Exemplo n.º 1
 def save_sample(self, fname, name):
     sample = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(fname))
     if not sample.size:
         return None
     collection = SampleCollection(self.model, self.output, name=str(name))
     for row in sample:
             row[2:2 + self.n_sampled],
             derived=row[2 + self.n_sampled:2 + self.n_sampled + self.n_derived],
             logpriors=row[-(self.n_priors + self.n_likes):-self.n_likes],
     # make sure that the points are written
     return collection
Exemplo n.º 2
class polychord(Sampler):
    PolyChord sampler \cite{Handley:2015fda,2015MNRAS.453.4384H}, a nested sampler
    tailored for high-dimensional parameter spaces with a speed hierarchy.

    # Name of the PolyChord repo and version to download
    _pc_repo_name = "PolyChord/PolyChordLite"
    _pc_repo_version = "1.20.1"
    _base_dir_suffix = "polychord_raw"
    _clusters_dir = "clusters"
    _at_resume_prefer_old = Sampler._at_resume_prefer_old + ["blocking"]
    _at_resume_prefer_new = Sampler._at_resume_prefer_new + ["callback_function"]
    pypolychord: Any

    # variables from yaml
    do_clustering: bool
    num_repeats: int
    confidence_for_unbounded: float
    callback_function: Callable
    blocking: Any
    measure_speeds: bool
    oversample_power: float
    nlive: NumberWithUnits
    path: str
    logzero: float
    max_ndead: int

    def initialize(self):
        """Imports the PolyChord sampler and prepares its arguments."""
            install_path = (lambda _p: self.get_path(_p) if _p else None)(
            self.pc = load_external_module(
                "pypolychord", path=self.path, install_path=install_path,
                get_import_path=get_compiled_import_path, logger=self.log,
        except ComponentNotInstalledError as excpt:
            raise ComponentNotInstalledError(
                self.log, (f"Could not find PolyChord: {excpt}. "
                           "To install it, run `cobaya-install polychord`"))
        with NoLogging(logging.CRITICAL):
            settings = load_external_module(
                "pypolychord.settings", path=self.path, install_path=install_path,
                get_import_path=get_compiled_import_path, logger=self.log)
        # Prepare arguments and settings
        self.n_sampled = len(self.model.parameterization.sampled_params())
        self.n_derived = len(self.model.parameterization.derived_params())
        self.n_priors = len(self.model.prior)
        self.n_likes = len(self.model.likelihood)
        self.nDims = self.model.prior.d()
        self.nDerived = (self.n_derived + self.n_priors + self.n_likes)
        if self.logzero is None:
            self.logzero = np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
        if self.max_ndead == np.inf:
            self.max_ndead = -1
        self._quants_d_units = ["nlive", "max_ndead"]
        for p in self._quants_d_units:
            if getattr(self, p) is not None:
                setattr(self, p, NumberWithUnits(
                    getattr(self, p), "d", scale=self.nDims, dtype=int).value)
        self._quants_nlive_units = ["nprior", "nfail"]
        for p in self._quants_nlive_units:
            if getattr(self, p) is not None:
                setattr(self, p, NumberWithUnits(
                    getattr(self, p), "nlive", scale=self.nlive, dtype=int).value)
        # Fill the automatic ones
        if getattr(self, "feedback", None) is None:
            values = {logging.CRITICAL: 0, logging.ERROR: 0, logging.WARNING: 0,
                      logging.INFO: 1, logging.DEBUG: 2}
            self.feedback = values[self.log.getEffectiveLevel()]
        # Prepare output folders and prefixes
        if self.output:
            self.file_root = self.output.prefix
            self.read_resume = self.output.is_resuming()
            output_prefix = share_mpi(hex(int(self._rng.random() * 16 ** 6))[2:]
                                      if is_main_process() else None)
            self.file_root = output_prefix
            # dummy output -- no resume!
            self.read_resume = False
        self.base_dir = self.get_base_dir(self.output)
        self.raw_clusters_dir = os.path.join(self.base_dir, self._clusters_dir)
        if self.do_clustering:
            self.clusters_folder = self.get_clusters_dir(self.output)
        self.mpi_info("Storing raw PolyChord output in '%s'.", self.base_dir)
        # Exploiting the speed hierarchy
        if self.blocking:
            blocks, oversampling_factors = self.model.check_blocking(self.blocking)
            if self.measure_speeds:
            blocks, oversampling_factors = self.model.get_param_blocking_for_sampler(
        self.mpi_info("Parameter blocks and their oversampling factors:")
        max_width = len(str(max(oversampling_factors)))
        for f, b in zip(oversampling_factors, blocks):
            self.mpi_info("* %" + "%d" % max_width + "d : %r", f, b)
        # Save blocking in updated info, in case we want to resume
        self._updated_info["blocking"] = list(zip(oversampling_factors, blocks))
        blocks_flat = list(chain(*blocks))
        self.ordering = [
            blocks_flat.index(p) for p in self.model.parameterization.sampled_params()]
        self.grade_dims = [len(block) for block in blocks]
        # Steps per block
        # NB: num_repeats is ignored by PolyChord when int "grade_frac" given,
        # so needs to be applied by hand.
        # In num_repeats, `d` is interpreted as dimension of each block
        self.grade_frac = [
            int(o * read_dnumber(self.num_repeats, dim_block))
            for o, dim_block in zip(oversampling_factors, self.grade_dims)]
        # Assign settings
        pc_args = ["nlive", "num_repeats", "nprior", "nfail", "do_clustering",
                   "feedback", "precision_criterion", "logzero",
                   "max_ndead", "boost_posterior", "posteriors", "equals",
                   "cluster_posteriors", "write_resume", "read_resume",
                   "write_stats", "write_live", "write_dead", "write_prior",
                   "maximise", "compression_factor", "synchronous", "base_dir",
                   "file_root", "grade_dims", "grade_frac", "nlives"]
        # As stated above, num_repeats is ignored, so let's not pass it
        self.pc_settings = settings.PolyChordSettings(
            self.nDims, self.nDerived, seed=(self.seed if self.seed is not None else -1),
            **{p: getattr(self, p) for p in pc_args if getattr(self, p) is not None})
        # prior conversion from the hypercube
        bounds = self.model.prior.bounds(
        # Check if priors are bounded (nan's to inf)
        inf = np.where(np.isinf(bounds))
        if len(inf[0]):
            params_names = list(self.model.parameterization.sampled_params())
            params = [params_names[i] for i in sorted(set(inf[0]))]
            raise LoggedError(
                self.log, "PolyChord needs bounded priors, but the parameter(s) '"
                          "', '".join(params) + "' is(are) unbounded.")
        locs = bounds[:, 0]
        scales = bounds[:, 1] - bounds[:, 0]
        # This function re-scales the parameters AND puts them in the right order
        self.pc_prior = lambda x: (locs + np.array(x)[self.ordering] * scales).tolist()
        # We will need the volume of the prior domain, since PolyChord divides by it
        self.logvolume = np.log(np.prod(scales))
        # Prepare callback function
        if self.callback_function is not None:
            self.callback_function_callable = (
        self.last_point_callback = 0
        # Prepare runtime live and dead points collections
        self.live = SampleCollection(self.model, None, name="live")
        self.dead = SampleCollection(self.model, self.output, name="dead")
        # Done!
        if is_main_process():
            self.log.debug("Calling PolyChord with arguments:")
            for p, v in inspect.getmembers(self.pc_settings, lambda a: not (callable(a))):
                if not p.startswith("_"):
                    self.log.debug("  %s: %s", p, v)

    def dumper(self, live_points, dead_points, logweights, logZ, logZstd):
        if self.callback_function is None:
        # Store live and dead points and evidence computed so far
        for point in live_points:
                derived=point[self.n_sampled:self.n_sampled + self.n_derived],
                logpriors=point[self.n_sampled + self.n_derived:
                                self.n_sampled + self.n_derived + self.n_priors],
                loglikes=point[self.n_sampled + self.n_derived + self.n_priors:
                               self.n_sampled + self.n_derived + self.n_priors +
        for logweight, point in zip(logweights[self.last_point_callback:],
                derived=point[self.n_sampled:self.n_sampled + self.n_derived],
                logpriors=point[self.n_sampled + self.n_derived:
                                self.n_sampled + self.n_derived + self.n_priors],
                loglikes=point[self.n_sampled + self.n_derived + self.n_priors:
                               self.n_sampled + self.n_derived + self.n_priors +
        self.logZ, self.logZstd = logZ, logZstd
        # Callback function
        if self.callback_function is not None:
            except Exception as e:
                self.log.error("The callback function produced an error: %r", str(e))
            self.last_point_callback = len(self.dead)

    def run(self):
        Prepares the posterior function and calls ``PolyChord``'s ``run`` function.

        # Prepare the posterior
        # Don't forget to multiply by the volume of the physical hypercube,
        # since PolyChord divides by it
        def logpost(params_values):
            result = self.model.logposterior(params_values)
            loglikes = result.loglikes
            if len(loglikes) != self.n_likes:
                loglikes = np.full(self.n_likes, np.nan)
            derived = result.derived
            if len(derived) != self.n_derived:
                derived = np.full(self.n_derived, np.nan)
            derived = list(derived) + list(result.logpriors) + list(loglikes)
            return (max(result.logpost + self.logvolume, self.pc_settings.logzero),

        self.mpi_info("Calling PolyChord...")
        self.pc.run_polychord(logpost, self.nDims, self.nDerived, self.pc_settings,
                              self.pc_prior, self.dumper)

    def raw_prefix(self):
        return os.path.join(
            self.pc_settings.base_dir, self.pc_settings.file_root)

    def dump_paramnames(self, prefix):
        labels = self.model.parameterization.labels()
        with open(prefix + ".paramnames", "w") as f_paramnames:
            for p in self.model.parameterization.sampled_params():
                f_paramnames.write("%s\t%s\n" % (p, labels.get(p, "")))
            for p in self.model.parameterization.derived_params():
                f_paramnames.write("%s*\t%s\n" % (p, labels.get(p, "")))
            for p in self.model.prior:
                f_paramnames.write("%s*\t%s\n" % (
                    "logprior" + derived_par_name_separator + p,
                    r"\pi_\mathrm{" + p.replace("_", r"\ ") + r"}"))
            for p in self.model.likelihood:
                f_paramnames.write("%s*\t%s\n" % (
                    "loglike" + derived_par_name_separator + p,
                    r"\log\mathcal{L}_\mathrm{" + p.replace("_", r"\ ") + r"}"))

    def save_sample(self, fname, name):
        sample = np.atleast_2d(np.loadtxt(fname))
        if not sample.size:
            return None
        collection = SampleCollection(self.model, self.output, name=str(name))
        for row in sample:
                row[2:2 + self.n_sampled],
                derived=row[2 + self.n_sampled:2 + self.n_sampled + self.n_derived],
                logpriors=row[-(self.n_priors + self.n_likes):-self.n_likes],
        # make sure that the points are written
        return collection

    def _correct_unphysical_fraction(self):
        Correction for the fraction of the prior that is unphysical -- see issue #77
        if not hasattr(self, "_frac_unphysical"):
            with open(self.raw_prefix + ".prior_info", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as pf:
                lines = list(pf.readlines())
            get_value_str = lambda line: line[line.find("=") + 1:]
            get_value_str_var = lambda var: get_value_str(
                next(line for line in lines if line.lstrip().startswith(var)))
            nprior = int(get_value_str_var("nprior"))
            ndiscarded = int(get_value_str_var("ndiscarded"))
            self._frac_unphysical = nprior / ndiscarded
        if self._frac_unphysical != 1:
                "Correcting for unphysical region fraction: %g", self._frac_unphysical)
            self.logZ += np.log(self._frac_unphysical)
            if hasattr(self, "clusters"):
                for cluster in self.clusters.values():
                    cluster["logZ"] += np.log(self._frac_unphysical)

    def process_raw_output(self):
        Loads the sample of live points from ``PolyChord``'s raw output and writes it
        (if ``txt`` output requested).
        if is_main_process():
            self.log.info("Loading PolyChord's results: samples and evidences.")
            self.collection = self.save_sample(self.raw_prefix + ".txt", "1")
            # Load clusters, and save if output
            if self.pc_settings.do_clustering:
                self.clusters = {}
                clusters_raw_regexp = re.compile(
                    re.escape(self.pc_settings.file_root + "_") + r"\d+\.txt")
                cluster_raw_files = sorted(find_with_regexp(
                    clusters_raw_regexp, os.path.join(
                        self.pc_settings.base_dir, self._clusters_dir), walk_tree=True))
                for f in cluster_raw_files:
                    i = int(f[f.rfind("_") + 1:-len(".txt")])
                    if self.output:
                        old_folder = self.output.folder
                        self.output.folder = self.clusters_folder
                    sample = self.save_sample(f, str(i))
                    if self.output:
                        # noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
                        self.output.folder = old_folder
                    self.clusters[i] = {"sample": sample}
            # Prepare the evidence(s) and write to file
            pre = "log(Z"
            active = "(Still active)"
            with open(self.raw_prefix + ".stats", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as statsfile:
                lines = [line for line in statsfile.readlines() if line.startswith(pre)]
            for line in lines:
                logZ, logZstd = [float(n.replace(active, "")) for n in
                component = line.split("=")[0].lstrip(pre + "_").rstrip(") ")
                if not component:
                    self.logZ, self.logZstd = logZ, logZstd
                elif self.pc_settings.do_clustering:
                    i = int(component)
                    self.clusters[i]["logZ"], self.clusters[i]["logZstd"] = logZ, logZstd
                "RAW log(Z) = %g +/- %g ; RAW Z in [%.8g, %.8g] (68%% C.L. log-gaussian)",
                self.logZ, self.logZstd,
                *[np.exp(self.logZ + n * self.logZstd) for n in [-1, 1]])
            if self.output:
                out_evidences = dict(logZ=self.logZ, logZstd=self.logZstd)
                if getattr(self, "clusters", None):
                    out_evidences["clusters"] = {}
                    for i in sorted(list(self.clusters)):
                        out_evidences["clusters"][i] = dict(
                fname = os.path.join(self.output.folder,
                                     self.output.prefix + Extension.evidence)
                yaml_dump_file(fname, out_evidences, comment="log-evidence",
        # TODO: try to broadcast the collections
        # if get_mpi():
        #     bcast_from_0 = lambda attrname: setattr(self,
        #         attrname, get_mpi_comm().bcast(getattr(self, attrname, None), root=0))
        #     map(bcast_from_0, ["collection", "logZ", "logZstd", "clusters"])
        if is_main_process():
            self.log.info("Finished! Raw PolyChord output stored in '%s', "
                          "with prefix '%s'",
                          self.pc_settings.base_dir, self.pc_settings.file_root)
                "log(Z) = %g +/- %g ; Z in [%.8g, %.8g] (68%% C.L. log-gaussian)",
                self.logZ, self.logZstd,
                *[np.exp(self.logZ + n * self.logZstd) for n in [-1, 1]])

    def products(self):
        Auxiliary function to define what should be returned in a scripted call.

           The sample ``SampleCollection`` containing the sequentially
           discarded live points.
        if is_main_process():
            products = {
                "sample": self.collection, "logZ": self.logZ, "logZstd": self.logZstd}
            if self.pc_settings.do_clustering:
                products.update({"clusters": self.clusters})
            return products
            return {}

    def get_base_dir(cls, output):
        if output:
            return output.add_suffix(cls._base_dir_suffix, separator="_")
        return os.path.join(gettempdir(), cls._base_dir_suffix)

    def get_clusters_dir(cls, output):
        if output:
            return output.add_suffix(cls._clusters_dir, separator="_")

    def output_files_regexps(cls, output, info=None, minimal=False):
        # Resume file
        regexps_tuples = [
            (re.compile(re.escape(output.prefix + ".resume")), cls.get_base_dir(output))]
        if minimal:
            return regexps_tuples
        return regexps_tuples + [
            # Raw products base dir
            (None, cls.get_base_dir(output)),
            # Main sample
            (output.collection_regexp(name=None), None),
            # Evidence
            (re.compile(re.escape(output.prefix + Extension.evidence)), None),
            # Clusters
            (None, cls.get_clusters_dir(output))

    def get_version(cls):
        return None

    def get_path(cls, path):
        return os.path.realpath(
            os.path.join(path, "code",
                         cls._pc_repo_name[cls._pc_repo_name.find("/") + 1:]))

    def is_compatible(cls):
        import platform
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            return False
        return True

    def is_installed(cls, reload=False, **kwargs):
        if not kwargs.get("code", True):
            return True
            return bool(load_external_module(
                "pypolychord", path=kwargs["path"],
                min_version=cls._pc_repo_version, reload=reload,
                logger=get_logger(cls.__name__), not_installed_level="debug"))
        except ComponentNotInstalledError:
            return False

    def install(cls, path=None, force=False, code=False, data=False,
        if not code:
            return True
        log = get_logger(__name__)
        log.info("Downloading PolyChord...")
        success = download_github_release(os.path.join(path, "code"), cls._pc_repo_name,
        if not success:
            log.error("Could not download PolyChord.")
            return False
        log.info("Compiling (Py)PolyChord...")
        from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
        # Needs to re-define os' PWD,
        # because MakeFile calls it and is not affected by the cwd of Popen
        cwd = os.path.join(path, "code",
                           cls._pc_repo_name[cls._pc_repo_name.find("/") + 1:])
        my_env = os.environ.copy()
        my_env.update({"PWD": cwd})
        if "CC" not in my_env:
            my_env["CC"] = "mpicc"
        if "CXX" not in my_env:
            my_env["CXX"] = "mpicxx"
        process_make = Popen([sys.executable, "setup.py", "build"],
                             cwd=cwd, env=my_env, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
        out, err = process_make.communicate()
        if process_make.returncode:
            log.error("Python build failed!")
            return False
        return True
Exemplo n.º 3
class Evaluate(Sampler):
    file_base_name = 'evaluate'

    override: Mapping[str, float]
    N: int

    def initialize(self):
        Creates a 1-point collection to store the point
        at which the posterior is evaluated.
            self.N = int(self.N)
        except ValueError:
            raise LoggedError(
                "Could not convert the number of samples to an integer: %r", self.N)
        self.one_point = SampleCollection(self.model, self.output, name="1")

    def run(self):
        First gets a reference point. If a single reference point is not given,
        the point is sampled from the reference pdf. If that one is not defined either,
        the point is sampled from the prior.

        Then it evaluates the prior and likelihood(s) and stores them in the one-member
        sample collection.
        for i in range(self.N):
            if self.N > 1:
                self.log.info("Evaluating sample #%d ------------------------------",
                              i + 1)
            self.log.info("Looking for a reference point with non-zero prior.")
            reference_values = self.model.prior.reference(random_state=self._rng)
            reference_point = dict(
                zip(self.model.parameterization.sampled_params(), reference_values))
            for p, v in (self.override or {}).items():
                if p not in reference_point:
                    raise LoggedError(
                        self.log, "Parameter '%s' used in override not known. "
                                  "Known parameters names are %r.",
                        p, self.model.parameterization.sampled_params())
                reference_point[p] = v
            self.log.info("Reference point:\n   " + "\n   ".join(
                ["%s = %g" % pv for pv in reference_point.items()]))
            self.log.info("Evaluating prior and likelihoods...")
            self.logposterior = self.model.logposterior(reference_point)
                list(reference_point.values()), derived=self.logposterior.derived,
                logpost=self.logposterior.logpost, logpriors=self.logposterior.logpriors,
            self.log.info("log-posterior  = %g", self.logposterior.logpost)
            self.log.info("log-prior      = %g", self.logposterior.logprior)
            for j, name in enumerate(self.model.prior):
                    "   logprior_" + name + " = %g", self.logposterior.logpriors[j])
            if self.logposterior.logprior > -np.inf:
                self.log.info("log-likelihood = %g", self.logposterior.loglike)
                for j, name in enumerate(self.model.likelihood):
                        "   chi2_" + name + " = %g", (-2 * self.logposterior.loglikes[j]))
                self.log.info("Derived params:")
                for name, value in zip(self.model.parameterization.derived_params(),
                    self.log.info("   " + name + " = %g", value)
                self.log.info("Likelihoods and derived parameters not computed, "
                              "since the prior is null.")
        # Write the output: the point and its prior, posterior and likelihood.

    def products(self):
        Auxiliary function to define what should be returned in a scripted call.

           The sample ``SampleCollection`` containing the
           sequentially discarded live points.
        return {"sample": self.one_point}