self._log, logfile) = cloudinitd.make_logger(log_level, db_name, logdir=logdir)

        self._started = False
        self.run_name = db_name
        dburl = "sqlite://%s" % (db_path)

        self._db = CloudInitDDB(dburl)
        os.chmod(db_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
        if config_file:
            self._bo = self._db.load_from_conf(config_file)
            self._bo = self._db.load_from_db()

        self._levels = []
        self._boot_top = BootTopLevel(log=self._log, level_callback=self._mp_cb, service_callback=self._svc_cb, boot=boot, ready=ready, terminate=terminate, continue_on_error=continue_on_error)
        for level in self._bo.levels:
            level_list = []
            for s in level.services:
                    (s_log, logfile) = cloudinitd.make_logger(log_level, self.run_name, logdir=logdir, servicename=s.name)

                    svc = self._boot_top.new_service(s, self._db, log=s_log, logfile=logfile, run_name=self.run_name)

                    # if boot is not set we assume it was already booted and we expand
                    if not boot:
                except Exception, svcex:
                    if not continue_on_error:
                    action = cloudinitd.callback_action_error
                    msg = "ERROR creating SVC object %s, but continue on error set: %s" % (s.name, str(svcex))
                    if self._service_callback:
                        cs = CloudService(self, None, name=s.name)
                        self._service_callback(self, cs, action, msg)

                    cloudinitd.log(self._log, logging.ERROR, msg)
