Exemplo n.º 1
class ProductTemplate(models.Model):
    _inherit = "product.template"

    quotation_only_description = fields.Html(
        'Quotation Only Description',
        help="The quotation description (not used on eCommerce)")

    quotation_description = fields.Html(
        'Quotation Description',
        "This field uses the Quotation Only Description if it is defined, otherwise it will try to read the eCommerce Description."

    def _compute_quotation_description(self):
        for record in self:
            if record.quotation_only_description:
                record.quotation_description = record.quotation_only_description
            elif hasattr(record,
                         'website_description') and record.website_description:
                record.quotation_description = record.website_description
                record.quotation_description = ''
Exemplo n.º 2
class KarmaRank(models.Model):
    _name = 'gamification.karma.rank'
    _description = 'Rank based on karma'
    _inherit = 'image.mixin'
    _order = 'karma_min'

    name = fields.Text(string='Rank Name', translate=True, required=True)
    description = fields.Html(
    description_motivational = fields.Html(
        help="Motivational phrase to reach this rank")
    karma_min = fields.Integer(string='Required Karma',
                               help='Minimum karma needed to reach this rank')
    user_ids = fields.One2many('res.users',
                               help="Users having this rank")

    def create(self, values_list):
        res = super(KarmaRank, self).create(values_list)
        users = self.env['res.users'].sudo().search([('karma', '>', 0)])
        return res

    def write(self, vals):
        if 'karma_min' in vals:
            previous_ranks = self.env['gamification.karma.rank'].search(
                [], order="karma_min DESC").ids
            low = min(vals['karma_min'], self.karma_min)
            high = max(vals['karma_min'], self.karma_min)

        res = super(KarmaRank, self).write(vals)

        if 'karma_min' in vals:
            after_ranks = self.env['gamification.karma.rank'].search(
                [], order="karma_min DESC").ids
            if previous_ranks != after_ranks:
                users = self.env['res.users'].sudo().search([('karma', '>', 0)
                users = self.env['res.users'].sudo().search([
                    ('karma', '>=', low), ('karma', '<=', high)
        return res
Exemplo n.º 3
class SaleOrder(models.Model):
    _inherit = 'sale.order'

    website_description = fields.Html('Website Description', sanitize_attributes=False, translate=html_translate)

    def onchange_update_description_lang(self):
        if not self.sale_order_template_id:
            template = self.sale_order_template_id.with_context(lang=self.partner_id.lang)
            self.website_description = template.website_description

    def _compute_line_data_for_template_change(self, line):
        vals = super(SaleOrder, self)._compute_line_data_for_template_change(line)
        return vals

    def _compute_option_data_for_template_change(self, option):
        vals = super(SaleOrder, self)._compute_option_data_for_template_change(option)
        return vals

    def onchange_sale_order_template_id(self):
        ret = super(SaleOrder, self).onchange_sale_order_template_id()
        if self.sale_order_template_id:
            template = self.sale_order_template_id.with_context(lang=self.partner_id.lang)
            self.website_description = template.website_description
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
class SaleOrderTemplateLine(models.Model):
    _inherit = "sale.order.template.line"

    website_description = fields.Html(
        'Website Description',

    def _onchange_product_id(self):
        ret = super(SaleOrderTemplateLine, self)._onchange_product_id()
        if self.product_id:
            self.website_description = self.product_id.quotation_description
        return ret

    def create(self, values):
        values = self._inject_quotation_description(values)
        return super(SaleOrderTemplateLine, self).create(values)

    def write(self, values):
        values = self._inject_quotation_description(values)
        return super(SaleOrderTemplateLine, self).write(values)

    def _inject_quotation_description(self, values):
        values = dict(values or {})
        if not values.get('website_description') and values.get('product_id'):
            product = self.env['product.product'].browse(values['product_id'])
            values['website_description'] = product.quotation_description
        return values
Exemplo n.º 5
class ConverterTest(models.Model):
    _name = 'web_editor.converter.test'
    _description = 'Web Editor Converter Test'

    # disable translation export for those brilliant field labels and values
    _translate = False

    char = fields.Char()
    integer = fields.Integer()
    float = fields.Float()
    numeric = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
    many2one = fields.Many2one('web_editor.converter.test.sub')
    binary = fields.Binary(attachment=False)
    date = fields.Date()
    datetime = fields.Datetime()
    selection_str = fields.Selection(
            ('A', "Qu'il n'est pas arrivé à Toronto"),
            ('B', "Qu'il était supposé arriver à Toronto"),
            ('C', "Qu'est-ce qu'il fout ce maudit pancake, tabernacle ?"),
            ('D', "La réponse D"),
        string=u"Lorsqu'un pancake prend l'avion à destination de Toronto et "
        u"qu'il fait une escale technique à St Claude, on dit:")
    html = fields.Html()
    text = fields.Text()
Exemplo n.º 6
class test_model(models.Model):
    _name = 'test_converter.test_model'
    _description = 'Test Converter Model'

    char = fields.Char()
    integer = fields.Integer()
    float = fields.Float()
    numeric = fields.Float(digits=(16, 2))
    many2one = fields.Many2one('test_converter.test_model.sub',
    binary = fields.Binary(attachment=False)
    date = fields.Date()
    datetime = fields.Datetime()
    selection_str = fields.Selection(
            ('A', u"Qu'il n'est pas arrivé à Toronto"),
            ('B', u"Qu'il était supposé arriver à Toronto"),
            ('C', u"Qu'est-ce qu'il fout ce maudit pancake, tabernacle ?"),
            ('D', u"La réponse D"),
        string=u"Lorsqu'un pancake prend l'avion à destination de Toronto et "
        u"qu'il fait une escale technique à St Claude, on dit:")
    html = fields.Html()
    text = fields.Text()

    # `base` module does not contains any model that implement the functionality
    # `group_expand`; test this feature here...

    def _gbf_m2o(self, subs, domain, order):
        sub_ids = subs._search([], order=order, access_rights_uid=SUPERUSER_ID)
        return subs.browse(sub_ids)
Exemplo n.º 7
class SaleOrderTemplateOption(models.Model):
    _inherit = "sale.order.template.option"

    website_description = fields.Html('Website Description',

    def _onchange_product_id(self):
        ret = super(SaleOrderTemplateOption, self)._onchange_product_id()
        if self.product_id:
            self.website_description = self.product_id.quotation_description
        return ret
Exemplo n.º 8
class SaleOrderTemplate(models.Model):
    _inherit = "sale.order.template"

    website_description = fields.Html('Website Description',

    def open_template(self):
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
            'target': 'self',
            'url': '/sale_quotation_builder/template/%d' % self.id
Exemplo n.º 9
class MixedModel(models.Model):
    _name = 'test_new_api.mixed'
    _description = 'Test New API Mixed'

    number = fields.Float(digits=(10, 2), default=3.14)
    number2 = fields.Float(digits='New API Precision')
    date = fields.Date()
    moment = fields.Datetime()
    now = fields.Datetime(compute='_compute_now')
    lang = fields.Selection(string='Language', selection='_get_lang')
    reference = fields.Reference(string='Related Document',
    comment1 = fields.Html(sanitize=False)
    comment2 = fields.Html(sanitize_attributes=True, strip_classes=False)
    comment3 = fields.Html(sanitize_attributes=True, strip_classes=True)
    comment4 = fields.Html(sanitize_attributes=True, strip_style=True)

    currency_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.currency', default=lambda self: self.env.ref('base.EUR'))
    amount = fields.Monetary()

    def _compute_now(self):
        # this is a non-stored computed field without dependencies
        for message in self:
            message.now = fields.Datetime.now()

    def _get_lang(self):
        return self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()

    def _reference_models(self):
        models = self.env['ir.model'].sudo().search([('state', '!=', 'manual')
        return [(model.model, model.name) for model in models
                if not model.model.startswith('ir.')]
Exemplo n.º 10
class DigestTip(models.Model):
    _name = 'digest.tip'
    _description = 'Digest Tips'
    _order = 'sequence'

    sequence = fields.Integer(
        help='Used to display digest tip in email template base on order')
    user_ids = fields.Many2many('res.users',
                                help='Users having already received this tip')
    tip_description = fields.Html('Tip description', translate=html_translate)
    group_id = fields.Many2one(
        string='Authorized Group',
        default=lambda self: self.env.ref('base.group_user'))
Exemplo n.º 11
class SaleOrderOption(models.Model):
    _inherit = "sale.order.option"

    website_description = fields.Html('Website Description', sanitize_attributes=False, translate=html_translate)

    @api.onchange('product_id', 'uom_id')
    def _onchange_product_id(self):
        ret = super(SaleOrderOption, self)._onchange_product_id()
        if self.product_id:
            product = self.product_id.with_context(lang=self.order_id.partner_id.lang)
            self.website_description = product.quotation_description
        return ret

    def _get_values_to_add_to_order(self):
        values = super(SaleOrderOption, self)._get_values_to_add_to_order()
        return values
Exemplo n.º 12
class SaleOrderLine(models.Model):
    _inherit = "sale.order.line"

    website_description = fields.Html('Website Description', sanitize=False, translate=html_translate)

    def create(self, values):
        values = self._inject_quotation_description(values)
        return super(SaleOrderLine, self).create(values)

    def write(self, values):
        values = self._inject_quotation_description(values)
        return super(SaleOrderLine, self).write(values)

    def _inject_quotation_description(self, values):
        values = dict(values or {})
        if not values.get('website_description') and values.get('product_id'):
            product = self.env['product.product'].browse(values['product_id'])
        return values
Exemplo n.º 13
class CrmLeadForwardToPartner(models.TransientModel):
    """ Forward info history to partners. """
    _name = 'crm.lead.forward.to.partner'
    _description = 'Lead forward to partner'

    def _convert_to_assignation_line(self, lead, partner):
        lead_location = []
        partner_location = []
        if lead.country_id:
        if lead.city:
        if partner:
            if partner.country_id:
            if partner.city:
        return {
            'lead_id': lead.id,
            'lead_location': ", ".join(lead_location),
            'partner_assigned_id': partner and partner.id or False,
            'partner_location': ", ".join(partner_location),
            'lead_link': self.get_lead_portal_url(lead.id, lead.type),

    def default_get(self, fields):
        template = self.env.ref(

        res = super(CrmLeadForwardToPartner, self).default_get(fields)
        active_ids = self.env.context.get('active_ids')
        default_composition_mode = self.env.context.get(
        res['assignation_lines'] = []
        if template:
            res['body'] = template.body_html
        if active_ids:
            leads = self.env['crm.lead'].browse(active_ids)
            if default_composition_mode == 'mass_mail':
                partner_assigned_dict = leads.search_geo_partner()
                partner_assigned_dict = {
                    lead.id: lead.partner_assigned_id.id
                    for lead in leads
                res['partner_id'] = leads[0].partner_assigned_id.id
            for lead in leads:
                partner_id = partner_assigned_dict.get(lead.id) or False
                partner = self.env['res.partner'].browse(partner_id)
                    (0, 0, self._convert_to_assignation_line(lead, partner)))
        return res

    def action_forward(self):
        template = self.env.ref(
        if not template:
            raise UserError(
                _('The Forward Email Template is not in the database'))
        portal_group = self.env.ref('base.group_portal')

        local_context = self.env.context.copy()
        if not (self.forward_type == 'single'):
            no_email = set()
            for lead in self.assignation_lines:
                if lead.partner_assigned_id and not lead.partner_assigned_id.email:
            if no_email:
                raise UserError(
                    _('Set an email address for the partner(s): %s') %
                    ", ".join(no_email))
        if self.forward_type == 'single' and not self.partner_id.email:
            raise UserError(
                _('Set an email address for the partner %s') %

        partners_leads = {}
        for lead in self.assignation_lines:
            partner = self.forward_type == 'single' and self.partner_id or lead.partner_assigned_id
            lead_details = {
                'lead_link': lead.lead_link,
                'lead_id': lead.lead_id,
            if partner:
                partner_leads = partners_leads.get(partner.id)
                if partner_leads:
                    partners_leads[partner.id] = {
                        'partner': partner,
                        'leads': [lead_details]

        for partner_id, partner_leads in partners_leads.items():
            in_portal = False
            if portal_group:
                for contact in (
                        or partner).filtered(lambda contact: contact.user_ids):
                    in_portal = portal_group.id in [
                        g.id for g in contact.user_ids[0].groups_id

            local_context['partner_id'] = partner_leads['partner']
            local_context['partner_leads'] = partner_leads['leads']
            local_context['partner_in_portal'] = in_portal
            leads = self.env['crm.lead']
            for lead_data in partner_leads['leads']:
                leads |= lead_data['lead_id']
            values = {
                'partner_assigned_id': partner_id,
                'user_id': partner_leads['partner'].user_id.id
        return True

    def get_lead_portal_url(self, lead_id, type):
        action = type == 'opportunity' and 'action_portal_opportunities' or 'action_portal_leads'
        action_ref = self.env.ref('website_crm_partner_assign.%s' % (action, ),
        portal_link = "%s/?db=%s#id=%s&action=%s&view_type=form" % (
            self.env.cr.dbname, lead_id, action_ref and action_ref.id or False)
        return portal_link

    def get_portal_url(self):
        portal_link = "%s/?db=%s" % (self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo(
        ).get_param('web.base.url'), self.env.cr.dbname)
        return portal_link

    forward_type = fields.Selection([
        ('single', 'a single partner: manual selection of partner'),
         "several partners: automatic assignation, using GPS coordinates and partner's grades"
                                    'Forward selected leads to',
                                    default=lambda self: self.env.context.get(
                                        'forward_type') or 'single')
    partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Forward Leads To')
    assignation_lines = fields.One2many('crm.lead.assignation', 'forward_id',
                                        'Partner Assignation')
    body = fields.Html('Contents',
                       help='Automatically sanitized HTML contents')
Exemplo n.º 14
class HrPlanActivityType(models.Model):
    _name = 'hr.plan.activity.type'
    _description = 'Plan activity type'
    _rec_name = 'summary'

    activity_type_id = fields.Many2one(
        'Activity Type',
        default=lambda self: self.env.ref('mail.mail_activity_data_todo'),
        domain=lambda self: [
            '|', ('res_model_id', '=', False),
            ('res_model_id', '=', self.env['ir.model']._get('hr.employee').id)
    summary = fields.Char('Summary')
    responsible = fields.Selection([('coach', 'Coach'), ('manager', 'Manager'),
                                    ('employee', 'Employee'),
                                    ('other', 'Other')],
    responsible_id = fields.Many2one(
        'Responsible Person',
        help='Specific responsible of activity if not linked to the employee.')
    note = fields.Html('Note')

    def _onchange_activity_type_id(self):
        if self.activity_type_id and self.activity_type_id.summary and not self.summary:
            self.summary = self.activity_type_id.summary

    def get_responsible_id(self, employee):
        if self.responsible == 'coach':
            if not employee.coach_id:
                raise UserError(
                    _('Coach of employee %s is not set.') % employee.name)
            responsible = employee.coach_id.user_id
            if not responsible:
                raise UserError(
                    _('User of coach of employee %s is not set.') %
        elif self.responsible == 'manager':
            if not employee.parent_id:
                raise UserError(
                    _('Manager of employee %s is not set.') % employee.name)
            responsible = employee.parent_id.user_id
            if not responsible:
                raise UserError(
                    _('User of manager of employee %s is not set.') %
        elif self.responsible == 'employee':
            responsible = employee.user_id
            if not responsible:
                raise UserError(
                    _('User linked to employee %s is required.') %
        elif self.responsible == 'other':
            responsible = self.responsible_id
            if not responsible:
                raise UserError(
                    _('No specific user given on activity.') % employee.name)
        return responsible
Exemplo n.º 15
class SurveyQuestion(models.Model):
    """ Questions that will be asked in a survey.

        Each question can have one of more suggested answers (eg. in case of
        dropdown choices, multi-answer checkboxes, radio buttons...).

        Technical note:

        survey.question is also the model used for the survey's pages (with the "is_page" field set to True).

        A page corresponds to a "section" in the interface, and the fact that it separates the survey in
        actual pages in the interface depends on the "questions_layout" parameter on the survey.survey model.
        Pages are also used when randomizing questions. The randomization can happen within a "page".

        Using the same model for questions and pages allows to put all the pages and questions together in a o2m field
        (see survey.survey.question_and_page_ids) on the view side and easily reorganize your survey by dragging the
        items around.

        It also removes on level of encoding by directly having 'Add a page' and 'Add a question'
        links on the tree view of questions, enabling a faster encoding.

        However, this has the downside of making the code reading a little bit more complicated.
        Efforts were made at the model level to create computed fields so that the use of these models
        still seems somewhat logical. That means:
        - A survey still has "page_ids" (question_and_page_ids filtered on is_page = True)
        - These "page_ids" still have question_ids (questions located between this page and the next)
        - These "question_ids" still have a "page_id"

        That makes the use and display of these information at view and controller levels easier to understand.

    _name = 'survey.question'
    _description = 'Survey Question'
    _rec_name = 'question'
    _order = 'sequence,id'

    def default_get(self, fields):
        defaults = super(SurveyQuestion, self).default_get(fields)
        if (not fields or 'question_type' in fields):
            defaults['question_type'] = False if defaults.get('is_page') == True else 'free_text'
        return defaults

    # Question metadata
    survey_id = fields.Many2one('survey.survey', string='Survey', ondelete='cascade')
    page_id = fields.Many2one('survey.question', string='Page', compute="_compute_page_id", store=True)
    question_ids = fields.One2many('survey.question', string='Questions', compute="_compute_question_ids")
    scoring_type = fields.Selection(related='survey_id.scoring_type', string='Scoring Type', readonly=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=10)
    # Question
    is_page = fields.Boolean('Is a page?')
    questions_selection = fields.Selection(
        related='survey_id.questions_selection', readonly=True,
        help="If randomized is selected, add the number of random questions next to the section.")
    random_questions_count = fields.Integer(
        'Random questions count', default=1,
        help="Used on randomized sections to take X random questions from all the questions of that section.")
    title = fields.Char('Title', required=True, translate=True)
    question = fields.Char('Question', related="title")
    description = fields.Html('Description', help="Use this field to add additional explanations about your question", translate=True)
    question_type = fields.Selection([
        ('free_text', 'Multiple Lines Text Box'),
        ('textbox', 'Single Line Text Box'),
        ('numerical_box', 'Numerical Value'),
        ('date', 'Date'),
        ('datetime', 'Datetime'),
        ('simple_choice', 'Multiple choice: only one answer'),
        ('multiple_choice', 'Multiple choice: multiple answers allowed'),
        ('matrix', 'Matrix')], string='Question Type')
    # simple choice / multiple choice / matrix
    labels_ids = fields.One2many(
        'survey.label', 'question_id', string='Types of answers', copy=True,
        help='Labels used for proposed choices: simple choice, multiple choice and columns of matrix')
    # matrix
    matrix_subtype = fields.Selection([
        ('simple', 'One choice per row'),
        ('multiple', 'Multiple choices per row')], string='Matrix Type', default='simple')
    labels_ids_2 = fields.One2many(
        'survey.label', 'question_id_2', string='Rows of the Matrix', copy=True,
        help='Labels used for proposed choices: rows of matrix')
    # Display options
    column_nb = fields.Selection([
        ('12', '1'), ('6', '2'), ('4', '3'), ('3', '4'), ('2', '6')],
        string='Number of columns', default='12',
        help='These options refer to col-xx-[12|6|4|3|2] classes in Bootstrap for dropdown-based simple and multiple choice questions.')
    display_mode = fields.Selection(
        [('columns', 'Radio Buttons'), ('dropdown', 'Selection Box')],
        string='Display Mode', default='columns', help='Display mode of simple choice questions.')
    # Comments
    comments_allowed = fields.Boolean('Show Comments Field')
    comments_message = fields.Char('Comment Message', translate=True, default=lambda self: _("If other, please specify:"))
    comment_count_as_answer = fields.Boolean('Comment Field is an Answer Choice')
    # Validation
    validation_required = fields.Boolean('Validate entry')
    validation_email = fields.Boolean('Input must be an email')
    validation_length_min = fields.Integer('Minimum Text Length')
    validation_length_max = fields.Integer('Maximum Text Length')
    validation_min_float_value = fields.Float('Minimum value')
    validation_max_float_value = fields.Float('Maximum value')
    validation_min_date = fields.Date('Minimum Date')
    validation_max_date = fields.Date('Maximum Date')
    validation_min_datetime = fields.Datetime('Minimum Datetime')
    validation_max_datetime = fields.Datetime('Maximum Datetime')
    validation_error_msg = fields.Char('Validation Error message', translate=True, default=lambda self: _("The answer you entered is not valid."))
    # Constraints on number of answers (matrices)
    constr_mandatory = fields.Boolean('Mandatory Answer')
    constr_error_msg = fields.Char('Error message', translate=True, default=lambda self: _("This question requires an answer."))
    # Answer
    user_input_line_ids = fields.One2many(
        'survey.user_input_line', 'question_id', string='Answers',
        domain=[('skipped', '=', False)], groups='survey.group_survey_user')

    _sql_constraints = [
        ('positive_len_min', 'CHECK (validation_length_min >= 0)', 'A length must be positive!'),
        ('positive_len_max', 'CHECK (validation_length_max >= 0)', 'A length must be positive!'),
        ('validation_length', 'CHECK (validation_length_min <= validation_length_max)', 'Max length cannot be smaller than min length!'),
        ('validation_float', 'CHECK (validation_min_float_value <= validation_max_float_value)', 'Max value cannot be smaller than min value!'),
        ('validation_date', 'CHECK (validation_min_date <= validation_max_date)', 'Max date cannot be smaller than min date!'),
        ('validation_datetime', 'CHECK (validation_min_datetime <= validation_max_datetime)','Max datetime cannot be smaller than min datetime!')

    def _onchange_validation_email(self):
        if self.validation_email:
            self.validation_required = False

    def _onchange_is_page(self):
        if self.is_page:
            self.question_type = False

    # Validation methods

    def validate_question(self, post, answer_tag):
        """ Validate question, depending on question type and parameters """
            checker = getattr(self, 'validate_' + self.question_type)
        except AttributeError:
            _logger.warning(self.question_type + ": This type of question has no validation method")
            return {}
            return checker(post, answer_tag)

    def validate_free_text(self, post, answer_tag):
        errors = {}
        answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
        # Empty answer to mandatory question
        if self.constr_mandatory and not answer:
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        return errors

    def validate_textbox(self, post, answer_tag):
        errors = {}
        answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
        # Empty answer to mandatory question
        if self.constr_mandatory and not answer:
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        # Email format validation
        # Note: this validation is very basic:
        #     all the strings of the form
        #     <something>@<anything>.<extension>
        #     will be accepted
        if answer and self.validation_email:
            if not email_validator.match(answer):
                errors.update({answer_tag: _('This answer must be an email address')})
        # Answer validation (if properly defined)
        # Length of the answer must be in a range
        if answer and self.validation_required:
            if not (self.validation_length_min <= len(answer) <= self.validation_length_max):
                errors.update({answer_tag: self.validation_error_msg})
        return errors

    def validate_numerical_box(self, post, answer_tag):
        errors = {}
        answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
        # Empty answer to mandatory question
        if self.constr_mandatory and not answer:
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        # Checks if user input is a number
        if answer:
                floatanswer = float(answer)
            except ValueError:
                errors.update({answer_tag: _('This is not a number')})
        # Answer validation (if properly defined)
        if answer and self.validation_required:
            # Answer is not in the right range
            with tools.ignore(Exception):
                floatanswer = float(answer)  # check that it is a float has been done hereunder
                if not (self.validation_min_float_value <= floatanswer <= self.validation_max_float_value):
                    errors.update({answer_tag: self.validation_error_msg})
        return errors

    def date_validation(self, date_type, post, answer_tag, min_value, max_value):
        errors = {}
        if date_type not in ('date', 'datetime'):
            raise ValueError("Unexpected date type value")
        answer = post[answer_tag].strip()
        # Empty answer to mandatory question
        if self.constr_mandatory and not answer:
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        # Checks if user input is a date
        if answer:
                if date_type == 'datetime':
                    dateanswer = fields.Datetime.from_string(answer)
                    dateanswer = fields.Date.from_string(answer)
            except ValueError:
                errors.update({answer_tag: _('This is not a date')})
                return errors
        # Answer validation (if properly defined)
        if answer and self.validation_required:
            # Answer is not in the right range
                if date_type == 'datetime':
                    date_from_string = fields.Datetime.from_string
                    date_from_string = fields.Date.from_string
                dateanswer = date_from_string(answer)
                min_date = date_from_string(min_value)
                max_date = date_from_string(max_value)

                if min_date and max_date and not (min_date <= dateanswer <= max_date):
                    # If Minimum and Maximum Date are entered
                    errors.update({answer_tag: self.validation_error_msg})
                elif min_date and not min_date <= dateanswer:
                    # If only Minimum Date is entered and not Define Maximum Date
                    errors.update({answer_tag: self.validation_error_msg})
                elif max_date and not dateanswer <= max_date:
                    # If only Maximum Date is entered and not Define Minimum Date
                    errors.update({answer_tag: self.validation_error_msg})
            except ValueError:  # check that it is a date has been done hereunder
        return errors

    def validate_date(self, post, answer_tag):
        return self.date_validation('date', post, answer_tag, self.validation_min_date, self.validation_max_date)

    def validate_datetime(self, post, answer_tag):
        return self.date_validation('datetime', post, answer_tag, self.validation_min_datetime, self.validation_max_datetime)

    def validate_simple_choice(self, post, answer_tag):
        errors = {}
        if self.comments_allowed:
            comment_tag = "%s_%s" % (answer_tag, 'comment')
        # Empty answer to mandatory self
        if self.constr_mandatory and answer_tag not in post:
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        if self.constr_mandatory and answer_tag in post and not post[answer_tag].strip():
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        # Answer is a comment and is empty
        if self.constr_mandatory and answer_tag in post and post[answer_tag] == "-1" and self.comment_count_as_answer and comment_tag in post and not post[comment_tag].strip():
            errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        return errors

    def validate_multiple_choice(self, post, answer_tag):
        errors = {}
        if self.constr_mandatory:
            answer_candidates = dict_keys_startswith(post, answer_tag)
            comment_flag = answer_candidates.pop(("%s_%s" % (answer_tag, -1)), None)
            if self.comments_allowed:
                comment_answer = answer_candidates.pop(("%s_%s" % (answer_tag, 'comment')), '').strip()
            # Preventing answers with blank value
            if all(not answer.strip() for answer in answer_candidates.values()) and answer_candidates:
                errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
            # There is no answer neither comments (if comments count as answer)
            if not answer_candidates and self.comment_count_as_answer and (not comment_flag or not comment_answer):
                errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
            # There is no answer at all
            if not answer_candidates and not self.comment_count_as_answer:
                errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        return errors

    def validate_matrix(self, post, answer_tag):
        errors = {}
        if self.constr_mandatory:
            lines_number = len(self.labels_ids_2)
            answer_candidates = dict_keys_startswith(post, answer_tag)
            answer_candidates.pop(("%s_%s" % (answer_tag, 'comment')), '').strip()
            # Number of lines that have been answered
            if self.matrix_subtype == 'simple':
                answer_number = len(answer_candidates)
            elif self.matrix_subtype == 'multiple':
                answer_number = len({sk.rsplit('_', 1)[0] for sk in answer_candidates})
                raise RuntimeError("Invalid matrix subtype")
            # Validate that each line has been answered
            if answer_number != lines_number:
                errors.update({answer_tag: self.constr_error_msg})
        return errors

    @api.depends('survey_id.question_and_page_ids.is_page', 'survey_id.question_and_page_ids.sequence')
    def _compute_question_ids(self):
        """Will take all questions of the survey for which the index is higher than the index of this page
        and lower than the index of the next page."""
        for question in self:
            if question.is_page:
                next_page_index = False
                for page in question.survey_id.page_ids:
                    if page._index() > question._index():
                        next_page_index = page._index()

                question.question_ids = question.survey_id.question_ids.filtered(lambda q:
                    q._index() > question._index() and (not next_page_index or q._index() < next_page_index))
                question.question_ids = self.env['survey.question']

    @api.depends('survey_id.question_and_page_ids.is_page', 'survey_id.question_and_page_ids.sequence')
    def _compute_page_id(self):
        """Will find the page to which this question belongs to by looking inside the corresponding survey"""
        for question in self:
            if question.is_page:
                question.page_id = None
                question.page_id = next(
                        .filtered(lambda q: q.is_page and q.sequence < question.sequence)

    def _index(self):
        """We would normally just use the 'sequence' field of questions BUT, if the pages and questions are
        created without ever moving records around, the sequence field can be set to 0 for all the questions.

        However, the order of the recordset is always correct so we can rely on the index method."""
        return list(self.survey_id.question_and_page_ids).index(self)

    def get_correct_answer_ids(self):

        return self.labels_ids.filtered(lambda label: label.is_correct)
Exemplo n.º 16
class Blog(models.Model):
    _name = 'blog.blog'
    _description = 'Blogs'
    _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata', 'website.multi.mixin']
    _order = 'name'

    name = fields.Char('Blog Name', required=True, translate=True)
    subtitle = fields.Char('Blog Subtitle', translate=True)
    active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)
    content = fields.Html('Content', translate=html_translate, sanitize=False)
    cover_properties = fields.Text(
        'Cover Properties',
        '{"background-image": "none", "background-color": "oe_black", "opacity": "0.2", "resize_class": "cover_mid"}'

    def write(self, vals):
        res = super(Blog, self).write(vals)
        if 'active' in vals:
            # archiving/unarchiving a blog does it on its posts, too
            post_ids = self.env['blog.post'].with_context(
                active_test=False).search([('blog_id', 'in', self.ids)])
            for blog_post in post_ids:
                blog_post.active = vals['active']
        return res

    @api.returns('mail.message', lambda value: value.id)
    def message_post(self, *, parent_id=False, subtype=None, **kwargs):
        """ Temporary workaround to avoid spam. If someone replies on a channel
        through the 'Presentation Published' email, it should be considered as a
        note as we don't want all channel followers to be notified of this answer. """
        if parent_id:
            parent_message = self.env['mail.message'].sudo().browse(parent_id)
            if parent_message.subtype_id and parent_message.subtype_id == self.env.ref(
                if kwargs.get('subtype_id'):
                    kwargs['subtype_id'] = False
                subtype = 'mail.mt_note'
        return super(Blog, self).message_post(parent_id=parent_id,

    def all_tags(self, join=False, min_limit=1):
        BlogTag = self.env['blog.tag']
        req = """
                p.blog_id, count(*), r.blog_tag_id
                blog_post_blog_tag_rel r
                    join blog_post p on r.blog_post_id=p.id
                p.blog_id in %s
            GROUP BY
            ORDER BY
                count(*) DESC
        self._cr.execute(req, [tuple(self.ids)])
        tag_by_blog = {i.id: [] for i in self}
        all_tags = set()
        for blog_id, freq, tag_id in self._cr.fetchall():
            if freq >= min_limit:
                if join:

        if join:
            return BlogTag.browse(all_tags)

        for blog_id in tag_by_blog:
            tag_by_blog[blog_id] = BlogTag.browse(tag_by_blog[blog_id])

        return tag_by_blog
Exemplo n.º 17
class LunchAlert(models.Model):
    """ Alerts to display during a lunch order. An alert can be specific to a
    given day, weekly or daily. The alert is displayed from start to end hour. """
    _name = 'lunch.alert'
    _description = 'Lunch Alert'
    _order = 'write_date desc, id'

    name = fields.Char('Alert Name', required=True)
    message = fields.Html('Message', required=True)

    mode = fields.Selection([('alert', 'Alert in app'),
                             ('chat', 'Chat notification')],
    recipients = fields.Selection(
        [('everyone', 'Everyone'),
         ('last_week', 'Employee who ordered last week'),
         ('last_month', 'Employee who ordered last month'),
         ('last_year', 'Employee who ordered last year')],
    notification_time = fields.Float(default=10.0, string='Notification Time')
    notification_moment = fields.Selection([('am', 'AM'), ('pm', 'PM')],
    tz = fields.Selection(_tz_get,
                          default=lambda self: self.env.user.tz or 'UTC')

    until = fields.Date('Show Until')
    recurrency_monday = fields.Boolean('Monday', default=True)
    recurrency_tuesday = fields.Boolean('Tuesday', default=True)
    recurrency_wednesday = fields.Boolean('Wednesday', default=True)
    recurrency_thursday = fields.Boolean('Thursday', default=True)
    recurrency_friday = fields.Boolean('Friday', default=True)
    recurrency_saturday = fields.Boolean('Saturday', default=True)
    recurrency_sunday = fields.Boolean('Sunday', default=True)

    available_today = fields.Boolean('Is Displayed Today',

    active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)

    location_ids = fields.Many2many('lunch.location', string='Location')

    _sql_constraints = [
         'CHECK(notification_time >= 0 and notification_time <= 12)',
         'Notification time must be between 0 and 12')

    @api.depends('recurrency_monday', 'recurrency_tuesday',
                 'recurrency_wednesday', 'recurrency_thursday',
                 'recurrency_friday', 'recurrency_saturday',
    def _compute_available_today(self):
        today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
        fieldname = 'recurrency_%s' % (WEEKDAY_TO_NAME[today.weekday()])

        for alert in self:
            alert.available_today = alert.until > today if alert.until else True and alert[

    def _search_available_today(self, operator, value):
        if (not operator in ['=', '!=']) or (not value in [True, False]):
            return []

        searching_for_true = (operator == '=' and value) or (operator == '!='
                                                             and not value)
        today = fields.Date.context_today(self)
        fieldname = 'recurrency_%s' % (WEEKDAY_TO_NAME[today.weekday()])

        return expression.AND([[(fieldname, operator, value)],
                                   [('until', '=', False)],
                                     '>' if searching_for_true else '<', today)

    def _notify_chat(self):
        records = self.search([('mode', '=', 'chat'), ('active', '=', True)])

        today = fields.Date.today()
        now = fields.Datetime.now()

        for alert in records:
            notification_to = now.astimezone(pytz.timezone(alert.tz)).replace(
                second=0, microsecond=0, tzinfo=None)
            notification_from = notification_to - timedelta(minutes=5)
            send_at = datetime.combine(

            if alert.available_today and send_at > notification_from and send_at <= notification_to:
                order_domain = [('state', '!=', 'cancelled')]

                if alert.location_ids.ids:
                    order_domain = expression.AND([
                        [('user_id.last_lunch_location_id', 'in',

                if alert.recipients != 'everyone':
                    weeks = 1

                    if alert.recipients == 'last_month':
                        weeks = 4
                    else:  # last_year
                        weeks = 52

                    delta = timedelta(weeks=weeks)
                    order_domain = expression.AND(
                        [order_domain, [('date', '>=', today - delta)]])

                orders = self.env['lunch.order'].search(order_domain).mapped(
                partner_ids = [user.partner_id.id for user in orders]
                if partner_ids:
                        body=alert.message, partner_ids=partner_ids)
Exemplo n.º 18
class ServerActions(models.Model):
    """ Add email option in server actions. """
    _name = 'ir.actions.server'
    _description = 'Server Action'
    _inherit = ['ir.actions.server']

    state = fields.Selection(selection_add=[
        ('email', 'Send Email'),
        ('followers', 'Add Followers'),
        ('next_activity', 'Create Next Activity'),
    # Followers
    partner_ids = fields.Many2many('res.partner', string='Add Followers')
    channel_ids = fields.Many2many('mail.channel', string='Add Channels')
    # Template
    template_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.template', 'Email Template', ondelete='set null',
        domain="[('model_id', '=', model_id)]",
    # Next Activity
    activity_type_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.activity.type', string='Activity',
        domain="['|', ('res_model_id', '=', False), ('res_model_id', '=', model_id)]")
    activity_summary = fields.Char('Summary')
    activity_note = fields.Html('Note')
    activity_date_deadline_range = fields.Integer(string='Due Date In')
    activity_date_deadline_range_type = fields.Selection([
        ('days', 'Days'),
        ('weeks', 'Weeks'),
        ('months', 'Months'),
    ], string='Due type', default='days')
    activity_user_type = fields.Selection([
        ('specific', 'Specific User'),
        ('generic', 'Generic User From Record')], default="specific", required=True,
        help="Use 'Specific User' to always assign the same user on the next activity. Use 'Generic User From Record' to specify the field name of the user to choose on the record.")
    activity_user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Responsible')
    activity_user_field_name = fields.Char('User field name', help="Technical name of the user on the record", default="user_id")

    def _onchange_activity_date_deadline_range(self):
        if self.activity_date_deadline_range < 0:
            raise UserError(_("The 'Due Date In' value can't be negative."))

    def on_change_template_id(self):
        """ Render the raw template in the server action fields. """
        if self.template_id and not self.template_id.email_from:
            raise UserError(_('Your template should define email_from'))

    @api.constrains('state', 'model_id')
    def _check_mail_thread(self):
        for action in self:
            if action.state == 'followers' and not action.model_id.is_mail_thread:
                raise ValidationError(_("Add Followers can only be done on a mail thread model"))

    @api.constrains('state', 'model_id')
    def _check_activity_mixin(self):
        for action in self:
            if action.state == 'next_activity' and not action.model_id.is_mail_thread:
                raise ValidationError(_("A next activity can only be planned on models that use the chatter"))

    def run_action_followers_multi(self, action, eval_context=None):
        Model = self.env[action.model_name]
        if self.partner_ids or self.channel_ids and hasattr(Model, 'message_subscribe'):
            records = Model.browse(self._context.get('active_ids', self._context.get('active_id')))
            records.message_subscribe(self.partner_ids.ids, self.channel_ids.ids)
        return False

    def _is_recompute(self, action):
        """When an activity is set on update of a record,
        update might be triggered many times by recomputes.
        When need to know it to skip these steps.
        Except if the computed field is supposed to trigger the action
        records = self.env[action.model_name].browse(
            self._context.get('active_ids', self._context.get('active_id')))
        old_values = action._context.get('old_values')
        if old_values:
            domain_post = action._context.get('domain_post')
            tracked_fields = []
            if domain_post:
                for leaf in domain_post:
                    if isinstance(leaf, (tuple, list)):
            fields_to_check = [field for record, field_names in old_values.items() for field in field_names if field not in tracked_fields]
            if fields_to_check:
                field = records._fields[fields_to_check[0]]
                # Pick an arbitrary field; if it is marked to be recomputed,
                # it means we are in an extraneous write triggered by the recompute.
                # In this case, we should not create a new activity.
                if records & self.env.records_to_compute(field):
                    return True
        return False

    def run_action_email(self, action, eval_context=None):
        # TDE CLEANME: when going to new api with server action, remove action
        if not action.template_id or not self._context.get('active_id') or self._is_recompute(action):
            return False
        # Clean context from default_type to avoid making attachment
        # with wrong values in subsequent operations
        cleaned_ctx = dict(self.env.context)
        cleaned_ctx.pop('default_type', None)
        cleaned_ctx.pop('default_parent_id', None)
        action.template_id.with_context(cleaned_ctx).send_mail(self._context.get('active_id'), force_send=False, raise_exception=False)
        return False

    def run_action_next_activity(self, action, eval_context=None):
        if not action.activity_type_id or not self._context.get('active_id') or self._is_recompute(action):
            return False

        records = self.env[action.model_name].browse(self._context.get('active_ids', self._context.get('active_id')))

        vals = {
            'summary': action.activity_summary or '',
            'note': action.activity_note or '',
            'activity_type_id': action.activity_type_id.id,
        if action.activity_date_deadline_range > 0:
            vals['date_deadline'] = fields.Date.context_today(action) + relativedelta(**{action.activity_date_deadline_range_type: action.activity_date_deadline_range})
        for record in records:
            if action.activity_user_type == 'specific':
                user = action.activity_user_id
            elif action.activity_user_type == 'generic' and action.activity_user_field_name in record:
                user = record[action.activity_user_field_name]
            if user:
                vals['user_id'] = user.id
        return False

    def _get_eval_context(self, action=None):
        """ Override the method giving the evaluation context but also the
        context used in all subsequent calls. Add the mail_notify_force_send
        key set to False in the context. This way all notification emails linked
        to the currently executed action will be set in the queue instead of
        sent directly. This will avoid possible break in transactions. """
        eval_context = super(ServerActions, self)._get_eval_context(action=action)
        ctx = dict(eval_context['env'].context)
        ctx['mail_notify_force_send'] = False
        eval_context['env'].context = ctx
        return eval_context
Exemplo n.º 19
class MailComposer(models.TransientModel):
    """ Generic message composition wizard. You may inherit from this wizard
        at model and view levels to provide specific features.

        The behavior of the wizard depends on the composition_mode field:
        - 'comment': post on a record. The wizard is pre-populated via ``get_record_data``
        - 'mass_mail': wizard in mass mailing mode where the mail details can
            contain template placeholders that will be merged with actual data
            before being sent to each recipient.
    _name = 'mail.compose.message'
    _description = 'Email composition wizard'
    _log_access = True
    _batch_size = 500

    def default_get(self, fields):
        """ Handle composition mode. Some details about context keys:
            - comment: default mode, model and ID of a record the user comments
                - default_model or active_model
                - default_res_id or active_id
            - reply: active_id of a message the user replies to
                - default_parent_id or message_id or active_id: ID of the
                    mail.message we reply to
                - message.res_model or default_model
                - message.res_id or default_res_id
            - mass_mail: model and IDs of records the user mass-mails
                - active_ids: record IDs
                - default_model or active_model
        result = super(MailComposer, self).default_get(fields)

        # author
        if 'author_id' not in result:
            result['author_id'] = self.env.user.partner_id.id
            if 'email_from' not in result and self.env.user.email:
                result['email_from'] = self.env.user.email_formatted
        elif 'email_from' not in result:
            author = self.env['res.partner'].browse(result['author_id'])
            if author.email:
                result['email_from'] = tools.formataddr((author.name, author.email))

        # v6.1 compatibility mode
        result['composition_mode'] = result.get('composition_mode', self._context.get('mail.compose.message.mode', 'comment'))
        result['model'] = result.get('model', self._context.get('active_model'))
        result['res_id'] = result.get('res_id', self._context.get('active_id'))
        result['parent_id'] = result.get('parent_id', self._context.get('message_id'))
        if 'no_auto_thread' not in result and (result['model'] not in self.env or not hasattr(self.env[result['model']], 'message_post')):
            result['no_auto_thread'] = True

        # default values according to composition mode - NOTE: reply is deprecated, fall back on comment
        if result['composition_mode'] == 'reply':
            result['composition_mode'] = 'comment'
        vals = {}
        if 'active_domain' in self._context:  # not context.get() because we want to keep global [] domains
            vals['active_domain'] = '%s' % self._context.get('active_domain')
        if result['composition_mode'] == 'comment':

        for field in vals:
            if field in fields:
                result[field] = vals[field]

        # TDE HACK: as mailboxes used default_model='res.users' and default_res_id=uid
        # (because of lack of an accessible pid), creating a message on its own
        # profile may crash (res_users does not allow writing on it)
        # Posting on its own profile works (res_users redirect to res_partner)
        # but when creating the mail.message to create the mail.compose.message
        # access rights issues may rise
        # We therefore directly change the model and res_id
        if result['model'] == 'res.users' and result['res_id'] == self._uid:
            result['model'] = 'res.partner'
            result['res_id'] = self.env.user.partner_id.id

        if fields is not None:
            [result.pop(field, None) for field in list(result) if field not in fields]
        return result

    def _get_composition_mode_selection(self):
        return [('comment', 'Post on a document'),
                ('mass_mail', 'Email Mass Mailing'),
                ('mass_post', 'Post on Multiple Documents')]

    # content
    subject = fields.Char('Subject')
    body = fields.Html('Contents', default='', sanitize_style=True)
    parent_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.message', 'Parent Message', index=True, ondelete='set null',
        help="Initial thread message.")
    attachment_ids = fields.Many2many(
        'ir.attachment', 'mail_compose_message_ir_attachments_rel',
        'wizard_id', 'attachment_id', 'Attachments')
    # origin
    email_from = fields.Char('From', help="Email address of the sender. This field is set when no matching partner is found and replaces the author_id field in the chatter.")
    author_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.partner', 'Author', index=True,
        help="Author of the message. If not set, email_from may hold an email address that did not match any partner.")
    # related document
    model = fields.Char('Related Document Model', index=True)
    res_id = fields.Integer('Related Document ID', index=True)
    record_name = fields.Char('Message Record Name', help="Name get of the related document.")
    # characteristics
    message_type = fields.Selection([
        ('comment', 'Comment'),
        ('notification', 'System notification')],
        'Type', required=True, default='comment',
        help="Message type: email for email message, notification for system "
             "message, comment for other messages such as user replies")
    subtype_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.message.subtype', 'Subtype', ondelete='set null', index=True,
        default=lambda self: self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment'))
    mail_activity_type_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.activity.type', 'Mail Activity Type',
        index=True, ondelete='set null')
    # destination
    composition_mode = fields.Selection(selection=_get_composition_mode_selection, string='Composition mode', default='comment')
    reply_to = fields.Char('Reply-To', help='Reply email address. Setting the reply_to bypasses the automatic thread creation.')
    no_auto_thread = fields.Boolean(
        'No threading for answers',
        help='Answers do not go in the original document discussion thread. This has an impact on the generated message-id.')
    is_log = fields.Boolean('Log an Internal Note',
                            help='Whether the message is an internal note (comment mode only)')
    partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
        'res.partner', 'mail_compose_message_res_partner_rel',
        'wizard_id', 'partner_id', 'Additional Contacts')
    use_active_domain = fields.Boolean('Use active domain')
    active_domain = fields.Text('Active domain', readonly=True)
    # mass mode options
    notify = fields.Boolean('Notify followers', help='Notify followers of the document (mass post only)')
    auto_delete = fields.Boolean('Delete Emails', help='Delete sent emails (mass mailing only)')
    auto_delete_message = fields.Boolean('Delete Message Copy', help='Do not keep a copy of the email in the document communication history (mass mailing only)')
    template_id = fields.Many2one(
        'mail.template', 'Use template', index=True,
        domain="[('model', '=', model)]")
    # technical stuff
    mail_server_id = fields.Many2one('ir.mail_server', 'Outgoing mail server')
    layout = fields.Char('Layout', copy=False)  # xml id of layout
    add_sign = fields.Boolean(default=True)

    def get_record_data(self, values):
        """ Returns a defaults-like dict with initial values for the composition
        wizard when sending an email related a previous email (parent_id) or
        a document (model, res_id). This is based on previously computed default
        values. """
        result, subject = {}, False
        if values.get('parent_id'):
            parent = self.env['mail.message'].browse(values.get('parent_id'))
            result['record_name'] = parent.record_name,
            subject = tools.ustr(parent.subject or parent.record_name or '')
            if not values.get('model'):
                result['model'] = parent.model
            if not values.get('res_id'):
                result['res_id'] = parent.res_id
            partner_ids = values.get('partner_ids', list()) + parent.partner_ids.ids
            result['partner_ids'] = partner_ids
        elif values.get('model') and values.get('res_id'):
            doc_name_get = self.env[values.get('model')].browse(values.get('res_id')).name_get()
            result['record_name'] = doc_name_get and doc_name_get[0][1] or ''
            subject = tools.ustr(result['record_name'])

        re_prefix = _('Re:')
        if subject and not (subject.startswith('Re:') or subject.startswith(re_prefix)):
            subject = "%s %s" % (re_prefix, subject)
        result['subject'] = subject

        return result

    # Wizard validation and send
    # action buttons call with positionnal arguments only, so we need an intermediary function
    # to ensure the context is passed correctly
    def action_send_mail(self):
        return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close', 'infos': 'mail_sent'}

    def send_mail(self, auto_commit=False):
        """ Process the wizard content and proceed with sending the related
            email(s), rendering any template patterns on the fly if needed. """
        notif_layout = self._context.get('custom_layout')
        # Several custom layouts make use of the model description at rendering, e.g. in the
        # 'View <document>' button. Some models are used for different business concepts, such as
        # 'purchase.order' which is used for a RFQ and and PO. To avoid confusion, we must use a
        # different wording depending on the state of the object.
        # Therefore, we can set the description in the context from the beginning to avoid falling
        # back on the regular display_name retrieved in '_notify_prepare_template_context'.
        model_description = self._context.get('model_description')
        for wizard in self:
            # Duplicate attachments linked to the email.template.
            # Indeed, basic mail.compose.message wizard duplicates attachments in mass
            # mailing mode. But in 'single post' mode, attachments of an email template
            # also have to be duplicated to avoid changing their ownership.
            if wizard.attachment_ids and wizard.composition_mode != 'mass_mail' and wizard.template_id:
                new_attachment_ids = []
                for attachment in wizard.attachment_ids:
                    if attachment in wizard.template_id.attachment_ids:
                        new_attachment_ids.append(attachment.copy({'res_model': 'mail.compose.message', 'res_id': wizard.id}).id)
                wizard.write({'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, new_attachment_ids)]})

            # Mass Mailing
            mass_mode = wizard.composition_mode in ('mass_mail', 'mass_post')

            Mail = self.env['mail.mail']
            ActiveModel = self.env[wizard.model] if wizard.model and hasattr(self.env[wizard.model], 'message_post') else self.env['mail.thread']
            if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post':
                # do not send emails directly but use the queue instead
                # add context key to avoid subscribing the author
                ActiveModel = ActiveModel.with_context(mail_notify_force_send=False, mail_create_nosubscribe=True)
            # wizard works in batch mode: [res_id] or active_ids or active_domain
            if mass_mode and wizard.use_active_domain and wizard.model:
                res_ids = self.env[wizard.model].search(safe_eval(wizard.active_domain)).ids
            elif mass_mode and wizard.model and self._context.get('active_ids'):
                res_ids = self._context['active_ids']
                res_ids = [wizard.res_id]

            batch_size = int(self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param('mail.batch_size')) or self._batch_size
            sliced_res_ids = [res_ids[i:i + batch_size] for i in range(0, len(res_ids), batch_size)]

            if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail' or wizard.is_log or (wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_post' and not wizard.notify):  # log a note: subtype is False
                subtype_id = False
            elif wizard.subtype_id:
                subtype_id = wizard.subtype_id.id
                subtype_id = self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_comment')

            for res_ids in sliced_res_ids:
                batch_mails = Mail
                all_mail_values = wizard.get_mail_values(res_ids)
                for res_id, mail_values in all_mail_values.items():
                    if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail':
                        batch_mails |= Mail.create(mail_values)
                        post_params = dict(
                            add_sign=not bool(wizard.template_id),
                            mail_auto_delete=wizard.template_id.auto_delete if wizard.template_id else False,
                        if ActiveModel._name == 'mail.thread':
                            if wizard.model:
                                post_params['model'] = wizard.model
                                post_params['res_id'] = res_id
                            if not ActiveModel.message_notify(**post_params):
                                # if message_notify returns an empty record set, no recipients where found.
                                raise UserError(_("No recipient found."))

                if wizard.composition_mode == 'mass_mail':

    def get_mail_values(self, res_ids):
        """Generate the values that will be used by send_mail to create mail_messages
        or mail_mails. """
        results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False)
        rendered_values = {}
        mass_mail_mode = self.composition_mode == 'mass_mail'

        # render all template-based value at once
        if mass_mail_mode and self.model:
            rendered_values = self.render_message(res_ids)
        # compute alias-based reply-to in batch
        reply_to_value = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, None)
        if mass_mail_mode and not self.no_auto_thread:
            records = self.env[self.model].browse(res_ids)
            reply_to_value = self.env['mail.thread']._notify_get_reply_to_on_records(default=self.email_from, records=records)

        blacklisted_rec_ids = []
        if mass_mail_mode and issubclass(type(self.env[self.model]), self.pool['mail.thread.blacklist']):
            BL_sudo = self.env['mail.blacklist'].sudo()
            blacklist = set(BL_sudo.search([]).mapped('email'))
            if blacklist:
                targets = self.env[self.model].browse(res_ids).read(['email_normalized'])
                # First extract email from recipient before comparing with blacklist
                blacklisted_rec_ids.extend([target['id'] for target in targets
                                            if target['email_normalized'] and target['email_normalized'] in blacklist])

        for res_id in res_ids:
            # static wizard (mail.message) values
            mail_values = {
                'subject': self.subject,
                'body': self.body or '',
                'parent_id': self.parent_id and self.parent_id.id,
                'partner_ids': [partner.id for partner in self.partner_ids],
                'attachment_ids': [attach.id for attach in self.attachment_ids],
                'author_id': self.author_id.id,
                'email_from': self.email_from,
                'record_name': self.record_name,
                'no_auto_thread': self.no_auto_thread,
                'mail_server_id': self.mail_server_id.id,
                'mail_activity_type_id': self.mail_activity_type_id.id,

            # mass mailing: rendering override wizard static values
            if mass_mail_mode and self.model:
                record = self.env[self.model].browse(res_id)
                mail_values['headers'] = record._notify_email_headers()
                # keep a copy unless specifically requested, reset record name (avoid browsing records)
                mail_values.update(notification=not self.auto_delete_message, model=self.model, res_id=res_id, record_name=False)
                # auto deletion of mail_mail
                if self.auto_delete or self.template_id.auto_delete:
                    mail_values['auto_delete'] = True
                # rendered values using template
                email_dict = rendered_values[res_id]
                mail_values['partner_ids'] += email_dict.pop('partner_ids', [])
                if not self.no_auto_thread:
                    if reply_to_value.get(res_id):
                        mail_values['reply_to'] = reply_to_value[res_id]
                if self.no_auto_thread and not mail_values.get('reply_to'):
                    mail_values['reply_to'] = mail_values['email_from']
                # mail_mail values: body -> body_html, partner_ids -> recipient_ids
                mail_values['body_html'] = mail_values.get('body', '')
                mail_values['recipient_ids'] = [(4, id) for id in mail_values.pop('partner_ids', [])]

                # process attachments: should not be encoded before being processed by message_post / mail_mail create
                mail_values['attachments'] = [(name, base64.b64decode(enc_cont)) for name, enc_cont in email_dict.pop('attachments', list())]
                attachment_ids = []
                for attach_id in mail_values.pop('attachment_ids'):
                    new_attach_id = self.env['ir.attachment'].browse(attach_id).copy({'res_model': self._name, 'res_id': self.id})
                mail_values['attachment_ids'] = self.env['mail.thread']._message_post_process_attachments(
                    mail_values.pop('attachments', []),
                    {'model': 'mail.message', 'res_id': 0}
                # Filter out the blacklisted records by setting the mail state to cancel -> Used for Mass Mailing stats
                if res_id in blacklisted_rec_ids:
                    mail_values['state'] = 'cancel'
                    # Do not post the mail into the recipient's chatter
                    mail_values['notification'] = False

            results[res_id] = mail_values
        return results

    # Template methods

    def onchange_template_id_wrapper(self):
        values = self.onchange_template_id(self.template_id.id, self.composition_mode, self.model, self.res_id)['value']
        for fname, value in values.items():
            setattr(self, fname, value)

    def onchange_template_id(self, template_id, composition_mode, model, res_id):
        """ - mass_mailing: we cannot render, so return the template values
            - normal mode: return rendered values
            /!\ for x2many field, this onchange return command instead of ids
        if template_id and composition_mode == 'mass_mail':
            template = self.env['mail.template'].browse(template_id)
            fields = ['subject', 'body_html', 'email_from', 'reply_to', 'mail_server_id']
            values = dict((field, getattr(template, field)) for field in fields if getattr(template, field))
            if template.attachment_ids:
                values['attachment_ids'] = [att.id for att in template.attachment_ids]
            if template.mail_server_id:
                values['mail_server_id'] = template.mail_server_id.id
            if template.user_signature and 'body_html' in values:
                signature = self.env.user.signature
                values['body_html'] = tools.append_content_to_html(values['body_html'], signature, plaintext=False)
        elif template_id:
            values = self.generate_email_for_composer(template_id, [res_id])[res_id]
            # transform attachments into attachment_ids; not attached to the document because this will
            # be done further in the posting process, allowing to clean database if email not send
            attachment_ids = []
            Attachment = self.env['ir.attachment']
            for attach_fname, attach_datas in values.pop('attachments', []):
                data_attach = {
                    'name': attach_fname,
                    'datas': attach_datas,
                    'res_model': 'mail.compose.message',
                    'res_id': 0,
                    'type': 'binary',  # override default_type from context, possibly meant for another model!
            if values.get('attachment_ids', []) or attachment_ids:
                values['attachment_ids'] = [(6, 0, values.get('attachment_ids', []) + attachment_ids)]
            default_values = self.with_context(default_composition_mode=composition_mode, default_model=model, default_res_id=res_id).default_get(['composition_mode', 'model', 'res_id', 'parent_id', 'partner_ids', 'subject', 'body', 'email_from', 'reply_to', 'attachment_ids', 'mail_server_id'])
            values = dict((key, default_values[key]) for key in ['subject', 'body', 'partner_ids', 'email_from', 'reply_to', 'attachment_ids', 'mail_server_id'] if key in default_values)

        if values.get('body_html'):
            values['body'] = values.pop('body_html')

        # This onchange should return command instead of ids for x2many field.
        values = self._convert_to_write(values)

        return {'value': values}

    def save_as_template(self):
        """ hit save as template button: current form value will be a new
            template attached to the current document. """
        for record in self:
            model = self.env['ir.model']._get(record.model or 'mail.message')
            model_name = model.name or ''
            template_name = "%s: %s" % (model_name, tools.ustr(record.subject))
            values = {
                'name': template_name,
                'subject': record.subject or False,
                'body_html': record.body or False,
                'model_id': model.id or False,
                'attachment_ids': [(6, 0, [att.id for att in record.attachment_ids])],
            template = self.env['mail.template'].create(values)
            # generate the saved template
            record.write({'template_id': template.id})
            return _reopen(self, record.id, record.model, context=self._context)

    # Template rendering

    def render_message(self, res_ids):
        """Generate template-based values of wizard, for the document records given
        by res_ids. This method is meant to be inherited by email_template that
        will produce a more complete dictionary, using Jinja2 templates.

        Each template is generated for all res_ids, allowing to parse the template
        once, and render it multiple times. This is useful for mass mailing where
        template rendering represent a significant part of the process.

        Default recipients are also computed, based on mail_thread method
        _message_get_default_recipients. This allows to ensure a mass mailing has
        always some recipients specified.

        :param browse wizard: current mail.compose.message browse record
        :param list res_ids: list of record ids

        :return dict results: for each res_id, the generated template values for
                              subject, body, email_from and reply_to
        multi_mode = True
        if isinstance(res_ids, int):
            multi_mode = False
            res_ids = [res_ids]

        subjects = self.env['mail.template']._render_template(self.subject, self.model, res_ids)
        bodies = self.env['mail.template']._render_template(self.body, self.model, res_ids, post_process=True)
        emails_from = self.env['mail.template']._render_template(self.email_from, self.model, res_ids)
        replies_to = self.env['mail.template']._render_template(self.reply_to, self.model, res_ids)
        default_recipients = {}
        if not self.partner_ids:
            records = self.env[self.model].browse(res_ids).sudo()
            default_recipients = self.env['mail.thread']._message_get_default_recipients_on_records(records)

        results = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False)
        for res_id in res_ids:
            results[res_id] = {
                'subject': subjects[res_id],
                'body': bodies[res_id],
                'email_from': emails_from[res_id],
                'reply_to': replies_to[res_id],
            results[res_id].update(default_recipients.get(res_id, dict()))

        # generate template-based values
        if self.template_id:
            template_values = self.generate_email_for_composer(
                self.template_id.id, res_ids,
                fields=['email_to', 'partner_to', 'email_cc', 'attachment_ids', 'mail_server_id'])
            template_values = {}

        for res_id in res_ids:
            if template_values.get(res_id):
                # recipients are managed by the template
                results[res_id].pop('partner_ids', None)
                results[res_id].pop('email_to', None)
                results[res_id].pop('email_cc', None)
                # remove attachments from template values as they should not be rendered
                template_values[res_id].pop('attachment_ids', None)
                template_values[res_id] = dict()
            # update template values by composer values

        return multi_mode and template_values or template_values[res_ids[0]]

    def generate_email_for_composer(self, template_id, res_ids, fields=None):
        """ Call email_template.generate_email(), get fields relevant for
            mail.compose.message, transform email_cc and email_to into partner_ids """
        multi_mode = True
        if isinstance(res_ids, int):
            multi_mode = False
            res_ids = [res_ids]

        if fields is None:
            fields = ['subject', 'body_html', 'email_from', 'email_to', 'partner_to', 'email_cc',  'reply_to', 'attachment_ids', 'mail_server_id']
        returned_fields = fields + ['partner_ids', 'attachments']
        values = dict.fromkeys(res_ids, False)

        template_values = self.env['mail.template'].with_context(tpl_partners_only=True).browse(template_id).generate_email(res_ids, fields=fields)
        for res_id in res_ids:
            res_id_values = dict((field, template_values[res_id][field]) for field in returned_fields if template_values[res_id].get(field))
            res_id_values['body'] = res_id_values.pop('body_html', '')
            values[res_id] = res_id_values

        return multi_mode and values or values[res_ids[0]]
Exemplo n.º 20
class Invite(models.TransientModel):
    """ Wizard to invite partners (or channels) and make them followers. """
    _name = 'mail.wizard.invite'
    _description = 'Invite wizard'

    def default_get(self, fields):
        result = super(Invite, self).default_get(fields)
        if self._context.get('mail_invite_follower_channel_only'):
            result['send_mail'] = False
        if 'message' not in fields:
            return result

        user_name = self.env.user.display_name
        model = result.get('res_model')
        res_id = result.get('res_id')
        if model and res_id:
            document = self.env['ir.model']._get(model).display_name
            title = self.env[model].browse(res_id).display_name
            msg_fmt = _(
                '%(user_name)s invited you to follow %(document)s document: %(title)s'
            msg_fmt = _('%(user_name)s invited you to follow a new document.')

        text = msg_fmt % locals()
        message = html.DIV(html.P(_('Hello,')), html.P(text))
        result['message'] = etree.tostring(message)
        return result

    res_model = fields.Char('Related Document Model',
                            help='Model of the followed resource')
    res_id = fields.Integer('Related Document ID',
                            help='Id of the followed resource')
    partner_ids = fields.Many2many(
        "List of partners that will be added as follower of the current document."
    channel_ids = fields.Many2many(
        'List of channels that will be added as listeners of the current document.',
        domain=[('channel_type', '=', 'channel')])
    message = fields.Html('Message')
    send_mail = fields.Boolean(
        'Send Email',
        "If checked, the partners will receive an email warning they have been added in the document's followers."

    def add_followers(self):
        email_from = self.env['mail.message']._get_default_from()
        for wizard in self:
            Model = self.env[wizard.res_model]
            document = Model.browse(wizard.res_id)

            # filter partner_ids to get the new followers, to avoid sending email to already following partners
            new_partners = wizard.partner_ids - document.message_partner_ids
            new_channels = wizard.channel_ids - document.message_channel_ids
            document.message_subscribe(new_partners.ids, new_channels.ids)

            model_name = self.env['ir.model']._get(
            # send an email if option checked and if a message exists (do not send void emails)
            if wizard.send_mail and wizard.message and not wizard.message == '<br>':  # when deleting the message, cleditor keeps a <br>
                message = self.env['mail.message'].create({
                    _('Invitation to follow %s: %s') %
                    (model_name, document.display_name),
                partners_data = []
                recipient_data = self.env[
                        document, 'comment', False, pids=new_partners.ids)
                for pid, cid, active, pshare, ctype, notif, groups in recipient_data:
                    pdata = {
                        'id': pid,
                        'share': pshare,
                        'active': active,
                        'notif': 'email',
                        'groups': groups or []
                    if not pshare and notif:  # has an user and is not shared, is therefore user
                        partners_data.append(dict(pdata, type='user'))
                    elif pshare and notif:  # has an user and is shared, is therefore portal
                        partners_data.append(dict(pdata, type='portal'))
                    else:  # has no user, is therefore customer
                        partners_data.append(dict(pdata, type='customer'))

                document._notify_record_by_email(message, {
                    'partners': partners_data,
                    'channels': []
        return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
Exemplo n.º 21
class Module(models.Model):
    _name = "ir.module.module"
    _rec_name = "shortdesc"
    _description = "Module"
    _order = 'sequence,name'

    def fields_view_get(self,
        res = super(Module, self).fields_view_get(view_id,
        if view_type == 'form' and res.get('toolbar', False):
            install_id = self.env.ref(
            action = [
                rec for rec in res['toolbar']['action']
                if rec.get('id', False) != install_id
            res['toolbar'] = {'action': action}
        return res

    def get_module_info(cls, name):
            return modules.load_information_from_description_file(name)
        except Exception:
                'Error when trying to fetch information for module %s',
            return {}

    @api.depends('name', 'description')
    def _get_desc(self):
        for module in self:
            path = modules.get_module_resource(
                module.name, 'static/description/index.html')
            if path:
                with tools.file_open(path, 'rb') as desc_file:
                    doc = desc_file.read()
                    html = lxml.html.document_fromstring(doc)
                    for element, attribute, link, pos in html.iterlinks():
                        if element.get('src') and not '//' in element.get(
                                'src') and not 'static/' in element.get('src'):
                                'src', "/%s/static/description/%s" %
                                (module.name, element.get('src')))
                    module.description_html = tools.html_sanitize(
                overrides = {
                    'embed_stylesheet': False,
                    'doctitle_xform': False,
                    'output_encoding': 'unicode',
                    'xml_declaration': False,
                    'file_insertion_enabled': False,
                output = publish_string(
                    if not module.application and module.description else '',
                module.description_html = tools.html_sanitize(output)

    def _get_latest_version(self):
        default_version = modules.adapt_version('1.0')
        for module in self:
            module.installed_version = self.get_module_info(module.name).get(
                'version', default_version)

    @api.depends('name', 'state')
    def _get_views(self):
        IrModelData = self.env['ir.model.data'].with_context(active_test=True)
        dmodels = ['ir.ui.view', 'ir.actions.report', 'ir.ui.menu']

        for module in self:
            # Skip uninstalled modules below, no data to find anyway.
            if module.state not in ('installed', 'to upgrade', 'to remove'):
                module.views_by_module = ""
                module.reports_by_module = ""
                module.menus_by_module = ""

            # then, search and group ir.model.data records
            imd_models = defaultdict(list)
            imd_domain = [('module', '=', module.name),
                          ('model', 'in', tuple(dmodels))]
            for data in IrModelData.sudo().search(imd_domain):

            def browse(model):
                # as this method is called before the module update, some xmlid
                # may be invalid at this stage; explictly filter records before
                # reading them
                return self.env[model].browse(imd_models[model]).exists()

            def format_view(v):
                return '%s%s (%s)' % (v.inherit_id and '* INHERIT '
                                      or '', v.name, v.type)

            module.views_by_module = "\n".join(
                sorted(format_view(v) for v in browse('ir.ui.view')))
            module.reports_by_module = "\n".join(
                sorted(r.name for r in browse('ir.actions.report')))
            module.menus_by_module = "\n".join(
                sorted(m.complete_name for m in browse('ir.ui.menu')))

    def _get_icon_image(self):
        for module in self:
            module.icon_image = ''
            if module.icon:
                path_parts = module.icon.split('/')
                path = modules.get_module_resource(path_parts[1],
                path = modules.module.get_module_icon(module.name)
            if path:
                with tools.file_open(path, 'rb') as image_file:
                    module.icon_image = base64.b64encode(image_file.read())

    name = fields.Char('Technical Name',
    category_id = fields.Many2one('ir.module.category',
    shortdesc = fields.Char('Module Name', readonly=True, translate=True)
    summary = fields.Char('Summary', readonly=True, translate=True)
    description = fields.Text('Description', readonly=True, translate=True)
    description_html = fields.Html('Description HTML', compute='_get_desc')
    author = fields.Char("Author", readonly=True)
    maintainer = fields.Char('Maintainer', readonly=True)
    contributors = fields.Text('Contributors', readonly=True)
    website = fields.Char("Website", readonly=True)

    # attention: Incorrect field names !!
    #   installed_version refers the latest version (the one on disk)
    #   latest_version refers the installed version (the one in database)
    #   published_version refers the version available on the repository
    installed_version = fields.Char('Latest Version',
    latest_version = fields.Char('Installed Version', readonly=True)
    published_version = fields.Char('Published Version', readonly=True)

    url = fields.Char('URL', readonly=True)
    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=100)
    dependencies_id = fields.One2many('ir.module.module.dependency',
    exclusion_ids = fields.One2many('ir.module.module.exclusion',
    auto_install = fields.Boolean(
        'Automatic Installation',
        help='An auto-installable module is automatically installed by the '
        'system when all its dependencies are satisfied. '
        'If the module has no dependency, it is always installed.')
    state = fields.Selection(STATES,
    demo = fields.Boolean('Demo Data', default=False, readonly=True)
    license = fields.Selection(
        [('GPL-2', 'GPL Version 2'),
         ('GPL-2 or any later version', 'GPL-2 or later version'),
         ('GPL-3', 'GPL Version 3'),
         ('GPL-3 or any later version', 'GPL-3 or later version'),
         ('AGPL-3', 'Affero GPL-3'), ('LGPL-3', 'LGPL Version 3'),
         ('Other OSI approved licence', 'Other OSI Approved License'),
         ('OEEL-1', 'Coffice Enterprise Edition License v1.0'),
         ('OPL-1', 'Coffice Proprietary License v1.0'),
         ('Other proprietary', 'Other Proprietary')],
    menus_by_module = fields.Text(string='Menus',
    reports_by_module = fields.Text(string='Reports',
    views_by_module = fields.Text(string='Views',
    application = fields.Boolean('Application', readonly=True)
    icon = fields.Char('Icon URL')
    icon_image = fields.Binary(string='Icon', compute='_get_icon_image')
    to_buy = fields.Boolean('Coffice Enterprise Module', default=False)

    _sql_constraints = [
        ('name_uniq', 'UNIQUE (name)',
         'The name of the module must be unique!'),

    def unlink(self):
        if not self:
            return True
        for module in self:
            if module.state in ('installed', 'to upgrade', 'to remove',
                                'to install'):
                raise UserError(
                    _('You are trying to remove a module that is installed or will be installed.'
        return super(Module, self).unlink()

    def _check_python_external_dependency(pydep):
        except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound as e:
                    "python external dependency %s should be replaced by it's PyPI package name",
            except ImportError:
                # backward compatibility attempt failed
                _logger.warning("DistributionNotFound: %s", e)
                raise Exception('Python library not installed: %s' % (pydep, ))
        except pkg_resources.VersionConflict as e:
            _logger.warning("VersionConflict: %s", e)
            raise Exception('Python library version conflict: %s' % (pydep, ))
        except Exception as e:
            _logger.warning("get_distribution(%s) failed: %s", pydep, e)
            raise Exception('Error finding python library %s' % (pydep, ))

    def _check_external_dependencies(terp):
        depends = terp.get('external_dependencies')
        if not depends:
        for pydep in depends.get('python', []):

        for binary in depends.get('bin', []):
            except IOError:
                raise Exception('Unable to find %r in path' % (binary, ))

    def check_external_dependencies(cls, module_name, newstate='to install'):
        terp = cls.get_module_info(module_name)
        except Exception as e:
            if newstate == 'to install':
                msg = _(
                    'Unable to install module "%s" because an external dependency is not met: %s'
            elif newstate == 'to upgrade':
                msg = _(
                    'Unable to upgrade module "%s" because an external dependency is not met: %s'
                msg = _(
                    'Unable to process module "%s" because an external dependency is not met: %s'
            raise UserError(msg % (module_name, e.args[0]))

    def _state_update(self, newstate, states_to_update, level=100):
        if level < 1:
            raise UserError(_('Recursion error in modules dependencies !'))

        # whether some modules are installed with demo data
        demo = False

        for module in self:
            # determine dependency modules to update/others
            update_mods, ready_mods = self.browse(), self.browse()
            for dep in module.dependencies_id:
                if dep.state == 'unknown':
                    raise UserError(
                        _("You try to install module '%s' that depends on module '%s'.\nBut the latter module is not available in your system."
                          ) % (
                if dep.depend_id.state == newstate:
                    ready_mods += dep.depend_id
                    update_mods += dep.depend_id

            # update dependency modules that require it, and determine demo for module
            update_demo = update_mods._state_update(newstate,
                                                    level=level - 1)
            module_demo = module.demo or update_demo or any(
                mod.demo for mod in ready_mods)
            demo = demo or module_demo

            # check dependencies and update module itself
            self.check_external_dependencies(module.name, newstate)
            if module.state in states_to_update:
                module.write({'state': newstate, 'demo': module_demo})

        return demo

    def button_install(self):
        # domain to select auto-installable (but not yet installed) modules
        auto_domain = [('state', '=', 'uninstalled'),
                       ('auto_install', '=', True)]

        # determine whether an auto-install module must be installed:
        #  - all its dependencies are installed or to be installed,
        #  - at least one dependency is 'to install'
        install_states = frozenset(('installed', 'to install', 'to upgrade'))

        def must_install(module):
            states = {
                for dep in module.dependencies_id if dep.auto_install_required
            return states <= install_states and 'to install' in states

        modules = self
        while modules:
            # Mark the given modules and their dependencies to be installed.
            modules._state_update('to install', ['uninstalled'])

            # Determine which auto-installable modules must be installed.
            modules = self.search(auto_domain).filtered(must_install)

        # the modules that are installed/to install/to upgrade
        install_mods = self.search([('state', 'in', list(install_states))])

        # check individual exclusions
        install_names = {module.name for module in install_mods}
        for module in install_mods:
            for exclusion in module.exclusion_ids:
                if exclusion.name in install_names:
                    msg = _('Modules "%s" and "%s" are incompatible.')
                    raise UserError(
                        msg %
                        (module.shortdesc, exclusion.exclusion_id.shortdesc))

        # check category exclusions
        def closure(module):
            todo = result = module
            while todo:
                result |= todo
                todo = todo.dependencies_id.depend_id
            return result

        exclusives = self.env['ir.module.category'].search([('exclusive', '=',
        for category in exclusives:
            # retrieve installed modules in category and sub-categories
            categories = category.search([('id', 'child_of', category.ids)])
            modules = install_mods.filtered(
                lambda mod: mod.category_id in categories)
            # the installation is valid if all installed modules in categories
            # belong to the transitive dependencies of one of them
            if modules and not any(modules <= closure(module)
                                   for module in modules):
                msg = _(
                    'You are trying to install incompatible modules in category "%s":'
                labels = dict(self.fields_get(['state'])['state']['selection'])
                raise UserError("\n".join([msg % category.name] + [
                    "- %s (%s)" % (module.shortdesc, labels[module.state])
                    for module in modules

        return dict(ACTION_DICT, name=_('Install'))

    def button_immediate_install(self):
        """ Installs the selected module(s) immediately and fully,
        returns the next res.config action to execute

        :returns: next res.config item to execute
        :rtype: dict[str, object]
        _logger.info('User #%d triggered module installation', self.env.uid)
        # We use here the request object (which is thread-local) as a kind of
        # "global" env because the env is not usable in the following use case.
        # When installing a Chart of Account, I would like to send the
        # allowed companies to configure it on the correct company.
        # Otherwise, the SUPERUSER won't be aware of that and will try to
        # configure the CoA on his own company, which makes no sense.
        if request:
            request.allowed_company_ids = self.env.companies.ids
        return self._button_immediate_function(type(self).button_install)

    def button_install_cancel(self):
        self.write({'state': 'uninstalled', 'demo': False})
        return True

    def module_uninstall(self):
        """ Perform the various steps required to uninstall a module completely
        including the deletion of all database structures created by the module:
        tables, columns, constraints, etc.
        modules_to_remove = self.mapped('name')
        # we deactivate prefetching to not try to read a column that has been deleted
            'state': 'uninstalled',
            'latest_version': False
        return True

    def _remove_copied_views(self):
        """ Remove the copies of the views installed by the modules in `self`.

        Those copies do not have an external id so they will not be cleaned by
        `_module_data_uninstall`. This is why we rely on `key` instead.

        It is important to remove these copies because using them will crash if
        they rely on data that don't exist anymore if the module is removed.
        domain = expression.OR([[('key', '=like', m.name + '.%')]
                                for m in self])
        orphans = self.env['ir.ui.view'].with_context(
                'active_test': False,
                MODULE_UNINSTALL_FLAG: True

    def downstream_dependencies(self,
                                exclude_states=('uninstalled', 'uninstallable',
                                                'to remove')):
        """ Return the modules that directly or indirectly depend on the modules
        in `self`, and that satisfy the `exclude_states` filter.
        if not self:
            return self
        known_deps = known_deps or self.browse()
        query = """ SELECT DISTINCT m.id
                    FROM ir_module_module_dependency d
                    JOIN ir_module_module m ON (d.module_id=m.id)
                        d.name IN (SELECT name from ir_module_module where id in %s) AND
                        m.state NOT IN %s AND
                        m.id NOT IN %s """
        self._cr.execute(query, (tuple(self.ids), tuple(exclude_states),
                                 tuple(known_deps.ids or self.ids)))
        new_deps = self.browse([row[0] for row in self._cr.fetchall()])
        missing_mods = new_deps - known_deps
        known_deps |= new_deps
        if missing_mods:
            known_deps |= missing_mods.downstream_dependencies(
                known_deps, exclude_states)
        return known_deps

    def upstream_dependencies(self,
                              exclude_states=('installed', 'uninstallable',
                                              'to remove')):
        """ Return the dependency tree of modules of the modules in `self`, and
        that satisfy the `exclude_states` filter.
        if not self:
            return self
        known_deps = known_deps or self.browse()
        query = """ SELECT DISTINCT m.id
                    FROM ir_module_module_dependency d
                    JOIN ir_module_module m ON (d.module_id=m.id)
                        m.name IN (SELECT name from ir_module_module_dependency where module_id in %s) AND
                        m.state NOT IN %s AND
                        m.id NOT IN %s """
        self._cr.execute(query, (tuple(self.ids), tuple(exclude_states),
                                 tuple(known_deps.ids or self.ids)))
        new_deps = self.browse([row[0] for row in self._cr.fetchall()])
        missing_mods = new_deps - known_deps
        known_deps |= new_deps
        if missing_mods:
            known_deps |= missing_mods.upstream_dependencies(
                known_deps, exclude_states)
        return known_deps

    def next(self):
        Return the action linked to an ir.actions.todo is there exists one that
        should be executed. Otherwise, redirect to /web
        Todos = self.env['ir.actions.todo']
        _logger.info('getting next %s', Todos)
        active_todo = Todos.search([('state', '=', 'open')], limit=1)
        if active_todo:
            _logger.info('next action is "%s"', active_todo.name)
            return active_todo.action_launch()
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
            'target': 'self',
            'url': '/web',

    def _button_immediate_function(self, function):
            # This is done because the installation/uninstallation/upgrade can modify a currently
            # running cron job and prevent it from finishing, and since the ir_cron table is locked
            # during execution, the lock won't be released until timeout.
            self._cr.execute("SELECT * FROM ir_cron FOR UPDATE NOWAIT")
        except psycopg2.OperationalError:
            raise UserError(
                _("The server is busy right now, module operations are not possible at"
                  " this time, please try again later."))

        modules.registry.Registry.new(self._cr.dbname, update_module=True)

        env = api.Environment(self._cr, self._uid, self._context)
        # pylint: disable=next-method-called
        config = env['ir.module.module'].next() or {}
        if config.get('type') not in ('ir.actions.act_window_close', ):
            return config

        # reload the client; open the first available root menu
        menu = env['ir.ui.menu'].search([('parent_id', '=', False)])[:1]
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.client',
            'tag': 'reload',
            'params': {
                'menu_id': menu.id

    def button_immediate_uninstall(self):
        Uninstall the selected module(s) immediately and fully,
        returns the next res.config action to execute
        _logger.info('User #%d triggered module uninstallation', self.env.uid)
        return self._button_immediate_function(type(self).button_uninstall)

    def button_uninstall(self):
        if 'base' in self.mapped('name'):
            raise UserError(_("The `base` module cannot be uninstalled"))
        deps = self.downstream_dependencies()
        (self + deps).write({'state': 'to remove'})
        return dict(ACTION_DICT, name=_('Uninstall'))

    def button_uninstall_wizard(self):
        """ Launch the wizard to uninstall the given module. """
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'target': 'new',
            'name': _('Uninstall module'),
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'res_model': 'base.module.uninstall',
            'context': {
                'default_module_id': self.id

    def button_uninstall_cancel(self):
        self.write({'state': 'installed'})
        return True

    def button_immediate_upgrade(self):
        Upgrade the selected module(s) immediately and fully,
        return the next res.config action to execute
        return self._button_immediate_function(type(self).button_upgrade)

    def button_upgrade(self):
        Dependency = self.env['ir.module.module.dependency']

        todo = list(self)
        i = 0
        while i < len(todo):
            module = todo[i]
            i += 1
            if module.state not in ('installed', 'to upgrade'):
                raise UserError(
                    _("Can not upgrade module '%s'. It is not installed.") %
                    (module.name, ))
            self.check_external_dependencies(module.name, 'to upgrade')
            for dep in Dependency.search([('name', '=', module.name)]):
                if dep.module_id.state == 'installed' and dep.module_id not in todo:

                    for module in todo).write({'state': 'to upgrade'})

        to_install = []
        for module in todo:
            for dep in module.dependencies_id:
                if dep.state == 'unknown':
                    raise UserError(
                        _('You try to upgrade the module %s that depends on the module: %s.\nBut this module is not available in your system.'
                          ) % (
                if dep.state == 'uninstalled':
                    to_install += self.search([('name', '=', dep.name)]).ids

        return dict(ACTION_DICT, name=_('Apply Schedule Upgrade'))

    def button_upgrade_cancel(self):
        self.write({'state': 'installed'})
        return True

    def get_values_from_terp(terp):
        return {
            'description': terp.get('description', ''),
            'shortdesc': terp.get('name', ''),
            'author': terp.get('author', 'Unknown'),
            'maintainer': terp.get('maintainer', False),
            'contributors': ', '.join(terp.get('contributors', [])) or False,
            'website': terp.get('website', ''),
            'license': terp.get('license', 'LGPL-3'),
            'sequence': terp.get('sequence', 100),
            'application': terp.get('application', False),
            'auto_install': terp.get('auto_install', False) is not False,
            'icon': terp.get('icon', False),
            'summary': terp.get('summary', ''),
            'url': terp.get('url') or terp.get('live_test_url', ''),
            'to_buy': False

    def create(self, vals):
        new = super(Module, self).create(vals)
        module_metadata = {
            'name': 'module_%s' % vals['name'],
            'model': 'ir.module.module',
            'module': 'base',
            'res_id': new.id,
            'noupdate': True,
        return new

    # update the list of available packages
    def update_list(self):
        res = [0, 0]  # [update, add]

        default_version = modules.adapt_version('1.0')
        known_mods = self.with_context(lang=None).search([])
        known_mods_names = {mod.name: mod for mod in known_mods}

        # iterate through detected modules and update/create them in db
        for mod_name in modules.get_modules():
            mod = known_mods_names.get(mod_name)
            terp = self.get_module_info(mod_name)
            values = self.get_values_from_terp(terp)

            if mod:
                updated_values = {}
                for key in values:
                    old = getattr(mod, key)
                    if (old or values[key]) and values[key] != old:
                        updated_values[key] = values[key]
                if terp.get('installable',
                            True) and mod.state == 'uninstallable':
                    updated_values['state'] = 'uninstalled'
                if parse_version(terp.get(
                        'version', default_version)) > parse_version(
                            mod.latest_version or default_version):
                    res[0] += 1
                if updated_values:
                mod_path = modules.get_module_path(mod_name)
                if not mod_path or not terp:
                state = "uninstalled" if terp.get('installable',
                                                  True) else "uninstallable"
                mod = self.create(dict(name=mod_name, state=state, **values))
                res[1] += 1

            mod._update_dependencies(terp.get('depends', []),
            mod._update_exclusions(terp.get('excludes', []))
            mod._update_category(terp.get('category', 'Uncategorized'))

        return res

    def download(self, download=True):
        return []

    def install_from_urls(self, urls):
        if not self.env.user.has_group('base.group_system'):
            raise AccessDenied()

        # One-click install is opt-in - cfr Issue #15225
        ad_dir = tools.config.addons_data_dir
        if not os.access(ad_dir, os.W_OK):
            msg = (_(
                "Automatic install of downloaded Apps is currently disabled."
            ) + "\n\n" + _(
                "To enable it, make sure this directory exists and is writable on the server:"
            ) + "\n%s" % ad_dir)
            raise UserError(msg)

        apps_server = urls.url_parse(self.get_apps_server())

        OPENERP = coffice.release.product_name.lower()
        tmp = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        _logger.debug('Install from url: %r', urls)
            # 1. Download & unzip missing modules
            for module_name, url in urls.items():
                if not url:
                    continue  # nothing to download, local version is already the last one

                up = urls.url_parse(url)
                if up.scheme != apps_server.scheme or up.netloc != apps_server.netloc:
                    raise AccessDenied()

                    _logger.info('Downloading module `%s` from OpenERP Apps',
                    response = requests.get(url)
                    content = response.content
                except Exception:
                    _logger.exception('Failed to fetch module %s', module_name)
                    raise UserError(
                        _('The `%s` module appears to be unavailable at the moment, please try again later.'
                          ) % module_name)
                    assert os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tmp, module_name))

            # 2a. Copy/Replace module source in addons path
            for module_name, url in urls.items():
                if module_name == OPENERP or not url:
                    continue  # OPENERP is special case, handled below, and no URL means local module
                module_path = modules.get_module_path(module_name,
                bck = backup(module_path, False)
                _logger.info('Copy downloaded module `%s` to `%s`',
                             module_name, module_path)
                shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp, module_name), module_path)
                if bck:

            # 2b.  Copy/Replace server+base module source if downloaded
            if urls.get(OPENERP):
                # special case. it contains the server and the base module.
                # extract path is not the same
                base_path = os.path.dirname(modules.get_module_path('base'))

                # copy all modules in the SERVER/coffice/addons directory to the new "coffice" module (except base itself)
                for d in os.listdir(base_path):
                    if d != 'base' and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(
                            base_path, d)):
                        destdir = os.path.join(
                            tmp, OPENERP, 'addons',
                            d)  # XXX 'coffice' subdirectory ?
                        shutil.copytree(os.path.join(base_path, d), destdir)

                # then replace the server by the new "base" module
                server_dir = tools.config['root_path']  # XXX or dirname()
                bck = backup(server_dir)
                _logger.info('Copy downloaded module `coffice` to `%s`',
                shutil.move(os.path.join(tmp, OPENERP), server_dir)
                #if bck:
                #    shutil.rmtree(bck)


            with_urls = [
                module_name for module_name, url in urls.items() if url
            downloaded = self.search([('name', 'in', with_urls)])
            installed = self.search([('id', 'in', downloaded.ids),
                                     ('state', '=', 'installed')])

            to_install = self.search([('name', 'in', list(urls)),
                                      ('state', '=', 'uninstalled')])
            post_install_action = to_install.button_immediate_install()

            if installed or to_install:
                # in this case, force server restart to reload python code...
                return {
                    'type': 'ir.actions.client',
                    'tag': 'home',
                    'params': {
                        'wait': True
            return post_install_action


    def get_apps_server(self):
        return tools.config.get('apps_server', 'https://apps.coffice.com/apps')

    def _update_dependencies(self, depends=None, auto_install_requirements=()):
        existing = set(dep.name for dep in self.dependencies_id)
        needed = set(depends or [])
        for dep in (needed - existing):
                'INSERT INTO ir_module_module_dependency (module_id, name) values (%s, %s)',
                (self.id, dep))
        for dep in (existing - needed):
                'DELETE FROM ir_module_module_dependency WHERE module_id = %s and name = %s',
                (self.id, dep))
            'UPDATE ir_module_module_dependency SET auto_install_required = (name = any(%s)) WHERE module_id = %s',
            (list(auto_install_requirements or ()), self.id))
        self.invalidate_cache(['dependencies_id'], self.ids)

    def _update_exclusions(self, excludes=None):
        existing = set(excl.name for excl in self.exclusion_ids)
        needed = set(excludes or [])
        for name in (needed - existing):
                'INSERT INTO ir_module_module_exclusion (module_id, name) VALUES (%s, %s)',
                (self.id, name))
        for name in (existing - needed):
                'DELETE FROM ir_module_module_exclusion WHERE module_id=%s AND name=%s',
                (self.id, name))
        self.invalidate_cache(['exclusion_ids'], self.ids)

    def _update_category(self, category='Uncategorized'):
        current_category = self.category_id
        current_category_path = []
        while current_category:
            current_category_path.insert(0, current_category.name)
            current_category = current_category.parent_id

        categs = category.split('/')
        if categs != current_category_path:
            cat_id = modules.db.create_categories(self._cr, categs)
            self.write({'category_id': cat_id})

    def _update_translations(self, filter_lang=None):
        if not filter_lang:
            langs = self.env['res.lang'].get_installed()
            filter_lang = [code for code, _ in langs]
        elif not isinstance(filter_lang, (list, tuple)):
            filter_lang = [filter_lang]

        update_mods = self.filtered(lambda r: r.state in
                                    ('installed', 'to install', 'to upgrade'))
        mod_dict = {
            mod.name: mod.dependencies_id.mapped('name')
            for mod in update_mods
        mod_names = topological_sort(mod_dict)
        self.env['ir.translation']._load_module_terms(mod_names, filter_lang)

    def _check(self):
        for module in self:
            if not module.description_html:
                _logger.warning('module %s: description is empty !',

    def _installed(self):
        """ Return the set of installed modules as a dictionary {name: id} """
        return {
            module.name: module.id
            for module in self.sudo().search([('state', '=', 'installed')])
Exemplo n.º 22
class Track(models.Model):
    _name = "event.track"
    _description = 'Event Track'
    _order = 'priority, date'
    _inherit = [
        'mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'website.seo.metadata',

    def _get_default_stage_id(self):
        return self.env['event.track.stage'].search([], limit=1).id

    name = fields.Char('Title', required=True, translate=True)
    active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users',
                              default=lambda self: self.env.user)
    company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', related='event_id.company_id')
    partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Speaker')
    partner_name = fields.Char('Name')
    partner_email = fields.Char('Email')
    partner_phone = fields.Char('Phone')
    partner_biography = fields.Html('Biography')
    tag_ids = fields.Many2many('event.track.tag', string='Tags')
    stage_id = fields.Many2one('event.track.stage',
    kanban_state = fields.Selection(
        [('normal', 'Grey'), ('done', 'Green'), ('blocked', 'Red')],
        string='Kanban State',
        "A track's kanban state indicates special situations affecting it:\n"
        " * Grey is the default situation\n"
        " * Red indicates something is preventing the progress of this track\n"
        " * Green indicates the track is ready to be pulled to the next stage")
    description = fields.Html(translate=html_translate,
    date = fields.Datetime('Track Date')
    date_end = fields.Datetime('Track End Date',
    duration = fields.Float('Duration',
                            help="Track duration in hours.")
    location_id = fields.Many2one('event.track.location', 'Room')
    event_id = fields.Many2one('event.event', 'Event', required=True)
    color = fields.Integer('Color Index')
    priority = fields.Selection([('0', 'Low'), ('1', 'Medium'), ('2', 'High'),
                                 ('3', 'Highest')],
    image = fields.Image("Image",

    def _compute_website_url(self):
        super(Track, self)._compute_website_url()
        for track in self:
            if track.id:
                track.website_url = '/event/%s/track/%s' % (slug(
                    track.event_id), slug(track))

    def _onchange_partner_id(self):
        if self.partner_id:
            self.partner_name = self.partner_id.name
            self.partner_email = self.partner_id.email
            self.partner_phone = self.partner_id.phone
            self.partner_biography = self.partner_id.website_description

    @api.depends('date', 'duration')
    def _compute_end_date(self):
        for track in self:
            if track.date:
                delta = timedelta(minutes=60 * track.duration)
                track.date_end = track.date + delta
                track.date_end = False

    def create(self, vals):
        track = super(Track, self).create(vals)

            values={'track': track},

        return track

    def write(self, vals):
        if 'stage_id' in vals and 'kanban_state' not in vals:
            vals['kanban_state'] = 'normal'
        res = super(Track, self).write(vals)
        if vals.get('partner_id'):
        return res

    def _read_group_stage_ids(self, stages, domain, order):
        """ Always display all stages """
        return stages.search([], order=order)

    def _track_template(self, changes):
        res = super(Track, self)._track_template(changes)
        track = self[0]
        if 'stage_id' in changes and track.stage_id.mail_template_id:
            res['stage_id'] = (track.stage_id.mail_template_id, {
        return res

    def _track_subtype(self, init_values):
        if 'kanban_state' in init_values and self.kanban_state == 'blocked':
            return self.env.ref('website_event_track.mt_track_blocked')
        elif 'kanban_state' in init_values and self.kanban_state == 'done':
            return self.env.ref('website_event_track.mt_track_ready')
        return super(Track, self)._track_subtype(init_values)

    def _message_get_suggested_recipients(self):
        recipients = super(Track, self)._message_get_suggested_recipients()
        for track in self:
            if track.partner_email and track.partner_email != track.partner_id.email:
                    reason=_('Speaker Email'))
        return recipients

    def _message_post_after_hook(self, message, msg_vals):
        if self.partner_email and not self.partner_id:
            # we consider that posting a message with a specified recipient (not a follower, a specific one)
            # on a document without customer means that it was created through the chatter using
            # suggested recipients. This heuristic allows to avoid ugly hacks in JS.
            new_partner = message.partner_ids.filtered(
                lambda partner: partner.email == self.partner_email)
            if new_partner:
                    ('partner_id', '=', False),
                    ('partner_email', '=', new_partner.email),
                    ('stage_id.is_cancel', '=', False),
                ]).write({'partner_id': new_partner.id})
        return super(Track, self)._message_post_after_hook(message, msg_vals)

    def open_track_speakers_list(self):
        return {
            'name': _('Speakers'),
            'domain': [('id', 'in', self.mapped('partner_id').ids)],
            'view_mode': 'kanban,form',
            'res_model': 'res.partner',
            'view_id': False,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
Exemplo n.º 23
class BlogPost(models.Model):
    _name = "blog.post"
    _description = "Blog Post"
    _inherit = [
        'mail.thread', 'website.seo.metadata', 'website.published.multi.mixin'
    _order = 'id DESC'
    _mail_post_access = 'read'

    def _compute_website_url(self):
        super(BlogPost, self)._compute_website_url()
        for blog_post in self:
            blog_post.website_url = "/blog/%s/post/%s" % (slug(
                blog_post.blog_id), slug(blog_post))

    def _default_content(self):
        return '''
            <p class="o_default_snippet_text">''' + _(
            "Start writing here...") + '''</p>

    name = fields.Char('Title', required=True, translate=True, default='')
    subtitle = fields.Char('Sub Title', translate=True)
    author_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner',
                                default=lambda self: self.env.user.partner_id)
    active = fields.Boolean('Active', default=True)
    cover_properties = fields.Text(
        'Cover Properties',
        '{"background-image": "none", "background-color": "oe_black", "opacity": "0.2", "resize_class": "cover_mid"}'
    blog_id = fields.Many2one('blog.blog',
    tag_ids = fields.Many2many('blog.tag', string='Tags')
    content = fields.Html('Content',
    teaser = fields.Text('Teaser',
    teaser_manual = fields.Text(string='Teaser Content')

    website_message_ids = fields.One2many(
        domain=lambda self: [('model', '=', self._name),
                             ('message_type', '=', 'comment')])

    # creation / update stuff
    create_date = fields.Datetime('Created on', index=True, readonly=True)
    published_date = fields.Datetime('Published Date')
    post_date = fields.Datetime(
        'Publishing date',
        "The blog post will be visible for your visitors as of this date on the website if it is set as published."
    create_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users',
                                 'Created by',
    write_date = fields.Datetime('Last Updated on', index=True, readonly=True)
    write_uid = fields.Many2one('res.users',
                                'Last Contributor',
    author_avatar = fields.Binary(related='author_id.image_128',
    visits = fields.Integer('No of Views', copy=False)
    website_id = fields.Many2one(related='blog_id.website_id', readonly=True)

    @api.depends('content', 'teaser_manual')
    def _compute_teaser(self):
        for blog_post in self:
            if blog_post.teaser_manual:
                blog_post.teaser = blog_post.teaser_manual
                content = html2plaintext(blog_post.content).replace('\n', ' ')
                blog_post.teaser = content[:200] + '...'

    def _set_teaser(self):
        for blog_post in self:
            blog_post.teaser_manual = blog_post.teaser

    @api.depends('create_date', 'published_date')
    def _compute_post_date(self):
        for blog_post in self:
            if blog_post.published_date:
                blog_post.post_date = blog_post.published_date
                blog_post.post_date = blog_post.create_date

    def _set_post_date(self):
        for blog_post in self:
            blog_post.published_date = blog_post.post_date
            if not blog_post.published_date:
                                 )  # dont trigger inverse function

    def _check_for_publication(self, vals):
        if vals.get('is_published'):
            for post in self:
                    values={'post': post},
            return True
        return False

    def create(self, vals):
        post_id = super(BlogPost,
        return post_id

    def write(self, vals):
        result = True
        for post in self:
            copy_vals = dict(vals)
            published_in_vals = set(
                vals.keys()) & {'is_published', 'website_published'}
            if (published_in_vals and 'published_date' not in vals
                    and (not post.published_date
                         or post.published_date <= fields.Datetime.now())):
                copy_vals['published_date'] = vals[list(
                    published_in_vals)[0]] and fields.Datetime.now() or False
            result &= super(BlogPost, self).write(copy_vals)
        return result

    def get_access_action(self, access_uid=None):
        """ Instead of the classic form view, redirect to the post on website
        directly if user is an employee or if the post is published. """
        user = access_uid and self.env['res.users'].sudo().browse(
            access_uid) or self.env.user
        if user.share and not self.sudo().website_published:
            return super(BlogPost, self).get_access_action(access_uid)
        return {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_url',
            'url': self.website_url,
            'target': 'self',
            'target_type': 'public',
            'res_id': self.id,

    def _notify_get_groups(self):
        """ Add access button to everyone if the document is published. """
        groups = super(BlogPost, self)._notify_get_groups()

        if self.website_published:
            for group_name, group_method, group_data in groups:
                group_data['has_button_access'] = True

        return groups

    def _notify_record_by_inbox(self,
        """ Override to avoid keeping all notified recipients of a comment.
        We avoid tracking needaction on post comments. Only emails should be
        sufficient. """
        if msg_vals.get('message_type', message.message_type) == 'comment':
        return super(BlogPost, self)._notify_record_by_inbox(message,

    def _default_website_meta(self):
        res = super(BlogPost, self)._default_website_meta()
        res['default_opengraph']['og:description'] = res['default_twitter'][
            'twitter:description'] = self.subtitle
        res['default_opengraph']['og:type'] = 'article'
        res['default_opengraph']['article:published_time'] = self.post_date
        res['default_opengraph']['article:modified_time'] = self.write_date
        res['default_opengraph']['article:tag'] = self.tag_ids.mapped('name')
        res['default_opengraph']['og:image'] = res['default_twitter'][
            'twitter:image'] = json.loads(self.cover_properties).get(
                'background-image', 'none')[4:-1]
        res['default_opengraph']['og:title'] = res['default_twitter'][
            'twitter:title'] = self.name
        res['default_meta_description'] = self.subtitle
        return res
Exemplo n.º 24
class BaseDocumentLayout(models.TransientModel):
    Customise the company document layout and display a live preview

    _name = 'base.document.layout'
    _description = 'Company Document Layout'

    company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company',
                                 default=lambda self: self.env.company,

    logo = fields.Binary(related='company_id.logo', readonly=False)
    preview_logo = fields.Binary(related='logo', string="Preview logo")
    report_header = fields.Text(related='company_id.report_header',
    report_footer = fields.Text(related='company_id.report_footer',
    paperformat_id = fields.Many2one(related='company_id.paperformat_id',
    external_report_layout_id = fields.Many2one(
        related='company_id.external_report_layout_id', readonly=False)

    font = fields.Selection(related='company_id.font', readonly=False)
    primary_color = fields.Char(related='company_id.primary_color',
    secondary_color = fields.Char(related='company_id.secondary_color',

    custom_colors = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_custom_colors",
    logo_primary_color = fields.Char(compute="_compute_logo_colors")
    logo_secondary_color = fields.Char(compute="_compute_logo_colors")

    report_layout_id = fields.Many2one('report.layout')
    preview = fields.Html(compute='_compute_preview')

    @api.depends('logo_primary_color', 'logo_secondary_color', 'primary_color',
    def _compute_custom_colors(self):
        for wizard in self:
            logo_primary = wizard.logo_primary_color or ''
            logo_secondary = wizard.logo_secondary_color or ''
            # Force lower case on color to ensure that FF01AA == ff01aa
            wizard.custom_colors = (
                wizard.logo and wizard.primary_color and wizard.secondary_color
                not (wizard.primary_color.lower() == logo_primary.lower() and
                     wizard.secondary_color.lower() == logo_secondary.lower()))

    def _compute_logo_colors(self):
        for wizard in self:
            if wizard._context.get('bin_size'):
                wizard_for_image = wizard.with_context(bin_size=False)
                wizard_for_image = wizard
            wizard.logo_primary_color, wizard.logo_secondary_color = wizard_for_image._parse_logo_colors(

    @api.depends('report_layout_id', 'logo', 'font', 'primary_color',
    def _compute_preview(self):
        """ compute a qweb based preview to display on the wizard """
        for wizard in self:
            if wizard.report_layout_id:
                ir_qweb = wizard.env['ir.qweb']
                wizard.preview = ir_qweb.render('base.layout_preview',
                                                {'company': wizard})
                wizard.preview = False

    def _onchange_company_id(self):
        for wizard in self:
            wizard.logo = wizard.company_id.logo
            wizard.report_header = wizard.company_id.report_header
            wizard.report_footer = wizard.company_id.report_footer
            wizard.paperformat_id = wizard.company_id.paperformat_id
            wizard.external_report_layout_id = wizard.company_id.external_report_layout_id
            wizard.font = wizard.company_id.font
            wizard.primary_color = wizard.company_id.primary_color
            wizard.secondary_color = wizard.company_id.secondary_color
            wizard_layout = wizard.env["report.layout"].search([
                ('view_id.key', '=',
            wizard.report_layout_id = wizard_layout or wizard_layout.search(
                [], limit=1)

            if not wizard.primary_color:
                wizard.primary_color = wizard.logo_primary_color or DEFAULT_PRIMARY
            if not wizard.secondary_color:
                wizard.secondary_color = wizard.logo_secondary_color or DEFAULT_SECONDARY

    def _onchange_custom_colors(self):
        for wizard in self:
            if wizard.logo and not wizard.custom_colors:
                wizard.primary_color = wizard.logo_primary_color or DEFAULT_PRIMARY
                wizard.secondary_color = wizard.logo_secondary_color or DEFAULT_SECONDARY

    def _onchange_report_layout_id(self):
        for wizard in self:
            wizard.external_report_layout_id = wizard.report_layout_id.view_id

    def _onchange_logo(self):
        for wizard in self:
            # It is admitted that if the user puts the original image back, it won't change colors
            company = wizard.company_id
            # at that point wizard.logo has been assigned the value present in DB
            if wizard.logo == company.logo and company.primary_color and company.secondary_color:

            if wizard.logo_primary_color:
                wizard.primary_color = wizard.logo_primary_color
            if wizard.logo_secondary_color:
                wizard.secondary_color = wizard.logo_secondary_color

    def _parse_logo_colors(self, logo=None, white_threshold=225):
        Identifies dominant colors

        First resizes the original image to improve performance, then discards
        transparent colors and white-ish colors, then calls the averaging
        method twice to evaluate both primary and secondary colors.

        :param logo: alternate logo to process
        :param white_threshold: arbitrary value defining the maximum value a color can reach

        :return colors: hex values of primary and secondary colors
        logo = logo or self.logo
        if not logo:
            return False, False

        # The "===" gives different base64 encoding a correct padding
        logo += b'===' if type(logo) == bytes else '==='
            # Catches exceptions caused by logo not being an image
            image = tools.image_fix_orientation(tools.base64_to_image(logo))
        except Exception:
            return False, False

        base_w, base_h = image.size
        w = int(50 * base_w / base_h)
        h = 50

        # Converts to RGBA if no alpha detected
        image_converted = image.convert(
            'RGBA') if 'A' not in image.getbands() else image
        image_resized = image_converted.resize((w, h))

        colors = []
        for color in image_resized.getcolors(w * h):
            if not (color[1][0] > white_threshold
                    and color[1][1] > white_threshold
                    and color[1][2] > white_threshold) and color[1][3] > 0:

        if not colors:  # May happen when the whole image is white
            return False, False
        primary, remaining = tools.average_dominant_color(colors)
        secondary = tools.average_dominant_color(
            remaining)[0] if len(remaining) > 0 else primary

        # Lightness and saturation are calculated here.
        # - If both colors have a similar lightness, the most colorful becomes primary
        # - When the difference in lightness is too great, the brightest color becomes primary
        l_primary = tools.get_lightness(primary)
        l_secondary = tools.get_lightness(secondary)
        if (l_primary < 0.2 and l_secondary < 0.2) or (l_primary >= 0.2
                                                       and l_secondary >= 0.2):
            s_primary = tools.get_saturation(primary)
            s_secondary = tools.get_saturation(secondary)
            if s_primary < s_secondary:
                primary, secondary = secondary, primary
        elif l_secondary > l_primary:
            primary, secondary = secondary, primary

        return tools.rgb_to_hex(primary), tools.rgb_to_hex(secondary)

    def action_open_base_document_layout(self, action_ref=None):
        if not action_ref:
            action_ref = 'base.action_base_document_layout_configurator'
        return self.env.ref(action_ref).read()[0]

    def document_layout_save(self):
        # meant to be overridden
        return self.env.context.get('report_action') or {
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'
Exemplo n.º 25
class Task(models.Model):
    _name = "project.task"
    _description = "Task"
    _date_name = "date_assign"
    _inherit = ['portal.mixin', 'mail.thread.cc', 'mail.activity.mixin', 'rating.mixin']
    _mail_post_access = 'read'
    _order = "priority desc, sequence, id desc"
    _check_company_auto = True

    def default_get(self, fields_list):
        result = super(Task, self).default_get(fields_list)
        # find default value from parent for the not given ones
        parent_task_id = result.get('parent_id') or self._context.get('default_parent_id')
        if parent_task_id:
            parent_values = self._subtask_values_from_parent(parent_task_id)
            for fname, value in parent_values.items():
                if fname not in result:
                    result[fname] = value
        return result

    def _get_default_partner(self):
        if 'default_project_id' in self.env.context:
            default_project_id = self.env['project.project'].browse(self.env.context['default_project_id'])
            return default_project_id.exists().partner_id

    def _get_default_stage_id(self):
        """ Gives default stage_id """
        project_id = self.env.context.get('default_project_id')
        if not project_id:
            return False
        return self.stage_find(project_id, [('fold', '=', False)])

    def _default_company_id(self):
        if self._context.get('default_project_id'):
            return self.env['project.project'].browse(self._context['default_project_id']).company_id
        return self.env.company

    def _read_group_stage_ids(self, stages, domain, order):
        search_domain = [('id', 'in', stages.ids)]
        if 'default_project_id' in self.env.context:
            search_domain = ['|', ('project_ids', '=', self.env.context['default_project_id'])] + search_domain

        stage_ids = stages._search(search_domain, order=order, access_rights_uid=SUPERUSER_ID)
        return stages.browse(stage_ids)

    active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    name = fields.Char(string='Title', tracking=True, required=True, index=True)
    description = fields.Html(string='Description')
    priority = fields.Selection([
        ('0', 'Normal'),
        ('1', 'Important'),
    ], default='0', index=True, string="Priority")
    sequence = fields.Integer(string='Sequence', index=True, default=10,
        help="Gives the sequence order when displaying a list of tasks.")
    stage_id = fields.Many2one('project.task.type', string='Stage', ondelete='restrict', tracking=True, index=True,
        default=_get_default_stage_id, group_expand='_read_group_stage_ids',
        domain="[('project_ids', '=', project_id)]", copy=False)
    tag_ids = fields.Many2many('project.tags', string='Tags')
    kanban_state = fields.Selection([
        ('normal', 'Grey'),
        ('done', 'Green'),
        ('blocked', 'Red')], string='Kanban State',
        copy=False, default='normal', required=True)
    kanban_state_label = fields.Char(compute='_compute_kanban_state_label', string='Kanban State Label', tracking=True)
    create_date = fields.Datetime("Created On", readonly=True, index=True)
    write_date = fields.Datetime("Last Updated On", readonly=True, index=True)
    date_end = fields.Datetime(string='Ending Date', index=True, copy=False)
    date_assign = fields.Datetime(string='Assigning Date', index=True, copy=False, readonly=True)
    date_deadline = fields.Date(string='Deadline', index=True, copy=False, tracking=True)
    date_deadline_formatted = fields.Char(compute='_compute_date_deadline_formatted')
    date_last_stage_update = fields.Datetime(string='Last Stage Update',
    project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project', string='Project', default=lambda self: self.env.context.get('default_project_id'),
        index=True, tracking=True, check_company=True, change_default=True)
    planned_hours = fields.Float("Planned Hours", help='It is the time planned to achieve the task. If this document has sub-tasks, it means the time needed to achieve this tasks and its childs.',tracking=True)
    subtask_planned_hours = fields.Float("Subtasks", compute='_compute_subtask_planned_hours', help="Computed using sum of hours planned of all subtasks created from main task. Usually these hours are less or equal to the Planned Hours (of main task).")
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users',
        string='Assigned to',
        default=lambda self: self.env.uid,
        index=True, tracking=True)
    partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner',
        default=lambda self: self._get_default_partner(),
        domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
    partner_city = fields.Char(related='partner_id.city', readonly=False)
    manager_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', string='Project Manager', related='project_id.user_id', readonly=True, related_sudo=False)
    company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', string='Company', required=True, default=_default_company_id)
    color = fields.Integer(string='Color Index')
    user_email = fields.Char(related='user_id.email', string='User Email', readonly=True, related_sudo=False)
    attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', compute='_compute_attachment_ids', string="Main Attachments",
        help="Attachment that don't come from message.")
    # In the domain of displayed_image_id, we couln't use attachment_ids because a one2many is represented as a list of commands so we used res_model & res_id
    displayed_image_id = fields.Many2one('ir.attachment', domain="[('res_model', '=', 'project.task'), ('res_id', '=', id), ('mimetype', 'ilike', 'image')]", string='Cover Image')
    legend_blocked = fields.Char(related='stage_id.legend_blocked', string='Kanban Blocked Explanation', readonly=True, related_sudo=False)
    legend_done = fields.Char(related='stage_id.legend_done', string='Kanban Valid Explanation', readonly=True, related_sudo=False)
    legend_normal = fields.Char(related='stage_id.legend_normal', string='Kanban Ongoing Explanation', readonly=True, related_sudo=False)
    parent_id = fields.Many2one('project.task', string='Parent Task', index=True)
    child_ids = fields.One2many('project.task', 'parent_id', string="Sub-tasks", context={'active_test': False})
    subtask_project_id = fields.Many2one('project.project', related="project_id.subtask_project_id", string='Sub-task Project', readonly=True)
    subtask_count = fields.Integer("Sub-task count", compute='_compute_subtask_count')
    email_from = fields.Char(string='Email', help="These people will receive email.", index=True)
    # Computed field about working time elapsed between record creation and assignation/closing.
    working_hours_open = fields.Float(compute='_compute_elapsed', string='Working hours to assign', store=True, group_operator="avg")
    working_hours_close = fields.Float(compute='_compute_elapsed', string='Working hours to close', store=True, group_operator="avg")
    working_days_open = fields.Float(compute='_compute_elapsed', string='Working days to assign', store=True, group_operator="avg")
    working_days_close = fields.Float(compute='_compute_elapsed', string='Working days to close', store=True, group_operator="avg")
    # customer portal: include comment and incoming emails in communication history
    website_message_ids = fields.One2many(domain=lambda self: [('model', '=', self._name), ('message_type', 'in', ['email', 'comment'])])

    def _compute_date_deadline_formatted(self):
        for task in self:
            task.date_deadline_formatted = format_date(self.env, task.date_deadline) if task.date_deadline else None

    def _compute_attachment_ids(self):
        for task in self:
            attachment_ids = self.env['ir.attachment'].search([('res_id', '=', task.id), ('res_model', '=', 'project.task')]).ids
            message_attachment_ids = task.mapped('message_ids.attachment_ids').ids  # from mail_thread
            task.attachment_ids = [(6, 0, list(set(attachment_ids) - set(message_attachment_ids)))]

    @api.depends('create_date', 'date_end', 'date_assign')
    def _compute_elapsed(self):
        task_linked_to_calendar = self.filtered(
            lambda task: task.project_id.resource_calendar_id and task.create_date
        for task in task_linked_to_calendar:
            dt_create_date = fields.Datetime.from_string(task.create_date)

            if task.date_assign:
                dt_date_assign = fields.Datetime.from_string(task.date_assign)
                duration_data = task.project_id.resource_calendar_id.get_work_duration_data(dt_create_date, dt_date_assign, compute_leaves=True)
                task.working_hours_open = duration_data['hours']
                task.working_days_open = duration_data['days']
                task.working_hours_open = 0.0
                task.working_days_open = 0.0

            if task.date_end:
                dt_date_end = fields.Datetime.from_string(task.date_end)
                duration_data = task.project_id.resource_calendar_id.get_work_duration_data(dt_create_date, dt_date_end, compute_leaves=True)
                task.working_hours_close = duration_data['hours']
                task.working_days_close = duration_data['days']
                task.working_hours_close = 0.0
                task.working_days_close = 0.0

        (self - task_linked_to_calendar).update(dict.fromkeys(
            ['working_hours_open', 'working_hours_close', 'working_days_open', 'working_days_close'], 0.0))

    @api.depends('stage_id', 'kanban_state')
    def _compute_kanban_state_label(self):
        for task in self:
            if task.kanban_state == 'normal':
                task.kanban_state_label = task.legend_normal
            elif task.kanban_state == 'blocked':
                task.kanban_state_label = task.legend_blocked
                task.kanban_state_label = task.legend_done

    def _compute_access_url(self):
        super(Task, self)._compute_access_url()
        for task in self:
            task.access_url = '/my/task/%s' % task.id

    def _compute_access_warning(self):
        super(Task, self)._compute_access_warning()
        for task in self.filtered(lambda x: x.project_id.privacy_visibility != 'portal'):
            task.access_warning = _(
                "The task cannot be shared with the recipient(s) because the privacy of the project is too restricted. Set the privacy of the project to 'Visible by following customers' in order to make it accessible by the recipient(s).")

    def _compute_subtask_planned_hours(self):
        for task in self:
            task.subtask_planned_hours = sum(task.child_ids.mapped('planned_hours'))

    def _compute_subtask_count(self):
        """ Note: since we accept only one level subtask, we can use a read_group here """
        task_data = self.env['project.task'].read_group([('parent_id', 'in', self.ids)], ['parent_id'], ['parent_id'])
        mapping = dict((data['parent_id'][0], data['parent_id_count']) for data in task_data)
        for task in self:
            task.subtask_count = mapping.get(task.id, 0)

    def _onchange_partner_id(self):
        self.email_from = self.partner_id.email

    def _onchange_parent_id(self):
        if self.parent_id:
            for field_name, value in self._subtask_values_from_parent(self.parent_id.id).items():
                if not self[field_name]:
                    self[field_name] = value

    def _onchange_project(self):
        if self.project_id:
            # find partner
            if self.project_id.partner_id:
                self.partner_id = self.project_id.partner_id
            # find stage
            if self.project_id not in self.stage_id.project_ids:
                self.stage_id = self.stage_find(self.project_id.id, [('fold', '=', False)])
            # keep multi company consistency
            self.company_id = self.project_id.company_id
            self.stage_id = False

    @api.constrains('parent_id', 'child_ids')
    def _check_subtask_level(self):
        for task in self:
            if task.parent_id and task.child_ids:
                raise ValidationError(_('Task %s cannot have several subtask levels.' % (task.name,)))

    @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
    def copy(self, default=None):
        if default is None:
            default = {}
        if not default.get('name'):
            default['name'] = _("%s (copy)") % self.name
        return super(Task, self).copy(default)

    def _check_parent_id(self):
        for task in self:
            if not task._check_recursion():
                raise ValidationError(_('Error! You cannot create recursive hierarchy of task(s).'))

    def get_empty_list_help(self, help):
        tname = _("task")
        project_id = self.env.context.get('default_project_id', False)
        if project_id:
            name = self.env['project.project'].browse(project_id).label_tasks
            if name: tname = name.lower()

        self = self.with_context(
        return super(Task, self).get_empty_list_help(help)

    # ----------------------------------------
    # Case management
    # ----------------------------------------

    def stage_find(self, section_id, domain=[], order='sequence'):
        """ Override of the base.stage method
            Parameter of the stage search taken from the lead:
            - section_id: if set, stages must belong to this section or
              be a default stage; if not set, stages must be default
        # collect all section_ids
        section_ids = []
        if section_id:
        search_domain = []
        if section_ids:
            search_domain = [('|')] * (len(section_ids) - 1)
            for section_id in section_ids:
                search_domain.append(('project_ids', '=', section_id))
        search_domain += list(domain)
        # perform search, return the first found
        return self.env['project.task.type'].search(search_domain, order=order, limit=1).id

    # ------------------------------------------------
    # CRUD overrides
    # ------------------------------------------------

    def create(self, vals):
        # context: no_log, because subtype already handle this
        context = dict(self.env.context)
        # for default stage
        if vals.get('project_id') and not context.get('default_project_id'):
            context['default_project_id'] = vals.get('project_id')
        # user_id change: update date_assign
        if vals.get('user_id'):
            vals['date_assign'] = fields.Datetime.now()
        # Stage change: Update date_end if folded stage and date_last_stage_update
        if vals.get('stage_id'):
            vals['date_last_stage_update'] = fields.Datetime.now()
        # substask default values
        if vals.get('parent_id'):
            for fname, value in self._subtask_values_from_parent(vals['parent_id']).items():
                if fname not in vals:
                    vals[fname] = value
        task = super(Task, self.with_context(context)).create(vals)
        return task

    def write(self, vals):
        now = fields.Datetime.now()
        # stage change: update date_last_stage_update
        if 'stage_id' in vals:
            vals['date_last_stage_update'] = now
            # reset kanban state when changing stage
            if 'kanban_state' not in vals:
                vals['kanban_state'] = 'normal'
        # user_id change: update date_assign
        if vals.get('user_id') and 'date_assign' not in vals:
            vals['date_assign'] = now

        result = super(Task, self).write(vals)
        # rating on stage
        if 'stage_id' in vals and vals.get('stage_id'):
            self.filtered(lambda x: x.project_id.rating_status == 'stage')._send_task_rating_mail(force_send=True)
        return result

    def update_date_end(self, stage_id):
        project_task_type = self.env['project.task.type'].browse(stage_id)
        if project_task_type.fold:
            return {'date_end': fields.Datetime.now()}
        return {'date_end': False}

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Subtasks
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    def _subtask_default_fields(self):
        """ Return the list of field name for default value when creating a subtask """
        return ['partner_id', 'email_from']

    def _subtask_values_from_parent(self, parent_id):
        """ Get values for substask implied field of the given"""
        result = {}
        parent_task = self.env['project.task'].browse(parent_id)
        for field_name in self._subtask_default_fields():
            result[field_name] = parent_task[field_name]
        # special case for the subtask default project
        result['project_id'] = parent_task.project_id.subtask_project_id
        return self._convert_to_write(result)

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Mail gateway
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    def _track_template(self, changes):
        res = super(Task, self)._track_template(changes)
        test_task = self[0]
        if 'stage_id' in changes and test_task.stage_id.mail_template_id:
            res['stage_id'] = (test_task.stage_id.mail_template_id, {
                'auto_delete_message': True,
                'subtype_id': self.env['ir.model.data'].xmlid_to_res_id('mail.mt_note'),
                'email_layout_xmlid': 'mail.mail_notification_light'
        return res

    def _creation_subtype(self):
        return self.env.ref('project.mt_task_new')

    def _track_subtype(self, init_values):
        if 'kanban_state_label' in init_values and self.kanban_state == 'blocked':
            return self.env.ref('project.mt_task_blocked')
        elif 'kanban_state_label' in init_values and self.kanban_state == 'done':
            return self.env.ref('project.mt_task_ready')
        elif 'stage_id' in init_values:
            return self.env.ref('project.mt_task_stage')
        return super(Task, self)._track_subtype(init_values)

    def _notify_get_groups(self):
        """ Handle project users and managers recipients that can assign
        tasks and create new one directly from notification emails. Also give
        access button to portal users and portal customers. If they are notified
        they should probably have access to the document. """
        groups = super(Task, self)._notify_get_groups()


        project_user_group_id = self.env.ref('project.group_project_user').id
        new_group = (
            lambda pdata: pdata['type'] == 'user' and project_user_group_id in pdata['groups'],

        if not self.user_id and not self.stage_id.fold:
            take_action = self._notify_get_action_link('assign')
            project_actions = [{'url': take_action, 'title': _('I take it')}]
            new_group[2]['actions'] = project_actions

        groups = [new_group] + groups

        for group_name, group_method, group_data in groups:
            if group_name != 'customer':
                group_data['has_button_access'] = True

        return groups

    def _notify_get_reply_to(self, default=None, records=None, company=None, doc_names=None):
        """ Override to set alias of tasks to their project if any. """
        aliases = self.sudo().mapped('project_id')._notify_get_reply_to(default=default, records=None, company=company, doc_names=None)
        res = {task.id: aliases.get(task.project_id.id) for task in self}
        leftover = self.filtered(lambda rec: not rec.project_id)
        if leftover:
            res.update(super(Task, leftover)._notify_get_reply_to(default=default, records=None, company=company, doc_names=doc_names))
        return res

    def email_split(self, msg):
        email_list = tools.email_split((msg.get('to') or '') + ',' + (msg.get('cc') or ''))
        # check left-part is not already an alias
        aliases = self.mapped('project_id.alias_name')
        return [x for x in email_list if x.split('@')[0] not in aliases]

    def message_new(self, msg, custom_values=None):
        """ Overrides mail_thread message_new that is called by the mailgateway
            through message_process.
            This override updates the document according to the email.
        # remove default author when going through the mail gateway. Indeed we
        # do not want to explicitly set user_id to False; however we do not
        # want the gateway user to be responsible if no other responsible is
        # found.
        create_context = dict(self.env.context or {})
        create_context['default_user_id'] = False
        if custom_values is None:
            custom_values = {}
        defaults = {
            'name': msg.get('subject') or _("No Subject"),
            'email_from': msg.get('from'),
            'planned_hours': 0.0,
            'partner_id': msg.get('author_id')

        task = super(Task, self.with_context(create_context)).message_new(msg, custom_values=defaults)
        email_list = task.email_split(msg)
        partner_ids = [p.id for p in self.env['mail.thread']._mail_find_partner_from_emails(email_list, records=task, force_create=False) if p]
        return task

    def message_update(self, msg, update_vals=None):
        """ Override to update the task according to the email. """
        email_list = self.email_split(msg)
        partner_ids = [p.id for p in self.env['mail.thread']._mail_find_partner_from_emails(email_list, records=self, force_create=False) if p]
        return super(Task, self).message_update(msg, update_vals=update_vals)

    def _message_get_suggested_recipients(self):
        recipients = super(Task, self)._message_get_suggested_recipients()
        for task in self:
            if task.partner_id:
                reason = _('Customer Email') if task.partner_id.email else _('Customer')
                task._message_add_suggested_recipient(recipients, partner=task.partner_id, reason=reason)
            elif task.email_from:
                task._message_add_suggested_recipient(recipients, email=task.email_from, reason=_('Customer Email'))
        return recipients

    def _notify_email_header_dict(self):
        headers = super(Task, self)._notify_email_header_dict()
        if self.project_id:
            current_objects = [h for h in headers.get('X-COffice-Objects', '').split(',') if h]
            current_objects.insert(0, 'project.project-%s, ' % self.project_id.id)
            headers['X-COffice-Objects'] = ','.join(current_objects)
        if self.tag_ids:
            headers['X-COffice-Tags'] = ','.join(self.tag_ids.mapped('name'))
        return headers

    def _message_post_after_hook(self, message, msg_vals):
        if self.email_from and not self.partner_id:
            # we consider that posting a message with a specified recipient (not a follower, a specific one)
            # on a document without customer means that it was created through the chatter using
            # suggested recipients. This heuristic allows to avoid ugly hacks in JS.
            new_partner = message.partner_ids.filtered(lambda partner: partner.email == self.email_from)
            if new_partner:
                    ('partner_id', '=', False),
                    ('email_from', '=', new_partner.email),
                    ('stage_id.fold', '=', False)]).write({'partner_id': new_partner.id})
        return super(Task, self)._message_post_after_hook(message, msg_vals)

    def action_assign_to_me(self):
        self.write({'user_id': self.env.user.id})

    def action_open_parent_task(self):
        return {
            'name': _('Parent Task'),
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'res_model': 'project.task',
            'res_id': self.parent_id.id,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'context': dict(self._context, create=False)

    def action_subtask(self):
        action = self.env.ref('project.project_task_action_sub_task').read()[0]

        # only display subtasks of current task
        action['domain'] = [('id', 'child_of', self.id), ('id', '!=', self.id)]

        # update context, with all default values as 'quick_create' does not contains all field in its view
        if self._context.get('default_project_id'):
            default_project = self.env['project.project'].browse(self.env.context['default_project_id'])
            default_project = self.project_id.subtask_project_id or self.project_id
        ctx = dict(self.env.context)
            'default_name': self.env.context.get('name', self.name) + ':',
            'default_parent_id': self.id,  # will give default subtask field in `default_get`
            'default_company_id': default_project.company_id.id if default_project else self.env.company.id,
            'search_default_parent_id': self.id,
        parent_values = self._subtask_values_from_parent(self.id)
        for fname, value in parent_values.items():
            if 'default_' + fname not in ctx:
                ctx['default_' + fname] = value
        action['context'] = ctx

        return action

    # ---------------------------------------------------
    # Rating business
    # ---------------------------------------------------

    def _send_task_rating_mail(self, force_send=False):
        for task in self:
            rating_template = task.stage_id.rating_template_id
            if rating_template:
                task.rating_send_request(rating_template, lang=task.partner_id.lang, force_send=force_send)

    def rating_get_partner_id(self):
        res = super(Task, self).rating_get_partner_id()
        if not res and self.project_id.partner_id:
            return self.project_id.partner_id
        return res

    def rating_apply(self, rate, token=None, feedback=None, subtype=None):
        return super(Task, self).rating_apply(rate, token=token, feedback=feedback, subtype="project.mt_task_rating")

    def _rating_get_parent_field_name(self):
        return 'project_id'
Exemplo n.º 26
class ActivityReport(models.Model):
    """ CRM Lead Analysis """

    _name = "crm.activity.report"
    _auto = False
    _description = "CRM Activity Analysis"
    _rec_name = 'id'

    date = fields.Datetime('Completion Date', readonly=True)
    lead_create_date = fields.Datetime('Creation Date', readonly=True)
    date_conversion = fields.Datetime('Conversion Date', readonly=True)
    date_deadline = fields.Date('Expected Closing', readonly=True)
    date_closed = fields.Datetime('Closed Date', readonly=True)
    author_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Assigned To', readonly=True)
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users', 'Salesperson', readonly=True)
    team_id = fields.Many2one('crm.team', 'Sales Team', readonly=True)
    lead_id = fields.Many2one('crm.lead', "Opportunity", readonly=True)
    body = fields.Html('Activity Description', readonly=True)
    subtype_id = fields.Many2one('mail.message.subtype', 'Subtype', readonly=True)
    mail_activity_type_id = fields.Many2one('mail.activity.type', 'Activity Type', readonly=True)
    country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country', readonly=True)
    company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company', 'Company', readonly=True)
    stage_id = fields.Many2one('crm.stage', 'Stage', readonly=True)
    partner_id = fields.Many2one('res.partner', 'Customer', readonly=True)
    lead_type = fields.Selection(
        selection=[('lead', 'Lead'), ('opportunity', 'Opportunity')],
        help="Type is used to separate Leads and Opportunities")
    active = fields.Boolean('Active', readonly=True)

    def _select(self):
        return """
                l.create_date AS lead_create_date,
                l.id as lead_id,
                l.type as lead_type,

    def _from(self):
        return """
            FROM mail_message AS m

    def _join(self):
        return """
            JOIN crm_lead AS l ON m.res_id = l.id

    def _where(self):
        disccusion_subtype = self.env.ref('mail.mt_comment')
        return """
                m.model = 'crm.lead' AND (m.mail_activity_type_id IS NOT NULL OR m.subtype_id = %s)
        """ % (disccusion_subtype.id,)

    def init(self):
        tools.drop_view_if_exists(self._cr, self._table)
            CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW %s AS (
        """ % (self._table, self._select(), self._from(), self._join(), self._where())
Exemplo n.º 27
class Note(models.Model):

    _name = 'note.note'
    _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
    _description = "Note"
    _order = 'sequence'

    def _get_default_stage_id(self):
        return self.env['note.stage'].search([('user_id', '=', self.env.uid)],

    name = fields.Text(compute='_compute_name',
                       string='Note Summary',
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users',
                              default=lambda self: self.env.uid)
    memo = fields.Html('Note Content')
    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence')
    stage_id = fields.Many2one('note.stage',
    stage_ids = fields.Many2many('note.stage',
                                 string='Stages of Users',
    open = fields.Boolean(string='Active', default=True)
    date_done = fields.Date('Date done')
    color = fields.Integer(string='Color Index')
    tag_ids = fields.Many2many('note.tag',

    def _compute_name(self):
        """ Read the first line of the memo to determine the note name """
        for note in self:
            text = html2plaintext(note.memo) if note.memo else ''
            note.name = text.strip().replace('*', '').split("\n")[0]

    def _compute_stage_id(self):
        first_user_stage = self.env['note.stage'].search(
            [('user_id', '=', self.env.uid)], limit=1)
        for note in self:
            for stage in note.stage_ids.filtered(
                    lambda stage: stage.user_id == self.env.user):
                note.stage_id = stage
            # note without user's stage
            if not note.stage_id:
                note.stage_id = first_user_stage

    def _inverse_stage_id(self):
        for note in self.filtered('stage_id'):
            note.stage_ids = note.stage_id + note.stage_ids.filtered(
                lambda stage: stage.user_id != self.env.user)

    def name_create(self, name):
        return self.create({'memo': name}).name_get()[0]

    def read_group(self,
        if groupby and groupby[0] == "stage_id":
            stages = self.env['note.stage'].search([('user_id', '=',
            if stages:  # if the user has some stages
                result = [{  # notes by stage for stages user
                    '__context': {'group_by': groupby[1:]},
                    '__domain': domain + [('stage_ids.id', '=', stage.id)],
                    'stage_id': (stage.id, stage.name),
                    'stage_id_count': self.search_count(domain + [('stage_ids', '=', stage.id)]),
                    '__fold': stage.fold,
                } for stage in stages]

                # note without user's stage
                nb_notes_ws = self.search_count(domain +
                                                [('stage_ids', 'not in',
                if nb_notes_ws:
                    # add note to the first column if it's the first stage
                    dom_not_in = ('stage_ids', 'not in', stages.ids)
                    if result and result[0]['stage_id'][0] == stages[0].id:
                        dom_in = result[0]['__domain'].pop()
                        result[0]['__domain'] = domain + [
                            '|', dom_in, dom_not_in
                        result[0]['stage_id_count'] += nb_notes_ws
                        # add the first stage column
                        result = [{
                            '__context': {
                                'group_by': groupby[1:]
                            '__domain': domain + [dom_not_in],
                            'stage_id': (stages[0].id, stages[0].name),
                            'stage_id_count': nb_notes_ws,
                            '__fold': stages[0].name,
                        }] + result
            else:  # if stage_ids is empty, get note without user's stage
                nb_notes_ws = self.search_count(domain)
                if nb_notes_ws:
                    result = [{  # notes for unknown stage
                        '__context': {
                            'group_by': groupby[1:]
                        '__domain': domain,
                        'stage_id': False,
                        'stage_id_count': nb_notes_ws
                    result = []
            return result
        return super(Note, self).read_group(domain,

    def action_close(self):
        return self.write({'open': False, 'date_done': fields.date.today()})

    def action_open(self):
        return self.write({'open': True})
Exemplo n.º 28
class StockRule(models.Model):
    """ A rule describe what a procurement should do; produce, buy, move, ... """
    _name = 'stock.rule'
    _description = "Stock Rule"
    _order = "sequence, id"
    _check_company_auto = True

    name = fields.Char(
        help="This field will fill the packing origin and the name of its moves"
    active = fields.Boolean(
        "If unchecked, it will allow you to hide the rule without removing it."
    group_propagation_option = fields.Selection(
        [('none', 'Leave Empty'), ('propagate', 'Propagate'),
         ('fixed', 'Fixed')],
        string="Propagation of Procurement Group",
    group_id = fields.Many2one('procurement.group', 'Fixed Procurement Group')
    action = fields.Selection(selection=[('pull', 'Pull From'),
                                         ('push', 'Push To'),
                                         ('pull_push', 'Pull & Push')],
    sequence = fields.Integer('Sequence', default=20)
    company_id = fields.Many2one('res.company',
                                 default=lambda self: self.env.company)
    location_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location',
                                  'Destination Location',
    location_src_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location',
                                      'Source Location',
    route_id = fields.Many2one('stock.location.route',
    procure_method = fields.Selection(
        [('make_to_stock', 'Take From Stock'),
         ('make_to_order', 'Trigger Another Rule'),
          'Take From Stock, if unavailable, Trigger Another Rule')],
        string='Supply Method',
        "Take From Stock: the products will be taken from the available stock of the source location.\n"
        "Trigger Another Rule: the system will try to find a stock rule to bring the products in the source location. The available stock will be ignored.\n"
        "Take From Stock, if Unavailable, Trigger Another Rule: the products will be taken from the available stock of the source location."
        "If there is no stock available, the system will try to find a  rule to bring the products in the source location."
    route_sequence = fields.Integer('Route Sequence',
    picking_type_id = fields.Many2one('stock.picking.type',
                                      'Operation Type',
    delay = fields.Integer(
        "The expected date of the created transfer will be computed based on this delay."
    partner_address_id = fields.Many2one(
        'Partner Address',
        help="Address where goods should be delivered. Optional.")
    propagate_cancel = fields.Boolean(
        'Cancel Next Move',
        "When ticked, if the move created by this rule is cancelled, the next move will be cancelled too."
    warehouse_id = fields.Many2one('stock.warehouse',
    propagate_warehouse_id = fields.Many2one(
        'Warehouse to Propagate',
        "The warehouse to propagate on the created move/procurement, which can be different of the warehouse this rule is for (e.g for resupplying rules from another warehouse)"
    auto = fields.Selection(
        [('manual', 'Manual Operation'),
         ('transparent', 'Automatic No Step Added')],
        string='Automatic Move',
        "The 'Manual Operation' value will create a stock move after the current one. "
        "With 'Automatic No Step Added', the location is replaced in the original move."
    rule_message = fields.Html(compute='_compute_action_message')
    propagate_date = fields.Boolean(
        string="Propagate Rescheduling",
        help='The rescheduling is propagated to the next move.')
    propagate_date_minimum_delta = fields.Integer(
        string='Reschedule if Higher Than',
        help='The change must be higher than this value to be propagated',
    delay_alert = fields.Boolean(
        'Alert if Delay',
        'Log an exception on the picking if this move has to be delayed (due to a change in the previous move scheduled date).',

    def _onchange_picking_type(self):
        """ Modify locations to the default picking type's locations source and
        Enable the delay alert if the picking type is a delivery
        self.location_src_id = self.picking_type_id.default_location_src_id.id
        self.location_id = self.picking_type_id.default_location_dest_id.id
        if self.picking_type_id.code == 'outgoing':
            self.delay_alert = True

    @api.onchange('route_id', 'company_id')
    def _onchange_route(self):
        """ Ensure that the rule's company is the same than the route's company. """
        if self.route_id.company_id:
            self.company_id = self.route_id.company_id
        if self.picking_type_id.warehouse_id.company_id != self.route_id.company_id:
            self.picking_type_id = False
        domain = {
            and [('id', '=', self.route_id.company_id.id)] or []
        return {'domain': domain}

    def _get_message_values(self):
        """ Return the source, destination and picking_type applied on a stock
        rule. The purpose of this function is to avoid code duplication in
        _get_message_dict functions since it often requires those data.
        source = self.location_src_id and self.location_src_id.display_name or _(
            'Source Location')
        destination = self.location_id and self.location_id.display_name or _(
            'Destination Location')
        operation = self.picking_type_id and self.picking_type_id.name or _(
            'Operation Type')
        return source, destination, operation

    def _get_message_dict(self):
        """ Return a dict with the different possible message used for the
        rule message. It should return one message for each stock.rule action
        (except push and pull). This function is override in mrp and
        purchase_stock in order to complete the dictionary.
        message_dict = {}
        source, destination, operation = self._get_message_values()
        if self.action in ('push', 'pull', 'pull_push'):
            suffix = ""
            if self.procure_method == 'make_to_order' and self.location_src_id:
                suffix = _(
                    "<br>A need is created in <b>%s</b> and a rule will be triggered to fulfill it."
                ) % (source)
            if self.procure_method == 'mts_else_mto' and self.location_src_id:
                suffix = _(
                    "<br>If the products are not available in <b>%s</b>, a rule will be triggered to bring products in this location."
                ) % source
            message_dict = {
                _('When products are needed in <b>%s</b>, <br/> <b>%s</b> are created from <b>%s</b> to fulfill the need.'
                  ) % (destination, operation, source) + suffix,
                _('When products arrive in <b>%s</b>, <br/> <b>%s</b> are created to send them in <b>%s</b>.'
                  ) % (source, operation, destination)
        return message_dict

    @api.depends('action', 'location_id', 'location_src_id', 'picking_type_id',
    def _compute_action_message(self):
        """ Generate dynamicaly a message that describe the rule purpose to the
        end user.
        action_rules = self.filtered(lambda rule: rule.action)
        for rule in action_rules:
            message_dict = rule._get_message_dict()
            message = message_dict.get(
                rule.action) and message_dict[rule.action] or ""
            if rule.action == 'pull_push':
                message = message_dict['pull'] + "<br/><br/>" + message_dict[
            rule.rule_message = message
        (self - action_rules).rule_message = None

    def _run_push(self, move):
        """ Apply a push rule on a move.
        If the rule is 'no step added' it will modify the destination location
        on the move.
        If the rule is 'manual operation' it will generate a new move in order
        to complete the section define by the rule.
        Care this function is not call by method run. It is called explicitely
        in stock_move.py inside the method _push_apply
        new_date = fields.Datetime.to_string(move.date_expected +
        if self.auto == 'transparent':
                'date': new_date,
                'date_expected': new_date,
                'location_dest_id': self.location_id.id
            # avoid looping if a push rule is not well configured; otherwise call again push_apply to see if a next step is defined
            if self.location_id != move.location_dest_id:
                # TDE FIXME: should probably be done in the move model IMO
            new_move_vals = self._push_prepare_move_copy_values(move, new_date)
            new_move = move.sudo().copy(new_move_vals)
            move.write({'move_dest_ids': [(4, new_move.id)]})

    def _push_prepare_move_copy_values(self, move_to_copy, new_date):
        company_id = self.company_id.id
        if not company_id:
            company_id = self.sudo().warehouse_id and self.sudo(
            ).warehouse_id.company_id.id or self.sudo(
        new_move_vals = {
            'origin': move_to_copy.origin or move_to_copy.picking_id.name
            or "/",
            'location_id': move_to_copy.location_dest_id.id,
            'location_dest_id': self.location_id.id,
            'date': new_date,
            'date_expected': new_date,
            'company_id': company_id,
            'picking_id': False,
            'picking_type_id': self.picking_type_id.id,
            'propagate_cancel': self.propagate_cancel,
            'warehouse_id': self.warehouse_id.id,
            'delay_alert': self.delay_alert
        return new_move_vals

    def _run_pull(self, procurements):
        moves_values_by_company = defaultdict(list)
        mtso_products_by_locations = defaultdict(list)

        # To handle the `mts_else_mto` procure method, we do a preliminary loop to
        # isolate the products we would need to read the forecasted quantity,
        # in order to to batch the read. We also make a sanitary check on the
        # `location_src_id` field.
        for procurement, rule in procurements:
            if not rule.location_src_id:
                msg = _('No source location defined on stock rule: %s!') % (
                    rule.name, )
                raise UserError(msg)

            if rule.procure_method == 'mts_else_mto':

        # Get the forecasted quantity for the `mts_else_mto` procurement.
        forecasted_qties_by_loc = {}
        for location, product_ids in mtso_products_by_locations.items():
            products = self.env['product.product'].browse(
            forecasted_qties_by_loc[location] = {
                product.id: product.virtual_available
                for product in products

        # Prepare the move values, adapt the `procure_method` if needed.
        for procurement, rule in procurements:
            procure_method = rule.procure_method
            if rule.procure_method == 'mts_else_mto':
                qty_needed = procurement.product_uom._compute_quantity(
                    procurement.product_qty, procurement.product_id.uom_id)
                qty_available = forecasted_qties_by_loc[rule.location_src_id][
                if float_compare(qty_needed,
                                 uom_id.rounding) <= 0:
                    procure_method = 'make_to_stock'
                        procurement.product_id.id] -= qty_needed
                    procure_method = 'make_to_order'

            move_values = rule._get_stock_move_values(*procurement)
            move_values['procure_method'] = procure_method

        for company_id, moves_values in moves_values_by_company.items():
            # create the move as SUPERUSER because the current user may not have the rights to do it (mto product launched by a sale for example)
            moves = self.env['stock.move'].sudo().with_context(
            # Since action_confirm launch following procurement_group we should activate it.
        return True

    def _get_custom_move_fields(self):
        """ The purpose of this method is to be override in order to easily add
        fields from procurement 'values' argument to move data.
        return []

    def _get_stock_move_values(self, product_id, product_qty, product_uom,
                               location_id, name, origin, company_id, values):
        ''' Returns a dictionary of values that will be used to create a stock move from a procurement.
        This function assumes that the given procurement has a rule (action == 'pull' or 'pull_push') set on it.

        :param procurement: browse record
        :rtype: dictionary
        group_id = False
        if self.group_propagation_option == 'propagate':
            group_id = values.get('group_id', False) and values['group_id'].id
        elif self.group_propagation_option == 'fixed':
            group_id = self.group_id.id

        date_expected = fields.Datetime.to_string(
            fields.Datetime.from_string(values['date_planned']) -
            relativedelta(days=self.delay or 0))
        # it is possible that we've already got some move done, so check for the done qty and create
        # a new move with the correct qty
        qty_left = product_qty
        move_values = {
            self.company_id.id or self.location_src_id.company_id.id
            or self.location_id.company_id.id or company_id.id,
            or (values.get('group_id', False)
                and values['group_id'].partner_id.id) or False,
            values.get('move_dest_ids', False)
            and [(4, x.id) for x in values['move_dest_ids']] or [],
            'route_ids': [(4, route.id)
                          for route in values.get('route_ids', [])],
            self.propagate_warehouse_id.id or self.warehouse_id.id,
            values.get('priority', "1"),
        for field in self._get_custom_move_fields():
            if field in values:
                move_values[field] = values.get(field)
        return move_values

    def _log_next_activity(self, product_id, note):
        existing_activity = self.env['mail.activity'].search([
            ('res_id', '=', product_id.product_tmpl_id.id),
            ('res_model_id', '=',
            ('note', '=', note)
        if not existing_activity:
            # If the user deleted warning activity type.
                activity_type_id = self.env.ref(
                activity_type_id = False
                product_id.responsible_id.id or SUPERUSER_ID,
Exemplo n.º 29
class EventEvent(models.Model):
    _name = 'event.event'
    _description = 'Event'
    _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
    _order = 'date_begin'

    name = fields.Char(
        string='Event', translate=True, required=True,
        readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    active = fields.Boolean(default=True)
    user_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.users', string='Responsible',
        default=lambda self: self.env.user,
        readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    company_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.company', string='Company', change_default=True,
        default=lambda self: self.env.company,
        required=False, readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    organizer_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.partner', string='Organizer',
        default=lambda self: self.env.company.partner_id,
        domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]")
    event_type_id = fields.Many2one(
        'event.type', string='Category',
        readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    color = fields.Integer('Kanban Color Index')
    event_mail_ids = fields.One2many('event.mail', 'event_id', string='Mail Schedule', copy=True)

    # Seats and computation
    seats_max = fields.Integer(
        string='Maximum Attendees Number',
        readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)], 'confirm': [('readonly', False)]},
        help="For each event you can define a maximum registration of seats(number of attendees), above this numbers the registrations are not accepted.")
    seats_availability = fields.Selection(
        [('limited', 'Limited'), ('unlimited', 'Unlimited')],
        'Maximum Attendees', required=True, default='unlimited')
    seats_min = fields.Integer(
        string='Minimum Attendees',
        help="For each event you can define a minimum reserved seats (number of attendees), if it does not reach the mentioned registrations the event can not be confirmed (keep 0 to ignore this rule)")
    seats_reserved = fields.Integer(
        string='Reserved Seats',
        store=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')
    seats_available = fields.Integer(
        string='Available Seats',
        store=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')
    seats_unconfirmed = fields.Integer(
        string='Unconfirmed Seat Reservations',
        store=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')
    seats_used = fields.Integer(
        string='Number of Participants',
        store=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')
    seats_expected = fields.Integer(
        string='Number of Expected Attendees',
        compute_sudo=True, readonly=True, compute='_compute_seats')

    # Registration fields
    registration_ids = fields.One2many(
        'event.registration', 'event_id', string='Attendees',
        readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    # Date fields
    date_tz = fields.Selection('_tz_get', string='Timezone', required=True, default=lambda self: self.env.user.tz or 'UTC')
    date_begin = fields.Datetime(
        string='Start Date', required=True,
        tracking=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    date_end = fields.Datetime(
        string='End Date', required=True,
        tracking=True, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    date_begin_located = fields.Char(string='Start Date Located', compute='_compute_date_begin_tz')
    date_end_located = fields.Char(string='End Date Located', compute='_compute_date_end_tz')
    is_one_day = fields.Boolean(compute='_compute_field_is_one_day')

    state = fields.Selection([
        ('draft', 'Unconfirmed'), ('cancel', 'Cancelled'),
        ('confirm', 'Confirmed'), ('done', 'Done')],
        string='Status', default='draft', readonly=True, required=True, copy=False,
        help="If event is created, the status is 'Draft'. If event is confirmed for the particular dates the status is set to 'Confirmed'. If the event is over, the status is set to 'Done'. If event is cancelled the status is set to 'Cancelled'.")
    auto_confirm = fields.Boolean(string='Autoconfirm Registrations')
    is_online = fields.Boolean('Online Event')
    address_id = fields.Many2one(
        'res.partner', string='Location',
        default=lambda self: self.env.company.partner_id,
        readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]},
        domain="['|', ('company_id', '=', False), ('company_id', '=', company_id)]",
    country_id = fields.Many2one('res.country', 'Country',  related='address_id.country_id', store=True, readonly=False)
    twitter_hashtag = fields.Char('Twitter Hashtag')
    description = fields.Html(
        string='Description', translate=html_translate, sanitize_attributes=False,
        readonly=False, states={'done': [('readonly', True)]})
    # badge fields
    badge_front = fields.Html(string='Badge Front')
    badge_back = fields.Html(string='Badge Back')
    badge_innerleft = fields.Html(string='Badge Inner Left')
    badge_innerright = fields.Html(string='Badge Inner Right')
    event_logo = fields.Html(string='Event Logo')

    @api.depends('seats_max', 'registration_ids.state')
    def _compute_seats(self):
        """ Determine reserved, available, reserved but unconfirmed and used seats. """
        # initialize fields to 0
        for event in self:
            event.seats_unconfirmed = event.seats_reserved = event.seats_used = event.seats_available = 0
        # aggregate registrations by event and by state
        if self.ids:
            state_field = {
                'draft': 'seats_unconfirmed',
                'open': 'seats_reserved',
                'done': 'seats_used',
            query = """ SELECT event_id, state, count(event_id)
                        FROM event_registration
                        WHERE event_id IN %s AND state IN ('draft', 'open', 'done')
                        GROUP BY event_id, state
            self.env['event.registration'].flush(['event_id', 'state'])
            self._cr.execute(query, (tuple(self.ids),))
            for event_id, state, num in self._cr.fetchall():
                event = self.browse(event_id)
                event[state_field[state]] += num
        # compute seats_available
        for event in self:
            if event.seats_max > 0:
                event.seats_available = event.seats_max - (event.seats_reserved + event.seats_used)
            event.seats_expected = event.seats_unconfirmed + event.seats_reserved + event.seats_used

    def _tz_get(self):
        return [(x, x) for x in pytz.all_timezones]

    @api.depends('date_tz', 'date_begin')
    def _compute_date_begin_tz(self):
        for event in self:
            if event.date_begin:
                event.date_begin_located = format_datetime(
                    self.env, event.date_begin, tz=event.date_tz, dt_format='medium')
                event.date_begin_located = False

    @api.depends('date_tz', 'date_end')
    def _compute_date_end_tz(self):
        for event in self:
            if event.date_end:
                event.date_end_located = format_datetime(
                    self.env, event.date_end, tz=event.date_tz, dt_format='medium')
                event.date_end_located = False

    @api.depends('date_begin', 'date_end', 'date_tz')
    def _compute_field_is_one_day(self):
        for event in self:
            # Need to localize because it could begin late and finish early in
            # another timezone
            event = event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz)
            begin_tz = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(event, event.date_begin)
            end_tz = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(event, event.date_end)
            event.is_one_day = (begin_tz.date() == end_tz.date())

    def _onchange_is_online(self):
        if self.is_online:
            self.address_id = False

    def _onchange_type(self):
        if self.event_type_id:
            self.seats_min = self.event_type_id.default_registration_min
            self.seats_max = self.event_type_id.default_registration_max
            if self.event_type_id.default_registration_max:
                self.seats_availability = 'limited'

            if self.event_type_id.auto_confirm:
                self.auto_confirm = self.event_type_id.auto_confirm

            if self.event_type_id.use_hashtag:
                self.twitter_hashtag = self.event_type_id.default_hashtag

            if self.event_type_id.use_timezone:
                self.date_tz = self.event_type_id.default_timezone

            self.is_online = self.event_type_id.is_online

            if self.event_type_id.event_type_mail_ids:
                self.event_mail_ids = [(5, 0, 0)] + [
                    (0, 0, {
                        attribute_name: line[attribute_name]
                        for attribute_name in self.env['event.type.mail']._get_event_mail_fields_whitelist()
                    for line in self.event_type_id.event_type_mail_ids]

    @api.constrains('seats_min', 'seats_max', 'seats_availability')
    def _check_seats_min_max(self):
        if any(event.seats_availability == 'limited' and event.seats_min > event.seats_max for event in self):
            raise ValidationError(_('Maximum attendees number should be greater than minimum attendees number.'))

    @api.constrains('seats_max', 'seats_available')
    def _check_seats_limit(self):
        if any(event.seats_availability == 'limited' and event.seats_max and event.seats_available < 0 for event in self):
            raise ValidationError(_('No more available seats.'))

    @api.constrains('date_begin', 'date_end')
    def _check_closing_date(self):
        for event in self:
            if event.date_end < event.date_begin:
                raise ValidationError(_('The closing date cannot be earlier than the beginning date.'))

    @api.depends('name', 'date_begin', 'date_end')
    def name_get(self):
        result = []
        for event in self:
            date_begin = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_begin)
            date_end = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_end)
            dates = [fields.Date.to_string(fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(event, dt)) for dt in [date_begin, date_end] if dt]
            dates = sorted(set(dates))
            result.append((event.id, '%s (%s)' % (event.name, ' - '.join(dates))))
        return result

    def create(self, vals):
        res = super(EventEvent, self).create(vals)
        if res.organizer_id:
        if res.auto_confirm:
        return res

    def write(self, vals):
        res = super(EventEvent, self).write(vals)
        if vals.get('organizer_id'):
        return res

    @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
    def copy(self, default=None):
        default = dict(default or {}, name=_("%s (copy)") % (self.name))
        return super(EventEvent, self).copy(default)

    def button_draft(self):
        self.write({'state': 'draft'})

    def button_cancel(self):
        if any('done' in event.mapped('registration_ids.state') for event in self):
            raise UserError(_("There are already attendees who attended this event. Please reset it to draft if you want to cancel this event."))
        self.registration_ids.write({'state': 'cancel'})
        self.state = 'cancel'

    def button_done(self):
        self.write({'state': 'done'})

    def button_confirm(self):
        self.write({'state': 'confirm'})

    def mail_attendees(self, template_id, force_send=False, filter_func=lambda self: self.state != 'cancel'):
        for event in self:
            for attendee in event.registration_ids.filtered(filter_func):
                self.env['mail.template'].browse(template_id).send_mail(attendee.id, force_send=force_send)

    def _is_event_registrable(self):
        return self.date_end > fields.Datetime.now()

    def _get_ics_file(self):
        """ Returns iCalendar file for the event invitation.
            :returns a dict of .ics file content for each event
        result = {}
        if not vobject:
            return result

        for event in self:
            cal = vobject.iCalendar()
            cal_event = cal.add('vevent')

            cal_event.add('created').value = fields.Datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))
            cal_event.add('dtstart').value = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_begin).replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))
            cal_event.add('dtend').value = fields.Datetime.from_string(event.date_end).replace(tzinfo=pytz.timezone('UTC'))
            cal_event.add('summary').value = event.name
            if event.address_id:
                cal_event.add('location').value = event.sudo().address_id.contact_address

            result[event.id] = cal.serialize().encode('utf-8')
        return result
Exemplo n.º 30
class MassMailing(models.Model):
    """ MassMailing models a wave of emails for a mass mailign campaign.
    A mass mailing is an occurence of sending emails. """
    _name = 'mailing.mailing'
    _description = 'Mass Mailing'
    _inherit = ['mail.thread', 'mail.activity.mixin']
    # number of periods for tracking mail_mail statistics
    _period_number = 6
    _order = 'sent_date DESC'
    _inherits = {'utm.source': 'source_id'}
    _rec_name = "subject"

    def _get_default_mail_server_id(self):
        server_id = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param(
            server_id = literal_eval(server_id) if server_id else False
            return self.env['ir.mail_server'].search([('id', '=', server_id)
        except ValueError:
            return False

    def default_get(self, fields):
        res = super(MassMailing, self).default_get(fields)
        if 'reply_to_mode' in fields and not 'reply_to_mode' in res and res.get(
            if res['mailing_model_real'] in ['res.partner', 'mailing.contact']:
                res['reply_to_mode'] = 'email'
                res['reply_to_mode'] = 'thread'
        return res

    active = fields.Boolean(default=True, tracking=True)
    subject = fields.Char('Subject',
                          help='Subject of emails to send',
    email_from = fields.Char(
        string='Send From',
        default=lambda self: self.env['mail.message']._get_default_from())
    sent_date = fields.Datetime(string='Sent Date', copy=False)
    schedule_date = fields.Datetime(string='Scheduled for', tracking=True)
    # don't translate 'body_arch', the translations are only on 'body_html'
    body_arch = fields.Html(string='Body', translate=False)
    body_html = fields.Html(string='Body converted to be send by mail',
    attachment_ids = fields.Many2many('ir.attachment',
    keep_archives = fields.Boolean(string='Keep Archives')
    campaign_id = fields.Many2one('utm.campaign', string='UTM Campaign')
    source_id = fields.Many2one(
        "This is the link source, e.g. Search Engine, another domain, or name of email list"
    medium_id = fields.Many2one('utm.medium',
                                help="Delivery method: Email")
    clicks_ratio = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_clicks_ratio",
                                  string="Number of Clicks")
    state = fields.Selection([('draft', 'Draft'), ('in_queue', 'In Queue'),
                              ('sending', 'Sending'), ('done', 'Sent')],
    color = fields.Integer(string='Color Index')
    user_id = fields.Many2one('res.users',
                              default=lambda self: self.env.user)
    # mailing options
    mailing_type = fields.Selection([('mail', 'Email')],
                                    string="Mailing Type",
    reply_to_mode = fields.Selection([('thread', 'Recipient Followers'),
                                      ('email', 'Specified Email Address')],
                                     string='Reply-To Mode',
    reply_to = fields.Char(
        string='Reply To',
        help='Preferred Reply-To Address',
        default=lambda self: self.env['mail.message']._get_default_from())
    # recipients
    mailing_model_real = fields.Char(compute='_compute_model',
                                     string='Recipients Real Model',
    mailing_model_id = fields.Many2one(
        string='Recipients Model',
        domain=[('model', 'in', MASS_MAILING_BUSINESS_MODELS)],
        default=lambda self: self.env.ref('mass_mailing.model_mailing_list'
    mailing_model_name = fields.Char(related='mailing_model_id.model',
                                     string='Recipients Model Name',
    mailing_domain = fields.Char(string='Domain', default=[])
    mail_server_id = fields.Many2one(
        string='Mail Server',
        "Use a specific mail server in priority. Otherwise Coffice relies on the first outgoing mail server available (based on their sequencing) as it does for normal mails."
    contact_list_ids = fields.Many2many('mailing.list',
                                        string='Mailing Lists')
    contact_ab_pc = fields.Integer(
        string='A/B Testing percentage',
        'Percentage of the contacts that will be mailed. Recipients will be taken randomly.',
    unique_ab_testing = fields.Boolean(
        string='Allow A/B Testing',
        'If checked, recipients will be mailed only once for the whole campaign. '
        'This lets you send different mailings to randomly selected recipients and test '
        'the effectiveness of the mailings, without causing duplicate messages.'
    # statistics data
    mailing_trace_ids = fields.One2many('mailing.trace',
                                        string='Emails Statistics')
    total = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_total")
    scheduled = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    expected = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    ignored = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    sent = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    delivered = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    opened = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    clicked = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    replied = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    bounced = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    failed = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics")
    received_ratio = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics",
                                    string='Received Ratio')
    opened_ratio = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics",
                                  string='Opened Ratio')
    replied_ratio = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics",
                                   string='Replied Ratio')
    bounced_ratio = fields.Integer(compute="_compute_statistics",
                                   string='Bounced Ratio')
    next_departure = fields.Datetime(compute="_compute_next_departure",
                                     string='Scheduled date')

    def _compute_total(self):
        for mass_mailing in self:
            mass_mailing.total = len(mass_mailing.sudo()._get_recipients())

    def _compute_clicks_ratio(self):
            SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(stats.id)) AS nb_mails, COUNT(DISTINCT(clicks.mailing_trace_id)) AS nb_clicks, stats.mass_mailing_id AS id
            FROM mailing_trace AS stats
            LEFT OUTER JOIN link_tracker_click AS clicks ON clicks.mailing_trace_id = stats.id
            WHERE stats.mass_mailing_id IN %s
            GROUP BY stats.mass_mailing_id
        """, (tuple(self.ids), ))

        mass_mailing_data = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
        mapped_data = dict([(m['id'], 100 * m['nb_clicks'] / m['nb_mails'])
                            for m in mass_mailing_data])
        for mass_mailing in self:
            mass_mailing.clicks_ratio = mapped_data.get(mass_mailing.id, 0)

    def _compute_model(self):
        for record in self:
            record.mailing_model_real = (
                record.mailing_model_name != 'mailing.list'
            ) and record.mailing_model_name or 'mailing.contact'

    def _compute_statistics(self):
        """ Compute statistics of the mass mailing """
                m.id as mailing_id,
                COUNT(s.id) AS expected,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.sent is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS sent,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.scheduled is not null AND s.sent is null AND s.exception is null AND s.ignored is null AND s.bounced is null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS scheduled,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.scheduled is not null AND s.sent is null AND s.exception is null AND s.ignored is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS ignored,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.sent is not null AND s.exception is null AND s.bounced is null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS delivered,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.opened is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS opened,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.clicked is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS clicked,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.replied is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS replied,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.bounced is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS bounced,
                COUNT(CASE WHEN s.exception is not null THEN 1 ELSE null END) AS failed
                mailing_trace s
            RIGHT JOIN
                mailing_mailing m
                ON (m.id = s.mass_mailing_id)
                m.id IN %s
            GROUP BY
        """, (tuple(self.ids), ))
        for row in self.env.cr.dictfetchall():
            total = row['expected'] = (row['expected'] - row['ignored']) or 1
            row['received_ratio'] = 100.0 * row['delivered'] / total
            row['opened_ratio'] = 100.0 * row['opened'] / total
            row['clicks_ratio'] = 100.0 * row['clicked'] / total
            row['replied_ratio'] = 100.0 * row['replied'] / total
            row['bounced_ratio'] = 100.0 * row['bounced'] / total

    def _compute_next_departure(self):
        cron_next_call = self.env.ref(
        str2dt = fields.Datetime.from_string
        cron_time = str2dt(cron_next_call)
        for mass_mailing in self:
            if mass_mailing.schedule_date:
                schedule_date = str2dt(mass_mailing.schedule_date)
                mass_mailing.next_departure = max(schedule_date, cron_time)
                mass_mailing.next_departure = cron_time

    @api.onchange('mailing_model_name', 'contact_list_ids')
    def _onchange_model_and_list(self):
        mailing_domain = literal_eval(
            self.mailing_domain) if self.mailing_domain else []
        if self.mailing_model_name:
            if mailing_domain:
                    mailing_domain = []
            if not mailing_domain:
                if self.mailing_model_name == 'mailing.list' and self.contact_list_ids:
                    mailing_domain = [('list_ids', 'in',
                elif 'is_blacklisted' in self.env[
                        mailing_model_name]._fields and not self.mailing_domain:
                    mailing_domain = [('is_blacklisted', '=', False)]
                elif 'opt_out' in self.env[
                        mailing_model_name]._fields and not self.mailing_domain:
                    mailing_domain = [('opt_out', '=', False)]
            mailing_domain = []
        self.mailing_domain = repr(mailing_domain)

    def _onchange_mailing_type(self):
        if self.mailing_type == 'mail' and not self.medium_id:
            self.medium_id = self.env.ref('utm.utm_medium_email').id

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ORM
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    def create(self, values):
        if values.get('subject') and not values.get('name'):
            values['name'] = "%s %s" % (
        if values.get('body_html'):
            values['body_html'] = self._convert_inline_images_to_urls(
        if 'medium_id' not in values and values.get('mailing_type',
                                                    'mail') == 'mail':
            values['medium_id'] = self.env.ref('utm.utm_medium_email').id
        return super(MassMailing, self).create(values)

    def write(self, values):
        if values.get('body_html'):
            values['body_html'] = self._convert_inline_images_to_urls(
        return super(MassMailing, self).write(values)

    @api.returns('self', lambda value: value.id)
    def copy(self, default=None):
        default = dict(default or {}, name=_('%s (copy)') % self.name)
        return super(MassMailing, self).copy(default=default)

    def _group_expand_states(self, states, domain, order):
        return [key for key, val in type(self).state.selection]

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    def action_duplicate(self):
        mass_mailing_copy = self.copy()
        if mass_mailing_copy:
            context = dict(self.env.context)
            context['form_view_initial_mode'] = 'edit'
            return {
                'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
                'view_mode': 'form',
                'res_model': 'mailing.mailing',
                'res_id': mass_mailing_copy.id,
                'context': context,
        return False

    def action_test(self):
        ctx = dict(self.env.context, default_mass_mailing_id=self.id)
        return {
            'name': _('Test Mailing'),
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'res_model': 'mailing.mailing.test',
            'target': 'new',
            'context': ctx,

    def action_schedule(self):
        action = self.env.ref(
        action['context'] = dict(self.env.context,
        return action

    def action_put_in_queue(self):
        self.write({'state': 'in_queue'})

    def action_cancel(self):
        self.write({'state': 'draft', 'schedule_date': False})

    def action_retry_failed(self):
        failed_mails = self.env['mail.mail'].sudo().search([
            ('mailing_id', 'in', self.ids), ('state', '=', 'exception')
        self.write({'state': 'in_queue'})

    def action_view_traces_scheduled(self):
        return self._action_view_traces_filtered('scheduled')

    def action_view_traces_ignored(self):
        return self._action_view_traces_filtered('ignored')

    def action_view_traces_failed(self):
        return self._action_view_traces_filtered('failed')

    def _action_view_traces_filtered(self, view_filter):
        action = self.env.ref('mass_mailing.mailing_trace_action').read()[0]
        action['name'] = _('%s Traces') % (self.name)
        action['context'] = {
            'search_default_mass_mailing_id': self.id,
        filter_key = 'search_default_filter_%s' % (view_filter)
        action['context'][filter_key] = True
        return action

    def action_view_sent(self):
        return self._action_view_documents_filtered('sent')

    def action_view_opened(self):
        return self._action_view_documents_filtered('opened')

    def action_view_replied(self):
        return self._action_view_documents_filtered('replied')

    def action_view_bounced(self):
        return self._action_view_documents_filtered('bounced')

    def action_view_clicked(self):
        return self._action_view_documents_filtered('clicked')

    def action_view_delivered(self):
        return self._action_view_documents_filtered('delivered')

    def _action_view_documents_filtered(self, view_filter):
        if view_filter in ('sent', 'opened', 'replied', 'bounced', 'clicked'):
            opened_stats = self.mailing_trace_ids.filtered(
                lambda stat: stat[view_filter])
        elif view_filter == ('delivered'):
            opened_stats = self.mailing_trace_ids.filtered(
                lambda stat: stat.sent and not stat.bounced)
            opened_stats = self.env['mailing.trace']
        res_ids = opened_stats.mapped('res_id')
        model_name = self.env['ir.model']._get(
        return {
            'name': model_name,
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'view_mode': 'tree',
            'res_model': self.mailing_model_real,
            'domain': [('id', 'in', res_ids)],
            'context': dict(self._context, create=False)

    def update_opt_out(self, email, list_ids, value):
        if len(list_ids) > 0:
            model = self.env['mailing.contact'].with_context(active_test=False)
            records = model.search([('email_normalized', '=',
            opt_out_records = self.env['mailing.contact.subscription'].search([
                ('contact_id', 'in', records.ids), ('list_id', 'in', list_ids),
                ('opt_out', '!=', value)

            opt_out_records.write({'opt_out': value})
            message = _('The recipient <strong>unsubscribed from %s</strong> mailing list(s)') \
                if value else _('The recipient <strong>subscribed to %s</strong> mailing list(s)')
            for record in records:
                # filter the list_id by record
                record_lists = opt_out_records.filtered(
                    lambda rec: rec.contact_id.id == record.id)
                if len(record_lists) > 0:
                    record.sudo().message_post(body=_(message % ', '.join(
                        for list in record_lists.mapped('list_id'))))

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # Email Sending
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    def _get_opt_out_list(self):
        """Returns a set of emails opted-out in target model"""
        opt_out = {}
        target = self.env[self.mailing_model_real]
        if self.mailing_model_real == "mailing.contact":
            # if user is opt_out on One list but not on another
            # or if two user with same email address, one opted in and the other one opted out, send the mail anyway
            # TODO DBE Fixme : Optimise the following to get real opt_out and opt_in
            target_list_contacts = self.env[
                    ('list_id', 'in', self.contact_list_ids.ids)
            opt_out_contacts = target_list_contacts.filtered(
                lambda rel: rel.opt_out).mapped('contact_id.email_normalized')
            opt_in_contacts = target_list_contacts.filtered(
                lambda rel: not rel.opt_out).mapped(
            opt_out = set(c for c in opt_out_contacts
                          if c not in opt_in_contacts)

            _logger.info("Mass-mailing %s targets %s, blacklist: %s emails",
                         self, target._name, len(opt_out))
                "Mass-mailing %s targets %s, no opt out list available", self,
        return opt_out

    def _get_link_tracker_values(self):
        vals = {'mass_mailing_id': self.id}

        if self.campaign_id:
            vals['campaign_id'] = self.campaign_id.id
        if self.source_id:
            vals['source_id'] = self.source_id.id
        if self.medium_id:
            vals['medium_id'] = self.medium_id.id
        return vals

    def _get_seen_list(self):
        """Returns a set of emails already targeted by current mailing/campaign (no duplicates)"""
        target = self.env[self.mailing_model_real]

        # avoid loading a large number of records in memory
        # + use a basic heuristic for extracting emails
        query = """
            SELECT lower(substring(t.%(mail_field)s, '([^ ,;<@]+@[^> ,;]+)'))
              FROM mailing_trace s
              JOIN %(target)s t ON (s.res_id = t.id)
             WHERE substring(t.%(mail_field)s, '([^ ,;<@]+@[^> ,;]+)') IS NOT NULL

        # Apply same 'get email field' rule from mail_thread.message_get_default_recipients
        if 'partner_id' in target._fields:
            mail_field = 'email'
            query = """
                SELECT lower(substring(p.%(mail_field)s, '([^ ,;<@]+@[^> ,;]+)'))
                  FROM mailing_trace s
                  JOIN %(target)s t ON (s.res_id = t.id)
                  JOIN res_partner p ON (t.partner_id = p.id)
                 WHERE substring(p.%(mail_field)s, '([^ ,;<@]+@[^> ,;]+)') IS NOT NULL
        elif issubclass(type(target), self.pool['mail.address.mixin']):
            mail_field = 'email_normalized'
        elif 'email_from' in target._fields:
            mail_field = 'email_from'
        elif 'partner_email' in target._fields:
            mail_field = 'partner_email'
        elif 'email' in target._fields:
            mail_field = 'email'
            raise UserError(
                _("Unsupported mass mailing model %s") %

        if self.unique_ab_testing:
            query += """
               AND s.campaign_id = %%(mailing_campaign_id)s;
            query += """
               AND s.mass_mailing_id = %%(mailing_id)s
               AND s.model = %%(target_model)s;
        query = query % {'target': target._table, 'mail_field': mail_field}
        params = {
            'mailing_id': self.id,
            'mailing_campaign_id': self.campaign_id.id,
            'target_model': self.mailing_model_real
        self._cr.execute(query, params)
        seen_list = set(m[0] for m in self._cr.fetchall())
        _logger.info("Mass-mailing %s has already reached %s %s emails", self,
                     len(seen_list), target._name)
        return seen_list

    def _get_mass_mailing_context(self):
        """Returns extra context items with pre-filled blacklist and seen list for massmailing"""
        return {
            'mass_mailing_opt_out_list': self._get_opt_out_list(),
            'mass_mailing_seen_list': self._get_seen_list(),
            'post_convert_links': self._get_link_tracker_values(),

    def _get_recipients(self):
        if self.mailing_domain:
            domain = safe_eval(self.mailing_domain)
            res_ids = self.env[self.mailing_model_real].search(domain).ids
            res_ids = []
            domain = [('id', 'in', res_ids)]

        # randomly choose a fragment
        if self.contact_ab_pc < 100:
            contact_nbr = self.env[self.mailing_model_real].search_count(
            topick = int(contact_nbr / 100.0 * self.contact_ab_pc)
            if self.campaign_id and self.unique_ab_testing:
                already_mailed = self.campaign_id._get_mailing_recipients()[
                already_mailed = set([])
            remaining = set(res_ids).difference(already_mailed)
            if topick > len(remaining):
                topick = len(remaining)
            res_ids = random.sample(remaining, topick)
        return res_ids

    def _get_remaining_recipients(self):
        res_ids = self._get_recipients()
        already_mailed = self.env['mailing.trace'].search_read(
            [('model', '=', self.mailing_model_real),
             ('res_id', 'in', res_ids), ('mass_mailing_id', '=', self.id)],
        done_res_ids = [record['res_id'] for record in already_mailed]
        return [rid for rid in res_ids if rid not in done_res_ids]

    def action_send_mail(self, res_ids=None):
        author_id = self.env.user.partner_id.id

        for mailing in self:
            if not res_ids:
                res_ids = mailing._get_remaining_recipients()
            if not res_ids:
                raise UserError(_('There are no recipients selected.'))

            composer_values = {
                [(4, attachment.id) for attachment in mailing.attachment_ids],
                [(4, l.id) for l in mailing.contact_list_ids],
                mailing.reply_to_mode != 'thread',
            if mailing.reply_to_mode == 'email':
                composer_values['reply_to'] = mailing.reply_to

            composer = self.env['mail.compose.message'].with_context(
            extra_context = self._get_mass_mailing_context()
            composer = composer.with_context(active_ids=res_ids,
            # auto-commit except in testing mode
            auto_commit = not getattr(threading.currentThread(), 'testing',
                'state': 'done',
                'sent_date': fields.Datetime.now()
        return True

    def convert_links(self):
        res = {}
        for mass_mailing in self:
            html = mass_mailing.body_html if mass_mailing.body_html else ''

            vals = {'mass_mailing_id': mass_mailing.id}

            if mass_mailing.campaign_id:
                vals['campaign_id'] = mass_mailing.campaign_id.id
            if mass_mailing.source_id:
                vals['source_id'] = mass_mailing.source_id.id
            if mass_mailing.medium_id:
                vals['medium_id'] = mass_mailing.medium_id.id

            res[mass_mailing.id] = self.env['link.tracker'].convert_links(
                html, vals, blacklist=['/unsubscribe_from_list'])

        return res

    def _process_mass_mailing_queue(self):
        mass_mailings = self.search([('state', 'in', ('in_queue', 'sending')),
                                     ('schedule_date', '<',
                                     ('schedule_date', '=', False)])
        for mass_mailing in mass_mailings:
            user = mass_mailing.write_uid or self.env.user
            mass_mailing = mass_mailing.with_context(
            if len(mass_mailing._get_remaining_recipients()) > 0:
                mass_mailing.state = 'sending'
                    'state': 'done',
                    'sent_date': fields.Datetime.now()

    # ------------------------------------------------------
    # TOOLS
    # ------------------------------------------------------

    def _unsubscribe_token(self, res_id, email):
        """Generate a secure hash for this mailing list and parameters.

        This is appended to the unsubscription URL and then checked at
        unsubscription time to ensure no malicious unsubscriptions are

        :param int res_id:
            ID of the resource that will be unsubscribed.

        :param str email:
            Email of the resource that will be unsubscribed.
        secret = self.env["ir.config_parameter"].sudo().get_param(
        token = (self.env.cr.dbname, self.id, int(res_id), tools.ustr(email))
        return hmac.new(secret.encode('utf-8'),

    def _convert_inline_images_to_urls(self, body_html):
        Find inline base64 encoded images, make an attachement out of
        them and replace the inline image with an url to the attachement.
        def _image_to_url(b64image: bytes):
            """Store an image in an attachement and returns an url"""
            attachment = self.env['ir.attachment'].create({


            return '/web/image/%s?access_token=%s' % (attachment.id,

        modified = False
        root = lxml.html.fromstring(body_html)
        for node in root.iter('img'):
            match = image_re.match(node.attrib.get('src', ''))
            if match:
                mime = match.group(1)  # unsed
                image = match.group(2).encode()  # base64 image as bytes

                node.attrib['src'] = _image_to_url(image)
                modified = True

        if modified:
            return lxml.html.tostring(root)

        return body_html