Exemplo n.º 1
def create_docker_image(filenames, MPI_version=None):
    log.info("Creating Docker image...")
    if not MPI_version:
        MPI_version = "3.2"
        # log.warning("You have not specified an MPICH version. "
        #          "It is strongly encouraged to request the one installed in your cluster,"
        #          " using '--mpi-version X.Y'. Defaulting to MPICH v%s.", MPI_version)
    dc = get_docker_client()
    modules = yaml_dump(get_used_modules(*[load_input(f)
                                           for f in filenames])).strip()
    echos_reqs = "RUN " + " && \\ \n    ".join([
        r'echo "%s" >> %s' % (block, requirements_file_path)
        for block in modules.split("\n")
    echos_help = "RUN " + " && \\ \n    ".join([
        r'echo "%s" >> %s' % (line, help_file_path)
        for line in image_help("docker").split("\n")
    recipe = r"""
    FROM cobaya/base_mpich_%s:latest
    RUN cobaya-install %s --%s %s --just-code --force ### NEEDS PYTHON UPDATE! --no-progress-bars
    CMD ["cat", "%s"]
    """ % (MPI_version, echos_reqs, requirements_file_path, _modules_path_arg,
           _modules_path, echos_help, help_file_path)
    image_name = "cobaya:" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:6]
    with StringIO(recipe) as stream:
        dc.images.build(fileobj=stream, tag=image_name)
        "Docker image '%s' created! "
        "Do 'docker save %s | gzip > some_name.tar.gz'"
        "to save it to the current folder.", image_name, image_name)
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_singularity_image(filenames, MPI_version=None):
    log.info("Creating Singularity image...")
    if not MPI_version:
        MPI_version = "2.1.1"
        # log.warning("You have not specified an OpenMPI version. "
        #          "It is strongly encouraged to request the one installed in your cluster,"
        #          " using '--mpi-version X.Y.Z'. Defaulting to OpenMPI v%s.", MPI_version)
    modules = yaml_dump(get_used_modules(*[load_input(f)
                                           for f in filenames])).strip()
    echos_reqs = "\n    " + "\n    ".join([""] + [
        'echo "%s" >> %s' % (block, requirements_file_path)
        for block in modules.split("\n")
    recipe = (dedent("""
        Bootstrap: docker
        From: cobaya/base_openmpi_%s:latest\n
        %%post\n""" % MPI_version) + dedent(echos_reqs) + dedent("""
        export CONTAINED=TRUE
        cobaya-install %s --%s %s --just-code --force ### --no-progress-bars
        mkdir %s


        """ % (requirements_file_path, _modules_path,
               os.path.join(_modules_path_arg, _modules_path, _data),
               "\n        ".join(image_help("singularity").split("\n")[1:]))))
    with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) as recipe_file:
        recipe_file_name = recipe_file.name
    image_name = "cobaya_" + uuid.uuid4().hex[:6] + ".simg"
    process_build = Popen(
        ["singularity", "build", image_name, recipe_file_name],
    out, err = process_build.communicate()
    if process_build.returncode:
        raise LoggedError(log,
                          "Image creation failed! See error message above.")
    log.info("Singularity image '%s' created!", image_name)
Exemplo n.º 3
def install(*infos, **kwargs):
    if not log.root.handlers:
    path = kwargs.get("path", ".")
    if not path:
        # See if we can get one (and only one) from infos
        paths = set(
            [p for p in [info.get(_path_install) for info in infos] if p])
        if len(paths) == 1:
            path = paths[0]
            raise LoggedError(
                "No 'path' argument given and could not extract one (and only one) "
                "from the infos.")
    abspath = os.path.abspath(path)
    log.info("Installing modules at '%s'\n", abspath)
    kwargs_install = {
        "force": kwargs.get("force", False),
        "no_progress_bars": kwargs.get("no_progress_bars")
    for what in (_code, _data):
        kwargs_install[what] = kwargs.get(what, True)
        spath = os.path.join(abspath, what)
        if kwargs_install[what] and not os.path.exists(spath):
            except OSError:
                raise LoggedError(
                    "Could not create the desired installation folder '%s'",
    failed_modules = []
    skip_list = os.environ.get("COBAYA_TEST_SKIP",
                               "").replace(",", " ").lower().split()
    for kind, modules in get_used_modules(*infos).items():
        for module in modules:
            print(create_banner(kind + ":" + module, symbol="=", length=80))
            if len([s for s in skip_list if s in module.lower()]):
                log.info("Skipping %s for test skip list %s" %
                         (module, skip_list))
            module_folder = get_class_module(module, kind)
                imported_module = import_module(module_folder,
                imported_class = get_class(module, kind)
                if len([
                        s for s in skip_list
                        if s in imported_class.__name__.lower()
                    log.info("Skipping %s for test skip list %s" %
                             (imported_class.__name__, skip_list))
            except ImportError as e:
                if kind == _likelihood:
                    info = (next(info for info in infos if module in info.get(
                        _likelihood, {}))[_likelihood][module]) or {}
                    if isinstance(info, string_types) or _external in info:
                            "Module '%s' is a custom likelihood. "
                            "Nothing to do.\n", module)
                        log.error("Module '%s' not recognized. [%s]\n" %
                                  (module, e))
                        failed_modules += ["%s:%s" % (kind, module)]
            is_installed = getattr(
                imported_class, "is_installed",
                getattr(imported_module, "is_installed", None))
            if is_installed is None:
                log.info("Built-in module: nothing to do.\n")
            if is_installed(path=abspath, **kwargs_install):
                log.info("External module already installed.\n")
                if kwargs.get("just_check", False):
                if kwargs_install["force"]:
                    log.info("Forcing re-installation, as requested.")
                    log.info("Doing nothing.\n")
                if kwargs.get("just_check", False):
                    log.info("NOT INSTALLED!\n")
                install_this = getattr(
                    imported_class, "install",
                    getattr(imported_module, "install", None))
                success = install_this(path=abspath, **kwargs_install)
                traceback.print_exception(*sys.exc_info(), file=sys.stdout)
                    "An unknown error occurred. Delete the modules folder and try "
                    "again. Notify the developers if this error persists.")
                success = False
            if success:
                log.info("Successfully installed!\n")
                    "Installation failed! Look at the error messages above. "
                    "Solve them and try again, or, if you are unable to solve, "
                    "install this module manually.")
                failed_modules += ["%s:%s" % (kind, module)]
            # test installation
            if not is_installed(path=abspath, **kwargs_install):
                    "Installation apparently worked, "
                    "but the subsequent installation test failed! "
                    "Look at the error messages above. "
                    "Solve them and try again, or, if you are unable to solve, "
                    "install this module manually.")
                failed_modules += ["%s:%s" % (kind, module)]
    if failed_modules:
        bullet = "\n - "
        raise LoggedError(
            "The installation (or installation test) of some module(s) has failed: "
            "%s\nCheck output of the installer of each module above "
            "for precise error info.\n", bullet + bullet.join(failed_modules))
Exemplo n.º 4
def makeGrid(batchPath, settingName=None, settings=None, read_only=False,
             interactive=False, install_reqs_at=None, install_reqs_force=None):
    print("Generating grid...")
    batchPath = os.path.abspath(batchPath) + os.sep
    if not settings:
        if not settingName:
            raise NotImplementedError("Re-using previous batch is work in progress...")
        #            if not pathIsGrid(batchPath):
        #                raise Exception('Need to give name of setting file if batchPath/config '
        #                                'does not exist')
        #            read_only = True
        #            sys.path.insert(0, batchPath + 'config')
        #            sys.modules['batchJob'] = batchjob  # old name
        #            settings = __import__(IniFile(batchPath + 'config/config.ini').params['setting_file'].replace('.py', ''))
        elif os.path.splitext(settingName)[-1].lower() in _yaml_extensions:
            settings = yaml_load_file(settingName)
            raise NotImplementedError("Using a python script is work in progress...")
            # In this case, info-as-dict would be passed
            # settings = __import__(settingName, fromlist=['dummy'])
    batch = batchjob.batchJob(batchPath, settings.get("yaml_dir", None))
    # batch.skip = settings.get("skip", False)
    batch.makeItems(settings, messages=not read_only)
    if read_only:
        for jobItem in [b for b in batch.jobItems]:
            if not jobItem.chainExists():
        print('OK, configured grid with %u existing chains' % (len(batch.jobItems)))
        return batch
    infos = {}
    modules_used = {}
    # Default info
    defaults = copy.deepcopy(settings)
    grid_definition = defaults.pop("grid")
    models_definitions = grid_definition["models"]
    datasets_definitions = grid_definition["datasets"]
    for jobItem in batch.items(wantSubItems=False):
        # Model info
            model_info = copy.deepcopy(models_definitions[jobItem.param_set] or {})
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Model '%s' must be defined." % jobItem.param_set)
        model_info = merge_info(defaults, model_info)
        # Dataset info
            dataset_info = copy.deepcopy(datasets_definitions[jobItem.data_set.tag])
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("Data set '%s' must be defined." % jobItem.data_set.tag)
        # Combined info
        combined_info = merge_info(defaults, model_info, dataset_info)
        if "preset" in combined_info:
            preset = combined_info.pop("preset")
            combined_info = merge_info(create_input(**preset), combined_info)
        combined_info[_output_prefix] = jobItem.chainRoot
        # Requisites
        modules_used = get_used_modules(modules_used, combined_info)
        if install_reqs_at:
            combined_info[_path_install] = os.path.abspath(install_reqs_at)
        # Save the info (we will write it after installation:
        # we need to install to add auto covmats
        if jobItem.param_set not in infos:
            infos[jobItem.param_set] = {}
        infos[jobItem.param_set][jobItem.data_set.tag] = combined_info
    # Installing requisites
    if install_reqs_at:
        print("Installing required code and data for the grid.")
        from cobaya.log import logger_setup
        install_reqs(modules_used, path=install_reqs_at, force=install_reqs_force)
    print("Adding covmats (if necessary) and writing input files")
    for jobItem in batch.items(wantSubItems=False):
        info = infos[jobItem.param_set][jobItem.data_set.tag]
        # Covariance matrices
        # We try to find them now, instead of at run time, to check if correctly selected
            sampler = list(info[_sampler])[0]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError("No sampler has been chosen")
        if sampler == "mcmc" and info[_sampler][sampler].get("covmat", "auto"):
            modules_path = install_reqs_at or info.get(_path_install, None)
            if not modules_path:
                raise ValueError("Cannot assign automatic covariance matrices because no "
                                 "modules path has been defined.")
            # Need updated info for covmats: includes renames
            updated_info = update_info(info)
            # Ideally, we use slow+sampled parameters to look for the covariance matrix
            # but since for that we'd need to initialise a model, we approximate that set
            # as theory+sampled
            from itertools import chain
            like_params = set(chain(*[
                for like in updated_info[_likelihood].values()]))
            params_info = {p: v for p, v in updated_info[_params].items()
                           if is_sampled_param(v) and p not in like_params}
            best_covmat = get_best_covmat(
                params_info, updated_info[_likelihood])
            info[_sampler][sampler]["covmat"] = os.path.join(
                best_covmat["folder"], best_covmat["name"])
        # Write the info for this job
            yaml_dump_file(jobItem.iniFile(), info, error_if_exists=True)
        except IOError:
            raise IOError("Can't write chain input file. Maybe the chain configuration "
                          "files already exists?")

        # Non-translated old code
        # if not start_at_bestfit:
        #     setMinimize(jobItem, ini)
        #     variant = '_minimize'
        #     ini.saveFile(jobItem.iniFile(variant))
        ## NOT IMPLEMENTED: start at best fit
        ##        ini.params['start_at_bestfit'] = start_at_bestfit
        # ---
        # for deffile in settings.defaults:
        #    ini.defaults.append(batch.commonPath + deffile)
        # if hasattr(settings, 'override_defaults'):
        #    ini.defaults = [batch.commonPath + deffile for deffile in settings.override_defaults] + ini.defaults
        # ---
        # # add ini files for importance sampling runs
        # for imp in jobItem.importanceJobs():
        #     if getattr(imp, 'importanceFilter', None): continue
        #     if batch.hasName(imp.name.replace('_post', '')):
        #         raise Exception('importance sampling something you already have?')
        #     for minimize in (False, True):
        #         if minimize and not getattr(imp, 'want_minimize', True): continue
        #         ini = IniFile()
        #         updateIniParams(ini, imp.importanceSettings, batch.commonPath)
        #         if cosmomcAction == 0 and not minimize:
        #             for deffile in settings.importanceDefaults:
        #                 ini.defaults.append(batch.commonPath + deffile)
        #             ini.params['redo_outroot'] = imp.chainRoot
        #             ini.params['action'] = 1
        #         else:
        #             ini.params['file_root'] = imp.chainRoot
        #         if minimize:
        #             setMinimize(jobItem, ini)
        #             variant = '_minimize'
        #         else:
        #             variant = ''
        #         ini.defaults.append(jobItem.iniFile())
        #         ini.saveFile(imp.iniFile(variant))
        #         if cosmomcAction != 0: break

    if not interactive:
        return batch
    print('Done... to run do: cobaya-grid-run %s' % batchPath)
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_bib_info(*infos):
    blocks_text = odict([["Cobaya", "[Paper in preparation]"]])
    for kind, modules in get_used_modules(*infos).items():
        for module in modules:
            blocks_text["%s:%s" % (kind, module)] = get_bib_module(module, kind)
    return blocks_text