def mem_static_x_vector(mem, refn, vdc, type='bpt', atol=1e-10, maxiter=100): ''' Static deflection of membrane calculated via fixed-point iteration. ''' def pes(v, x, g_eff): return -e_0 / 2 * v**2 / (g_eff + x)**2 if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) K = mem_k_matrix(mem, refn, type=type) g_eff = + mem.isolation / mem.permittivity F = mem_f_vector(mem, refn, 1) Kinv = linalg.inv(K) nnodes = K.shape[0] x0 = np.zeros(nnodes) for i in range(maxiter): x0_new = * pes(vdc, x0, g_eff)) if np.max(np.abs(x0_new - x0)) < atol: is_collapsed = False return x0_new, is_collapsed x0 = x0_new is_collapsed = True return x0, is_collapsed
def mem_static_x_vector(mem, refn, vdc, k, x0, atol=1e-10, maxiter=100): ''' ''' def pes(v, x, g_eff): return -e_0 / 2 * v**2 / (g_eff + x)**2 if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) K = fem.mem_k_matrix(mem, refn) g_eff = + mem.isolation / mem.permittivity F = fem.mem_f_vector(mem, refn, 1) Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K) nnodes = K.shape[0] x = np.zeros(nnodes) for i in range(maxiter): p = F * pes(vdc, x, g_eff) p[x < x0] += -k * (x[x < x0] - x0) * F[x < x0] xnew = if np.max(np.abs(xnew - x)) < atol: is_collapsed = False return xnew, is_collapsed x = xnew is_collapsed = True return x, p, is_collapsed
def mem_f_vector(mem, refn, p): ''' Pressure load vector based on equal distribution of pressure to element nodes. ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_areas = amesh.g / 2 ob = amesh.on_boundary f = np.zeros(len(nodes)) for tt in range(len(triangles)): tri = triangles[tt, :] ap = triangle_areas[tt] bfac = 1 * np.sum(~ob[tri]) f[tri] += 1 / bfac * p * ap f[ob] = 0 return f
def mem_dlm_matrix(mem, refn): ''' Mass matrix based on equal distribution of element mass to nodes (diagonally-lumped). ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) # get mesh information nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_areas = amesh.g / 2 mass = sum([x * y for x, y in zip(mem.density, mem.thickness)]) # construct M matrix by adding contribution from each element M = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes))) for tt in range(len(triangles)): tri = triangles[tt, :] ap = triangle_areas[tt] M[tri, tri] += 1 / 3 * mass * ap ob = amesh.on_boundary M[ob, :] = 0 M[:, ob] = 0 M[ob, ob] = 1 return M
def mem_z_matrix(mem, refn, k, *args, **kwargs): ''' Impedance matrix in FullFormat for a membrane. ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) return np.array(ZFullMatrix(amesh, k, *args, **kwargs).data)
def calc_es_correction(array, refn): fcorr = [] for elem in array.elements: for mem in elem.membranes: if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): square = True amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn=refn) elif isinstance(mem, abstract.CircularCmutMembrane): square = False amesh =, refn=refn) K = fem.mem_k_matrix(amesh, mem.y_modulus, mem.thickness, mem.p_ratio) Kinv = np.linalg.inv(K) g = g_eff = + mem.isolation / mem.permittivity # F = fem.mem_f_vector(amesh, 1) F = np.array(fem.f_from_abstract(array, refn).todense()) # u = # unorm = u / np.max(np.abs(u)) for i, pat in enumerate(mem.patches): if square: avg = fem.square_patch_avg_vector(amesh.vertices, amesh.triangles, amesh.on_boundary, mem.length_x, mem.length_y, pat.position[0] - mem.position[0], pat.position[1] - mem.position[1], pat.length_x, pat.length_y) else: avg = fem.circular_patch_avg_vector(amesh.vertices, amesh.triangles, amesh.on_boundary, mem.radius, pat.position[0] - mem.position[0], pat.position[1] - mem.position[1], pat.radius_min, pat.radius_max, pat.theta_min, pat.theta_max) u =[:,i]) unorm = u / np.max(np.abs(u)) d = np.linspace(0, 1, 11) fc = [] uavg = [] fpp = [] for di in d: ubar = (unorm * g * di).dot(avg) / pat.area uavg.append(ubar) fc.append((-e_0 / 2 / (unorm * g * di + g_eff)**2).dot(avg) / pat.area) fpp.append(-e_0 / 2 / (ubar + g_eff)**2) fcorr.append((d, unorm, uavg, fc, fpp)) # fcorr.append(interp1d(uavg, fc, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False, fill_value=(fc[-1], fc[0]))) return fcorr
def mem_f_vector_arb_load(mem, refn, load_func): ''' Pressure load vector based on an arbitrary load. ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_areas = amesh.triangle_areas ob = amesh.on_boundary f = np.zeros(len(nodes)) for tt in range(len(triangles)): tri = triangles[tt, :] xi, yi = nodes[tri[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[tri[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[tri[2], :2] def load_func_psi_eta(psi, eta): x = (xj - xi) * psi + (xk - xi) * eta + xi y = (yj - yi) * psi + (yk - yi) * eta + yi return load_func(x, y) integ, _ = dblquad(load_func_psi_eta, 0, 1, 0, lambda x: 1 - x, epsrel=1e-1, epsabs=1e-1) frac = integ / (1 / 2) # fraction of triangle covered by load da = triangle_areas[tt] bfac = 1 * np.sum(~ob[tri]) f[tri] += 1 / bfac * frac * da ob = amesh.on_boundary f[ob] = 0 return f
def mem_eig(mem, refn): ''' Returns the eigenfrequency (in Hz) and eigenmodes of a membrane. ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) ob = amesh.on_boundary M = mem_m_matrix(mem, refn, mu=0.5) K = mem_k_matrix(mem, refn) w, v = linalg.eig(linalg.inv(M).dot(K)[np.ix_(~ob, ~ob)]) idx = np.argsort(np.sqrt(np.abs(w))) eigf = np.sqrt(np.abs(w))[idx] / (2 * np.pi) eigv = v[:, idx] return eigf, eigv
def mem_cm_matrix(mem, refn): ''' Mass matrix based on kinetic energy and linear shape functions (consistent). ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) # get mesh information nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_areas = amesh.triangle_areas mass = sum([x * y for x, y in zip(mem.density, mem.thickness)]) # construct M matrix by adding contribution from each element M = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes))) for tt in range(len(triangles)): tri = triangles[tt, :] xi, yi = nodes[tri[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[tri[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[tri[2], :2] # da = ((xj - x5) * (yk - yi) - (xk - x5) * (yj - yi)) da = triangle_areas[tt] Mt = np.array([[1, 1 / 2, 1 / 2], [1 / 2, 1, 1 / 2], [1 / 2, 1 / 2, 1] ]) / 12 M[np.ix_(tri, tri)] += 2 * Mt * mass * da ob = amesh.on_boundary M[ob, :] = 0 M[:, ob] = 0 M[ob, ob] = 1 return M
def mem_k_matrix_bpt(mem, refn): ''' Stiffness matrix based on 3-dof (rotation-free) basic plate triangle (BPT) elements. Refer to E. Onate and F. Zarate, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng. 47, 557-603 (2000). ''' def L(x1, y1, x2, y2): # calculates edge length return np.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) def T_matrix(x1, y1, x2, y2): # transformation matrix for an edge z = [0, 0, 1] r = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1] n = np.cross(z, r) norm = np.linalg.norm(n) n = n / norm nx, ny, _ = n return np.array([[-nx, 0], [0, -ny], [-ny, -nx]]) if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) # get mesh information nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_edges = amesh.triangle_edges triangle_areas = amesh.triangle_areas ntriangles = len(triangles) ob = amesh.on_boundary # determine list of neighbors for each triangle # None indicates neighbor doesn't exist for that edge (boundary edge) triangle_neighbors = [] for tt in range(ntriangles): neighbors = [] for te in triangle_edges[tt, :]: mask = np.any(triangle_edges == te, axis=1) args = np.nonzero(mask)[0] if len(args) > 1: neighbors.append(args[args != tt][0]) else: neighbors.append(None) triangle_neighbors.append(neighbors) amesh.triangle_neighbors = triangle_neighbors # construct constitutive matrix for material h = mem.thickness[0] # no support for composite membranes yet E = mem.y_modulus[0] eta = mem.p_ratio[0] D = np.zeros((3, 3)) D[0, 0] = 1 D[0, 1] = eta D[1, 0] = eta D[1, 1] = 1 D[2, 2] = (1 - eta) / 2 D = D * E * h**3 / (12 * (1 - eta**2)) # calculate Jacobian and gradient operator for each triangle gradops = [] for tt in range(ntriangles): tri = triangles[tt, :] xi, yi = nodes[tri[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[tri[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[tri[2], :2] J = np.array([[xj - xi, xk - xi], [yj - yi, yk - yi]]) gradop = np.linalg.inv(J.T).dot([[-1, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 1]]) # gradop = np.linalg.inv(J.T).dot([[1, 0, -1],[0, 1, -1]]) gradops.append(gradop) # construct K matrix K = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes))) for p in range(ntriangles): trip = triangles[p, :] ap = triangle_areas[p] xi, yi = nodes[trip[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[trip[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[trip[2], :2] neighbors = triangle_neighbors[p] gradp = gradops[p] # list triangle edges, ordered so that z cross-product will produce outward normal edges = [(xk, yk, xj, yj), (xi, yi, xk, yk), (xj, yj, xi, yi)] # begin putting together indexes needed later for matrix assignment ii, jj, kk = trip Kidx = [ii, jj, kk] Kpidx = [0, 1, 2] # construct B matrix for control element Bp = np.zeros((3, 6)) for j, n in enumerate(neighbors): if n is None: continue # determine index of the node in the neighbor opposite edge iin, jjn, kkn = triangles[n, :] uidx = [ x for x in np.unique([ii, jj, kk, iin, jjn, kkn]) if x not in [ii, jj, kk] ][0] # update indexes Kidx.append(uidx) Kpidx.append(3 + j) l = L(*edges[j]) T = T_matrix(*edges[j]) gradn = gradops[n] pterm = l / 2 * Bp[:, :3] += pterm nterm = l / 2 * idx = [Kpidx[Kidx.index(x)] for x in [iin, jjn, kkn]] Bp[:, idx] += nterm Bp = Bp / ap # construct local K matrix for control element Kp = (Bp.T).dot(D).dot(Bp) * ap # add matrix values to global K matrix K[np.ix_(Kidx, Kidx)] += Kp[np.ix_(Kpidx, Kpidx)] K[ob, :] = 0 K[:, ob] = 0 K[ob, ob] = 1 return K
def mem_k_matrix_hybrid(mem, refn): ''' *Experimental* Stiffness matrix based on HPB for interior triangles and BPT for boundary triangles. ''' def norm(r1, r2): # calculates edge length return np.sqrt((r2[0] - r1[0])**2 + (r2[1] - r1[1])**2) def LL(x1, y1, x2, y2): # calculates edge length return np.sqrt((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) def T_matrix(x1, y1, x2, y2): # transformation matrix for an edge z = [0, 0, 1] r = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1] n = np.cross(z, r) norm = np.linalg.norm(n) n = n / norm nx, ny, _ = n return np.array([[-nx, 0], [0, -ny], [-ny, -nx]]) if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) # get mesh information nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_edges = amesh.triangle_edges triangle_areas = amesh.triangle_areas ntriangles = len(triangles) ob = amesh.on_boundary # determine list of neighbors and neighbor nodes for each triangle # None indicates neighbor doesn't exist for that edge (boundary edge) triangle_neighbors = [] neighbors_node = [] for tt in range(ntriangles): neighbors = [] neighbor_node = [] for te in triangle_edges[tt, :]: mask = np.any(triangle_edges == te, axis=1) args = np.nonzero(mask)[0] if len(args) > 1: n = args[args != tt][0] neighbors.append(n) # determine index of the node in the neighbor opposite edge iin, jjn, kkn = triangles[n, :] ii, jj, kk = triangles[tt, :] uidx = [ x for x in np.unique([ii, jj, kk, iin, jjn, kkn]) if x not in [ii, jj, kk] ][0] neighbor_node.append(uidx) else: neighbors.append(None) neighbor_node.append(None) triangle_neighbors.append(neighbors) neighbors_node.append(neighbor_node) amesh.triangle_neighbors = triangle_neighbors amesh.neighbors_node = neighbors_node # construct constitutive matrix for material h = mem.thickness[0] # no support for composite membranes yet E = mem.y_modulus[0] eta = mem.p_ratio[0] D = np.zeros((3, 3)) D[0, 0] = 1 D[0, 1] = eta D[1, 0] = eta D[1, 1] = 1 D[2, 2] = (1 - eta) D = D * E * h**3 / (12 * (1 - eta**2)) D2 = np.zeros((3, 3)) D2[0, 0] = 1 D2[0, 1] = eta D2[1, 0] = eta D2[1, 1] = 1 D2[2, 2] = (1 - eta) / 2 D2 = D2 * E * h**3 / (12 * (1 - eta**2)) # calculate Jacobian and gradient operator for each triangle gradops = [] for tt in range(ntriangles): tri = triangles[tt, :] xi, yi = nodes[tri[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[tri[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[tri[2], :2] J = np.array([[xj - xi, xk - xi], [yj - yi, yk - yi]]) gradop = np.linalg.inv(J.T).dot([[-1, 1, 0], [-1, 0, 1]]) gradops.append(gradop) # construct K matrix K = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes))) for p in range(ntriangles): trip = triangles[p, :] ap = triangle_areas[p] # assign primary triangle nodes based on order of edges x5, y5 = nodes[trip[0], :2] x6, y6 = nodes[trip[1], :2] x4, y4 = nodes[trip[2], :2] r4 = np.array([x4, y4]) r5 = np.array([x5, y5]) r6 = np.array([x6, y6]) # assign neighboring triangle nodes and add fictitious nodes if necessary neighbors = neighbors_node[p] if None in neighbors or ob[trip[0]] or ob[trip[1]] or ob[trip[2]]: # if True: xi, yi = nodes[trip[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[trip[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[trip[2], :2] neighbors = triangle_neighbors[p] gradp = gradops[p] # list triangle edges, ordered so that z cross-product will produce outward normal edges = [(xk, yk, xj, yj), (xi, yi, xk, yk), (xj, yj, xi, yi)] # begin putting together indexes needed later for matrix assignment ii, jj, kk = trip Kidx = [ii, jj, kk] Kpidx = [0, 1, 2] # construct B matrix for control element Bp = np.zeros((3, 6)) for j, n in enumerate(neighbors): if n is None: continue # determine index of the node in the neighbor opposite edge iin, jjn, kkn = triangles[n, :] uidx = [ x for x in np.unique([ii, jj, kk, iin, jjn, kkn]) if x not in [ii, jj, kk] ][0] # update indexes Kidx.append(uidx) Kpidx.append(3 + j) l = LL(*edges[j]) T = T_matrix(*edges[j]) gradn = gradops[n] pterm = l / 2 * Bp[:, :3] += pterm nterm = l / 2 * idx = [Kpidx[Kidx.index(x)] for x in [iin, jjn, kkn]] Bp[:, idx] += nterm Bp = Bp / ap # construct local K matrix for control element Kp = (Bp.T).dot(D).dot(Bp) * ap # add matrix values to global K matrix K[np.ix_(Kidx, Kidx)] += Kp[np.ix_(Kpidx, Kpidx)] else: x1, y1 = nodes[neighbors[0], :2] x2, y2 = nodes[neighbors[1], :2] x3, y3 = nodes[neighbors[2], :2] r1 = np.array([x1, y1]) r2 = np.array([x2, y2]) r3 = np.array([x3, y3]) # construct C matrix C = np.zeros((6, 3)) C[0, :] = [x1**2 / 2, y1**2 / 2, x1 * y1] C[1, :] = [x2**2 / 2, y2**2 / 2, x2 * y2] C[2, :] = [x3**2 / 2, y3**2 / 2, x3 * y3] C[3, :] = [x4**2 / 2, y4**2 / 2, x4 * y4] C[4, :] = [x5**2 / 2, y5**2 / 2, x5 * y5] C[5, :] = [x6**2 / 2, y6**2 / 2, x6 * y6] # construct L matrix # calculate vars based on geometry of first sub-element L1 = norm(r6, r4) b1a1 = (r1 - r4).dot(r6 - r4) / L1 b1a2 = (r1 - r6).dot(r4 - r6) / L1 b1b1 = (r5 - r4).dot(r6 - r4) / L1 b1b2 = (r5 - r6).dot(r4 - r6) / L1 h1a = np.sqrt(norm(r1, r4)**2 - b1a1**2) h1b = np.sqrt(norm(r5, r6)**2 - b1b2**2) # calculate vars based on geometry of second sub-element L2 = norm(r5, r4) b2a1 = (r2 - r5).dot(r4 - r5) / L2 b2a2 = (r2 - r4).dot(r5 - r4) / L2 b2b1 = (r6 - r5).dot(r4 - r5) / L2 b2b2 = (r6 - r4).dot(r5 - r4) / L2 h2a = np.sqrt(norm(r2, r5)**2 - b2a1**2) h2b = np.sqrt(norm(r6, r4)**2 - b2b2**2) # calculate vars based on geometry of third sub-element L3 = norm(r5, r6) b3a1 = (r3 - r6).dot(r5 - r6) / L3 b3a2 = (r3 - r5).dot(r6 - r5) / L3 b3b1 = (r4 - r6).dot(r5 - r6) / L3 b3b2 = (r4 - r5).dot(r6 - r5) / L3 h3a = np.sqrt(norm(r3, r6)**2 - b3a1**2) h3b = np.sqrt(norm(r4, r5)**2 - b3b2**2) L = np.zeros((3, 6)) L[0, 0] = 1 / h1a L[1, 1] = 1 / h2a L[2, 2] = 1 / h3a L[0, 3] = -b1a2 / (L1 * h1a) + -b1b2 / (L1 * h1b) L[0, 4] = 1 / h1b L[0, 5] = -b1a1 / (L1 * h1a) + -b1b1 / (L1 * h1b) L[1, 3] = -b2b1 / (L2 * h2b) + -b2a1 / (L2 * h2a) L[1, 4] = -b2b2 / (L2 * h2b) + -b2a2 / (L2 * h2a) L[1, 5] = 1 / h2b L[2, 3] = 1 / h3b L[2, 4] = -b3a1 / (L3 * h3a) + -b3b1 / (L3 * h3b) L[2, 5] = -b3b2 / (L3 * h3b) + -b3a2 / (L3 * h3a) # calculate G matrix G = L @ C Ginv = np.linalg.inv(G) # create I_D matrix I_D = np.zeros((3, 3)) I_D[0, 0] = 1 I_D[1, 1] = 1 I_D[2, 2] = 2 # K_be = ap * (L.T).dot(Ginv.T).dot(I_D).dot(D).dot(Ginv).dot(L) K_be = ap * L.T @ Ginv.T @ I_D @ D @ Ginv @ L # begin putting together indexes needed later for matrix assignment K_idx = [ neighbors[0], neighbors[1], neighbors[2], trip[2], trip[0], trip[1] ] K_be_idx = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # add matrix values to global K matrix K[np.ix_(K_idx, K_idx)] += K_be[np.ix_(K_be_idx, K_be_idx)] K[ob, :] = 0 K[:, ob] = 0 K[ob, ob] = 1 return K
def mem_k_matrix_hpb(mem, refn, retmesh=False): ''' Stiffness matrix based on 3-dof hinged plate bending (HPB) elements. Refer to R. Phaal and C. R. Calladine, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 955–977, (1992). ''' def norm(r1, r2): # calculates edge length return np.sqrt((r2[0] - r1[0])**2 + (r2[1] - r1[1])**2) if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn) else: amesh =, refn) # get mesh information nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_edges = amesh.triangle_edges triangle_areas = amesh.triangle_areas ntriangles = len(triangles) ob = amesh.on_boundary # determine list of neighbors and neighbor nodes for each triangle # None indicates neighbor doesn't exist for that edge (boundary edge) triangle_neighbors = [] neighbors_node = [] for tt in range(ntriangles): neighbors = [] neighbor_node = [] for te in triangle_edges[tt, :]: mask = np.any(triangle_edges == te, axis=1) args = np.nonzero(mask)[0] if len(args) > 1: n = args[args != tt][0] neighbors.append(n) # determine index of the node in the neighbor opposite edge iin, jjn, kkn = triangles[n, :] ii, jj, kk = triangles[tt, :] uidx = [ x for x in np.unique([ii, jj, kk, iin, jjn, kkn]) if x not in [ii, jj, kk] ][0] neighbor_node.append(uidx) else: neighbors.append(None) neighbor_node.append(None) triangle_neighbors.append(neighbors) neighbors_node.append(neighbor_node) amesh.triangle_neighbors = triangle_neighbors amesh.neighbors_node = neighbors_node # construct constitutive matrix for material h = mem.thickness[0] # no support for composite membranes yet E = mem.y_modulus[0] eta = mem.p_ratio[0] D = np.zeros((3, 3)) D[0, 0] = 1 D[0, 1] = eta D[1, 0] = eta D[1, 1] = 1 D[2, 2] = (1 - eta) D = D * E * h**3 / (12 * (1 - eta**2)) # construct K matrix K = np.zeros((len(nodes), len(nodes))) for p in range(ntriangles): trip = triangles[p, :] ap = triangle_areas[p] # assign primary triangle nodes based on order of edges x5, y5 = nodes[trip[0], :2] x6, y6 = nodes[trip[1], :2] x4, y4 = nodes[trip[2], :2] r4 = np.array([x4, y4]) r5 = np.array([x5, y5]) r6 = np.array([x6, y6]) # assign neighboring triangle nodes and add fictitious nodes if necessary neighbors = neighbors_node[p] if neighbors[0] is None: x = r5 xo = r6 n = (r4 - r6) / norm(r4, r6) x1, y1 = -x + 2 * xo + 2 * (x - xo).dot(n) * n else: x1, y1 = nodes[neighbors[0], :2] if neighbors[1] is None: x = r6 xo = r4 n = (r5 - r4) / norm(r5, r4) x2, y2 = -x + 2 * xo + 2 * (x - xo).dot(n) * n else: x2, y2 = nodes[neighbors[1], :2] if neighbors[2] is None: x = r4 xo = r5 n = (r6 - r5) / norm(r6, r5) x3, y3 = -x + 2 * xo + 2 * (x - xo).dot(n) * n else: x3, y3 = nodes[neighbors[2], :2] r1 = np.array([x1, y1]) r2 = np.array([x2, y2]) r3 = np.array([x3, y3]) # construct C matrix C = np.zeros((6, 3)) C[0, :] = [x1**2 / 2, y1**2 / 2, x1 * y1] C[1, :] = [x2**2 / 2, y2**2 / 2, x2 * y2] C[2, :] = [x3**2 / 2, y3**2 / 2, x3 * y3] C[3, :] = [x4**2 / 2, y4**2 / 2, x4 * y4] C[4, :] = [x5**2 / 2, y5**2 / 2, x5 * y5] C[5, :] = [x6**2 / 2, y6**2 / 2, x6 * y6] # construct L matrix # calculate vars based on geometry of first sub-element L1 = norm(r6, r4) b1a1 = (r1 - r4).dot(r6 - r4) / L1 b1a2 = (r1 - r6).dot(r4 - r6) / L1 b1b1 = (r5 - r4).dot(r6 - r4) / L1 b1b2 = (r5 - r6).dot(r4 - r6) / L1 h1a = np.sqrt(norm(r1, r4)**2 - b1a1**2) h1b = np.sqrt(norm(r5, r6)**2 - b1b2**2) # calculate vars based on geometry of second sub-element L2 = norm(r5, r4) b2a1 = (r2 - r5).dot(r4 - r5) / L2 b2a2 = (r2 - r4).dot(r5 - r4) / L2 b2b1 = (r6 - r5).dot(r4 - r5) / L2 b2b2 = (r6 - r4).dot(r5 - r4) / L2 h2a = np.sqrt(norm(r2, r5)**2 - b2a1**2) h2b = np.sqrt(norm(r6, r4)**2 - b2b2**2) # calculate vars based on geometry of third sub-element L3 = norm(r5, r6) b3a1 = (r3 - r6).dot(r5 - r6) / L3 b3a2 = (r3 - r5).dot(r6 - r5) / L3 b3b1 = (r4 - r6).dot(r5 - r6) / L3 b3b2 = (r4 - r5).dot(r6 - r5) / L3 h3a = np.sqrt(norm(r3, r6)**2 - b3a1**2) h3b = np.sqrt(norm(r4, r5)**2 - b3b2**2) L = np.zeros((3, 6)) L[0, 0] = 1 / h1a L[1, 1] = 1 / h2a L[2, 2] = 1 / h3a L[0, 3] = -b1a2 / (L1 * h1a) + -b1b2 / (L1 * h1b) L[0, 4] = 1 / h1b L[0, 5] = -b1a1 / (L1 * h1a) + -b1b1 / (L1 * h1b) L[1, 3] = -b2b1 / (L2 * h2b) + -b2a1 / (L2 * h2a) L[1, 4] = -b2b2 / (L2 * h2b) + -b2a2 / (L2 * h2a) L[1, 5] = 1 / h2b L[2, 3] = 1 / h3b L[2, 4] = -b3a1 / (L3 * h3a) + -b3b1 / (L3 * h3b) L[2, 5] = -b3b2 / (L3 * h3b) + -b3a2 / (L3 * h3a) # calculate G matrix G = L @ C Ginv = np.linalg.inv(G) # create I_D matrix I_D = np.zeros((3, 3)) I_D[0, 0] = 1 I_D[1, 1] = 1 I_D[2, 2] = 2 # K_be = ap * (L.T).dot(Ginv.T).dot(I_D).dot(D).dot(Ginv).dot(L) K_be = ap * L.T @ Ginv.T @ I_D @ D @ Ginv @ L # begin putting together indexes needed later for matrix assignment K_idx = [trip[2], trip[0], trip[1]] K_be_idx = [3, 4, 5] # apply BCs if neighbors[0] is None: # fictitious node index = 0 # mirrored node index = 4 # boundary nodes index = 3, 5 # non-boundary nodes index = 1, 2 # modify row for mirrored node K_be[4, 4] = (K_be[0, 0] + K_be[0, 4] + K_be[4, 0] + K_be[4, 4]) #/ 2 K_be[4, 1] = (K_be[4, 1] + K_be[0, 1]) #/ 2 K_be[4, 2] = (K_be[4, 2] + K_be[0, 2]) #/ 2 # K_be[4, 1] /= 2 # K_be[1, 4] /= 2 # K_be[4, 2] /= 2 # K_be[2, 4] /= 2 # K_be[4, 3] = (K_be[4, 3] + K_be[0, 3]) / 2 # K_be[4, 5] = (K_be[4, 5] + K_be[0, 5]) / 2 # modify row of first non-boundary node K_be[1, 4] = (K_be[1, 4] + K_be[1, 0]) #/ 2 # modify row of second non-boundary node K_be[2, 4] = (K_be[2, 4] + K_be[2, 0]) #/ 2 # modify row of first boundary node # K_be[3, 3] = K_be[3, 3] / 2 # K_be[3, 4] = (K_be[3, 4] + K_be[3, 0]) / 2 # modify row of second boundary node # K_be[5, 5] = K_be[5, 5] / 2 # K_be[5, 4] = (K_be[5, 4] + K_be[5, 0]) / 2 else: K_idx.append(neighbors[0]) K_be_idx.append(0) if neighbors[1] is None: # fictitious node index = 1 # mirrored node index = 5 # boundary nodes index = 3, 4 # non-boundary nodes index = 0, 2 # modify row for mirrored node K_be[5, 5] = (K_be[1, 1] + K_be[1, 5] + K_be[5, 1] + K_be[5, 5]) #/ 2 K_be[5, 0] = (K_be[5, 0] + K_be[1, 0]) #/ 2 K_be[5, 2] = (K_be[5, 2] + K_be[1, 2]) #/ 2 # K_be[5, 0] /= 2 # K_be[0, 5] /= 2 # K_be[5, 2] /= 2 # K_be[2, 5] /= 2 # K_be[5, 3] = (K_be[5, 3] + K_be[1, 3]) / 2 # K_be[5, 4] = (K_be[5, 4] + K_be[1, 4]) / 2 # modify row of first non-boundary node K_be[0, 5] = (K_be[0, 5] + K_be[0, 1]) #/ 2 # modify row of second non-boundary node K_be[2, 5] = (K_be[2, 5] + K_be[2, 1]) #/ 2 # modify row of first boundary node # K_be[3, 3] = K_be[3, 3] / 2 # K_be[3, 5] = (K_be[3, 5] + K_be[3, 1]) / 2 # modify row of second boundary node # K_be[4, 4] = K_be[4, 4] / 2 # K_be[4, 5] = (K_be[4, 5] + K_be[4, 1]) / 2 else: K_idx.append(neighbors[1]) K_be_idx.append(1) if neighbors[2] is None: # fictitious node index = 2 # mirrored node index = 3 # boundary nodes index = 4, 5 # non-boundary nodes index = 0, 1 # modify row for mirrored node K_be[3, 3] = (K_be[2, 2] + K_be[2, 3] + K_be[3, 2] + K_be[3, 3]) #/ 2 K_be[3, 0] = (K_be[3, 0] + K_be[2, 0]) #/ 2 K_be[3, 1] = (K_be[3, 1] + K_be[2, 1]) #/ 2 # K_be[3, 0] /= 2 # K_be[0, 3] /= 2 # K_be[3, 1] /= 2 # K_be[1, 3] /= 2 # K_be[3, 4] = (K_be[3, 4] + K_be[2, 4]) / 2 # K_be[3, 5] = (K_be[3, 5] + K_be[2, 5]) / 2 # modify row of first non-boundary node K_be[0, 3] = (K_be[0, 3] + K_be[0, 2]) #/ 2 # modify row of second non-boundary node K_be[1, 3] = (K_be[1, 3] + K_be[1, 2]) #/ 2 # modify row of first boundary node # K_be[4, 4] = K_be[4, 4] / 2 # K_be[4, 3] = (K_be[4, 3] + K_be[4, 2]) / 2 # modify row of second boundary node # K_be[5, 5] = K_be[5, 5] / 2 # K_be[5, 3] = (K_be[5, 3] + K_be[5, 2]) / 2 else: K_idx.append(neighbors[2]) K_be_idx.append(2) # add matrix values to global K matrix K[np.ix_(K_idx, K_idx)] += K_be[np.ix_(K_be_idx, K_be_idx)] K[ob, :] = 0 K[:, ob] = 0 K[ob, ob] = 1 return K
def mem_patch_avg_matrix(mem, refn): ''' Averaging vector for a patch. ''' if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): amesh = mesh.square(mem.length_x, mem.length_y, refn, center=mem.position) else: amesh =, refn, center=mem.position) nodes = amesh.vertices triangles = amesh.triangles triangle_areas = amesh.triangle_areas # ob = amesh.on_boundary avg = [] for pat in mem.patches: if isinstance(mem, abstract.SquareCmutMembrane): px, py, pz = pat.position plx = pat.length_x ply = pat.length_y def load_func(x, y): # use 2 * eps to account for potential round-off error if x - (px - plx / 2) >= -2 * eps: if x - (px + plx / 2) <= 2 * eps: if y - (py - ply / 2) >= -2 * eps: if y - (py + ply / 2) <= 2 * eps: return 1 return 0 else: px, py, pz = pat.position prmin = pat.radius_min prmax = pat.radius_max pthmin = pat.theta_min pthmax = pat.theta_max def load_func(x, y): r = np.sqrt((x - px)**2 + (y - py)**2) th = np.arctan2((y - py), (x - px)) # pertube theta by 2 * eps to account for potential round-off error th1 = th - 2 * eps if th1 < -np.pi: th1 += 2 * np.pi # account for [-pi, pi] wrap-around th2 = th + 2 * eps if th2 > np.pi: th2 -= 2 * np.pi # account for [-pi, pi] wrap-around if r - prmin >= -2 * eps: if r - prmax <= 2 * eps: # for theta, check both perturbed values if th1 - pthmin >= 0: if th1 - pthmax <= 0: return 1 if th2 - pthmin >= 0: if th2 - pthmax <= 0: return 1 return 0 avg_pat = np.zeros(len(nodes)) for tt in range(len(triangles)): tri = triangles[tt, :] xi, yi = nodes[tri[0], :2] xj, yj = nodes[tri[1], :2] xk, yk = nodes[tri[2], :2] # check if triangle vertices are inside or outside load loadi = load_func(xi, yi) loadj = load_func(xj, yj) loadk = load_func(xk, yk) # if load covers entire triangle if all([loadi, loadj, loadk]): da = triangle_areas[tt] avg_pat[tri] += 1 / 3 * 1 * da # if load does not cover any part of triangle elif not any([loadi, loadj, loadk]): continue # if load partially covers triangle else: def load_func_psi_eta(psi, eta): x = (xj - xi) * psi + (xk - xi) * eta + xi y = (yj - yi) * psi + (yk - yi) * eta + yi return load_func(x, y) integ, _ = dblquad(load_func_psi_eta, 0, 1, 0, lambda x: 1 - x, epsrel=1e-1, epsabs=1e-1) frac = integ / (1 / 2) # fraction of triangle covered by load da = triangle_areas[tt] avg_pat[tri] += 1 / 3 * frac * da avg.append(avg_pat / pat.area) return np.array(avg).T