def grasp(hyper_params : HyperParams, clusters : clt.Clusters) -> (float, float): init_time : float = time.time() current_time : float = 0 result : float = 0 best_solutions : set = set([]) solutions_added : int = 0 iterations : int = 0 while iterations < hyper_params.num_iter: clusters.initialize_state() # Use local search to create a new solution: local : float = local_search(clusters, clusters.sse) # If can fit in the best solutions, push to it to list of best solutions if solutions_added < hyper_params.num_best_solutions: best_solutions.add(local) solutions_added += 1 else: less_best : float = max(best_solutions) if local < less_best: best_solutions.remove(less_best) best_solutions.add(local) # Set current state to best state result = min(best_solutions) iterations += 1 current_time = time.time() if current_time - init_time >= 1: break return (result, current_time - init_time)
def checkRange(): """ Post: Function tests the scores to see if they are between 0-100 """ data = generateClusters(50, 3, 1, 3) myClusters = Clusters(data, 2) scores = myClusters.orderedScores l = len(scores) count = 0 try: for i in range(l): if (scores[i] <= 100 and scores[i] >= 0): count += 1 Clusters(data, 2) except count == 150: return False return True
def checkEmpty(): """ Post: Function tests if generateClusters function is given 0 clusters """ try: data = generateClusters(50, 3, 1, 0) Clusters(data, 1) except ValueError: return True return False
def checkNegative(): """ Post: Function tests when k < 0 """ data = generateClusters(50, 3, 1, 3) try: Clusters(data, -5) except ValueError: return True return False
def checkZero(): """ Post: Function tests when k = 0 """ data = generateClusters(50, 3, 1, 3) try: Clusters(data, 0) except ValueError: return True return False
def simulated_annealing(hyper_params : HyperParams, clusters : clt.Clusters) -> (float, float): current_temp : float = hyper_params.init_temp init_time : float = time.time() elapsed_time : float = time.time() clusters.initialize_state() smallest : float = clusters.sse while current_temp > hyper_params.final_temp: iterations : int = 0 while iterations < hyper_params.num_iter: # Disturbing the state: clusters.disturb() # Comparing the costs of the current state and the disturbed state: delta : float = clusters.disturbed_sse - clusters.sse if delta < 0 or random.random() < math.exp(-delta / current_temp): if clusters.disturbed_sse < smallest: smallest = clusters.disturbed_sse clusters.accept_disturbed() iterations += 1 elapsed_time = time.time() if elapsed_time - init_time >= 1: break # Updating the temperature: current_temp *= hyper_params.alpha elapsed_time = time.time() if elapsed_time - init_time >= 1: break return (smallest, elapsed_time - init_time)
def exampleCluster(data, k): # testing kmeans """ Makes example of cluster and graphs it with its respective dimension. """["dark_background"]) plt.rc("grid", linestyle="--", color="white", alpha=0.5) plt.rc("axes", axisbelow=True) clusters = Clusters(data, k) print("Completed!\n") clusters.printInfo() print() centroids = clusters.keys() d = clusters.orderedData threshold = 0.7 # change this value to change a, b = d[:int(threshold * len(d))], d[int(threshold * len(d)):] colors = { 0: "green", 1: "red", 2: "orange", 3: "purple", 4: "cyan", 5: "magenta", 6: "pink", 7: "yellow", } if (data.shape[1] < 4): print("Plotting...") if data.shape[1] == 2: plt.figure() plt.grid() plt.plot(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], '*', c="blue", mec="white", ms=20, zorder=3, label="final") plt.legend(loc="upper right") c = 0 for centroid in clusters: data = clusters[centroid] plt.plot(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], 'o', c=colors[c], mec="white", ms=7.5, zorder=1) c += 1 plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.figure() plt.grid() plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.plot(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], '*', c="green", mec="white", ms=15, zorder=3, label="final") plt.plot([0],[1], 's', c="purple", mec="white", ms=15, zorder=1) plt.plot(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], 'o', c="blue", mec="white", ms=7.5, zorder=1) plt.plot(b[:, 0], b[:, 1], 'o', c="red", mec="white", ms=7.5, zorder=1) elif data.shape[1] == 3: plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") ax.scatter3D(centroids[:, 0], centroids[:, 1], centroids[:, 2], '*', c="blue", zorder=3, label="final") c = 0 for centroid in clusters: data = clusters[centroid] ax.scatter3D(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], data[:, 2], c=colors[c], zorder=1) c += 1 plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection="3d") ax.scatter3D(0, 0, 0, '*', c="green", zorder=1) ax.scatter3D(a[:, 0], a[:, 1], a[:, 2], 'o', c="blue", zorder=1) ax.scatter3D(b[:, 0], b[:, 1], b[:, 2], 'o', c="red", zorder=1) if data.shape[1] > 3: for i, centroid in enumerate(clusters): data = clusters[centroid] print("Cluster " + str(i) + ": " + str(len(data))) if data.shape[1] <= 3: print("Done!")
def local_search(clusters : clt.Clusters, current_value : float) -> float: clusters.disturb() if (clusters.disturbed_sse <= current_value): return local_search(clusters, clusters.disturbed_sse) else: return current_value
def get_robot_position(ts, camera): try: prev_ts = ts ts, blobs_list = camera.get_blobs() LED_positions = [] LED_position_buffer = [] LED_colors_buffer = [] blob_size_buffer = [] frame_times = list(zip(list(range(10)), list(range(10)))) if ts != prev_ts: for blob in blobs_list: # A blob contains one lED position x_coord = blob[0] y_coord = blob[1] color = blob[2] radius = blob[3] LED_position_buffer.append([x_coord / 2, y_coord / 2]) LED_colors_buffer.append(color) blob_size_buffer.append(int(radius / sqrt(pi) / 2) * 2) LED_positions = np.array(LED_position_buffer) LED_colors = np.array(LED_colors_buffer) blob_sizes = np.array(blob_size_buffer) if len(LED_positions) > 5: # Find the closest neighbors of each LED_positions neigh = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=4, algorithm='ball_tree').fit(LED_positions) distances, indices = neigh.kneighbors(LED_positions) index_true = [] index_false = [] for i in range(len(distances)): if indices[i][0] in index_false: continue bad_group = [] for j in range(1, 4): if distances[i][j] < 6: bad_group.append(indices[i][j]) index_true += [indices[i][0]] index_false += bad_group LED_positions = LED_positions[list(set(index_true))] if len(LED_positions) > 3: LED_colors = LED_colors[list(set(index_true))] blob_sizes = blob_sizes[list(set(index_true))] nbrs = NearestNeighbors( n_neighbors=3, algorithm='kd_tree').fit(LED_positions) indices = nbrs.kneighbors(LED_positions, return_distance=False) # Group LEDs in order to create ebugs valid_LEDs, LED_colors, blob_sizes, valid_cluster_index = Clusters( LED_positions, indices, LED_colors, blob_sizes) centers = [] LEDs_per_Ebug = [] LEDColor_per_Ebug = [] BlobSize_per_Ebug = [] radius = [] visited = [] ID = [] for i in valid_cluster_index: if i in visited: continue visited.append(i) buf_LEDs = valid_LEDs[np.where( valid_cluster_index == i)] circle_LEDs = center = np.array(list(map(int, circle_LEDs.LS()))) bad_est = False centers.append(center) LEDs_per_Ebug.append(buf_LEDs) radius.append(int(circle_LEDs.calc_R(*center).mean())) LEDColor_per_Ebug.append( LED_colors[np.where(valid_cluster_index == i)]) BlobSize_per_Ebug.append( blob_sizes[np.where(valid_cluster_index == i)]) for i in range(len(radius)): color_seq, blob_seq = CL.GetSequence( LEDs_per_Ebug[i], LEDColor_per_Ebug[i], BlobSize_per_Ebug[i], centers[i], radius[i], 16) EbugID = CL.EbugIdDtection(color_seq, LED_DETECTION_THRESHOLD) if EbugID != -1: ID.append(EbugID) ebugs_list = [] for i in range(len(ID)): ebug = { "Name": ID[i], "Center": centers[i], "Radius": radius[i] } ebugs_list.append(ebug) print("Ebugs data :", ebugs_list) return ebugs_list return None except RuntimeError as e: print('Error received : ', e) pass
def main(argv): """ Pre: Runs the main code for the backend. This will take in the data from the front end and put it into a new dicitonary called newDict. Middle: newDict will take each ID as its keys, with each one having a valule of None. From there, the program will create a list that contains each ID's attributes and then will assign that list to its corresponding key in newDict. Each ID is then given a score based on its attributes attachted to it. The higher the score the more the song is determined to not belong to the playlist Post: At the end, the backend will give the front a finalDict, that will contain the ID of each song as its keys and each will have a value that is its corresponding score """ print("Running...", flush=True) spotify = json.loads(argv[0]) amount = spotify["Playlist"] g = len(amount) newDict = {} i = 0 #This for loop creates a new dictionary and will make the keys the ID of the songs and give #each key a list of the attributes that match that song for i in range(g): prop = [] temp = spotify["Playlist"][i] x = temp["ID"] newDict[x] = None prop.append(temp["danceability"]) prop.append(temp["energy"]) prop.append(temp["key"]) prop.append(temp["tempo"]) prop.append(temp["valence"]) newDict[x] = prop #Creates a 2d list of the of the lists of attributes that are connected to each song newList = [] for key in newDict: newList.append(newDict[key]) #Plots the centroids on a graph with the other data points converted = np.array(newList) std = standardized(converted) clusters = Clusters(std) centroids = clusters.keys() clusters.printInfo() d, s = clusters.orderedData, clusters.orderedScores #Creates a new dictionary called finalDict that, when filled, will have the IDs of the songs as the keys #and a score as the value to each key. d = d * converted.std(axis=0) + converted.mean(axis=0) finalDict = {} for i in range(g): temp = spotify["Playlist"][i] x = temp["ID"] finalDict[x] = None count = 0 original = std * converted.std(axis=0) + converted.mean(axis=0) for i in range(g): for j in range(g): if (np.all(original[i] == d[j])): temp = spotify["Playlist"][i] x = temp["ID"] finalDict[x] = s[j] count += 1 print(finalDict, flush=True) print("Done!", flush=True)