Exemplo n.º 1
def run_convert(cns_model, item, types, primary_keys, report=None):
        property_alias  => property_name
        create @id
        assert @type
    assert types
    if primary_keys:
        assert type(primary_keys) == list

    cns_item = {
        "@type": types,

    for p, v in item.items():
        px = cns_model.index_property_alias.get(p)
        if px:
            cns_item[px] = v
            bug = {
                "category": "warn_convert_cns",
                "text": "property not defined in schema",
                "property": p

            if report is not None:
                write_report(report, bug)

    if item.get("@id"):
        cns_item["@id"] = item["@id"]

    xid = gen_cns_id(cns_item, primary_keys)
    cns_item["@id"] = xid

    return cns_item
Exemplo n.º 2
def _validate_entity_ref(c, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report):
    xtype = json_get_list(v, "@type")
    if not xtype:
        bug = {
            "category": "warn_validate_entity_ref",
            "text": "value type missing",
            "value": v,
            "class": c,
            "property": p,
            "expected" : range_config["text"],
            "actual" : None,
        write_report(report, bug)

    xtype_main = xtype[0]
    if range_config["cns_range_entity"] and range_config["cns_range_entity"][0] in xtype:
    elif xtype_main in range_config["cns_range_entity"]:
        bug = {
            "category": "warn_validate_entity_ref",
            "text": "value type/entity mismatch",
            "value": v,
            "class": c,
            "property": p,
            "expected" : range_config["cns_range_entity"],
            "actual" : xtype,
        write_report(report, bug)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _validate_system_property(loaded_schema, cns_item, report):

    # system property
    types = cns_item["@type"]
    if "Thing" in types:
        if not "@id" in cns_item:
            bug = {
                "category": "warn_validate_system_property",
                "text": "instance of [Thing] missing @id",
                "item": cns_item
            write_report(report, bug)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _validate_datastructure(c, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report):
    types = range_config["cns_range_datastructure"]
    if len(types) == 0:
        bug = {
            "category": "warn_validate_datastructure",
            "text": "value range not specified as datastructure",
            "value": v,
            "class": c,
            "property": p,
            "expected" : range_config["text"],
            "actual" : None,
        write_report(report, bug)
    return types
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_validate(loaded_schema, cns_item, report):
        validate the following
        * template restriction  (class-property binding)

        * range of property
    report["stats"]["items_validate"] += 1

    if XTEMPLATE not in report:
        report[XTEMPLATE] = collections.Counter()

    #check types
    types = cns_item.get("@type")
    if types is None:
        bug = {
            "category": "warn_validate",
            "text": "missing @type and no expected @type",
            "item": cns_item
        write_report(report, bug)
        return report

    _rewrite_item(loaded_schema, cns_item, report)

    _count_cnslink(loaded_schema, cns_item, report)

    _validate_system_property(loaded_schema, cns_item, report)

    _validate_template(loaded_schema, cns_item, cns_item["@type"], report)

    #_validate_range(loaded_schema, cns_item, report)

    #_validate_domain(loaded_schema, cns_item, report)

    return report
Exemplo n.º 6
def _validate_datatype(c, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report):

    if p in ["in","out"]:
        # do not validate system property

    if not range_actual in range_config["python_type_value_list"]:
        bug = {
            "category": "warn_validate_datatype",
            "text": "range value datatype mismatch",
            "actualValue": v,
            "class": c,
            "property": p,
            "expected" : range_config["text"],
            "actual" : str(range_actual),
        write_report(report, bug)

    if range_config["text"].lower() == "date":
        ret = iso8601_date_parse(v)
        if not ret:
            bug = {
                "category": "warn_validate_datatype",
                "text": "range value is valid Date string",
                "actualValue": v,
                "class": c,
                "property": p,
                "expected" : range_config["text"],
                "actual" : str(range_actual),
            write_report(report, bug)

        #assert False
    elif range_config["text"].lower() == "datetime":
        ret = iso8601_datetime_parse(v)
        if not ret:
            bug = {
                "category": "warn_validate_datatype",
                "text": "range value is valid DateTime string",
                "actualValue": v,
                "class": c,
                "property": p,
                "expected" : range_config["text"],
                "actual" : str(range_actual),
            write_report(report, bug)
Exemplo n.º 7
def _validate_template_regular(loaded_schema, cns_item, types, report, validated_property):
    #regular validation
    main_type = types[0]
    for idx, xtype in enumerate(types):
        # only count main type's  template
        key_c = u"type_all_{}".format(xtype)
        report[XTEMPLATE][key_c] += 1
        if idx == 0:
            key_c = u"type_top_{}".format(xtype)
            report[XTEMPLATE][key_c] += 1

        #find templates
        template_map = loaded_schema.index_validate_template.get(xtype)
        if template_map is None or len(template_map)==0:
            # bug = {
            #     "category": "warn_validate_template",
            #     "text": "no template found",
            #     "class": xtype,
            #     "item": cns_item,
            # }
            # write_report(report, bug)

        #validate one by one
        for template in template_map.values():
            p = template["refProperty"]

            # only count main type's  template
            key_cp = u"cp_{}_{}_{}".format(main_type, xtype, p)
            if p in cns_item:
                report[XTEMPLATE][key_cp] += 1
                report[XTEMPLATE][key_cp] += 0

            if p in validated_property:
                # validated, no need to be validated in other templates

            #validate cardinality
            values = json_get_list(cns_item, p)
            card_actual = len(values)
            range_config = template["propertyRange"]

            if len(range_config["python_type_value_list"])>0 or len(range_config["cns_range_datastructure"])>0:
                if card_actual < template["minCardinality"]:
                    # logging.info(json4debug(template))
                    # logging.info(json4debug(cns_item))
                    # assert False
                    bug = {
                        "category": "warn_validate_template_regular",
                        "text": "minCardinality",
                        "class": xtype,
                        "property": p,
                        "expected": template["minCardinality"],
                        "actual": card_actual,
                        "item_name": cns_item.get("name"),
                        "item_value": cns_item.get(p),
                    write_report(report, bug)

                if "maxCardinality" in template:
                    if card_actual > template["maxCardinality"]:
                        bug = {
                            "category": "warn_validate_template_regular",
                            "text": "maxCardinality",
                            "class": xtype,
                            "property": p,
                            "expected": template["maxCardinality"],
                            "actual": card_actual,
                            "item_name": cns_item.get("name"),
                            "item_value": cns_item.get(p),
                        write_report(report, bug)

            if card_actual == 0:
                # no further validation on range


            for v in values:
                range_actual = type(v)
                if range_actual in [dict]:
                    if p in ["in","out"]:
                        _validate_entity_ref(xtype, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report)
                    elif "@id" in v:
                        _validate_entity_ref(xtype, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report)

                        v_types = json_get_list(v, "@type")
                        if v_types:
                            _validate_template(loaded_schema, v, v_types, report)
                        v_types = _validate_datastructure(xtype, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report)

                        if v_types:
                            if len(v_types) == 1:
                                v_types = loaded_schema.index_inheritance["rdfs:subClassOf"].get(v_types[0])

                            _validate_template(loaded_schema, v, v_types, report)

                elif range_actual in [list]:
                    assert False #unexpected
                    type_actual = _validate_datatype(xtype, p, v, range_actual, range_config, report)

    #properties not validate by main template

    all_property = set(cns_item.keys())
    all_property = all_property.difference(get_system_property())
    all_property = all_property.difference(validated_property)
    c = types[0]
    for p in all_property:
        if p.startswith("rdfs:"):
        #if p in ["in","out"]:
        #    continue

        bug = {
            "category": "warn_validate_template_regular",
            "text": "property not validated by main template",
            "value": cns_item,
            "class": c,
            "property": p,
        write_report(report, bug)

        # not validated properties for main type
        key_cp = u"ucp_{}_{}".format(c, p)
        report[XTEMPLATE][key_cp] += 1
Exemplo n.º 8
def _rewrite_item(loaded_schema, cns_item, report):
        fix bugs in item, keep on validation

    # rewrite type
    types = cns_item.get("@type")
    if not isinstance(types, list):
        bug = {
            "category": "warn_rewrite_item",
            "text": " @type got string value",
            "item": cns_item
        write_report(report, bug)

        types = convert_cns_type_string(types)
        #rewrite type
        cns_item["@type"] = types

    types = cns_item.get("@type")
    if types is None:

    #remove undefined type
    types_new = []
    for xtype in types:
        has_definition = False
        for schema in loaded_schema.loaded_schema_list:
            the_definition = schema.get_definition_by_alias(xtype)
            if the_definition:
                has_definition =True

        if not has_definition:
            bug = {
                "category": "warn_rewrite_item",
                "text": "class not defined",
                "class" : xtype,
                #"item": cns_item
            write_report(report, bug)
    cns_item["@type"] = types_new

    #undefined property
    bad_property_list = []
    for property in cns_item:
        if property in get_system_property():

        has_definition = False
        for schema in loaded_schema.loaded_schema_list:
            the_definition = schema.get_definition_by_alias(property)
            if the_definition:
                has_definition =True

        if not has_definition:
            bug = {
                "category": "warn_rewrite_item",
                "text": "property not defined",
                "property" : property,
                #"item": cns_item
            write_report(report, bug)

    for p in bad_property_list:
        del cns_item[p]