Exemplo n.º 1
def test_rnn(device_id):
    if device_id == -1:
        pytest.skip('Test only runs on GPU')

    batch_size = 8
    sequence_len = 100
    vocab_dim = 20
    embed_dim = 10
    hidden_dim = 7
    input = C.cast(C.sequence.input_variable(()), np.float16)
    with C.default_options(dtype=np.float16):
        embed = C.layers.Embedding(embed_dim)(C.one_hot(input,
        z = C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.LSTM(hidden_dim))(embed)

    feed = np.floor(
        np.random.rand(batch_size, sequence_len).astype(np.float32) *
        (vocab_dim - 1))
    z.grad(feed, wrt=z.parameters)

    num_layers = 2
    W = C.parameter((C.InferredDimension, embed_dim),
    with C.default_options(dtype=np.float16):
        z = C.optimized_rnnstack(embed, W, hidden_dim, num_layers)

    feed = np.floor(
        np.random.rand(batch_size, sequence_len).astype(np.float32) *
        (vocab_dim - 1))
    z.grad(feed, wrt=z.parameters)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_GRU(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        def MakeGRUNameFromConfig(backward, initial_state, activition):
            model_name = 'GRU.' + activition.__name__
            if (initial_state != 0):
                model_name += '.initial'
            if (backward):
                model_name += '.backward'
                model_name += '.forward'
            return model_name 

        direction_options = [False, True]
        activation_options = [C.tanh]
        initial_state_options = [0]

        input_dim = 2
        cell_dim = 3
        batch_size = 1
        sequence_len = 5

        for config in list(product(direction_options, initial_state_options, activation_options)):
            model_filename = MakeGRUNameFromConfig(*config)
            backward, initial_state, activation =  config
            x = C.input_variable(input_dim, dynamic_axes=[C.Axis.default_batch_axis(), C.Axis('sequenceAxis')]) 
            GRUModel = C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.GRU(cell_dim,     
                                                        activation = activation),   
                                           initial_state = initial_state,    
            data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(batch_size, sequence_len, input_dim)).astype('f')
            verify_one_input(GRUModel, data, tmpdir, model_filename)
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_sequence_unpack_backprop(device_id):
    dev = cntk_device(device_id)
    emb_dim = 2
    hidden_dim = 2
    num_labels = 2
    x_seq_input = C.sequence.input_variable(input_vocab_size, is_sparse=True, name='features')
    label_input = C.input_variable(num_labels, is_sparse=True, name='labels')
    with C.default_options(initial_state=0.1):
        model = C.layers.Embedding(emb_dim, name='embed')(x_seq_input)
        model = C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=False)(model)
        model = C.layers.Dense(num_labels, name='classify')(model)

    z = C.sequence.last(C.layers.Recurrence(C.plus)(model))
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_input)
    seq1_data = [[0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
    seq2_data = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
    label_data = _to_csr([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    param_grads_1, loss_result_1 = ce.grad({x_seq_input : [_to_csr(seq1_data), _to_csr(seq2_data)], label_input : label_data},
                                           wrt=ce.parameters, outputs=[ce], as_numpy=False)

    z = C.sequence.reduce_sum(model)
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_input)
    param_grads_2, loss_result_2 = ce.grad({x_seq_input : [_to_csr(seq1_data), _to_csr(seq2_data)], label_input : label_data},
                                           wrt=ce.parameters, outputs=[ce], as_numpy=False)

    assert np.allclose(loss_result_1.asarray(), loss_result_2.asarray())

    for param in param_grads_1:
        if not param_grads_1[param].is_sparse:
            reference_grad_value = param_grads_1[param].asarray()
            grad_value = param_grads_2[param].asarray()
            assert np.allclose(reference_grad_value, grad_value)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_BatchNormalization(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        sample = [  # 5 samples having 4 classes
            [1, 1, 2, 3],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [3, 3, 4, 4],
            [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000, 10000]]

        epsilon = 0.00001

        t = np.asarray(sample, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1,1)
        mean = 1
        var = 2
        init_scale = 3
        init_bias = 4

        scale        = C.Parameter(init=np.asarray([init_scale], dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype)
        bias         = C.Parameter(init=np.asarray([init_bias], dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype)
        run_mean     = C.ops.constant(mean, shape=(1), dtype=dtype)
        run_variance = C.ops.constant(var,  shape=(1), dtype=dtype)
        run_count    = C.ops.constant(0,               dtype=dtype)

        a = C.input_variable(shape=(1), dtype=dtype, needs_gradient=False, name='a')

        op_node = C.batch_normalization(a, scale, bias, run_mean, run_variance, running_count=run_count, spatial=False,

        verify_one_input(op_node, t, tmpdir, 'BatchNormalization')
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_LayerNormalization(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")

    # This test point tests the LayerNormalization round trip with defaultepsilon. We loose always the epsilon value when 
    # exporting to ONNX (because ONNX MeanVarianceNormalization does not have an epsilon attribute). When loading back 
    # from ONNX, CNTK always uses the default eposilon value (0.00001). That's why test below has the default epsilon 
    # value. It is not expected to pass with any other epsilon value until something changes.
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        test_shapes = [(3, 5, 7), (10, ), (20, 31)]
        for shape in test_shapes:
            data = np.reshape(np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype = dtype), shape)
            input_operand = C.input_variable(shape=shape)        
            model0 = C.layers.LayerNormalization(initial_scale=1, initial_bias=2, epsilon=0.00001)(input_operand)
            verify_one_input(model0, data, tmpdir, 'LayerNorm_0')

        # This test point tests especially with epsilon = 0, because that creates a graph with 
        # different number of ops. However, we don't expect the numbers to match in round trip
        # because we only support default epislon (0.00001) when loading from ONNX. Therefore,
        # this is just a load/save test.
        model1 = C.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=0.0)(input_operand)
        filename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), R'LayerNorm_1.onnx')
        model1.save(filename, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)
        loaded_model = C.Function.load(filename, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)
        assert model1.shape == loaded_model.shape
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_MeanVarianceNormalization(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        shape = (3, 5, 7)
        data = np.reshape(np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=dtype), shape)

        input_operand = C.input_variable(shape=shape)

        model0 = C.mean_variance_normalization(input_operand,
        verify_one_input(model0, data, tmpdir, 'MVN_0')

        model1 = C.mean_variance_normalization(input_operand,
        verify_one_input(model1, data, tmpdir, 'MVN_1')

        model2 = C.mean_variance_normalization(input_operand,
        verify_one_input(model2, data, tmpdir, 'MVN_2')

        # The test below tests the round trip with epsilon. We loose always the epsilon value when exporting to ONNX
        # (because ONNX MeanVarianceNormalization does not have an epsilon attribute). When loading back from ONNX, CNTK
        # always uses the default eposilon value (0.00001). That's why test below has the default epsilon value. It is
        # not expected to pass with any other epsilon value until something changes.
        model3 = C.mean_variance_normalization(input_operand,
        verify_one_input(model3, data, tmpdir, 'MVN_3')
def test_convolution_transpose(tmpdir, dtype, device_id):
    pytest.skip('Needs to be fixed after removal of batch axis change.')
    if device_id == -1 and dtype == np.float16:
        pytest.skip('Test only runs on GPU')
    device = cntk_device(device_id)
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        img_shape = (1, 3, 3)
        img = np.asarray(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, img_shape), dtype=dtype)

        x = C.input_variable(img.shape)
        filter = np.reshape(np.array([2, -1, -1, 2], dtype=dtype), (1, 2, 2))
        kernel = C.constant(value=filter)
        root_node = C.convolution_transpose(kernel,
                                            output_shape=(1, 4, 4))

        filename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), R'conv_transpose.onnx')
        root_node.save(filename, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)

        loaded_node = C.Function.load(filename, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)
        assert root_node.shape == loaded_node.shape

        x_ = loaded_node.arguments[0]
        assert np.allclose(loaded_node.eval({x_: [img]}, device=device),
                           root_node.eval({x: [img]}, device=device))
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_ConvTranspose(tmpdir, dtype, device_id):
    if device_id == -1 and dtype == np.float16:
        pytest.skip('Test is skipped on CPU with float16 data')
    device = cntk_device(device_id)
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        # Keep the shapes below as they are, because this tests an earlier bug.
        input_shape = (48, 16, 16)
        img = np.reshape(np.arange(np.prod(input_shape), dtype=dtype),

        x = C.input_variable(input_shape)

        kernel_shape = (
            48, 32, 3, 3
        )  # For convolution_transpose the shape is (I x O x W x H)
        kernel = C.constant(value=np.ones(shape=(kernel_shape), dtype=dtype))

        conv_trans_model = C.convolution_transpose(
            strides=(2, 2),
            output_shape=(32, 32, 32),
            auto_padding=[False, True, True])

        verify_one_input(conv_trans_model, img, tmpdir, 'ConvTranspose_0',
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_ReduceSumSquare(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.array(
            [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]], [[9, 10], [11, 12]]],
        model = C.reduce_sum_square(data, 0)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ReduceSumSquare_0')
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_BatchNormalization(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        sample = [  # 5 samples having 4 classes
            [1, 1, 2, 3],
            [0, 0, 0, 0],
            [3, 3, 4, 4],
            [1000, 1000, 1000, 1000],
            [10000, 10000, 10000, 10000]]

        epsilon = 0.00001

        t = np.asarray(sample, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1,1)
        mean = 1
        var = 2
        init_scale = 3
        init_bias = 4

        scale        = C.Parameter(init=np.asarray([init_scale], dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype)
        bias         = C.Parameter(init=np.asarray([init_bias], dtype=dtype), dtype=dtype)
        run_mean     = C.ops.constant(mean, shape=(1), dtype=dtype)
        run_variance = C.ops.constant(var,  shape=(1), dtype=dtype)
        run_count    = C.ops.constant(0,               dtype=dtype)

        a = C.input_variable(shape=(1), dtype=dtype, needs_gradient=False, name='a')

        op_node = C.batch_normalization(a, scale, bias, run_mean, run_variance, running_count=run_count, spatial=False,

        verify_one_input(op_node, t, tmpdir, 'BatchNormalization')
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_GRU(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        def MakeGRUNameFromConfig(backward, initial_state, activition):
            model_name = 'GRU.' + activition.__name__
            if (initial_state != 0):
                model_name += '.initial'
            if (backward):
                model_name += '.backward'
                model_name += '.forward'
            return model_name 

        direction_options = [False, True]
        activation_options = [C.tanh]
        initial_state_options = [0]

        input_dim = 2
        cell_dim = 3
        batch_size = 1
        sequence_len = 5

        for config in list(product(direction_options, initial_state_options, activation_options)):
            model_filename = MakeGRUNameFromConfig(*config)
            backward, initial_state, activation =  config
            x = C.input_variable(input_dim, dynamic_axes=[C.Axis.default_batch_axis(), C.Axis('sequenceAxis')]) 
            GRUModel = C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.GRU(cell_dim,     
                                                        activation = activation),   
                                           initial_state = initial_state,    
            data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(batch_size, sequence_len, input_dim)).astype('f')
            verify_one_input(GRUModel, data, tmpdir, model_filename)
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_ReduceSum(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.array(
            [[[5, 1], [20, 2]], [[30, 1], [40, 2]], [[55, 1], [60, 2]]],
        model = C.reduce_sum(data, 0)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ReduceSum_0')
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_MaxRoiPool(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        input_map = [[
            [1., 2., 3.],  # (1, 3, 3) input operand (conv feature map)
            [4., 5., 6.],
            [7., 8., 9.]
        input_rois = [[1, 1, 2, 2]]

        conv_input = np.asarray(input_map, dtype=dtype)
        roi_input = np.asarray(input_rois, dtype=dtype)

        a = C.input_variable(shape=conv_input.shape,

        b = C.input_variable(shape=roi_input.shape,

        # adding batch and sequence axis
        conv_input.shape = (1, ) + conv_input.shape
        roi_input.shape = (1, ) + roi_input.shape

        model = C.roipooling(a, b, C.MAX_POOLING, (3, 3), 1.)

        verify_two_input(model, conv_input, roi_input, tmpdir, 'MaxRoiPool_1')
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_ArgMin(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        shape = (4, 5)
        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        model = C.argmin(data, 0)

        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ArgMin_0')
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_sequence_unpack_backprop(device_id):
    dev = cntk_device(device_id)
    emb_dim = 2
    hidden_dim = 2
    num_labels = 2
    x_seq_input = C.sequence.input_variable(input_vocab_size, is_sparse=True, name='features')
    label_input = C.input_variable(num_labels, is_sparse=True, name='labels')
    with C.default_options(initial_state=0.1):
        model = C.layers.Embedding(emb_dim, name='embed')(x_seq_input)
        model = C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=False)(model)
        model = C.layers.Dense(num_labels, name='classify')(model)

    z = C.sequence.last(C.layers.Recurrence(C.plus)(model))
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_input)
    seq1_data = [[0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
    seq2_data = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
    label_data = _to_csr([[0, 1], [1, 0]])
    param_grads_1, loss_result_1 = ce.grad({x_seq_input : [_to_csr(seq1_data), _to_csr(seq2_data)], label_input : label_data},
                                           wrt=ce.parameters, outputs=[ce], as_numpy=False)

    z = C.sequence.reduce_sum(model)
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_input)
    param_grads_2, loss_result_2 = ce.grad({x_seq_input : [_to_csr(seq1_data), _to_csr(seq2_data)], label_input : label_data},
                                           wrt=ce.parameters, outputs=[ce], as_numpy=False)

    assert np.allclose(loss_result_1.asarray(), loss_result_2.asarray())

    for param in param_grads_1:
        if not param_grads_1[param].is_sparse:
            reference_grad_value = param_grads_1[param].asarray()
            grad_value = param_grads_2[param].asarray()
            assert np.allclose(reference_grad_value, grad_value)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_LayerNormalization(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")

    # This test point tests the LayerNormalization round trip with defaultepsilon. We loose always the epsilon value when
    # exporting to ONNX (because ONNX MeanVarianceNormalization does not have an epsilon attribute). When loading back
    # from ONNX, CNTK always uses the default eposilon value (0.00001). That's why test below has the default epsilon
    # value. It is not expected to pass with any other epsilon value until something changes.
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        test_shapes = [(3, 5, 7), (10, ), (20, 31)]
        for shape in test_shapes:
            data = np.reshape(np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=dtype), shape)
            input_operand = C.input_variable(shape=shape)
            model0 = C.layers.LayerNormalization(
                initial_scale=1, initial_bias=2,
            verify_one_input(model0, data, tmpdir, 'LayerNorm_0')

        # This test point tests especially with epsilon = 0, because that creates a graph with
        # different number of ops. However, we don't expect the numbers to match in round trip
        # because we only support default epislon (0.00001) when loading from ONNX. Therefore,
        # this is just a load/save test.
        model1 = C.layers.LayerNormalization(epsilon=0.0)(input_operand)
        filename = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), R'LayerNorm_1.onnx')
        model1.save(filename, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)
        loaded_model = C.Function.load(filename, format=C.ModelFormat.ONNX)
        assert model1.shape == loaded_model.shape
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_MaxRoiPool(tmpdir, dtype):
    pytest.skip('MaxRoiPool is failing with ONNX shape inference (input rois). RuntimeError: [ShapeInferenceError] RoIs tensor must have 2 dimensions')
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        input_map = [[[1., 2., 3.],       # (1, 3, 3) input operand (conv feature map)
               [4., 5., 6.],
               [7., 8., 9.]]]
        input_rois = [[1, 1, 2, 2]]

        conv_input = np.asarray(input_map, dtype=dtype)
        roi_input = np.asarray(input_rois, dtype=dtype)

        a = C.input_variable(shape=conv_input.shape,

        b = C.input_variable(shape=roi_input.shape,

        # adding batch and sequence axis
        conv_input.shape     = (1,) + conv_input.shape
        roi_input.shape      = (1,) + roi_input.shape

        model = C.roipooling(a, b, C.MAX_POOLING, (3,3), 1.)

        verify_two_input(model, conv_input, roi_input, tmpdir, 'MaxRoiPool_1')
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_ArgMin(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        shape = (4, 5)
        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        model = C.argmin(data, 0)

        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ArgMin_0')
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_MaxRoiPool(tmpdir, dtype):
        'MaxRoiPool is failing with ONNX shape inference (input rois). RuntimeError: [ShapeInferenceError] RoIs tensor must have 2 dimensions'
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        input_map = [[
            [1., 2., 3.],  # (1, 3, 3) input operand (conv feature map)
            [4., 5., 6.],
            [7., 8., 9.]
        input_rois = [[1, 1, 2, 2]]

        conv_input = np.asarray(input_map, dtype=dtype)
        roi_input = np.asarray(input_rois, dtype=dtype)

        a = C.input_variable(shape=conv_input.shape,

        b = C.input_variable(shape=roi_input.shape,

        # adding batch and sequence axis
        conv_input.shape = (1, ) + conv_input.shape
        roi_input.shape = (1, ) + roi_input.shape

        model = C.roipooling(a, b, C.MAX_POOLING, (3, 3), 1.)

        verify_two_input(model, conv_input, roi_input, tmpdir, 'MaxRoiPool_1')
def create_resnet_network(network_name, fp16):
    # Input variables denoting the features and label data
    input_var = C.input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width))
    label_var = C.input_variable((num_classes))

    dtype = np.float16 if fp16 else np.float32
    if fp16:
        graph_input = C.cast(input_var, dtype=np.float16)
        graph_label = C.cast(label_var, dtype=np.float16)
        graph_input = input_var
        graph_label = label_var

    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        stride1x1 = (1, 1)
        stride3x3 = (2, 2)

        # create model, and configure learning parameters
        if network_name == 'resnet18':
            z = create_imagenet_model_basic(graph_input, [2, 1, 1, 2],
        elif network_name == 'resnet34':
            z = create_imagenet_model_basic(graph_input, [3, 3, 5, 2],
        elif network_name == 'resnet50':
            z = create_imagenet_model_bottleneck(graph_input, [2, 3, 5, 2],
                                                 num_classes, stride1x1,
        elif network_name == 'resnet101':
            z = create_imagenet_model_bottleneck(graph_input, [2, 3, 22, 2],
                                                 num_classes, stride1x1,
        elif network_name == 'resnet152':
            z = create_imagenet_model_bottleneck(graph_input, [2, 7, 35, 2],
                                                 num_classes, stride1x1,
            return RuntimeError("Unknown model name!")

        # loss and metric
        ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, graph_label)
        errs = classification_error(z, graph_label, topN=1)
        top5Errs = classification_error(z, graph_label, topN=1)

    if fp16:
        ce = C.cast(ce, dtype=np.float32)
        errs = C.cast(errs, dtype=np.float32)
        top5Errs = C.cast(top5Errs, dtype=np.float32)

    return {
        'name': network_name,
        'feature': input_var,
        'label': label_var,
        'ce': ce,
        'errs': errs,
        'top5Errs': top5Errs,
        'output': z
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_Floor(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.floor(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Floor_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.floor(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Floor_1')
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_Exp(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0., 1.], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.exp(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Exp_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.exp(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Exp_1')
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_ReduceL1(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.array([[[1,2], [3,4]],[[5,6], [7,8]],[[9,10], [11,12]]], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.reduce_l1(data, 1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ReduceL1_0')

        x = C.input_variable(np.shape(data))
        model = C.reduce_l1(x, 1)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'ReduceL1_1')
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_Dropout(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([[10, 20],[30, 40],[50, 60]], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.dropout(data, 0.5)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Dropout_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.dropout(x, 0.5)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Dropout_1')
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_Exp(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0., 1.], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.exp(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Exp_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.exp(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Exp_1')
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_Floor(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.asarray([0.2, 1.3, 4., 5.5, 0.0], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.floor(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Floor_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.floor(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Floor_1')
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_MaxPool(tmpdir, dtype, device_id):
    if device_id == -1 and dtype == np.float16:
        pytest.skip('Test is skipped on CPU with float16 data')
    device = cntk_device(device_id)
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        img = np.reshape(np.arange(16, dtype=dtype), [1, 4, 4])
        x = C.input_variable(img.shape)
        model = C.pooling(x, C.MAX_POOLING, (2, 2), (3, 3))
        verify_one_input(model, img, tmpdir, 'MaxPool_1', device)
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_Dropout(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.asarray([[10, 20], [30, 40], [50, 60]], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.dropout(data, 0.5)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Dropout_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.dropout(x, 0.5)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Dropout_1')
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_Elu(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data = np.asarray([[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.elu(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Elu_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.elu(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Elu_1')
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_ReduceL1(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.array([[[1,2], [3,4]],[[5,6], [7,8]],[[9,10], [11,12]]], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.reduce_l1(data, 1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ReduceL1_0')

        x = C.input_variable(np.shape(data))
        model = C.reduce_l1(x, 1)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'ReduceL1_1')
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_MaxPool(tmpdir, dtype, device_id):
    if device_id == -1 and dtype == np.float16:
        pytest.skip('Test is skipped on CPU with float16 data')
    device = cntk_device(device_id)
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        img = np.reshape(np.arange(16, dtype = dtype), [1, 4, 4])
        x = C.input_variable(img.shape)
        model = C.pooling(x, C.MAX_POOLING, (2,2), (3,3))
        verify_one_input(model, img, tmpdir, 'MaxPool_1', device)
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_Flatten(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        shape = (2, 3, 4, 5)
        data = np.reshape(np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype = dtype), shape)
        model = C.flatten(data, 1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Flatten_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.flatten(x, 1)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Flatten_1')
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_Mean(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        in1 = C.input_variable((4,))
        in2 = C.input_variable((4,))
        model = C.mean([in1, in2])

        in1_data = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3., 4.]], dtype = dtype)
        in2_data = np.asarray([[0., 5., -3., 2.]], dtype = dtype)

        verify_two_input(model, in1_data, in2_data, tmpdir, 'Mean_2')
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_Sum(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        in1_data = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3., 4.]], dtype = dtype)
        in2_data = np.asarray([[0., 5., -3., 2.]], dtype = dtype)

        in1 = C.input_variable(np.shape(in1_data))
        in2 = C.input_variable(np.shape(in2_data))
        model = C.sum([in1, in2])

        verify_two_input(model, in1_data, in2_data, tmpdir, 'Sum_2')
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_Gather(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        c = np.asarray([[[0],[1]],[[4],[5]]]).astype(dtype)
        x = C.input_variable((2,1))
        d = np.arange(12).reshape(6,2).astype(dtype)
        y = C.constant(d)
        model = C.gather(y, x)
        verify_one_input(model, c, tmpdir, 'Gather_1')
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_HardSigmiod(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        shape = (2,3)
        x = C.input_variable(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
        alpha = 1.2
        beta = 2.5
        model = C.hard_sigmoid(x, alpha, beta, 'hardSigmoid')

        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'HardSigmoid_1')
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_Mean(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        in1 = C.input_variable((4, ))
        in2 = C.input_variable((4, ))
        model = C.mean([in1, in2])

        in1_data = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3., 4.]], dtype=dtype)
        in2_data = np.asarray([[0., 5., -3., 2.]], dtype=dtype)

        verify_two_input(model, in1_data, in2_data, tmpdir, 'Mean_2')
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_Less(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")

    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data0 = np.asarray([41., 42., 43.], dtype=dtype)
        data1 = np.asarray([42., 42., 42.], dtype=dtype)

        model = C.less(data0, data1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Less_0')
Exemplo n.º 39
def create_autoencoder(input_dim, output_dim, hidden_dim, feature_input):    
    Create a model with the layers library.
    with C.default_options(init = C.glorot_uniform()):
        encode = Dense(input_dim, sigmoid)(feature_input)
        #conv   = Convolution((3,3))(feature_input)
        decode = Dense(output_dim, sigmoid)(encode)
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_LRN(tmpdir, dtype, device_id):
    if device_id == -1 and dtype == np.float16:
        pytest.skip('Test is skipped on CPU with float16 data, because it uses convolution.')
    device = cntk_device(device_id)
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        img_shape = (64, 32, 32)
        img = np.asarray(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, img_shape), dtype=dtype)
        x_r = C.input_variable(shape=img_shape, dtype=dtype)
        model = C.local_response_normalization(x_r, 2, 1.0, 0.0001, 0.75)
        verify_one_input(model, img, tmpdir, 'LRN_1', device)
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_Gather(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        c = np.asarray([[[0], [1]], [[4], [5]]]).astype(dtype)
        x = C.input_variable((2, 1))
        d = np.arange(12).reshape(6, 2).astype(dtype)
        y = C.constant(d)
        model = C.gather(y, x)
        verify_one_input(model, c, tmpdir, 'Gather_1')
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_HardSigmiod(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        shape = (2, 3)
        x = C.input_variable(shape=shape, dtype=dtype)
        alpha = 1.2
        beta = 2.5
        model = C.hard_sigmoid(x, alpha, beta, 'hardSigmoid')

        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'HardSigmoid_1')
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_Sum(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        in1_data = np.asarray([[1., 2., 3., 4.]], dtype=dtype)
        in2_data = np.asarray([[0., 5., -3., 2.]], dtype=dtype)

        in1 = C.input_variable(np.shape(in1_data))
        in2 = C.input_variable(np.shape(in2_data))
        model = C.sum([in1, in2])

        verify_two_input(model, in1_data, in2_data, tmpdir, 'Sum_2')
Exemplo n.º 44
def test_LRN(tmpdir, dtype, device_id):
    if device_id == -1 and dtype == np.float16:
        pytest.skip('Test is skipped on CPU with float16 data')
    device = cntk_device(device_id)
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        img_shape = (64, 32, 32)
        img = np.asarray(np.random.uniform(-1, 1, img_shape), dtype=dtype)
        x_r = C.input_variable(shape=img_shape, dtype=dtype)
        model = C.local_response_normalization(x_r, 2, 1.0, 0.0001, 0.75)
        verify_one_input(model, img, tmpdir, 'LRN_1', device)
Exemplo n.º 45
def test_Less(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")

    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data0 = np.asarray([41., 42., 43.], dtype=dtype)
        data1 = np.asarray([42., 42., 42.], dtype=dtype)

        model = C.less(data0, data1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Less_0')
Exemplo n.º 46
def test_Flatten(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        shape = (2, 3, 4, 5)
        data = np.reshape(np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=dtype), shape)
        model = C.flatten(data, 1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Flatten_0')

        x = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.flatten(x, 1)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Flatten_1')
Exemplo n.º 47
def test_Not(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data1 = np.asarray([[1, 1, 0, 0],[1, 1, 1, 1]]).astype(dtype)

        model = C.element_not(data1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Not_0')

        x = C.input_variable(np.shape(data1))

        model = C.element_not(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data1, tmpdir, 'Not_1')
Exemplo n.º 48
def test_ArgMax(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        shape = (4, 5)
        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        model = C.argmax(data, 0)

        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ArgMax_0')

        x = C.input_variable(shape)
        model = C.argmax(x, 0)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'ArgMax_1')
Exemplo n.º 49
def test_Gather_With_Axis(tmpdir, dtype):
    if (dtype == np.float16):
        pytest.skip("TO BE FIXED")
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray( [[ [111, 112], [121, 122], [131, 132], ],[ [211, 212], [221, 222], [231, 232], ]]).astype(dtype)
        indices = np.asarray([[0, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1]])
        x = C.input_variable(np.shape(data))
        y = C.input_variable(np.shape(indices))
        axis = 1
        model = C.gather(data, y, axis)
        verify_one_input(model, indices, tmpdir, 'Gather_With_Axis_1')
Exemplo n.º 50
def test_ArgMax(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        shape = (4, 5)
        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)
        model = C.argmax(data, 0)

        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'ArgMax_0')

        x = C.input_variable(shape)
        model = C.argmax(x, 0)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'ArgMax_1')
Exemplo n.º 51
def test_Not(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        data1 = np.asarray([[1, 1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1, 1]]).astype(dtype)

        model = C.element_not(data1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Not_0')

        x = C.input_variable(np.shape(data1))

        model = C.element_not(x)
        verify_one_input(model, data1, tmpdir, 'Not_1')
Exemplo n.º 52
def test_Abs(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        shape = (4, 5)
        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)

        model = C.abs(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Abs_0')

        x = C.input_variable(shape)
        model = C.abs(x)

        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Abs_1')
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_DepthToSpace(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        num_channels = 9
        block_size = 3
        image_shape = (4, 5)
        input_val = np.array(np.reshape(range(num_channels), (num_channels, 1, 1)), dtype=dtype)
        input_val = np.tile(input_val, (1,) + image_shape)
        input_val.shape = (1,) + input_val.shape
        img = C.input_variable((num_channels,) + image_shape, dtype=dtype)
        model = C.depth_to_space(img, block_size)

        verify_one_input(model, input_val, tmpdir, 'DepthToSpace')
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_LSTM(tmpdir, dtype):

    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        def CreateLSTMModel(activation, 
            return C.layers.Sequential([  
                                                  use_peepholes = peepholes,  
                                                  activation = activation,     
                                                  enable_self_stabilization = self_stabilization),     
                                    initial_state = initial_state) 

        def MakeLSTMNameFromConfig(use_peepholes, enable_self_stabilization, initial_state, activition):
            model_name = 'LSTM.' + activition.__name__
            if (use_peepholes):    
                model_name += '.peephole'
                model_name += '.stabilize'
            if (initial_state != 0):
                model_name += '.initial'
            return model_name 

        # lstm attributes
        use_peepholes_options = [False]
        enable_self_stabilization_options = [False]
        activation_options = [C.tanh]

        #Recurrence attributes
        initial_state_options = [0, 0.23]

        input_dim = 2
        cell_dim = 3
        batch_size = 1
        sequence_len = 5

        for config in list(product(use_peepholes_options, enable_self_stabilization_options, 
                                   initial_state_options, activation_options)):
            model_filename = MakeLSTMNameFromConfig(*config)
            use_peepholes, enable_self_stabilization, initial_state, activation =  config
            x = C.input_variable(input_dim, dynamic_axes=[C.Axis.default_batch_axis(), C.Axis('sequenceAxis')]) 
            LSTMmodel = CreateLSTMModel(peepholes = use_peepholes,   
                                        activation = activation,
                                        initial_state = initial_state,
                                        cell_dim = cell_dim,
                                        self_stabilization = enable_self_stabilization)(x)
            data = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(batch_size, sequence_len, input_dim)).astype('f')
            verify_one_input(LSTMmodel, data, tmpdir, model_filename)
Exemplo n.º 55
def test_Pad(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        shape = (4, 5)
        data = np.random.rand(*shape).astype(dtype)

        model = C.pad(data, pattern=[(1,1),(2,2)], mode=C.ops.CONSTANT_PAD, constant_value=1)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Pad_0')

        x = C.input_variable(shape)
        model = C.pad(x, pattern=[(1,1),(2,2)], mode=C.ops.REFLECT_PAD)

        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Pad_1')
Exemplo n.º 56
def test_Elu(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([[-1, -0.5, 0, 1, 2]], dtype=dtype)
        model = C.elu(data)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Elu_0')

        x1 = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.elu(x1)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Elu_1')

        x2 = C.input_variable(data.shape)
        model = C.elu(x2, alpha=2.0)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Elu_2')
Exemplo n.º 57
def test_Slice(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.asarray([[1,2,-3], [4, 5, 6]],dtype=dtype)
        x1 = C.input_variable((2,3))

        model = C.slice(data, 0, 1, 2)
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Slice_0')

        model = C.slice(x1, 0, 1, 2)
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Slice_1')

        model = C.slice(x1, [0,1], [1,0], [2,1]);
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Slice2_1')
Exemplo n.º 58
def test_Transpose(tmpdir, dtype):
    with C.default_options(dtype = dtype):
        data = np.arange(24).reshape(2,3,4).astype(dtype)
        x = C.input_variable(np.shape(data))

        model = C.transpose(data, perm=(2, 0, 1))
        verify_no_input(model, tmpdir, 'Transpose_0')

        model = C.transpose(x, perm=(2, 0, 1))
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Transpose_1')

        model = C.transpose(x, perm=(0, 2, 1))
        verify_one_input(model, data, tmpdir, 'Transpose_1_2')
def create_resnet_network(network_name, fp16):
    # Input variables denoting the features and label data
    input_var = C.input_variable((num_channels, image_height, image_width))
    label_var = C.input_variable((num_classes))

    dtype = np.float16 if fp16 else np.float32
    if fp16:
        graph_input = C.cast(input_var, dtype=np.float16)
        graph_label = C.cast(label_var, dtype=np.float16)
        graph_input = input_var
        graph_label = label_var

    with C.default_options(dtype=dtype):
        stride1x1 = (1, 1)
        stride3x3 = (2, 2)

        # create model, and configure learning parameters
        if network_name == 'resnet18':
            z = create_imagenet_model_basic(graph_input, [2, 1, 1, 2], num_classes)
        elif network_name == 'resnet34':
            z = create_imagenet_model_basic(graph_input, [3, 3, 5, 2], num_classes)
        elif network_name == 'resnet50':
            z = create_imagenet_model_bottleneck(graph_input, [2, 3, 5, 2], num_classes, stride1x1, stride3x3)
        elif network_name == 'resnet101':
            z = create_imagenet_model_bottleneck(graph_input, [2, 3, 22, 2], num_classes, stride1x1, stride3x3)
        elif network_name == 'resnet152':
            z = create_imagenet_model_bottleneck(graph_input, [2, 7, 35, 2], num_classes, stride1x1, stride3x3)
            return RuntimeError("Unknown model name!")

        # loss and metric
        ce = cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, graph_label)
        errs = classification_error(z, graph_label, topN=1)
        top5Errs = classification_error(z, graph_label, topN=5)

    if fp16:
        ce = C.cast(ce, dtype=np.float32)
        errs = C.cast(errs, dtype=np.float32)
        top5Errs = C.cast(top5Errs, dtype=np.float32)

    return {
        'name' : network_name,
        'feature': input_var,
        'label': label_var,
        'ce' : ce,
        'errs' : errs,
        'top5Errs' : top5Errs,
        'output': z
Exemplo n.º 60
def test_to_sequence_backprop(device_id):
    dev = cntk_device(device_id)
    emb_dim = 2
    hidden_dim = 2
    num_labels = 2
    x_seq_input = C.sequence.input_variable(input_vocab_size, is_sparse=True, name='features')
    with C.default_options(initial_state=0.1):
        model = C.layers.Embedding(emb_dim, name='embed')(x_seq_input)
        model = C.layers.Recurrence(C.layers.LSTM(hidden_dim), go_backwards=False)(model)
        model = C.layers.Dense(num_labels, name='classify')(model)

    z = model
    label_seq_input = C.sequence.input_variable(num_labels, is_sparse=True, name='labels')
    ce = C.cross_entropy_with_softmax(z, label_seq_input)

    seq1_data = [[0, 1, 1], [0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0]]
    seq2_data = [[0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 1]]
    seq1_label_data = [[0, 1], [0, 1], [1, 0]]
    seq2_label_data = [[1, 0], [0, 1]]
    label_seq_data = [_to_csr(seq1_label_data), _to_csr(seq2_label_data)]
    param_grads_1, loss_result_1 = ce.grad({x_seq_input : [_to_csr(seq1_data), _to_csr(seq2_data)], label_seq_input : label_seq_data},
                                           wrt=ce.parameters, outputs=[ce], as_numpy=False)

    # Create a clone of the model that uses a non-sequence input
    # and converts it to a sequence using to_sequence
    x_non_seq_input = C.input_variable((C.FreeDimension, input_vocab_size), is_sparse=True, name='non_seq_features')
    x_seq_lens = C.input_variable((), name='sequence_lengths')
    x_seq = C.to_sequence(x_non_seq_input, x_seq_lens)
    x_seq = C.reconcile_dynamic_axes(C.times(x_seq, np.eye(input_vocab_size, dtype=np.float32)), label_seq_input)
    ce_clone = ce.clone('share', {x_seq_input : x_seq})

    x_non_seq_data = C.NDArrayView.from_csr(_to_csr([seq1_data, seq2_data + [[0, 0, 0]]]), shape=(2, 3, 3))
    x_seq_lens_data = np.asarray([3, 2], dtype=np.float32)

    x_non_seq_input = next(argument for argument in ce_clone.arguments if argument.name == 'non_seq_features')
    label_seq_input = next(argument for argument in ce_clone.arguments if argument.name == 'labels')
    x_seq_lens = next(argument for argument in ce_clone.arguments if argument.name == 'sequence_lengths')
    param_grads_2, loss_result_2 = ce_clone.grad({x_non_seq_input : x_non_seq_data, x_seq_lens : x_seq_lens_data, label_seq_input : label_seq_data},
                                                 wrt=ce_clone.parameters, outputs=[ce_clone], as_numpy=False)

    assert np.array_equal(loss_result_1.as_sequences()[0], loss_result_2.as_sequences()[0])
    assert np.array_equal(loss_result_1.as_sequences()[1], loss_result_2.as_sequences()[1])

    for param in param_grads_1:
        if not param_grads_1[param].is_sparse:
            reference_grad_value = param_grads_1[param].asarray()
            grad_value = param_grads_2[param].asarray()
            assert np.array_equal(reference_grad_value, grad_value)