def centralBump(self, t0, grid):
        from mpi4py import MPI
        rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank
        r, phi = grid.axes[0], grid.axes[1]
        r3ind = int(r.shape[0] / 6)
        r3val = r[r3ind]
        r6val = r[6 * r3ind]
        phi3ind = int(phi.shape[0] / 5)
        phi3val = phi[phi3ind]
        phi6val = phi[4 * phi3ind]
        rmid = int(r.shape[0] / 2)
        phimid = int(phi.shape[0] / 2)
        r_mesh, phi_mesh = grid.meshes

        def exp_bump(p):
            rv = np.exp(-20*(p[0]-r[rmid])**2)*\
            return rv

        def bump(p):
            v = max(0.0,(-p[0] + r3val) * (p[0] - r6val))*\
                max(0.0,(-p[1] + phi3val) * (p[1] - phi6val))
            return float(v)**4

        #rv = np.apply_along_axis(bump,2,grid)
        rv = np.exp(-20*(r_mesh - r[rmid])**2)*\
            np.exp(-5*(phi_mesh - phi[phimid])**2)
        #rv = np.apply_along_axis(exp_bump,2,grid)
        #rv = rv/np.amax(rv)
        if rank == 0:
            rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([rv], grid, t0)
            rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([np.zeros_like(rv)], grid, t0)
        return rtslice
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _NR(self, u_start, u_next, t, dt, domain):
        """A Newton-Raphson auxilliary routine for
        the implementation of the implicit Euler scheme.

        u_start: numpy.ndarray
            Initial values of the function.

        u_next: numpy.ndarray
            The first guess at the next values of the function.

        t: float
            Current time.

        dt: float
            Current time step.

        domain: grid
            The domain that the function is being evaluated over.

        # Starting guess for Newton-Raphson algorithm. Currently
        # chooses current tslice.
        # To be perhaps moved so user specifies this in system file or
        # perhaps in setup file when choosing implicit Euler.
        prev_u_next = u_next

        while (True):
            # Evolution equation of u
            g = self.system.evaluate(
                t + dt, tslices.TimeSlice(prev_u_next, domain, time=t)).data

            # Derivative of evolution equation of u w.r.t. evolved variable
            dg, TOL = self.system.implicit_method_jacobian(
                t + dt, tslices.TimeSlice(prev_u_next, domain, time=t))

            dg =

            # NR is applied to f
            f = prev_u_next - u_start - dt * g
            df = 1. - dt * dg

            # Compute next value of u_next
            next_u_next = prev_u_next - f / df

            # If we get to within a certain accuracy of the root stop
            if (all(abs(next_u_next - prev_u_next)[0] < TOL)):

            # Otherwise continue
            prev_u_next = next_u_next

        return next_u_next
Exemplo n.º 3
 def evaluate(self, t, Psi):
     f0, Dtf0 =
     DxDxf = np.real(self.D(f0, Psi.domain.step_sizes[0]))
     DtDtf = DxDxf
     DtDtf[-1] = 0.0
     DtDtf[0] = 0.0
     return tslices.TimeSlice([Dtf0, DtDtf], Psi.domain, time=t)
    def implicit_method_jacobian(self, t, Psi):
        D_Dtf = np.zeros_like([0])

        rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([D_Dtf], Psi.domain, time=t)
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Exiting Jacobian calculation with timeslice = %s" %
        return rtslice, self.implicit_int_tol
 def centralBump(self, t0, grid):"Initial value routine = central bump")
     r = grid.axes[0]
     length = grid.bounds[0][1] - grid.bounds[0][0]
     rv = np.maximum(0.0, (36) * (1 / length)**2 * (-r + length / 3) *
                     (r - 2 * length / 3))**8
     if __debug__:
     #if np.amax(rv is not 0:
     #rv = 0.5*rv/np.amax(rv)
     rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice(np.array([rv]), grid, t0)
     return rtslice
Exemplo n.º 6
 def evaluate(self, t, Psi, intStep = None):
     if __debug__:
         self.log.debug("Entered evaluation: t = %f, Psi = %s, intStep = %s"%\
     # Define useful variables
     f0, Dtf0 =
     x   = Psi.domain
     dx  = Psi.domain.step_sizes[0]
     tau = self.tau
     # Calculate derivatives
     if __debug__:
         self.log.debug("f0.shape = %s"%repr(f0.shape))
     DxDxf = np.real(self.D(f0,dx))
     DtDtf = DxDxf
     if __debug__:
         self.log.debug("""Derivatives are:
             DtDtf = %s"""%\
     # Impose boundary conditions 
     DtDtf[-1] =  0 #DtDtf[0] #self.boundaryRight(t,Psi)
     DtDtf[0] =  0 #self.boundaryLeft(t,Psi)       
     #DtDtf = DtDtf + \
     #        tau*(f0[0] - self.boundaryLeft(t,Psi))*\
     #            self.D.penalty_boundary(1,dx[0],DtDtf.shape) + \
     #        tau*(f0[-1] - self.boundaryRight(t,Psi))*\
     #            self.D.penalty_boundary(-1,dx[0],DtDtf.shape)
     # now all time derivatives are computed
     # package them into a time slice and return
     rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([Dtf0,DtDtf],Psi.domain,time=t)
     if __debug__:
         self.log.debug("Exiting evaluation with TimeSlice = %s"%repr(rtslice))
     return rtslice
Exemplo n.º 7
 def centralBump(self,t0,grid):
     r = grid.axes
     r3ind = int(r.shape[0]/6)
     r3val = r[r3ind]
     r6val = r[6*r3ind]
     def bump(p):
         v = float(max(0.0,(-p + r3val) * (p - r6val)))**4
         return v
     def deriv_bump(p):
         #if r3ind < p < r6ind:
         #    return float(-2*p+r6val+r3val)
         return float(0)
     rv = np.vectorize(bump)(grid)
     ru = np.vectorize(deriv_bump)(grid)
     rv = 0.5*rv/np.amax(rv)
     ru = 0.5*ru/np.amax(rv)
     rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([rv,ru],grid,t0)
     return rtslice
    def evaluate(self, t, Psi, intStep=None):
        self.log.debug("Entered evaluation: t = %f, Psi = %s, intStep = %s"%\

        # Define useful variables
        f0 =[0]
        x = Psi.domain.axes[0]
        dx = Psi.domain.step_sizes[0]
        tau = self.tau

        # Calculate derivatives
        Dxf = np.real(self.D(f0, dx))
        Dtf = Dxf

        penalty_term = self.D.penalty_boundary(dx, 1)

        Dtf[-penalty_term.shape[0]:] -= tau * (f0[-1] - self.boundaryRight(t,Psi)) \
            * penalty_term

        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("""Derivatives are:
                Dtf = %s"""%\

        # Impose boundary conditions
        #Dtf[-1]= 0. #self.boundaryRight(t,Psi)
        #Dtf[0]= self.boundaryLeft(t,Psi)
        #Dtf[-1] = Dtf[0]

        #now all time derivatives are computed
        #package them into a time slice and return
        rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([Dtf], Psi.domain, time=t)
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Exiting evaluation with timeslice = %s" %
        return rtslice
    def evaluate(self, t, Psi, intStep=None):
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Entered evaluation: t = %f, Psi = %s, intStep = %s"%\

        # Define useful variables
        f0 =[0]
        x = Psi.domain.axes[0]
        dx = Psi.domain.step_sizes[0]
        tau = self.tau

        # Calculate derivatives
        Dxf = np.real(self.D(f0, dx))
        Dtf = self.speed * Dxf

        gp_processor = partial(ghost_point_processor, log=self.log)

        new_derivative, _ = Psi.communicate(gp_processor, data=np.array([Dtf]))
        Dtf = new_derivative[0]

        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("""Derivatives are: Dtf = %s""" % (repr(Dtf)))

        # Impose boundary conditions
        #Dtf[-1]= 0.#self.boundaryRight(t,Psi)
        if Psi.domain.mpi.comm.rank == 0:
            Dtf[0] = self.boundaryLeft(t, Psi)
        #Dtf[-1] = Dtf[0]

        # now all time derivatives are computed
        # package them into a time slice and return
        rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice(np.array([Dtf]), Psi.domain, time=t)
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Exiting evaluation with timeslice = %s" %
        return rtslice
Exemplo n.º 10
    def advance(self, t, u, dt):
        """An implicit Euler method implementation of ABCSolver.

        See the ABCSolver.advance method for documentation.

        # Current values of the evolved variables
        u_start =

        # Initial guess for the Newton-Raphson method is the current value(s)
        # of the evolved variables
        u_next = u_start

        # prev_u_next = u_next
        prev_u_next = u_next

        # Returns u_next from applying Newton-Raphson
        u_ret = self._NR(u_start, u_next, t, dt, u.domain)

        r_time = t + dt
        r_slice = tslices.TimeSlice(u_ret, u.domain, r_time)
        return (r_time, r_slice)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def evaluate(self, t, tslice, intStep=None):
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Entered evaluation: t = %f, tslice = %s, intStep = %s"%\
            (t, tslice, intStep))

        # Define useful variables
        f =[0]

        # Calculate derivatives
        ethf = self.eth(f, [0], self.lmax)
        dtf = self.ethp(ethf[0], [1], self.lmax)

        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("""Derivatives are:
                dtf = %s
                """ % (repr(dtf)))

        # Impose boundary conditions

#        pt = self.D.penalty_boundary(dr, "right")
#        pt_shape = pt.size
#        dtphi0[-pt_shape:] -= tau * (phi0[-1] - self.SATphi0(t, tslice)) * pt
#        dtphi2[:pt_shape] -= tau * (phi2[0] - self.SATphi2(t, tslice)) * pt

# Packaging
        rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice(dtf, tslice.domain, time=t)
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Exiting evaluation with timeslice = %s" %
        return rtslice
 def data(self, t0, grid):
     rv = np.array([ 0.00000401632684942,  0.00000192499658763,  0.00000099772870147,\
      0.00000022765183832,  0.00000046507080863, -0.0000003300452312 ,\
      0.00000062974172828, -0.00000084085150719,  0.00000122978111633,\
     -0.00000173153916076,  0.00000243852897086, -0.00000339401167924,\
      0.00000468353699582, -0.00000640006545601,  0.00000866039005127,\
     -0.00001159615978749,  0.00001534736518352, -0.00002004222246138,\
      0.00002576538282592, -0.00003251084480869,  0.0000401219186533 ,\
     -0.00004822399684474,  0.00005616161979072, -0.00006295603141441,\
      0.00006730239613382, -0.00006762518639408,  0.00006220491467334,\
     -0.0000493790556335 ,  0.00002780564387487,  0.00000323813794329,\
     -0.00004356481100534,  0.00009184500062725, -0.00014548888853252,\
      0.00020068538741031, -0.00025262465531646,  0.00029590251389135,\
     -0.00032507451254041,  0.00033529828730872, -0.00032298121854387,\
      0.00028634089954959, -0.00022579126761677,  0.00014408737801006,\
     -0.00004619390760402, -0.00006111857691737,  0.00016990621035476,\
     -0.00027183673081992,  0.00035902855096032, -0.00042483915235696,\
      0.00046450680546802, -0.00047557203841141,  0.00045803716953868,\
     -0.00041425815985836,  0.00034859741282364, -0.00026689395793278,\
      0.00017582532588945, -0.00008224165993041, -0.00000745225032476,\
      0.00008780553643091, -0.00015467906027939,  0.00020543401573565,\
     -0.00023895456368999,  0.0002555262007749 , -0.00025660403132089,\
      0.0002445120127969 , -0.00022211440620396,  0.00019249677896301,\
     -0.00015868547023992,  0.00012342541952096, -0.00008902553443739,\
      0.0000572726977001 , -0.00002940740612892,  0.00000615033664036,\
      0.00001223462391232, -0.00002585437390634,  0.00003509147037659,\
     -0.00004050974746794,  0.00004276960709606, -0.00004255693092361,\
      0.0000405291526316 , -0.00003727739758106,  0.0000333046546635 ,\
     -0.00002901606283444,  0.00002472000591966, -0.00002063537528648,\
      0.0000169039610633 , -0.00001360432584562,  0.00001076564712092,\
     -0.00000838344097786,  0.00000642403682553, -0.00000485353496625,\
      0.00000359675704848, -0.00000265847140611,  0.00000186187684214,\
     -0.00000143563257268,  0.00000077349425006, -0.00000096984553866,\
     -0.00000014450388622, -0.00000125698079451, -0.00000141060384138,\
     -0.00000214380180203, -0.0000024309521466 ])
     return tslices.TimeSlice(np.array([rv]), grid, t0)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def initial_data(self, t, grid):
     if __debug__:"Initial value routine = %s" % self.iv_routine)
     values = getattr(self, self.iv_routine, None)(t, grid)
     return tslices.TimeSlice([values], grid, t)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def sin(self,t0,grid):
     r = grid.axes
     print r
     rv = np.sin(2*math.pi*r/(grid[-1]-grid[0]))
     rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([rv,np.zeros_like(rv)],grid,t0)
     return rtslice
 def exp_bump(self, t0, grid):
     axis = grid.axes[0]
     mid_ind = int(axis.shape[0] / 2)
     rv = 0.5 * np.exp(-40 * (axis - axis[mid_ind]) *
                       (axis - axis[mid_ind]))
     return tslices.TimeSlice([rv], grid, t0)
 def sin(self, t0, grid):
     r = grid.axes
     rv = np.sin(2 * math.pi * r / (grid[-1] - grid[0]))
     rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([0.5 * rv], grid, t0)
     return rtslice
 def exp_bump(self, t, grid):
     axes = grid.axes[0]
     mid_ind = int(axes.shape[0] / 2)
     rv = (1 / 72.0) * length**2 * np.exp(-40 * (axes - axes[mid_ind]) *
                                          (axes - axes[mid_ind]))
     return tslices.TimeSlice(np.array([rv]), grid, t)
    def evaluate(self, t, Psi, intStep=None):
        #if __debug__:
        #    self.log.debug("Entered evaluation: t = %f, Psi = %s, intStep = %s"%\
        #        (t,Psi,intStep))

        # Define useful variables
        f0, =

        x = Psi.domain.axes[0]
        y = Psi.domain.axes[1]
        dx = Psi.domain.step_sizes[0]
        dy = Psi.domain.step_sizes[1]
        tau = self.tau

        # Calculate derivatives and impose boundary conditions
        Dxf = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: self.Dx(x, dx), 0, f0)
        #if __debug__:
        #    self.log.debug("Dxf is %s"%repr(Dxf))
        Dyf = np.apply_along_axis(lambda y: self.Dy(y, dy), 1, f0)

        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("""Derivatives are: Dxf = %s""" % (repr(Dxf)))
            self.log.debug("""Derivatives are: Dyf = %s""" % (repr(Dyf)))

        # Impose boundary conditions

        # implementation follows Carpenter et al.
        # using the SAT method
        # at the boundaries we need boundary conditions
        # implemented as penalty terms the objects in know how to
        # do this.
        # tau is the penalty parameter and will need to take on different
        # values depending on the operator.

        pt_x_r = self.Dx.penalty_boundary(dx, "right")
        pt_x_r_shape = pt_x_r.size
        pt_x_l = self.Dx.penalty_boundary(dx, "left")
        pt_x_l_shape = pt_x_l.size

        pt_y_r = self.Dy.penalty_boundary(dy, "right")
        pt_y_r_shape = pt_y_r.size
        pt_y_l = self.Dy.penalty_boundary(dy, "left")
        pt_y_l_shape = pt_y_l.size

        #First do internal boundaries
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Implementing internal boundaries")
        _, b_values = Psi.communicate()  # compare to OneDAdvection for an
        # alternative way to handle this.
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("b_values = %s" % repr(b_values))
        for d_slice, data in b_values:
            if __debug__:
                self.log.debug("d_slice is %s" % (repr(d_slice)))
                self.log.debug("recieved_data is %s" % (data))
            #the calculation of sigma constants is taken from Carpenter,
            #Nordstorm and Gottlieb. Note that in this paper the metric H is
            #always set to the identity matrix. Beware: in some presentations
            #of SBP operators it is not the identitiy. This is accounted for
            #in the calculation of pt below.
            #I think that this paper implicitly assumes that 'a' is positive
            #hence the difference for psi4 from the calculations given in
            #the paper. This change accounts for the negative eigenvalue
            #associated to psi4.
            #Note that sigma3 = sigma1 - eigenvalue_on_boundary, at least when
            #the eigenvalue is positive. For negative eigenvalue it seems to me
            #that the roles of sigma3 and sigma1 are reversed.
            x_chara = self.xcoef
            y_chara = self.ycoef
            if x_chara > 0:
                sigma3x = 0.25
                sigma1x = sigma3x - 1
                sigma1x = 0.25
                sigma3x = sigma1x - 1
            if y_chara > 0:
                sigma3y = 0.25
                sigma1y = sigma3y - 1
                sigma1y = 0.25
                sigma3y = sigma1y - 1
            if d_slice[1] == slice(-1, None, None):
                if __debug__:
                    self.log.debug("Calculating right x boundary")
                Dxf[-pt_x_r_shape:] += sigma1x * x_chara * pt_x_r * (
                    f0[d_slice[1:]] - data[0])
            elif d_slice[1] == slice(None, 1, None):
                if __debug__:
                    self.log.debug("Calculating left x boundary")
                Dxf[:pt_x_l_shape] += sigma3x * x_chara * pt_x_l * (
                    f0[d_slice[1:]] - data[0])
            elif d_slice[1] == slice(None, None, None):
                if d_slice[2] == slice(-1, None, None):
                    if __debug__:
                        self.log.debug("Calculating right y boundary")
                    Dyf[:, -pt_y_r_shape:] += sigma1y * y_chara * pt_y_r * (
                        f0[d_slice[1:]] - data[0])
                elif d_slice[2] == slice(None, 1, None):
                    if __debug__:
                        self.log.debug("Calculating left y boundary")
                    Dyf[:, :pt_y_l_shape] += sigma3y * y_chara * pt_y_l * (
                        f0[d_slice[1:]] - data[0])

        #Now do the external boundaries
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Implementing external boundary")
        b_data = Psi.external_slices()
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("b_data = %s" % repr(b_data))
        for dim, direction, d_slice in b_data:
            if __debug__:
                self.log.debug("Boundary slice is %s" % repr(d_slice))
                self.log.debug("Dimension is %d" % dim)
                self.log.debug("Direction is %d" % direction)
            d_slice = d_slice[1:]
            if dim == 0:
                if self.xcoef > 0 and direction == 1:
                    if __debug__:
                        self.log.debug("Doing right hand x boundary")
                    Dxf[-pt_x_r_shape:] -= tau * self.xcoef * \
                        (f0[d_slice] - self.boundary(t,Psi)[d_slice]) * pt_x_r
                if self.xcoef < 0 and direction == -1:
                    if __debug__:
                        self.log.debug("Doing left hand x boundary")
                    Dxf[:pt_x_l_shape] += tau * self.xcoef * \
                        (f0[d_slice] - self.boundary(t,Psi)[d_slice]) * pt_x_l
            elif dim == 1:
                if self.ycoef > 0 and direction == 1:
                    if __debug__:
                        self.log.debug("Doing right hand y boundary")
                    Dyf[:,-pt_y_r_shape:] -= tau * self.ycoef * \
                        (f0[d_slice] - self.boundary(t,Psi)[d_slice]) * pt_y_r
                if self.ycoef < 0 and direction == -1:
                    if __debug__:
                        self.log.debug("Doing left hand y boundary")
                    Dyf[:,:pt_y_l_shape] += tau * self.ycoef * \
                        (f0[d_slice] - self.boundary(t,Psi)[d_slice]) * pt_y_l

        Dtf = self.xcoef * Dxf + self.ycoef * Dyf

        # now all time derivatives are computed
        # package them into a time slice and return
        rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice([Dtf], Psi.domain, time=t)
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Exiting evaluation with TimeSlice = %s" %
        return rtslice
    def evaluate(self, t, Psi, intStep = None):
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Entered evaluation: t = %f, Psi = %s, intStep = %s"%\
        # Define useful variables
        f0 =[0]
        x   = Psi.domain.axes[0]
        dx  = Psi.domain.step_sizes[0]
        tau = self.tau
        # Calculate derivatives
        Dxf = np.real(self.D(f0,dx))
        Dtf = self.speed * Dxf
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Derivatives without boundary implementation is Dtf = %s"%repr(Dtf))
        #First do internal boundaries
        pt_r = self.D.penalty_boundary(dx, "right")
        pt_l = self.D.penalty_boundary(dx, "left")
        if self.D.boundary_type == sbp.BOUNDARY_TYPE_GHOST_POINTS:
            gp_processor = partial(
            if __debug__:
                self.log.debug("Implementing internal boundary using ghost points")
            new_derivative, _ = Psi.communicate(
        elif self.D.boundary_type == sbp.BOUNDARY_TYPE_SAT:
            gp_processor = partial(
            if __debug__:
                self.log.debug("Implementing internal boundary using sat")
            new_derivative, _ = Psi.communicate(gp_processor)
            raise Exception("Unknown boundary type encountered")
        Dtf = new_derivative[0]

        #Now do the external boundaries
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Implementing external boundary")
        b_data = Psi.external_slices()
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("b_data = %s"%repr(b_data))
        for dim, direction, d_slice in b_data:
            if __debug__:
                self.log.debug("Boundary slice is %s"%repr(d_slice))
            if self.speed > 0 and direction == 1:
                if __debug__:
                    self.log.debug("Doing external boundary on right")
                Dtf[-pt_r.size:] -= tau * self.speed * (
                    f0[-1] - self.boundaryRight(t,Psi)
                    ) * pt_r
            elif self.speed < 0 and direction == -1:
                if __debug__:
                    self.log.debug("Doing external boundary on left")
                Dtf[:pt_l.size] -= tau * self.speed * (
                    f0[0] - self.boundaryRight(t,Psi)
                    ) * pt_l
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("""Derivatives are:
                Dtf = %s"""%\

        # now all time derivatives are computed
        # package them into a time slice and return
        rtslice = tslices.TimeSlice(np.array([Dtf]), Psi.domain, time=t)
        if __debug__:
            self.log.debug("Exiting evaluation with timeslice = %s"%
        return rtslice
Exemplo n.º 20
 def initial_data(self, t0, grid):
     axis = grid.axes[0]
     rv = 0.5 * np.exp(-10 * (axis - axis[int(axis.shape[0] / 2)])**2)
     return tslices.TimeSlice([rv, np.zeros_like(rv)], grid, t0)