Exemplo n.º 1
def test_bbox_volume():
    bbx = Bbox((0, 0, 0), (2000, 2000, 2000))
    # important thing is 8B is > int32 size
    assert bbx.volume() == 8000000000

    bbx = bbx.astype(np.float32)
    assert bbx.volume() == 8000000000
Exemplo n.º 2
def MeshSpatialIndex(
  mip:int = 0, 
  compress:Optional[Union[str,bool]] = 'gzip', 
  mesh_dir:Optional[str] = None
) -> None:
  The main way to add a spatial index is to use the MeshTask,
  but old datasets or broken datasets may need it to be 
  reconstituted. An alternative use is create the spatial index
  over a different area size than the mesh task.
  cv = CloudVolume(
    cloudpath, mip=mip, 
    bounded=False, fill_missing=fill_missing
  cf = CloudFiles(cloudpath)

  bounds = Bbox(Vec(*offset), Vec(*shape) + Vec(*offset))
  bounds = Bbox.clamp(bounds, cv.bounds)

  data_bounds = bounds.clone()
  data_bounds.maxpt += 1 # match typical Marching Cubes overlap

  precision = cv.mesh.spatial_index.precision
  resolution = cv.resolution 

  if not mesh_dir:
    mesh_dir = cv.info["mesh"]

  # remap: old img -> img
  img, remap = cv.download(data_bounds, renumber=True)
  img = img[...,0]
  slcs = find_objects(img)
  del img
  reverse_map = { v:k for k,v in remap.items() } # img -> old img

  bboxes = {}
  for label, slc in enumerate(slcs):
    if slc is None:
    mesh_bounds = Bbox.from_slices(slc)
    mesh_bounds += Vec(*offset)
    mesh_bounds *= Vec(*resolution, dtype=np.float32)
    bboxes[str(reverse_map[label+1])] = \

  bounds = bounds.astype(resolution.dtype) * resolution
Exemplo n.º 3
def ImageShardDownsampleTask(
  src_path: str,
  shape: ShapeType,
  offset: ShapeType,
  mip: int = 0,
  fill_missing: bool = False,
  sparse: bool = False,
  agglomerate: bool = False,
  timestamp: Optional[int] = None,
  factor: ShapeType = (2,2,1)
  Generate a single downsample level for a shard.
  Shards are usually hundreds of megabytes to several
  gigabyte of data, so it is usually unrealistic from a
  memory perspective to make more than one mip at a time.
  shape = Vec(*shape)
  offset = Vec(*offset)
  mip = int(mip)
  fill_missing = bool(fill_missing)

  src_vol = CloudVolume(
    src_path, fill_missing=fill_missing, 
    mip=mip, bounded=False, progress=False
  chunk_size = src_vol.meta.chunk_size(mip)

  bbox = Bbox(offset, offset + shape)
  bbox = Bbox.clamp(bbox, src_vol.meta.bounds(mip))
  bbox = bbox.expand_to_chunk_size(
    chunk_size, offset=src_vol.meta.voxel_offset(mip)

  shard_shape = igneous.shards.image_shard_shape_from_spec(
    src_vol.scales[mip + 1]["sharding"], 
    src_vol.meta.volume_size(mip + 1), 
    src_vol.meta.chunk_size(mip + 1)
  upper_offset = offset // Vec(*factor)
  shape_bbox = Bbox(upper_offset, upper_offset + shard_shape)
  shape_bbox = shape_bbox.astype(np.int64)
  shape_bbox = Bbox.clamp(shape_bbox, src_vol.meta.bounds(mip + 1))
  shape_bbox = shape_bbox.expand_to_chunk_size(src_vol.meta.chunk_size(mip + 1))

  if shape_bbox.subvoxel():

  shard_shape = list(shape_bbox.size3()) + [ 1 ]

  output_img = np.zeros(shard_shape, dtype=src_vol.dtype)
  nz = int(math.ceil(bbox.dz / chunk_size.z))

  dsfn = tinybrain.downsample_with_averaging
  if src_vol.layer_type == "segmentation":
    dsfn = tinybrain.downsample_segmentation

  zbox = bbox.clone()
  zbox.maxpt.z = zbox.minpt.z + chunk_size.z
  for z in range(nz):
    img = src_vol.download(
      zbox, agglomerate=agglomerate, timestamp=timestamp
    (ds_img,) = dsfn(img, factor, num_mips=1, sparse=sparse)
    # ds_img[slc] b/c sometimes the size round up in tinybrain
    # makes this too large by one voxel on an axis
    output_img[:,:,(z*chunk_size.z):(z+1)*chunk_size.z] = ds_img

    del img
    del ds_img
    zbox.minpt.z += chunk_size.z
    zbox.maxpt.z += chunk_size.z

  (filename, shard) = src_vol.image.make_shard(
    output_img, shape_bbox, (mip + 1), progress=False
  basepath = src_vol.meta.join(
    src_vol.cloudpath, src_vol.meta.key(mip + 1)
  CloudFiles(basepath).put(filename, shard)