def changeCore(parent): """ Modify the core """ clus = parent eleNames, eleNums, natoms, stride, eleRadii = get_data(clus) CoM(clus) inout = ran.choice([1, 2]) # inout = 1 muttpe: + core; inout = 2 muttype: - core if inout == 1: nout = int(0.2 * natoms) if nout < 1: nout = 1 icenter = ran.randrange(nout) + 1 R0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] clus = sortR0(clus, R0) clus[-icenter].position = [0.1, 0.0, 0.0] clus = fixOverlap(clus) elif inout == 2: ncore = int(0.1 * natoms) if ncore < 1: ncore = 1 iout = ran.randrange(ncore) R0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] clus = sortR0(clus, R0) del clus[iout] clus = addAtoms(clus, eleNames, eleNums, eleRadii) clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def tunnel(parent): """ Tunnel one of the atoms farthest from the center to the other side of the cluster """ clus = parent natoms = len(clus) CoM(clus) w = [] for atom in clus: ele = atom.symbol x, y, z = atom.position r = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z) w.append([r, ele, x, y, z]) w.sort() for i in range(natoms): clus[i].symbol = w[i][1] clus[i].x = w[i][2] clus[i].y = w[i][3] clus[i].z = w[i][4] nat = int(round(0.75 * natoms)) atomNum = ran.randrange(nat, natoms) x, y, z = clus[atomNum].x, clus[atomNum].y, clus[atomNum].z clus[atomNum].x, clus[atomNum].y, clus[atomNum].z = -x, -y, -z clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def partialInversion(parent): """ Choose a fragment with 30% of the cluster atoms nearest to a randomly chosen atom and invert the structure with respect to its geometrical center """ clus = parent natoms = len(clus) CoM(clus) nInvert = int(round(0.3 * natoms)) mAtom = ran.randrange(natoms) R0 = clus.get_positions()[mAtom] clus = sortR0(clus, R0) fc = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]) for i in range(nInvert): r = clus.get_positions()[i] fc += r / nInvert for i in range(nInvert): x, y, z = ( clus.get_positions()[i][0], clus.get_positions()[i][1], clus.get_positions()[i][2], ) r = np.array([x, y, z]) ri = 2 * fc - r clus[i].x = ri[0] clus[i].y = ri[1] clus[i].z = ri[2] clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def twist(parent): """ Twist the cluster """ clus = parent CoM(clus) natoms = len(clus) phi = ran.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) psi = ran.uniform(0, np.pi) vx = np.cos(phi) * np.sin(psi) vy = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(psi) vz = np.cos(psi) vec = [vx, vy, vz] v = np.array(vec) w = [] for atom in clus: ele = atom.symbol x, y, z = atom.position r = np.array([x, y, z]) proj =, v) w.append([proj, ele, x, y, z]) w.sort() for i in range(len(clus)): clus[i].symbol = w[i][1] clus[i].position = w[i][2], w[i][3], w[i][4] part = int(round(0.3 * natoms)) nrot = ran.randrange(part, natoms - part) a = ran.uniform(np.pi / 6, 11 * np.pi / 6) for i in range(nrot): ele = clus[i].symbol x, y, z = clus[i].position rotY = y * np.cos(a) - z * np.sin(a) rotZ = y * np.sin(a) + z * np.cos(a) clus[i].symbol = ele clus[i].x, clus[i].y, clus[i].z = x, rotY, rotZ clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def rotate_mut(parent): """ Randomly rotate 25%, 50%, 75% of cluster atoms """ clus = parent natoms = len(clus) CoM(clus) a = ran.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) phi = ran.uniform(0, 2 * np.pi) psi = ran.uniform(0, np.pi) ux = np.cos(phi) * np.sin(psi) uy = np.sin(phi) * np.sin(psi) uz = np.cos(psi) w = 1.0 - np.cos(a) rot11 = ux * ux * w + np.cos(a) rot12 = ux * uy * w + uz * np.sin(a) rot13 = ux * uz * w - uy * np.sin(a) rot21 = uy * ux * w - uz * np.sin(a) rot22 = uy * uy * w + np.cos(a) rot23 = uy * uz * w + ux * np.sin(a) rot31 = uz * ux * w + uy * np.sin(a) rot32 = uz * uy * w - ux * np.sin(a) rot33 = uz * uz * w + np.cos(a) n = ran.choice([0.25, 0.50, 0.75]) rotateNum = int(round(n * natoms)) atomList = ran.sample(range(natoms), rotateNum) for i in atomList: ele = clus[i].symbol x, y, z = clus[i].position rotX = rot11 * x + rot12 * y + rot13 * z rotY = rot21 * x + rot22 * y + rot23 * z rotZ = rot31 * x + rot32 * y + rot33 * z clus[i].x, clus[i].y, clus[i].z = rotX, rotY, rotZ clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def rattle_mut(parent): """ Choose one atom and move 50% or 75% of the cluster atoms nearest to that atom a distance between 0 and +/- its radius """ clus = parent CoM(clus) natoms = len(clus) ele_list = clus.get_chemical_symbols() radList = [covalent_radii[atomic_numbers[ele]] for ele in ele_list] n = ran.choice([0.50, 0.75]) nMove = int(round(n * natoms)) mAtom = ran.randrange(natoms) ele0 = clus[mAtom].symbol x0, y0, z0 = clus[mAtom].position w = [] for i in range(natoms): ele = clus[i].symbol x, y, z = clus[i].position dx = x - x0 dy = y - y0 dz = z - z0 dr = np.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2 + z ** 2) w.append([dr, ele, x, y, z]) w.sort() for i in range(natoms): clus[i].symbol = w[i][1] clus[i].position = w[i][2], w[i][3], w[i][4] for i in range(nMove): dis = radList[i] clus[i].x += ran.uniform(-dis, dis) clus[i].y += ran.uniform(-dis, dis) clus[i].z += ran.uniform(-dis, dis) clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def skin(parent): """ Keep 80% of the cluster atoms and relocate the remaining """ clus = parent eleNames, eleNums, natoms, stride, eleRadii = get_data(clus) CoM(clus) nfix = int(round(0.8 * natoms)) R0 = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] clus = sortR0(clus, R0) core_pos = [] core_ele = [] for i in range(nfix): x, y, z = clus[i].position core_pos.append((x, y, z)) ele = clus[i].symbol core_ele.append(ele) core = Atoms(core_ele, core_pos) clus = addAtoms(core, eleNames, eleNums, eleRadii) clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus
def homotop(parent): """ Choose pair of different elements to swap """ clus = parent CoM(clus) eleNames, eleNums, natoms, stride, eleRadii = get_data(clus) eles = ran.sample(eleNames, 2) ele1_index = [] ele2_index = [] for i in clus: if i.symbol == eles[0]: ele1_index.append(i.index) if i.symbol == eles[1]: ele2_index.append(i.index) ele1_position = ran.choice(ele1_index) ele2_position = ran.choice(ele2_index) clus.positions[[ele1_position, ele2_position]] = clus.positions[ [ele2_position, ele1_position] ] clus = fixOverlap(clus) return clus