Exemplo n.º 1
 def block_get(self, ids, dtype=None, show_progress=False):
     indices = [
         for id in progress_bar(ids, show_progress=show_progress)
     ret = self._data[indices, :]
     if dtype:
         ret = ret.astype(dtype)
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def download_images(item_type, item_ids, img_attr, image_paths, format=None, dimensions=None):
    '''Downloads all images and saves them the the specified paths and returns
    the successes as a list. The image downloading will be dispatched on
    Celery and the results will be aggregated using a Queue.

    :param item_type: The type of the model class for the items which contain
    the image data we want to download. This class should have `img_attr`

    :param item_ids: A list of IDs of database objects which have the location of the images to download.

    :param img_attr: The name of the attribute of the database object which
    stores the image to be downloaded. Note: This field has to be a django
    ImageField (or behave like one).

    :param image_paths: A list of image paths where the images will be downloaded
    from cnntools.tasks import download_image_batch_task
    print 'Dispatching tasks...'
    batch_num = 0
    for batch in iter_batch(progress_bar(zip(item_ids, image_paths)), n=1024):
        item_ids_batch, image_paths_batch = zip(*batch)
            item_type, item_ids_batch, image_paths_batch, img_attr, format,
        batch_num += 1

    # TODO: Maybe put a wait here to let all the tasks be dispatched, because
    # we may quit before they are all finished...

    print 'Waiting for tasks to finish...'
    pbar = ProgressBar(

    while True:
        queue_info = get_queue_info('artifact')
        pbar.update(batch_num - queue_info.message_count)

        if queue_info.message_count == 0:

Exemplo n.º 3
 def block_get(self, ids, dtype=None, ret=None, batchsize=512, show_progress=False):
     """ Efficiently fetch a block of descriptors by IDs, optionally
     converting them to another dtype. """
         if ret is None:
             ret_dtype = dtype if dtype else self._data.dtype
             ret = np.empty((len(ids), self._data.shape[1]), dtype=ret_dtype)
         if len(ids):
             # Sorting and batching is necessary due to the requirments of "fancy indexing"
             # (http://docs.h5py.org/en/latest/high/dataset.html#fancy-indexing).
             indices = np.array([self._id_to_idx[id] for id in ids])
             order = np.argsort(indices)
             for i in progress_bar(xrange(0, len(ids), batchsize), show_progress=show_progress):
                 sub_order = order[i:i+batchsize]
                 ret[sub_order, :] = self._data[indices[sub_order], :]
         print 'Unhandled exception in block_get!'
         print 'File path: ', self._path
     return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
def download_photos(photo_ids, image_paths, format=None, dimensions=None):
    '''This is a specialized function which handles only Photo objects.
    Downloads all images and saves them the the specified paths and returns the
    successes as a list. The image downloading will be dispatched on Celery and
    the results will be aggregated using a Queue.

    :param photo_ids: A list of Photo IDs to download.

    :param image_paths: A list of image paths where the images will be downloaded
    from photos.tasks import download_photo_batch_task
    print 'Dispatching tasks...'
    batch_num = 0
    for batch in iter_batch(progress_bar(zip(photo_ids, image_paths)), n=1024):
        photo_ids_batch, image_paths_batch = zip(*batch)
            photo_ids_batch, image_paths_batch, format, dimensions
        batch_num += 1

    # TODO: Maybe put a wait here to let all the tasks be dispatched, because
    # we may quit before they are all finished...

    print 'Waiting for tasks to finish...'
    pbar = ProgressBar(

    while True:
        queue_info = get_queue_info('artifact')
        pbar.update(batch_num - queue_info.message_count)

        if queue_info.message_count == 0:

Exemplo n.º 5
def make_trainingfiles(rel_root_path, filename_suffix, item_type, item_ids,
                       skip_test, split_attr,
                       gen_image_specs_func, gen_line_func, trafo_image_func,
                       gen_line_extra_kwargs=None, trafo_image_extra_kwargs=None,
                       img_obj_type=None, img_attr=None, dimensions=(256, 256),
    This function creates the training text files which is used for CNN
    training with Caffe. It also downloads all photos which are part of the
    dataset. This is a general function which can be used for lots of different
    layers depending on the gen_line_func function.

    :param rel_root_path: The root path of the photos and generated training
    files relative to the Caffe root path.

    :param filename_suffix: Added suffix to the generated training file names.

    :param item_type: The type of the model class for the items which are
    classified (e.g. FgPhoto). This class should have 'photo',
    'matclass_dataset_split' attributes/properties. The photo attribute should
    have most of the Photo model's fields. It is advised to use an actual Photo
    instance here. The matclass_dataset_split attribute should indicate
    which dataset split this item is in. The possible dataset splits are 'E'
    (test), 'V' (validation), 'R' (training).

    :param item_ids: List (or numpy array) of ids into the :ref:`item_type`
    table. It should contain the training, validation and test set.

    :param skip_test: If true, skip generating file and downloading images for
    the test split.

    :param split_attr: The attribute name which represents the dataset split in
    the database. It should be one character, 'E' meaning test, 'V' meaning
    validation, 'R' meaning training.

    :param gen_image_specs_func: Function which generates an id, photo id, image
    path triplet for each item which we later use to download the images.

    :param gen_line_func: Function which generates a line into the training
    text file given the image path and the extra parameters.
    :ref:`gen_line_extra_kwargs` will be passed as extra parameters to this function.

    :param trafo_image_func: If None, we don't apply any transformation on the
    images. Function which transforms an image given the image path and the
    extra parameters, it should return the path of the transformed image, which
    can be the original image path or a new path.
    :ref:`trafo_image_extra_kwargs` will be passed as extra parameters to this function.

    :param gen_line_extra_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments which will be passed to
    :ref:`gen_line_func` function. All of them should be a list which has the
    same order as :ref:`item_ids`.

    :param trafo_image_extra_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments which will be passed to
    :ref:`trafo_image_func` function. All of them should be a list which has the
    same order as :ref:`item_ids`.

    :param img_obj_type: The type of the model class which holds an image.

    :param img_attr: The attribute of `img_obj_type` which holds the image.

    :param dimensions: The dimensions to resize the downloaded images to. If
    None, keep the image as original size.

    :param max_valset_size: The maximum size for the validation set.
    image_data = process_images(
    abbr, fnames = get_abbr_fname(skip_test)

    for mc_ds_s, fname in zip(abbr, fnames):
        splitfile_path = os.path.join(
            '{}{}.txt'.format(fname, filename_suffix)

        print 'Writing Caffe {} text file...'.format(fname)
        with open(os.path.join(settings.CAFFE_ROOT, splitfile_path), mode='w') as splitfile:
            item_idxs, image_paths_list = image_data[mc_ds_s]
            for item_idx, image_paths in progress_bar(zip(item_idxs, image_paths_list)):
                line = gen_line_func(
                    **index_kwargs(gen_line_extra_kwargs, item_idx)
Exemplo n.º 6
def process_images(rel_root_path, item_type, item_ids, skip_test, split_attr,
                   gen_image_specs_func, trafo_image_func,
                   trafo_image_extra_kwargs=None, img_obj_type=None,
                   img_attr=None, dimensions=(256, 256),
    This function downloads all photos which are part of the
    dataset. This is a general function which can be used for lots of different

    It returns a dictionary which contains the downloaded image paths.
    Key: dataset split identifier, can be 'E', 'V', 'R'
    Value: tuple of (item indexes in the item_ids array, corresponding image paths)

    :param rel_root_path: The root path of the photos and generated training
    files relative to the Caffe root path.

    :param item_type: The type of the model class for the items which are
    classified (e.g. FgPhoto). This class should have 'photo',
    'matclass_dataset_split' attributes/properties. The photo attribute should
    have most of the Photo model's fields. It is advised to use an actual Photo
    instance here. The matclass_dataset_split attribute should indicate in
    which dataset split this item is in. The possible dataset splits are 'E'
    (test), 'V' (validation), 'R' (training).

    :param item_ids: List (or numpy array) of ids into the :ref:`item_type`
    table. It should contain the training, validation and test set.

    :param skip_test: If true, skip generating file and downloading images for
    the test split.

    :param split_attr: The attribute name which represents the dataset split in
    the database. It should be one character, 'E' meaning test, 'V' meaning
    validation, 'R' meaning training.

    :param gen_image_specs_func: Function which generates an id, photo id, image
    path triplet for each item which we later use to download the images.

    :param trafo_image_func: If None, we don't apply any transformation on the
    images. Function which transforms an image given the image path and the
    extra parameters, it should return the path of the transformed image, which
    can be the original image path or a new path.
    :ref:`trafo_image_extra_kwargs` will be passed as extra parameters to this function.

    :param trafo_image_extra_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments which will be passed to
    :ref:`trafo_image_func` function. All of them should be a list which has the
    same order as :ref:`item_ids`.

    :param img_obj_type: The type of the model class which holds an image.

    :param img_attr: The attribute of `img_obj_type` which holds the image.

    :param dimensions: The dimensions to resize the downloaded images to. If
    None, keep the image as original size.

    :param max_valset_size: The maximum size for the validation set.
    item_id_to_idx = {id: idx for idx, id in enumerate(item_ids)}
    abbr, fnames = get_abbr_fname(skip_test)

    # The return value
    image_data = {}

    for mc_ds_s, fname in zip(abbr, fnames):
        data_path = os.path.join(rel_root_path, 'data')
        ensuredir(os.path.join(settings.CAFFE_ROOT, data_path))

        print 'Generating split file and downloading images for {} split...'.format(fname)
        print 'Generating a list of images to download...'
        image_specs = []
        for item_ids_batch in progress_bar(iter_batch(item_ids, 10000)):
            # Note that the order is not going to be the same as
            # item_ids_batch, so we expect the data layer to shuffle the data!
            items_split = (
                filter(**{split_attr: mc_ds_s}).

            # A list of item_id, image_url, image_path tuples
            image_specs += gen_image_specs_func(data_path, items_split)

        if not image_specs:
            image_data[mc_ds_s] = ([], [])

        # We want the validation step to finish in tractable time, so we have a
        # maximum threshold on the validation set size
        if mc_ds_s == 'V' and len(image_specs) > max_valset_size:
            print 'Sampling {} images to reduce the size of the validation set...'.format(max_valset_size)
            # For reproducibility
            image_specs = random.sample(image_specs, max_valset_size)

        item_ids_perm, img_obj_ids, image_paths_list = zip(*image_specs)

        # A corresponding list of indices into the item_ids array
        item_idxs = [item_id_to_idx[item_id] for item_id in item_ids_perm]

        # Add caffe root to all paths for downloading
        full_image_paths_list = [
                os.path.join(settings.CAFFE_ROOT, ip)
                for ip in ipl
            for ipl in image_paths_list

        # Downloading images

        if trafo_image_func:
            print 'Transforming images...'
            new_image_paths_list = []
            new_item_idxs = []
            for item_idx, image_paths, full_image_paths in progress_bar(zip(item_idxs, image_paths_list, full_image_paths_list)):
                new_image_paths = trafo_image_func(
                    **index_kwargs(trafo_image_extra_kwargs, item_idx)
                if not new_image_paths:
                    print ':( {}'.format(full_image_paths)


            image_paths_list = new_image_paths_list
            item_idxs = new_item_idxs

        image_data[mc_ds_s] = (item_idxs, image_paths_list)

    return image_data
Exemplo n.º 7
def make_trainingfiles(rel_root_path,
                       dimensions=(256, 256),
    This function creates the training text files which is used for CNN
    training with Caffe. It also downloads all photos which are part of the
    dataset. This is a general function which can be used for lots of different
    layers depending on the gen_line_func function.

    :param rel_root_path: The root path of the photos and generated training
    files relative to the Caffe root path.

    :param filename_suffix: Added suffix to the generated training file names.

    :param item_type: The type of the model class for the items which are
    classified (e.g. FgPhoto). This class should have 'photo',
    'matclass_dataset_split' attributes/properties. The photo attribute should
    have most of the Photo model's fields. It is advised to use an actual Photo
    instance here. The matclass_dataset_split attribute should indicate
    which dataset split this item is in. The possible dataset splits are 'E'
    (test), 'V' (validation), 'R' (training).

    :param item_ids: List (or numpy array) of ids into the :ref:`item_type`
    table. It should contain the training, validation and test set.

    :param skip_test: If true, skip generating file and downloading images for
    the test split.

    :param split_attr: The attribute name which represents the dataset split in
    the database. It should be one character, 'E' meaning test, 'V' meaning
    validation, 'R' meaning training.

    :param gen_image_specs_func: Function which generates an id, photo id, image
    path triplet for each item which we later use to download the images.

    :param gen_line_func: Function which generates a line into the training
    text file given the image path and the extra parameters.
    :ref:`gen_line_extra_kwargs` will be passed as extra parameters to this function.

    :param trafo_image_func: If None, we don't apply any transformation on the
    images. Function which transforms an image given the image path and the
    extra parameters, it should return the path of the transformed image, which
    can be the original image path or a new path.
    :ref:`trafo_image_extra_kwargs` will be passed as extra parameters to this function.

    :param gen_line_extra_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments which will be passed to
    :ref:`gen_line_func` function. All of them should be a list which has the
    same order as :ref:`item_ids`.

    :param trafo_image_extra_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments which will be passed to
    :ref:`trafo_image_func` function. All of them should be a list which has the
    same order as :ref:`item_ids`.

    :param img_obj_type: The type of the model class which holds an image.

    :param img_attr: The attribute of `img_obj_type` which holds the image.

    :param dimensions: The dimensions to resize the downloaded images to. If
    None, keep the image as original size.

    :param max_valset_size: The maximum size for the validation set.
    image_data = process_images(
    abbr, fnames = get_abbr_fname(skip_test)

    for mc_ds_s, fname in zip(abbr, fnames):
        splitfile_path = os.path.join(
            rel_root_path, '{}{}.txt'.format(fname, filename_suffix))

        print 'Writing Caffe {} text file...'.format(fname)
        with open(os.path.join(settings.CAFFE_ROOT, splitfile_path),
                  mode='w') as splitfile:
            item_idxs, image_paths_list = image_data[mc_ds_s]
            for item_idx, image_paths in progress_bar(
                    zip(item_idxs, image_paths_list)):
                line = gen_line_func(
                    image_paths, **index_kwargs(gen_line_extra_kwargs,
Exemplo n.º 8
def process_images(rel_root_path,
                   dimensions=(256, 256),
    This function downloads all photos which are part of the
    dataset. This is a general function which can be used for lots of different

    It returns a dictionary which contains the downloaded image paths.
    Key: dataset split identifier, can be 'E', 'V', 'R'
    Value: tuple of (item indexes in the item_ids array, corresponding image paths)

    :param rel_root_path: The root path of the photos and generated training
    files relative to the Caffe root path.

    :param item_type: The type of the model class for the items which are
    classified (e.g. FgPhoto). This class should have 'photo',
    'matclass_dataset_split' attributes/properties. The photo attribute should
    have most of the Photo model's fields. It is advised to use an actual Photo
    instance here. The matclass_dataset_split attribute should indicate in
    which dataset split this item is in. The possible dataset splits are 'E'
    (test), 'V' (validation), 'R' (training).

    :param item_ids: List (or numpy array) of ids into the :ref:`item_type`
    table. It should contain the training, validation and test set.

    :param skip_test: If true, skip generating file and downloading images for
    the test split.

    :param split_attr: The attribute name which represents the dataset split in
    the database. It should be one character, 'E' meaning test, 'V' meaning
    validation, 'R' meaning training.

    :param gen_image_specs_func: Function which generates an id, photo id, image
    path triplet for each item which we later use to download the images.

    :param trafo_image_func: If None, we don't apply any transformation on the
    images. Function which transforms an image given the image path and the
    extra parameters, it should return the path of the transformed image, which
    can be the original image path or a new path.
    :ref:`trafo_image_extra_kwargs` will be passed as extra parameters to this function.

    :param trafo_image_extra_kwargs: Extra keyword arguments which will be passed to
    :ref:`trafo_image_func` function. All of them should be a list which has the
    same order as :ref:`item_ids`.

    :param img_obj_type: The type of the model class which holds an image.

    :param img_attr: The attribute of `img_obj_type` which holds the image.

    :param dimensions: The dimensions to resize the downloaded images to. If
    None, keep the image as original size.

    :param max_valset_size: The maximum size for the validation set.
    item_id_to_idx = {id: idx for idx, id in enumerate(item_ids)}
    abbr, fnames = get_abbr_fname(skip_test)

    # The return value
    image_data = {}

    for mc_ds_s, fname in zip(abbr, fnames):
        data_path = os.path.join(rel_root_path, 'data')
        ensuredir(os.path.join(settings.CAFFE_ROOT, data_path))

        print 'Generating split file and downloading images for {} split...'.format(
        print 'Generating a list of images to download...'
        image_specs = []
        for item_ids_batch in progress_bar(iter_batch(item_ids, 10000)):
            # Note that the order is not going to be the same as
            # item_ids_batch, so we expect the data layer to shuffle the data!
            items_split = (item_type.objects.filter(**{
                split_attr: mc_ds_s

            # A list of item_id, image_url, image_path tuples
            image_specs += gen_image_specs_func(data_path, items_split)

        if not image_specs:
            image_data[mc_ds_s] = ([], [])

        # We want the validation step to finish in tractable time, so we have a
        # maximum threshold on the validation set size
        if mc_ds_s == 'V' and len(image_specs) > max_valset_size:
            print 'Sampling {} images to reduce the size of the validation set...'.format(
            # For reproducibility
            image_specs = random.sample(image_specs, max_valset_size)

        item_ids_perm, img_obj_ids, image_paths_list = zip(*image_specs)

        # A corresponding list of indices into the item_ids array
        item_idxs = [item_id_to_idx[item_id] for item_id in item_ids_perm]

        # Add caffe root to all paths for downloading
        full_image_paths_list = [[
            os.path.join(settings.CAFFE_ROOT, ip) for ip in ipl
        ] for ipl in image_paths_list]

        # Downloading images

        if trafo_image_func:
            print 'Transforming images...'
            new_image_paths_list = []
            new_item_idxs = []
            for item_idx, image_paths, full_image_paths in progress_bar(
                    zip(item_idxs, image_paths_list, full_image_paths_list)):
                new_image_paths = trafo_image_func(
                    image_paths, full_image_paths,
                    **index_kwargs(trafo_image_extra_kwargs, item_idx))
                if not new_image_paths:
                    print ':( {}'.format(full_image_paths)


            image_paths_list = new_image_paths_list
            item_idxs = new_item_idxs

        image_data[mc_ds_s] = (item_idxs, image_paths_list)

    return image_data
Exemplo n.º 9
def compute_cnn_features_gpu_task(
    Computes the features for a list of model_class type objects (for the
    associated images), then sends the computed features to the redis server.
    The accumulator script will collect these and save them as a numpy array on

    :param item_type: The class for the model which holds the information
    which we use the retrieve the images the feature will be computed on. This
    can also be 'redis', which means that we will fetch the item information
    from redis.

    :param task_id: ID of the task which will be used as a key to put the
    batch_id as a completed ID in redis

    :param batch_id: ID of the batch which will be used as a key to put the
    results in redis

    :param id_list: List of item_type IDs. If ``item_type`` is 'redis', these
    should be the redis keys corresponding to the items.

    :param feature_name_list: The features' name in the network which will be

    :param kwa: The parameters to pass to the feature computer
    # Change working directory to Caffe

    device_id = get_worker_gpu_device_id()
    deployfile_relpath, weights_relpath = download_snapshot(
        kwa['snapshot_id'], kwa['transfer_weights']
    caffe, fet_extractor = load_fet_extractor(
        deployfile_relpath, weights_relpath, kwa['do_preprocessing'],
        kwa['image_dims'], kwa['mean'], device_id
    # This doesn't preserve order!
    if item_type == 'redis':
        client = redis.StrictRedis(**settings.REDIS_AGGRO_LOCAL_CONFIG)
        redis_vals = client.mget(*id_list)
        items = [RedisItem(key, value) for key, value in zip(id_list, redis_vals)]
        items = item_type.objects.in_bulk(id_list).values()

    fet_trafo_types = get_fet_trafo_types()

    fets = []
    print 'Computing features for {} items...'.format(len(items))
    show_progress = False
    if show_progress:
        items = progress_bar(items)

    for item in items:
        if kwa['input_trafo_func_name']:
            with Timer('Input transformation'):
                input_trafo = import_function(kwa['input_trafo_func_name'])
                inp = input_trafo(item, **kwa['input_trafo_kwargs'])
            inp = caffe.io.load_image(item.photo.image_300)

        if 'grayscale' in kwa and kwa['grayscale']:
            inp_gray = np.mean(inp, axis=2)
            inp = np.zeros_like(inp)
            inp[:, :, :] = inp_gray[:, :, np.newaxis]

        with Timer('Feature extraction'):
            # feature_name_list can contain 'img', which means that we want to
            # save the img or some transformation of the image as a final
            # feature result. Of course the CNN doesn't need to compute this
            # feature.
            fnl = list(feature_name_list)
            if 'img' in feature_name_list:

            fetdic = fet_extractor.extract_features(
                inp, blob_names=fnl, auto_reshape=kwa['auto_reshape']

        if kwa['fet_trafo_type_id']:
            with Timer('Feature transformation'):
                # This might add 'img' to the feature list
                fetdic = fet_trafo_types[kwa['fet_trafo_type_id']](
                    item, inp, fetdic, feature_name_list,

        for feature_name in feature_name_list:
            fetdic[feature_name] = np.ravel(np.squeeze(fetdic[feature_name]))
        fets.append((item.id, fetdic))

    # Save results in redis
    with Timer('Uploading to Redis'):
        batch_ready(task_id, batch_id, packer.packb(fets, settings.API_VERSION))