Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: j2duffy/JGF
  def int_temp(kA):
    qp = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) + sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  )
    qm = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) - sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  ) 

    if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
    if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

    sig = copysign(1,m-n)
    const = 1j/(4.0*pi*t**2)
    if s == 0:
      return const*E*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )		\
	+ exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  )
    elif s == 1:
      fp = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(1j*kA)  )
      fm = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(1j*kA)  )
      return const*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*fp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )  	\
	+ exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*fm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  ) 
    elif s == -1:
      ftp = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(-1j*kA)  )
      ftm = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(-1j*kA)  )

      return const*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*ftp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )  	\
      + exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*ftm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  ) 
    else: print "Sublattice error in gBulk_kA"
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
  def int_temp(kA):
    qp = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) + sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  )
    qm = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) - sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  ) 

    if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
    if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

    sig = copysign(1,DZ)		# Check this versus zigzag SI (should be same though, on exponential)
    const = 1j/(2.0*pi*t**2)
    if s_lat == 'bb':
      return const*E*exp(1j*sig*qp*(DZ))*sin(kA*DA1)*sin(kA*DA2) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA) )		\
	+ const*E*exp(1j*sig*qm*(DZ))*sin(kA*DA1)*sin(kA*DA2) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  ) 
    elif s_lat == 'ww':
      fp = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(1j*kA)
      fm = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(1j*kA)
      ftp = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(-1j*kA)
      ftm = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(-1j*kA)
      fpasq = 1.0 + 4.0*cos(qp)*cos(kA) + 4.0*cos(qp)**2
      fmasq = 1.0 + 4.0*cos(qm)*cos(kA) + 4.0*cos(qm)**2
      Np = ( ftp*exp(-1j*kA*DA1) - fp*exp(1j*kA*DA1) )*( fp*exp(1j*kA*DA2) - ftp*exp(-1j*kA*DA2) )/fpasq
      Nm = ( ftm*exp(-1j*kA*DA1) - fm*exp(1j*kA*DA1) )*( fm*exp(1j*kA*DA2) - ftm*exp(-1j*kA*DA2) )/fmasq
      return 0.25*const*E*exp(1j*sig*qp*DZ)*Np / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA) )		\
	+ 0.25*const*E*exp(1j*sig*qm*DZ)*Nm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  ) 
    else: print 's_lat not a valid character'
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: j2duffy/JGF
  def int_temp(kA):
    qp = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) + sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  )
    qm = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) - sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  ) 

    if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
    if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

    sig = copysign(1,DZ)		# Check this versus zigzag SI (should be same though, on exponential)
    const = 1j/(2.0*pi*t**2)
    if s_lat == 'bb':
      return const*E*exp(1j*sig*qp*(DZ))*sin(kA*DA1)*sin(kA*DA2) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA) )		\
	+ const*E*exp(1j*sig*qm*(DZ))*sin(kA*DA1)*sin(kA*DA2) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  ) 
    elif s_lat == 'ww':
      fp = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(1j*kA)
      fm = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(1j*kA)
      ftp = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(-1j*kA)
      ftm = 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(-1j*kA)
      fpasq = 1.0 + 4.0*cos(qp)*cos(kA) + 4.0*cos(qp)**2
      fmasq = 1.0 + 4.0*cos(qm)*cos(kA) + 4.0*cos(qm)**2
      Np = ( ftp*exp(-1j*kA*DA1) - fp*exp(1j*kA*DA1) )*( fp*exp(1j*kA*DA2) - ftp*exp(-1j*kA*DA2) )/fpasq
      Nm = ( ftm*exp(-1j*kA*DA1) - fm*exp(1j*kA*DA1) )*( fm*exp(1j*kA*DA2) - ftm*exp(-1j*kA*DA2) )/fmasq
      return 0.25*const*E*exp(1j*sig*qp*DZ)*Np / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA) )		\
	+ 0.25*const*E*exp(1j*sig*qm*DZ)*Nm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  ) 
    else: print 's_lat not a valid character'
def isparal(a1, a2, a3, a4):
    a1a2 = m.sqrt(pow((a2[0] - a1[0]), 2) - pow((a2[1] - a1[1]), 2))
    a2a3 = m.sqrt(pow((a3[0] - a2[0]), 2) - pow((a3[1] - a2[1]), 2))
    a3a4 = m.sqrt(pow((a4[0] - a3[0]), 2) - pow((a4[1] - a3[1]), 2))
    a4a1 = m.sqrt(pow((a1[0] - a4[0]), 2) - pow((a1[1] - a4[1]), 2))

    d1 = m.sqrt(pow((a4[0] - a2[0]), 2) - pow((a4[1] - a2[1]), 2))
    d2 = m.sqrt(pow((a3[0] - a1[0]), 2) - pow((a3[1] - a1[1]), 2))

    # Теорема треугольников для нахождения угла по трем сторонам
    cos_alpha1 = (pow(d1, 2) - pow(a1a2, 2) - pow(a4a1, 2)) / 2 * a1a2 * a4a1
    alpha1 = m.acos(cos_alpha1)

    cos_beta1 = (pow(d1, 2) - pow(a2a3, 2) - pow(a3a4, 2)) / 2 * a2a3 * a3a4
    beta1 = m.acos(cos_beta1)

    cos_alpha2 = (pow(d2, 2) - pow(a1a2, 2) - pow(a2a3, 2)) / 2 * a1a2 * a2a3
    alpha2 = m.acos(cos_alpha2)

    cos_beta2 = (pow(d2, 2) - pow(a4a1, 2) - pow(a3a4, 2)) / 2 * a4a1 * a3a4
    beta2 = m.acos(cos_beta2)

    if a1a2 == a3a4 and a2a3 == a4a1:
        print("Стороны попарно равны!")
        if alpha1 == beta1 and alpha2 == beta2:
            print("Противоположные углы попарно равны!")
            print("Это - параллелограмм!")
                "Противоположные углы попарно не равны - это не параллелограм..."
        print("Стороны попарно не равны - это не параллелограм...")
Exemplo n.º 5
def gTube_Python(nC, m, n, s, E):
    """The Green's Function of a Carbon Nanotube, written in Python because you never know.
    Problem: k is a really weird choice for index given that it alludes to the Fermi wavevector"""
    g = 0.0
    for k in range(0, nC):  # The zero is unnecessary by Python convention
        qp = acos(0.5 * (-cos(pi * k / nC) + sqrt((E**2 / t**2) -
                                                  (sin(pi * k / nC))**2)))
        qm = acos(0.5 * (-cos(pi * k / nC) - sqrt((E**2 / t**2) -
                                                  (sin(pi * k / nC))**2)))

        if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
        if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

        sig = copysign(1, m - n)
        const = 1j / (4.0 * t**2)
        if s == 0:
            g += const*( E*exp( 1j*( pi*k/nC *(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(pi*k/nC)  ) \
       + E*exp( 1j*(  pi*k/nC *(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(pi*k/nC)  )  )
        elif s == 1:
            fp = t * (1.0 + 2.0 * cos(qp) * exp(1j * pi * k / nC))
            fm = t * (1.0 + 2.0 * cos(qm) * exp(1j * pi * k / nC))

            g += const*( fp*exp( 1j*( pi*k/nC *(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(pi*k/nC)  ) \
            + fm*exp( 1j*( pi*k/nC *(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(pi*k/nC)  )  )
        elif s == -1:
            ftp = t * (1.0 + 2.0 * cos(qp) * exp(-1j * pi * k / nC))
            ftm = t * (1.0 + 2.0 * cos(qm) * exp(-1j * pi * k / nC))

            g += const*( exp( 1j*( pi*k/nC *(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*ftp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(pi*k/nC)  ) \
            + exp( 1j*( pi*k/nC *(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*ftm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(pi*k/nC)  )  )
            print "Sublattice error in gTube_Python"

    return g / nC
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
  def int_temp(kA):
    qp = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) + sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  )
    qm = acos( 0.5*(-cos(kA) - sqrt( (E**2/t**2) - (sin(kA))**2 ) )  ) 

    if qp.imag < 0.0: qp = -qp
    if qm.imag < 0.0: qm = -qm

    sig = copysign(1,m-n)
    const = 1j/(4.0*pi*t**2)
    if s == 0:
      return const*E*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )		\
	+ exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  ) / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  )
    elif s == 1:
      fp = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(1j*kA)  )
      fm = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(1j*kA)  )
      return const*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*fp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )  	\
	+ exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*fm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  ) 
    elif s == -1:
      ftp = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qp)*exp(-1j*kA)  )
      ftm = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(qm)*exp(-1j*kA)  )

      return const*( exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qp*(m-n) )  )*ftp / ( sin(2*qp) + sin(qp)*cos(kA)  )  	\
      + exp( 1j*( kA*(m+n) + sig*qm*(m-n) )  )*ftm / ( sin(2*qm) + sin(qm)*cos(kA)  )  ) 
    else: print "Sublattice error in gBulk_kA"
Exemplo n.º 7
 def calculate_solutions(self):
     self.C = 3 * self.b**2 - 8 * self.a * self.c
     self.D = 2 * self.b**3 - 8 * self.a * self.b * self.c + 16 * self.a * self.a * self.d
     self.E = -3 * self.b ** 4 + 16 * self.a * self.b ** 2 * self.c - 64 * self.a ** 2 * self.b * self.d +\
              256 * self.a ** 3 * self.e
     self.X = self.C**2 + 3 * self.E
     self.Y = -self.C**3 + 9 * self.C * self.E + 27 * self.D**2
     if self.X > 0:
         self.W += [
             sqrt((self.C +
                   sqrt(self.X) * cos(acos(self.Y / sqrt(self.X**3)) / 3)) /
             sqrt((self.C + sqrt(self.X) *
                   cos(acos(self.Y / sqrt(self.X**3)) / 3 - 2 * pi / 3)) /
                 (self.C + sqrt(self.X) *
                  cos(acos(self.Y / sqrt(self.X**3)) / 3 - 4 * pi / 3)) / 3)
     if self.Y * self.Y >= self.X * self.X * self.X:
         self.W += [
             sqrt((2 * self.C +
                   cubic_root(self.Y + msqrt(self.Y**2 - self.X**3)) +
                   cubic_root(self.Y - msqrt(self.Y**2 - self.X**3))) / 6)
     self.W = sorted(self.W, key=abs)
     self.Z = self.W[-1]
Exemplo n.º 8
def acosTheta(a, b):

	if b > 0:

		return cmath.acos(-cmath.sqrt((b**2 / 4.0)/(-a**3/27.0)))

		return cmath.acos(cmath.sqrt((b**2 / 4.0)/(-a**3/27.0)))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def acos(self, x) -> complex:
     Returns the acos of the input, handles output in radians and degrees.
     if self.use_radians:
         return cmath.acos(x)
         return degrees(cmath.acos(x))
Exemplo n.º 10
def Snell(c1, c2, theta1):
    arg = c2 / c1 * m.cos(theta1)
    # branch cut
    if (arg.real > 1) and (arg.imag == 0):
        print("on the branch cut")
#        raise ValueError("arg is on branch cut")
        return m.acos(arg)
    return m.acos(arg)
Exemplo n.º 11
def read_int_positions():  # read intermediate positions
    n_structures = 0
    for line in f_in:
        item = re.search(r"     number of atoms/cell      =", line)
        if item:
            n_atoms = int(re.search(r"\d+", line).group())

        item = re.search(r"CELL_PARAMETERS \(alat=", line)
        if item:
            n_structures = n_structures + 1
            print("Structure: " + str(n_structures))
            alat = float(re.search(r"\d+\.\d{8}", line).group())

            line = f_in.readline()
            a_vect = re.findall(r"-*\d+\.\d{9}", line)
            a_vect = [float(x) * alat * BOHR for x in a_vect]
            a_vect = np.asarray(a_vect)

            line = f_in.readline()
            b_vect = re.findall(r"-*\d+\.\d{9}", line)
            b_vect = [float(x) * alat * BOHR for x in b_vect]
            b_vect = np.asarray(b_vect)

            line = f_in.readline()
            c_vect = re.findall(r"-*\d+\.\d{9}", line)
            c_vect = [float(x) * alat * BOHR for x in c_vect]
            c_vect = np.asarray(c_vect)

            a = np.linalg.norm(a_vect)
            b = np.linalg.norm(b_vect)
            c = np.linalg.norm(c_vect)
            alpha = math.degrees(
                (cmath.acos(np.dot(b_vect, c_vect) / (b * c))).real)
            beta = math.degrees(
                (cmath.acos(np.dot(a_vect, c_vect) / (a * c))).real)
            gamma = math.degrees(
                (cmath.acos(np.dot(a_vect, b_vect) / (a * b))).real)

            data_title = "structure_" + str(n_structures)
            print_cif_header(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, data_title)

        item = re.search(r"ATOMIC_POSITIONS\s\(angstrom\)", line)
        if item:
            for n in range(n_atoms):
                line = f_in.readline()
                el_name = re.search(r"[A-Z][a-z]{0,1}", line).group()
                atom = re.findall(r"-*\d+\.\d{9}", line)
                atom = [float(a) for a in atom]
                atom = np.asarray(atom)
                omega = np.dot(a_vect, np.cross(b_vect, c_vect))
                u = np.dot(atom, np.cross(b_vect, c_vect)) / omega
                v = np.dot(atom, np.cross(c_vect, a_vect)) / omega
                w = np.dot(atom, np.cross(a_vect, b_vect)) / omega
                f_out.write("{} {:16.10f} {:16.10f} {:16.10f}\n".format(
                    el_name, u, v, w))
Exemplo n.º 12
def angle_between(v1, v2):
    """ Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2'::
    v1_u = unit_vector(v1)
    v2_u = unit_vector(v2)
    v = np.dot(v1_u, v2_u)

    if determinant(v1, v2) > 0:
        return np.real(cmath.acos(v))
        return np.real(-cmath.acos(v))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def angle_between_anticlockwise(self, v1, v2):
     """ Returns the angle in radians between vectors 'v1' and 'v2'::
     def determinant(v, w):
         return v[0] * w[1] - v[1] * w[0]
     v1_u = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
     v2_u = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2)
     v = np.dot(v1_u, v2_u)
     if determinant(v1,v2) < 0:
         return cmath.acos(v)
         return 2*np.pi-cmath.acos(v)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def getRefractedAngle(self, new_medium):
     snell = self.snell_constant
     if type(new_medium) is SolidMedium:
         c = new_medium.c_shear
         c2 = new_medium.c
         angle_shear = m.acos(c * snell)
         angle_p = m.acos(c2*snell)
         return angle_shear, angle_p
         c = new_medium.c
     angle = m.acos(c * snell)
     return angle
Exemplo n.º 15
def finite_temp_current(data_list):
    row = len(data_list)
    col = len(data_list[0])
    print("The row and col length of finite temp table  are: ", row, col)
    list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z = []
    for i in range(row):
        #if i <= 5: print("mx, my, mz are: ", data_list[i][0], data_list[i][1], data_list[i][2])
        θ_i = cmath.acos(data_list[i][5] / Ms)
        φ_i = cmath.acos(data_list[i][3] /
                         (Ms * math.sqrt(1 - data_list[i][5]**2)))
        zup = cmath.cos(θ_i / 2)
        zdown = cmath.exp(1j * φ_i) * cmath.sin(θ_i / 2)
        z = [zup, zdown]
        zd = np.conjugate(z).tolist()
        r = [data_list[i][0], data_list[i][1], data_list[i][2]]
        theta_phi = [θ_i, φ_i]
        list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z.append([r, theta_phi, z, zd])
    num = len(list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z)
    print("Just for the cross check finite temp data input- should be TRUE: ",
          row == num)
    my_list = list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z
    position_current_list = []
    for i in range(num - 1):
        zi = my_list[i][2]
        zid = my_list[i][3]
        delx = (my_list[i + 1][0][0] - my_list[i][0][0])
        dely = (my_list[i + 1][0][1] - my_list[i][0][1])
        delz = list(np.array(my_list[i + 1][2]) - np.array(my_list[i][2]))
        delzd = list(np.array(my_list[i + 1][2]) - np.array(my_list[i][2]))
        if delx != 0:
            delzdelx = list(map(lambda x: x / delx, delz))
            delzddelx = list(map(lambda x: x / delx, delzd))
            delzdelx = 0
            delzddelx = 0
        if dely != 0:
            delzdely = list(map(lambda x: x / dely, delz))
            delzddely = list(map(lambda x: x / dely, delzd))
            delzdely = 0
            delzddely = 0
        # from the finite temperature data: Calculating only finite temp part of current
        jx1 = -1j * dot(zid, delzdelx) - DbyJ * dot(
            zid, matrix_by_list(sigma_x, zi))
        jy1 = -1j * dot(zid, delzdely) - DbyJ * dot(
            zid, matrix_by_list(sigma_y, zi))
        position_current_list.append([my_list[i][0], [jx1, jy1]])
    return position_current_list
Exemplo n.º 16
def calcDistance(post_lat, post_long, lat, long):

    distance = (6371 * cmath.acos(
        cmath.cos(math.radians(lat)) * cmath.cos(math.radians(post_lat)) *
        cmath.cos(math.radians(post_long) - math.radians(long)) +
        cmath.sin(math.radians(long)) * cmath.sin(math.radians(post_lat))))
    return distance
Exemplo n.º 17
def test09_trig():
    for i in range(-5, 5):
        for j in range(-5, 5):
            a = ek.sin(C(i, j))
            b = C(cmath.sin(complex(i, j)))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            a = ek.cos(C(i, j))
            b = C(cmath.cos(complex(i, j)))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            sa, ca = ek.sincos(C(i, j))
            sb = C(cmath.sin(complex(i, j)))
            cb = C(cmath.cos(complex(i, j)))
            assert ek.allclose(sa, sb)
            assert ek.allclose(ca, cb)

            # Python appears to handle the branch cuts
            # differently from Enoki, C, and Mathematica..
            a = ek.asin(C(i, j + 0.1))
            b = C(cmath.asin(complex(i, j + 0.1)))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            a = ek.acos(C(i, j + 0.1))
            b = C(cmath.acos(complex(i, j + 0.1)))
            assert ek.allclose(a, b)

            if abs(j) != 1 or i != 0:
                a = ek.atan(C(i, j))
                b = C(cmath.atan(complex(i, j)))
                assert ek.allclose(a, b, atol=1e-7)
Exemplo n.º 18
def gLin_Chain(n, E):
    """ A GF for the Linear Chain. You have not taken the sign of n into account.
    You have also just borrowed the whole expression from Mauro's notes.
    You terrible terrible cat hiss"""

    return 1j * exp(
        1j * abs(n) * acos(E / (2.0 * t))) / (t * sqrt(4.0 - E**2 / t**2))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def green_function(self, z, zsh, k_x):

        :param z: array or scalar
        :param zsh: array of scalar
        :param k_x: scalar
        zv, zshv = np.meshgrid(z, zsh, indexing='ij')
        gamma = cm.sqrt(self.k0**2 * (1 + 1j * self.params.alpha) - k_x**2)
        h = self.params.z_computational_grid_m[-1]
        theta = cm.acos(k_x / self.k0) * 180 / cm.pi
        r_0 = self.params.lower_refl_coef(theta)
        r_h = self.params.upper_refl_coef(theta)
        mult = 1 / (2j * gamma * (1 - r_0 * r_h * np.exp(2j * gamma * h)))

        res = np.exp(1j * gamma * abs(zv - zshv))
        if abs(r_0) > 1e-12:
            res += r_0 * np.exp(1j * gamma * (zv + zshv))

        if abs(r_h) > 1e-12:
            res += r_h * np.exp(2j * gamma * h) * np.exp(-1j * gamma *
                                                         (zv + zshv))

        if abs(r_0) > 1e-12 and abs(r_h) > 1e-12:
            res += r_0 * r_h * np.exp(2j * gamma * h) * np.exp(
                -1j * gamma * abs(zv - zshv))

        res *= mult
        return np.squeeze(res)
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: j2duffy/JGF
def gBulkArmSPA(DA,E):
  sig = copysign(1.0,-E.real)

  temp_a1 = 1j*sig*E*exp( sig*2*1j*abs(DA)*acos( (E**2 - 5*t**2)/(4*t**2) ) ) 
  temp_a2 = ( (E**2-9*t**2)*(-E**2+t**2) )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp_a3 = sqrt( -sig*( 1j/(abs(DA)*pi*(3*t**2 + E**2) )  )  )
  ga = (temp_a1/temp_a2)*temp_a3

  temp_b1 = 1j*sig*( E*exp(sig*2*1j*abs(DA)*acos( -sqrt( 1 - E**2/t**2 ) ) ) )
  temp_b2 = sqrt(3*t**2 + E**2)*( E**2*(t**2 - E**2) )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp_b3 = sqrt( sig*(1j/(pi*abs(DA))) )
  gb = (temp_b1/temp_b2)*temp_b3

  g = ga + gb

  return g
Exemplo n.º 21
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
def gBulkArmSPA(DA,E):
  sig = copysign(1.0,-E.real)

  temp_a1 = 1j*sig*E*exp( sig*2*1j*abs(DA)*acos( (E**2 - 5*t**2)/(4*t**2) ) ) 
  temp_a2 = ( (E**2-9*t**2)*(-E**2+t**2) )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp_a3 = sqrt( -sig*( 1j/(abs(DA)*pi*(3*t**2 + E**2) )  )  )
  ga = (temp_a1/temp_a2)*temp_a3

  temp_b1 = 1j*sig*( E*exp(sig*2*1j*abs(DA)*acos( -sqrt( 1 - E**2/t**2 ) ) ) )
  temp_b2 = sqrt(3*t**2 + E**2)*( E**2*(t**2 - E**2) )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp_b3 = sqrt( sig*(1j/(pi*abs(DA))) )
  gb = (temp_b1/temp_b2)*temp_b3

  g = ga + gb

  return g
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __init__(self, position, damage,
                 is_player):  # конструироваться должен в позиции игрока
        super(Arrow, self).__init__()
        arrow_damage = damage
        (px, py) = position  # позиция стреляющего
        #if is_player:
        (cx, cy) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()  # позиция курсора
        #  else:
        #     for i in player_singlegroup:
        #          (cx, cy) = i.rect.midright
        #  вектор полёта в сторону курсора. +1 от деления на 0
        n = cmath.sqrt((cx - px)**2 + (cy - py)**2 + 1)
        self.ax = (cx - px) / n
        self.ay = (cy - py) / n

        rot = 1
        if cy > py:  # условие переворота стрелы
            rot = -1

        self.image = pygame.image.load('assets/arrow.png')
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        # поворот стрелы
        self.image = pygame.transform.rotate(
            self.image, rot * 180 / cmath.pi * cmath.acos(self.ax.real).real)
        self.rect.midleft = position
Exemplo n.º 23
 def get_intersecting_intervals(self, x_m):
     if self.x0 - self.a < x_m < self.x0 + self.a:
         t = cm.acos((x_m - self.x0) / self.a)
         z = abs(self.b * cm.sin(t))
         return [(self.z0 - z, self.z0 + z)]
         return []
Exemplo n.º 24
def getTwoLineAngle(l):
    l(4,2) [table  4*2] 矩阵  l1,l3为靠近夹角的点
    return: [a, b] a角度, d方向 (1/-1) 1为夹角在右边, -1为夹角在左边
    assert (len(l) == 4)
    [x2, y2] = comput_intersec(l[0:2], l[2:4])
    b = 1
    if x2 <= l[2, 0]:
        x1 = l[1, 0]
        y1 = l[1, 1]
        x3 = l[3, 0]
        y3 = l[3, 1]
        b = enum.ANGLE_LEFT
        x1 = l[0, 0]
        y1 = l[0, 1]
        x3 = l[2, 0]
        y3 = l[2, 1]
        b = enum.ANGLE_RIGHT
    a = cmath.acos(np.dot([x1-x2,y1-y2],[x3-x2,y3-y2])/\
        (np.linalg.norm([x1-x2,y1-y2]) * np.linalg.norm([x1-x2,y3-y2])))
    a = abs(a * 180 / cmath.pi)
    return [a, b]
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_complex_inverse_functions():
    mp.dps = 15
    iv.dps = 15
    for (z1, z2) in random_complexes(30):
        # apparently cmath uses a different branch, so we
        # can't use it for comparison
        assert sinh(asinh(z1)).ae(z1)
        assert acosh(z1).ae(cmath.acosh(z1))
        assert atanh(z1).ae(cmath.atanh(z1))
        assert atan(z1).ae(cmath.atan(z1))
        # the reason we set a big eps here is that the cmath
        # functions are inaccurate
        assert asin(z1).ae(cmath.asin(z1), rel_eps=1e-12)
        assert acos(z1).ae(cmath.acos(z1), rel_eps=1e-12)
        one = mpf(1)
    for i in range(-9, 10, 3):
        for k in range(-9, 10, 3):
            a = 0.9 * j * 10**k + 0.8 * one * 10**i
            b = cos(acos(a))
            assert b.ae(a)
            b = sin(asin(a))
            assert b.ae(a)
    one = mpf(1)
    err = 2 * 10**-15
    for i in range(-9, 9, 3):
        for k in range(-9, 9, 3):
            a = -0.9 * 10**k + j * 0.8 * one * 10**i
            b = cosh(acosh(a))
            assert b.ae(a, err)
            b = sinh(asinh(a))
            assert b.ae(a, err)
Exemplo n.º 26
	def new_meteor(self, x, y, width):
		rd = random.randint(0, width)
		vie = 20.0
		cote_plat = abs(rd - x)
		cote_droit = y
		oblique = cmath.sqrt(cote_plat * cote_plat + cote_droit * cote_droit)
		vitesse = oblique / vie
		alpha = (cmath.acos(cote_plat / oblique) * 180 / cmath.pi)
		if rd < x :
		    angle = alpha
		else :
		    angle = 180 - alpha
		nb = random.randint(2, 15)
		list = ["img/ball_flammes.png" ,"img/fireball_r.png" ,"img/fireball_b.png"]
		color = random.randint(0, 2)
		for i in range(0,nb) :
		    pos = random.randint(-10, 10)
		    self.ajouter_particule(vie, vitesse.real, angle.real, rd + pos -25, -25, 20+color, list[color] , 50, 50, 50, 0)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_complex_inverse_functions():
    mp.dps = 15
    iv.dps = 15
    for (z1, z2) in random_complexes(30):
        # apparently cmath uses a different branch, so we
        # can't use it for comparison
        assert sinh(asinh(z1)).ae(z1)
        assert acosh(z1).ae(cmath.acosh(z1))
        assert atanh(z1).ae(cmath.atanh(z1))
        assert atan(z1).ae(cmath.atan(z1))
        # the reason we set a big eps here is that the cmath
        # functions are inaccurate
        assert asin(z1).ae(cmath.asin(z1), rel_eps=1e-12)
        assert acos(z1).ae(cmath.acos(z1), rel_eps=1e-12)
        one = mpf(1)
    for i in range(-9, 10, 3):
        for k in range(-9, 10, 3):
            a = 0.9*j*10**k + 0.8*one*10**i
            b = cos(acos(a))
            assert b.ae(a)
            b = sin(asin(a))
            assert b.ae(a)
    one = mpf(1)
    err = 2*10**-15
    for i in range(-9, 9, 3):
        for k in range(-9, 9, 3):
            a = -0.9*10**k + j*0.8*one*10**i
            b = cosh(acosh(a))
            assert b.ae(a, err)
            b = sinh(asinh(a))
            assert b.ae(a, err)
Exemplo n.º 28
def angle(v):
	x = v[0] * 100
	y = v[1] * 100
	z = v[2] * 100
	phi = math.atan(z / math.sqrt(x ** 2 + y ** 2))
	theta = math.acos(x / math.sqrt(y ** 2 + x ** 2))
	return (phi.real, theta.real)
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: j2duffy/JGF
def gBulkZigSPA(DZ,E):
  sigplus = copysign(1.0,-E.real)
  sigminus = copysign(1.0,E.real)

  temp_a1 = 1j*sigplus*E*exp( sigplus*2*1j*abs(DZ)*acos( 0.5*(-1.0+sqrt(E**2/t**2)) ) )/(2.0*pi*t**2) 
  temp_a2 = ( 4.0-(1.0-sqrt(E**2/t**2))**2 )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp_a3 = sqrt( -sigplus*1j*pi/(abs(DZ)*(E**2/t**2-sqrt(E**2/t**2)) )  )  
  ga = (temp_a1/temp_a2)*temp_a3

  temp_b1 = - 1j*sigminus*E*exp( sigminus*2*1j*abs(DZ)*acos( 0.5*(-1.0-sqrt(E**2/t**2)) ) )/(2.0*pi*t**2) 
  temp_b2 = ( 4.0-(1.0+sqrt(E**2/t**2))**2 )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp_b3 = sqrt( -sigminus*1j*pi/(abs(DZ)*(E**2/t**2+sqrt(E**2/t**2)) )  ) 
  gb = (temp_b1/temp_b2)*temp_b3

  g = ga + gb

  return g
Exemplo n.º 30
def atenuacao(S, N):
    determina atenuação espacial para dada uma densidade de grade e um S
    S - Fator de Courrant
    N - Densidade da grade
    return -(cmath.acos(1 + 1 / (S**2) * (math.cos(2 * PI * S / N) - 1))).imag
Exemplo n.º 31
def calcDistance2(post_lat, post_long, lat, long):
    data = (6371 * cmath.acos(
        cmath.cos(math.radians(lat)) * cmath.cos(math.radians(post_lat)) *
        cmath.cos(math.radians(post_long) - math.radians(long)) +
        cmath.sin(math.radians(lat)) * cmath.sin(math.radians(post_lat))))

    result = float(data.real)
    return result
def get_polar_coordinates(qubit: np.array) -> Tuple[float, float]:
    a, b = get_coefficients(qubit)
    theta = 2 * cmath.acos(a)
    if abs(cmath.sin(theta / 2)) > 1e-33:
        phi = 1 / complex(0, 1) * cmath.log(b / cmath.sin(theta / 2))
        return theta.real, phi.real

    return theta.real, complex(np.pi, 0).real
Exemplo n.º 33
def op_acos(x):
    """Returns the inverse cosine of this mathematical object."""
    if isinstance(x, list):
        return [op_acos(a) for a in x]
    elif isinstance(x, complex):
        return cmath.acos(x)
        return math.acos(x)
Exemplo n.º 34
def zero_temp_current(data_list):
    row = len(data_list)
    col = len(data_list[0])
    print("The row and col length of zero temp table are: ", row, col)
    list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z = []
    for i in range(row):
        θ_i = cmath.acos(data_list[i][5] / Ms)
        φ_i = cmath.acos(data_list[i][3] /
                         (Ms * math.sqrt(1 - data_list[i][5]**2)))
        zup = cmath.cos(θ_i / 2)
        zdown = cmath.exp(1j * φ_i) * cmath.sin(θ_i / 2)
        z = [zup, zdown]
        zd = np.conjugate(z).tolist()
        r = [data_list[i][0],
             data_list[i][1]]  # taking only x and y coordinates for position
        theta_phi = [θ_i, φ_i]
        list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z.append([r, theta_phi, z, zd])
    num = len(list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z)
    print("Just for the cross check (zero temp) - should be TRUE: ",
          row == num)
    my_list = list_of_r_thetaphi_and_z
    position_current_list = []
    for i in range(num - 1):
        zi = my_list[i][2]
        zid = my_list[i][3]
        delx = my_list[i + 1][0][0] - my_list[i][0][0]
        dely = my_list[i + 1][0][1] - my_list[i][0][1]
        delz = list(np.array(my_list[i + 1][2]) - np.array(my_list[i][2]))
        delzd = list(np.array(my_list[i + 1][2]) - np.array(my_list[i][2]))
        if delx != 0:
            delzdelx = list(map(lambda x: x / delx, delz))
            delzddelx = list(map(lambda x: x / delx, delzd))
            delzdelx = 0
            delzddelx = 0
        if dely != 0:
            delzdely = list(map(lambda x: x / dely, delz))
            delzddely = list(map(lambda x: x / dely, delzd))
            delzdely = 0
            delzddely = 0
        ax = -1j * (dot(zid, delzdelx) - dot(delzddelx, zi))
        ay = -1j * (dot(zid, delzdely) - dot(delzddely, zi))
        position_current_list.append([my_list[i][0], [ax, ay]])
    return position_current_list
Exemplo n.º 35
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/JGF
def gSISPA(DZ,DA,E):
  sig = copysign(1.0,-E.real)

  temp1 = 2.0*1j*sig*( E*exp(sig*2*1j*DA*acos(- sqrt( 1.0 - E**2/t**2 ) ) ) )*sin( DZ*asin(sqrt(E**2+3*t**2)/(2*t)) )**2
  temp2 = sqrt(3*t**2 + E**2)*( E**2*(t**2 - E**2) )**(1.0/4.0)
  temp3 = sqrt( sig*(1j/(pi*DA)) )
  g = (temp1/temp2)*temp3
  return g
def asec(x):
    import math,cmath
        if deg_rad_var.get()==1:
            return math.acos(1/x)
            return math.degrees(math.acos(1/x))
        return cmath.acos(1/x)
Exemplo n.º 37
def p1(x):
    a = 1.0/2*pi*sqrt(x[1])/x[0]
    b = x[2]*cos(x[4]) + x[3]*sin(x[4])
    c = x[3]*sin(x[4]) - x[2]*cos(x[4])
    d = x[0]*abs(sin(x[4]))
    e = pi*acos(exp(-d))
    f = a/b/e
    g = f/(x[1] + f)
    h = c/g - b/f
    return h
Exemplo n.º 38
def acos(*args, **kw):
    arg0 = args[0]
    if isinstance(arg0, (int, float, long)):
        return _math.acos(*args,**kw)
    elif isinstance(arg0, complex):
        return _cmath.acos(*args,**kw)
    elif isinstance(arg0, _sympy.Basic):
        return _sympy.acos(*args,**kw)
        return _numpy.arccos(*args,**kw)
Exemplo n.º 39
def acos(y):
  """Compute ArcCos
    >>> from pol import *
    >>> x,y=mkpol('x,y')
    >>> acos(cos(.4+x+y))
    0.4 + x + y
  for i in range(y.order):
    x0=x0 + -(y-cos(x0))/sin(x0)
  return x0
def thetaphi(complexAlpha):
    phi = cmath.acos(complexAlpha[2])
    theta = complex(pi_2)
    sinphi = np.sin(phi)

    if sinphi != 0:
        sintheta = complexAlpha[1] / sinphi
        theta = cmath.asin(sintheta)
        if complexAlpha[0] / sinphi < 0:  # cos(t)<0
            theta = np.pi - theta

    return theta, phi
Exemplo n.º 41
def oneArgFuncEval(function, value):
        # Evaluates functions that take a complex number input
        if function == "sin":
                return cmath.sin(value)
        elif function == "cos":
                return cmath.cos(value)
        elif function == "tan":
                return cmath.tan(value)
        elif function == "asin":
                return cmath.asin(value)
        elif function == "acos":
                return cmath.acos(value)
        elif function == "atan":
                return cmath.atan(value)
        elif function == "csc":
                return 1.0 / cmath.sin(value)
        elif function == "sec":
                return 1.0 / cmath.cos(value)
        elif function == "cot":
                return 1.0 / cmath.tan(value)        
        elif function == "ln":
                return cmath.log(value)
        elif function == "sqr":
                return cmath.sqrt(value)
        elif function == "abs":
                return cmath.sqrt((value.real ** 2) + (value.imag ** 2))
        elif function == "exp":
                return cmath.exp(value)
        if function == "sinh":
                return cmath.sinh(value)
        elif function == "cosh":
                return cmath.cosh(value)
        elif function == "tanh":
                return cmath.tanh(value)
        elif function == "asinh":
                return cmath.asinh(value)
        elif function == "acosh":
                return cmath.acosh(value)
        elif function == "atanh":
                return cmath.atanh(value)
        elif function == "ceil":
                return math.ceil(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.ceil(value.imag)
        elif function == "floor":
                return math.floor(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.floor(value.imag)
        elif function == "trunc":
                return math.trunc(value.real) + complex(0, 1) * math.trunc(value.imag)
        elif function == "fac":
                if value.imag == 0 and value < 0 and value.real == int(value.real):
                        return "Error: The factorial function is not defined on the negative integers."
                return gamma(value + 1)
        elif function == "log":
                return cmath.log10(value)
Exemplo n.º 42
def getDist(lat1,long1,lat2,long2):
	Calc the distance between 2 points using Vincenty
	lat1 = math.radians(lat1)
	long1 = math.radians(long1)
	lat2 = math.radians(lat2)
	long2 = math.radians(long2)
	R = 6371 # km
	d = cmath.acos(cmath.sin(lat1) * cmath.sin(lat2) + \
	cmath.cos(lat1) * cmath.cos(lat2) *
	cmath.cos(long2 - long1)) * R
	return abs(d) # cast to float
Exemplo n.º 43
 def acos(self,command_position,args):
         if ((type(self.stack[command_position+1])==complex) or (self.stack[command_position+1]>1)):
         return command_position
         self.statstrings.append("Bad arc cosine attempted, ignoring command")
         return command_position
Exemplo n.º 44
def acos(x):
    Return the arc cosine of x, in radians.
    if isinstance(x,ADF):
        ad_funcs = list(map(to_auto_diff,[x]))

        x = ad_funcs[0].x
        # Nominal value of the constructed ADF:
        f = acos(x)

        variables = ad_funcs[0]._get_variables(ad_funcs)
        if not variables or isinstance(f, bool):
            return f


        # Calculation of the derivatives with respect to the arguments
        # of f (ad_funcs):

        lc_wrt_args = [-1/sqrt(1-x**2)]
        qc_wrt_args = [x/(sqrt(1 - x**2)*(x**2 - 1))]
        cp_wrt_args = 0.0

        # Calculation of the derivative of f with respect to all the
        # variables (Variable) involved.

        lc_wrt_vars,qc_wrt_vars,cp_wrt_vars = _apply_chain_rule(
        # The function now returns an ADF object:
        return ADF(f, lc_wrt_vars, qc_wrt_vars, cp_wrt_vars)
#        try: # pythonic: fails gracefully when x is not an array-like object
#            return [acos(xi) for xi in x]
#        except TypeError:
        if x.imag:
            return cmath.acos(x)
            return math.acos(x.real)
Exemplo n.º 45
    def calc_Vr(self, A, B):
        Pr = []
        Qr = []
        result = []
        result2 = []
        ang_pot = []

        absA = abs(A)
        alfa = cm.phase(A)
        absB = abs(B)
        beta = cm.phase(B)

        i = 0
        while i > -1:

            Praux = i * 10e5 / 3 * self.fp
            Qraux = cm.tan(cm.acos(self.fp)).real * Praux
            a = pow((absA /absB), 2)
            b = (2 * absA / absB * (Praux * cm.cos(beta - alfa) + Qraux * cm.sin(beta - alfa)
                                              - pow(self.U1, 2) / (2 * absA * absB))).real
            c = pow(Praux, 2) + pow(Qraux, 2)

            raiz = pow(b, 2) - 4 * a * c

            if raiz < 0:
                result2[len(result2) - 1] = result[len(result) - 1]


            coeff = [a, 0, b, 0, c]

            aux = np.roots(coeff)
            result.append(max(abs(aux * cm.sqrt(3).real)))
            result2.append(min(abs(aux * cm.sqrt(3).real)))
            ang_pot.append(self.calc_ang_pot(A,B,Praux,result[len(result) - 1]/np.sqrt(3).real))

            # print(result[len(result)-1])

            i = i + self.prec

        return [3 * np.array(Pr)/self.Sb, np.array(result)/self.Vb, np.array(result2)/self.Vb, 3*np.array(Qr)/self.Sb, ang_pot]
Exemplo n.º 46
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
  def gterm(ky):
    q = acos( (E**2 - t2**2 - 4.0*t1**2 *cos(ky)**2)/(4.0*t1*t2 *cos(ky) ) )
    if q.imag < 0.0: q = -q

    Const = 1j/(2.0*nE*t1*t2)
    Den = cos(ky)*sin(q)

    if s == 0:
      sig = copysign(1,m2+n2-m1-n1)
      return Const*E*exp( 1j*sig*q*(m2+n2-m1-n1) )*sin(ky*(m2-n2))*sin(ky*(m1-n1))/Den 
    elif s == 1:
      sig = copysign(1,m2+n2-m1-n1)
      f = t2 + 2.0*t1*cos(ky)*exp(sig*1j*q)
      return Const*f*exp( 1j*sig*q*(m2+n2-m1-n1) )*sin(ky*(m2-n2))*sin(ky*(m1-n1))/Den 
    elif s == -1:
      sig = copysign(1,m2+n2-m1-n1-1)
      ft = t2 + 2.0*t1*cos(ky)*exp(-sig*1j*q)
      return Const*ft*exp( 1j*sig*q*(m2+n2-m1-n1) )*sin(ky*(m2-n2))*sin(ky*(m1-n1))/Den 
      print 'Sublattice error in gRib_Arm'
Exemplo n.º 47
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
def gLine_kZ(DA,kZ,s,E):	# This really needs to be tested against something
  """The Graphene Green's function, in the k_y, x basis"""
  q = acos((E**2 - t**2 - 4.0*t**2 *cos(kZ)**2)/(4.0*t**2 *cos(kZ)))
  if q.imag < 0.0: q = -q

  Const = 1j/(4*t**2)
  Den = cos(kZ)*sin(q)
  if s == 0:
    sig = copysign(1,DA)	# You haven't made sure DA goes here
    return Const*E*exp(1j*sig*q*DA)/Den 
  elif s == 1: 
    sig = copysign(1,DA)
    f = t*(1.0 + 2.0*cos(kZ)*exp(1j*sig*q))
    return Const*f*exp( 1j*sig*q*DA )/Den  
  elif s == -1:
    sig = copysign(1,DA-1)
    ft = t*(1.0 + 2.0*cos(kZ)*exp(-sig*1j*q))
    return Const*ft*exp(1j*sig*q*DA)/Den 
  else: print "Sublattice error in gLine_kZ"
Exemplo n.º 48
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
  def gI(kZ):
    q = acos( (E**2 - t2**2 - 4.0*t1**2 *cos(kZ)**2)/(4.0*t1*t2 *cos(kZ) ) )

    if q.imag < 0.0: q = -q

    Const = 1j/(4*pi*t1*t2)
    Den = cos(kZ)*sin(q)

    if s == 0:
      sig = copysign(1,m+n)
      return Const*E*exp( 1j*(sig*q*(m+n) + kZ*(m-n) ) )/ Den 
    elif s == 1:
      sig = copysign(1,m+n)
      f = t2 + 2*t1*exp(sig*1j*q)*cos(kZ)
      return Const*f*exp( 1j*(sig*q*(m+n) + kZ*(m-n) ) )/Den  
    elif s == -1:
      sig = copysign(1,m+n-1)
      ft = t2 + 2*t1*exp(-sig*1j*q)*cos(kZ)
      return Const*ft*exp( 1j*(sig*q*(m+n) + kZ*(m-n) ) )/Den 
      print "Sublattice error in gSBulk"
Exemplo n.º 49
Arquivo: GF.py Projeto: duffyj2/Strain
def gLine_ky(DA,ky,s,E,a=1.0):
  """The Graphene Green's function, projected onto the k_y, x basis,
    used in the calculation of infinite lines of impurities"""
  q = acos( (E**2 - t**2 - 4.0*t**2 *cos(ky*a/2)**2)/(4.0*t**2 *cos(ky*a/2) ) )
  if q.imag < 0.0: q = -q

  Const = 1j/(4*t**2)
  Den = cos(ky*a/2)*sin(q)
  if s == 0:
    sig = copysign(1,DA)	# You haven't made sure DA goes here
    return Const*E*exp( 1j*sig*q*DA )/ Den 
  elif s == 1: 
    sig = copysign(1,DA)
    f = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(ky*a/2)*exp( 1j*sig*q ) )
    return Const*f*exp( 1j*sig*q*DA )/Den  
  elif s == -1:
    sig = copysign(1,DA-1)
    ft = t*( 1.0 + 2.0*cos(ky*a/2)*exp(-sig*1j*q) )
    return Const*ft*exp( 1j*sig*q*DA )/Den 
  else: print "Sublattice error in gLine_ky"
Exemplo n.º 50
def geodesic_distance(lat1, long1, lat2, long2):
    # This converts the points to radians and calculates the distance assuming the earth is a perfect unit sphere
    # Should probably use something like www.acscdg.com in the future
    #deg_to_rad = decimal.Decimal(math.pi/180.0)
    lat1 = round(lat1, 4)
    lat2 = round(lat1, 4)
    long1 = round(long1, 4)
    long2 = round(long2, 4)
    deg_to_rad = math.pi/180.0

    #phi1 = (decimal.Decimal(90.0) - lat1)*deg_to_rad
    #phi2 = (decimal.Decimal(90.0) - lat2)*deg_to_rad
    phi1 = (90.0 - lat1)*deg_to_rad
    phi2 = (90.0 - lat2)*deg_to_rad

    theta1 = long1*deg_to_rad
    theta2 = long2*deg_to_rad

    cos = math.sin(phi1)*math.sin(phi2)*math.cos(theta1 - theta2) + math.cos(phi1)*math.cos(phi2)
    arc = np.real(math.acos(cos))

    # earth's radius is approximately 3960 miles
    return round(arc*3960,4)
Exemplo n.º 51
    # 返回平方根

    a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0]

    # 从列表a中随机选中一个

    # 从指定的范围(2-100按5递增的数据集)中随机选中一个
    print(random.randrange(2, 100, 5))

    # 生成一个随机数,它在(0,1)之间

    x = 100

    # 返回x的反余弦弧度值

    # 返回x的正弦弧度值

    # 返回x的余弦弧度值

    print(cmath.pi)  # 返回π
print('Positive infinity =', cmath.inf)
print('Positive Complex infinity =', cmath.infj)
print('NaN =', cmath.nan)
print('NaN Complex =', cmath.nanj)

# power and log functions
c = 2 + 2j
print('e^c =', cmath.exp(c))
print('log2(c) =', cmath.log(c, 2))
print('log10(c) =', cmath.log10(c))
print('sqrt(c) =', cmath.sqrt(c))

# trigonometric functions
c = 2 + 2j
print('arc sine =', cmath.asin(c))
print('arc cosine =', cmath.acos(c))
print('arc tangent =', cmath.atan(c))

print('sine =', cmath.sin(c))
print('cosine =', cmath.cos(c))
print('tangent =', cmath.tan(c))

# hyperbolic functions
c = 2 + 2j
print('inverse hyperbolic sine =', cmath.asinh(c))
print('inverse hyperbolic cosine =', cmath.acosh(c))
print('inverse hyperbolic tangent =', cmath.atanh(c))

print('hyperbolic sine =', cmath.sinh(c))
print('hyperbolic cosine =', cmath.cosh(c))
print('hyperbolic tangent =', cmath.tanh(c))
Exemplo n.º 53
import math

x = 1.1111
y = 2
a =-10
print(math.trunc(x))    # 去掉小数部分,保留整数
print(round(x,2))       # 保留小数点的位数
print(math.floor(x))    # 向下取整
print(math.ceil(x))     # 向上取整
print(math.exp(y))      # 返回e的y次幂
print(math.fabs(a))     # 返回a的绝对值,同内置函数abs()
print(max(1,4,5,8,10,3)) # 返回给定参数的最大值
print(math.modf(x))     # 返回x的小数部分和整数部分,整数部分以浮点型表示

# 随机函数
import random

print(random.choice((1,4,5,62,2,3)))    # 返回序列中随机的一个值

# 三角函数

import cmath

b = 100
print(cmath.acos(b))    # 返回b的反余弦弧度值
print(math.hypot(2,3))  # 返回欧几里德范数sqrt(x*x + y*y)。
Exemplo n.º 54
 def __new__(cls, argument):
     if isinstance(argument, (RealValue, Zero)):
         return FloatValue(math.acos(float(argument)))
     if isinstance(argument, (ComplexValue)):
         return ComplexValue(cmath.acos(complex(argument)))
     return MathFunction.__new__(cls)
Exemplo n.º 55
                    'acoth': lambda x: atanh(1/x), 'floor': lambda x: floor(x),
                    'ceil': lambda x: ceil(x), 
                    'point': lambda x: x/(10 ** floor(1+log(x)/log(10)))
complex_functions = {'sin': lambda x: cmath.sin(x), 
                    'cos': lambda x: cmath.cos(x),
                    'tan': lambda x: cmath.tan(x), 
                    'csc': lambda x: 1/cmath.sin(x),
                    'sec': lambda x: 1/cmath.cos(x), 
                    'cot': lambda x: 1/cmath.tan(x),
                    'ln': lambda x: cmath.log(x), 
                    'log': lambda x: cmath.log(x)/cmath.log(10),
                    'fact': lambda x: factorial(int(x)),
                    'asin': lambda x: cmath.asin(x), 
                    'acos': lambda x: cmath.acos(x),
                    'atan': lambda x: cmath.atan(x), 
                    'acsc': lambda x: cmath.asin(1/x),
                    'asec': lambda x: cmath.acos(1/x), 
                    'acot': lambda x: cmath.atan(1/x),
                    'sinh': lambda x: cmath.sinh(x), 
                    'cosh': lambda x: cmath.cosh(x),
                    'tanh': lambda x: cmath.tanh(x), 
                    'csch': lambda x: 1/cmath.sinh(x),
                    'sech': lambda x: 1/cmath.cosh(x),
                    'coth': lambda x: 1/cmath.tanh(x),
                    'asinh': lambda x: cmath.asinh(x), 
                    'acosh': lambda x: cmath.acosh(x),
                    'atanh': lambda x: cmath.atanh(x), 
                    'acsch': lambda x: cmath.asinh(1/x),
                    'asech': lambda x: cmath.acosh(1/x),
Exemplo n.º 56
 def test_acos(self):
     self.assertAlmostEqual(complex(0.936812, -2.30551),
                            cmath.acos(complex(3, 4)))
Exemplo n.º 57
def acos_usecase(x):
    return cmath.acos(x)
Exemplo n.º 58
    def draw_path(self, canvas, arc_center):

        # Driving forward
        if self.go_forward:

            path_end_pos = self.y+self.size/self.SIDE_BOX_RATIO+self.half_size+self.half_size*self.throttle/-100

            canvas.create_line(self.robot_center[0], self.y+self.size/self.SIDE_BOX_RATIO,
                               self.x+self.path_area_size/2, self.y+self.size)
            canvas.create_line(self.robot_center[0], self.y+self.size/self.SIDE_BOX_RATIO+self.half_size,
                               self.x+self.path_area_size/2, path_end_pos,
                               fill="purple", width=2)

            canvas.create_oval(self.robot_center[0]-self.path_dot_radius, path_end_pos-self.path_dot_radius,
                               self.robot_center[0]+self.path_dot_radius, path_end_pos+self.path_dot_radius,

            # canvas.create_oval(arcCenter[0]-self.arcCenterRadius, arcCenter[1]-self.arcCenterRadius,
            # arcCenter[0]+self.arcCenterRadius, arcCenter[1]+self.arcCenterRadius,
            # fill="grey")

        # Rotation
        elif self.robot_center[0] == arc_center[0] and self.robot_center[1] == arc_center[1]:
            radius = self.half_size/4

            arc_degree_length = float(359)*self.throttle/100

            canvas.create_oval(arc_center[0]-radius, arc_center[1]-radius,
                               arc_center[0]+radius, arc_center[1]+radius,
            canvas.create_arc(arc_center[0]-radius, arc_center[1]-radius,
                              arc_center[0]+radius, arc_center[1]+radius,
                              fill=None, style="arc", outline="purple", width=2,
                              start=90, extent=arc_degree_length)

            path_end_pos_x = arc_center[0]+cmath.cos((arc_degree_length+90)/180*cmath.pi.real).real*radius
            path_end_pos_y = arc_center[1]+cmath.sin((arc_degree_length+90)/180*cmath.pi.real).real*radius*-1

            canvas.create_oval(path_end_pos_x-self.path_dot_radius, path_end_pos_y-self.path_dot_radius,
                               path_end_pos_x+self.path_dot_radius, path_end_pos_y+self.path_dot_radius,

        # Arcing

            # Compute the radius of the arc
            radius = dist(arc_center[0], arc_center[1], self.robot_center[0], self.robot_center[1])

            # Draw the circle that the arc falls on
            canvas.create_oval(arc_center[0]-radius, arc_center[1]-radius,
                               arc_center[0]+radius, arc_center[1]+radius,

            theta = 0.0

            # Adjacent is the length of line adjacent to theta
            # Hypotenuse is our radius
            # Theta is the interior angle around the point of rotation

            # Top Right Quadrant
            if arc_center[0] > self.robot_center[0] and arc_center[1] <= self.robot_center[1]:
                adjacent = arc_center[0] - self.robot_center[0]
                theta = 180 + (cmath.acos(float(adjacent)/float(radius)).real/cmath.pi.real*180).real
            # Top Left Quadrant
            if arc_center[0] < self.robot_center[0] and arc_center[1] < self.robot_center[1]:
                adjacent = self.robot_center[0] - arc_center[0]
                theta = 360 - (cmath.acos(float(adjacent)/float(radius)).real/cmath.pi.real*180).real
            # Bottom Left Quadrant
            if arc_center[0] < self.robot_center[0] and arc_center[1] > self.robot_center[1]:
                adjacent = self.robot_center[1] - arc_center[1]
                theta = (cmath.acos(float(adjacent)/float(radius)).real/cmath.pi.real*180).real-90
            # Bottom Right Quadrant
            if arc_center[0] > self.robot_center[0] and arc_center[1] > self.robot_center[1]:
                adjacent = arc_center[1] - self.robot_center[1]
                theta = (cmath.acos(float(adjacent)/float(radius)).real/cmath.pi.real*180).real+90

            # We want forward throttle to always move the robot forward. This enforces that behavior
            if arc_center[0] > self.robot_center[0]:
                throttlePathMod = -1
                arc_degree_length = 360 - (float(359)*self.throttle/100 - theta)
                throttlePathMod = 1
                arc_degree_length = 360 - (float(359)*self.throttle/100*-1 - theta)
            # The purple arc to represent actual drive distance around the circle
            canvas.create_arc(arc_center[0]-radius, arc_center[1]-radius, arc_center[0]+radius, arc_center[1]+radius,
                              start=theta, extent=359*self.throttle/100*throttlePathMod,
                              fill=None, style="arc", outline="purple", width=2)

            # The position that the robot will stop at, the end of the arc
            path_end_pos_x = arc_center[0]+cmath.cos(deg2rad(arc_degree_length)).real*radius
            path_end_pos_y = arc_center[1]+cmath.sin(deg2rad(arc_degree_length)).real*radius*-1

            # Draw a marker to show the position that the robot will stop at

Exemplo n.º 59
def rpn_calc(input, angle_mode = 0):
	global stack
	single_arg_funcs = ['exp','sqrt','sin','asin','cos','acos','tan','atan', 'sinh','asinh','cosh','acosh','tanh',
                        'atanh','!', 'polar']
	num, arg, option = parse(input)
	#print(num, arg, option)
	if arg == None and (num != None or num != 'Error'):
		history.append('Entered number: ' + str(num) )
		return config.stack


# Simple arithmatic-----------------------------------------------------------------------	
	if option == None and num != None:
		if arg not in single_arg_funcs:
			last = config.stack.pop()
		if arg == '+':
				result = Decimal(last) + Decimal(num)
				hist = str(last) + '+' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last + num
				hist = str(last) + '+' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '-':
				result = Decimal(last) - Decimal(num)
				hist = str(last) + '-' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last - num
				hist = str(last) + '-' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '*':
				result = Decimal(last) * Decimal(num)
				hist = str(last) + '*' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last * num
				hist = str(last) + '*' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '/':
				result = Decimal(last) / Decimal(num)
				hist = str(last) + '/' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last / num
				hist = str(last) + '/' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '**':
				result = pow(Decimal(last), Decimal(num) )
				hist = str(last) + '**' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last ** num
				hist = str(last) + '**' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'rt':
				result = root(Decimal(last), Decimal(num) )
				hist = str(last) + 'raised to 1 over ' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = root(last + num)
				hist = str(last) + 'raised to 1 over ' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '%':
				result = Decimal(last) % Decimal(num)
				hist = str(last) + '%' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last % num
				hist = str(last) + '%' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '!':
				result = Decimal(math.factorial(num))
				hist = str(num) + '!' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.factorial(num)
				hist = str(num) + '!' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'exp':
				result = math.exp(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'exp' + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.exp(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'exp' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.exp(num)
				hist = str(num) + 'exp' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'sqrt':
				result = math.sqrt(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'sqrt' + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.sqrt(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'sqrt' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.sqrt(num)
				hist = str(num) + 'sqrt' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'log':
				result = math.log10(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'log10' + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.log10(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'log10' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.log10(num)
				hist = str(num) + 'log10' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'ln':
				result = math.log(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'ln' + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.log(Decimal(num))
				hist = str(num) + 'ln' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.log(num)
				hist = str(num) + 'ln' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'sin':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.sin(Decimal(num))
					hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.sin(num)
					hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.sin(math.radians(Decimal(num)))
					hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.sin(num)
					hist = 'sin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'cos':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.cos(Decimal(num))
					hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.cos(num)
					hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.cos(math.radians(Decimal(num)))
					hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.cos(num)
					hist = 'cos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'tan':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.tan(Decimal(num))
					hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.tan(num)
					hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.tan(math.radians(Decimal(num)))
					hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.tan(num)
					hist = 'tan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'asin':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.asin(Decimal(num))
					hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.asin(num)
					hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.asin(math.radians(Decimal(num)))
					hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.asin(num)
					hist = 'asin' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'acos':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.acos(Decimal(num))
					hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.acos(num)
					hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.acos(math.radians(Decimal(num)))
					hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.acos(num)
					hist = 'acos' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'atan':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.atan(Decimal(num))
					hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.atan(num)
					hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.atan(math.radians(Decimal(num)))
					hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.atan(num)
					hist = 'atan' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'sinh':
				result = math.sinh(Decimal(num))
				hist = 'sinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.sinh(num)
				hist = 'sinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'cosh':
				result = math.cosh(Decimal(num))
				hist = 'cosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.cosh(num)
				hist = 'cosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'tanh':
				result = math.tanh(Decimal(num))
				hist = 'tanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.tanh(num)
				hist = 'tanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'asinh':
				result = math.asinh(Decimal(num))
				hist = 'asinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.asinh(num)
				hist = 'asinh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'acosh':
				result = math.acosh(Decimal(num))
				hist = 'acosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.acosh(num)
				hist = 'acosh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'atanh':
				result = math.atanh(Decimal(num))
				hist = 'atanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.atanh(num)
				hist = 'atanh' + str(num) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'rect': #continue here....
				result = rect(last, num)
				hist = 'Convert ' + str(last) + ',' + str(num) + ' to rectangular coords.'

			except TypeError:
				result = 'Error'
				hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to rectangular coords.  No result.'

		if arg == 'polar':
				result = polar(num)
				hist = 'Convert ' + str(num) + ' to polar coords.'
			except TypeError:
				result = 'Error'
				hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to polar coords.  No result.'
		return config.stack
#----Only argument passed-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	elif option == None and num == None:
		last = config.stack.pop()
		if arg not in single_arg_funcs:
				n_minus1 = config.stack.pop()
			except IndexError:
				except TypeError:
			except TypeError:
			except Exception as e:
				return 'Error'

		if arg == '+':
				result = Decimal(n_minus1) + Decimal(last)
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '+' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = n_minus1 + last
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '+' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '-':
				result = Decimal(n_minus1) -  Decimal(last)
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '-' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = n_minus1 - last
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '-' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '*':
				result = Decimal(n_minus1) * Decimal(last)
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '*' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = n_minus1 * last
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '*' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '/':
				result = Decimal(n_minus1) / Decimal(last)
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '/' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = n_minus1 / last
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '/' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == '!':
				result = Decimal(math.factorial(last))
				hist = str(last) + '!' '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.factorial(last)
				hist = str(last) + '!' '=' + str(result)
			except OverflowError:
				hist = str('Factorial overflow error, no result.')
				return 'Error'
		if arg == '**':
				result = pow(Decimal(last), Decimal(last))
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '**' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = last ** last
				hist = str(n_minus1) + '**' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'log':
				result = math.log10(Decimal(last))
				hist = str(last) +'log10' + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.log10(Decimal(last))
				hist = str(last) +'log10' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.log10(last)
				hist = str(last) +'log10' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'ln':
				result = math.log(Decimal(last))
				hist = str(last) +'ln' + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.log(Decimal(last))
				hist = str(last) +'ln' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.log(last)
				hist = str(last) +'ln' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'rt':
				result = root(Decimal(last), Decimal(n_minus1))
				hist = str(n_minus1) + 'root' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = root(last), (n_minus1)
				hist = str(n_minus1) + 'root' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'exp':
				result = math.exp(Decimal(last))
				hist = str(last) +'exp' + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.exp(last)
				hist = str(last) +'exp' + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'sqrt':
				result = math.sqrt(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'Square root of ' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except ValueError:
				result = cmath.sqrt(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'Square root of ' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = cmath.sqrt(last)
				hist = 'Square root of ' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'sin':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.sin(Decimal(last))
					hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.sin(last)
					hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.sin(math.radians(Decimal(last)))
					hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.sin(last)
					hist = 'sin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'cos':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.cos(Decimal(last))
					hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.cos(last)
					hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.cos(math.radians(Decimal(last)))
					hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.cos(last)
					hist = 'cos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'tan':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.tan(Decimal(last))
					hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.tan(last)
					hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.tan(math.radians(Decimal(last)))
					hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.tan(last)
					hist = 'tan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'asin':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.asin(Decimal(last))
					hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.asin(last)
					hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.asin(math.radians(Decimal(last)))
					hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.asin(last)
					hist = 'asin' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'acos':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.acos(Decimal(last))
					hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.acos(last)
					hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.acos(math.radians(Decimal(last)))
					hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.acos(last)
					hist = 'acos' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'atan':
			if angle_mode == 1:
					result = math.atan(Decimal(last))
					hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.atan(last)
					hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			elif angle_mode == 0:
					result = math.atan(math.radians(Decimal(last)))
					hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
				except TypeError:
					result = cmath.atan(last)
					hist = 'atan' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'sinh':
				result = math.sinh(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'sinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.sinh(last)
				hist = 'sinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'cosh':
				result = math.cosh(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'cosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.cosh(last)
				hist = 'cosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'tanh':
				result = math.tanh(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'tanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.tanh(last)
				hist = 'tanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'asinh':
				result = math.asinh(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'asinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.asinh(last)
				hist = 'asinh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'acosh':
				result = math.acosh(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'acosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.acosh(last)
				hist = 'acosh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)

		if arg == 'atanh':
				result = math.atanh(Decimal(last))
				hist = 'atanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
			except TypeError:
				result = math.atanh(last)
				hist = 'atanh' + str(last) + '=' + str(result)
		if arg == 'rect': #continue here....
				result = rect(n_minus1, last)
				hist = 'Convert ' + str(n_minus1) + ',' + str(last) + ' to rectangular coords.'

			except TypeError:
				result = 'Error'
				hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to rectangular coords.  No result.'

		if arg == 'polar':
				result = polar(last)
				hist = 'Convert complex value ' + str(last) + ' to rectangular coords.'
			except TypeError:
				result = 'Error'
				hist = 'Error in attempted conversion to polar coords.  No result.'

		return config.stack